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∙thefrost's graphic request∙

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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:58 pm
◄Frosty's Request Template►

Request: I would like a darker image for my character Seven, if you can add that number somewhere on the page it would be highly helpful to the cause. It's using Ginji Amano from the Getbackers, primarily in Lighting Emperor mode.
Why: Because I am making a villain and need a villain feel.
Making a bad guy for one of those organizations that need it.
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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:07 pm
Hope ya like it @ Forsaken Crow

"Tsuzuri Raiden"

Tsuzuri Raiden was the first on the list however, this one came when a small discharge of lighting went through his sword and into the body of the male. He'd used two decent Kidō and was feeling rather tired now. His eyes gaze finally landed upon the figure of the male he was peering at.

Well here came the two minute surprise it seemed, this was all he could manage and by god he would wound him at least. Grant it this would require a large amount of distraction, first a small stream Byakurai came from his Zanpakutō's tip the sword wasn't quite good as a Captains. But it would sting, when the espada met the katana with his arm. The male decided for a low level channeling Kidō. "Byakurai."

This had been hell, fighting a vizard with shikai and so on. But he'd pry managed just to wound him, he couldn't hold out for to much longer, but he was getting a decent idea of what he was fighting here. Man it didn't seem like a good time not to know his sword's name or even how to call it out beyond this.

Leaning down he got ready to use a Kidō that he wasn't sure of really, two but he was getting tired getting away at this point had become the goal. He'd felt the Zanpakutō have trouble on the skin despite the lighting, this wasn't his fight yet. He needed to run hopefully that combo had stunned the creature, for his next Kidō wasn't so bright or brave time to run.

Taking a shunpo back, his injuries starting to take a rather heavy toll on his frame. He placed his hands which still had his swords on the air and a red glow came, crimson smoke filled the air. Utilizing his next Kidō Kyokko he erased his presence in the light.

That was all he'd had left, he was tired and needed to escape. Anywhere, but away from this guy. Performing a last ditch Shunpo he made his escape now, having been protected in the smoke and erased from sight for a couple moments.

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:46 pm
Here is your Pink Iramasha Template @ Flame

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4070

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4071-1

• Name: (What is their name?)
• Age: (How old are they? You do have the right to hide your characters age.)
• Gender: (Are they male or female?)
• Appearance: (A picture is required OR 1-2 paragraph's on their personality)

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4072-1

• Personality: (Everyone has a general personality. Be sure to include any traits, fears, likes, dislikes and things of that nature.0)

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4074-1

• Background: (Everyone has a past. 2 paragraph minimum)

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4079-1

• Seishin Buki Name: (If you have a Seishin Buki, what is it's name? It is optional to not give your Seishin Buki a name.)

• Seishin Buki Appearance: (The Seishin Buki can be almost anything. It can be a person, it can be a weapon, it can be an object or it can even be things like lightening. It's up to you to decide depending on your characters wants/needs. Just keep it within reason and do know that it will change to fit your characters need, so you can change it at anytime.)

• Seishin Buki Abilities: (What type of abilities does your Seishin Buki hold? Does it add any special effects to your character? Is it used for combat purposes? Is it used for defensive purposes?)

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4078-1

• Powers: (What type of abilities does your Iramasha have? Can they control fire? Can they fire heat vision? Just what can your character do with their powers? Be sure to list some attacks as well)

• Chaos Moves: (What type of Regular or Custom Chaos Moves does your Iramasha know?)

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4080-1

• Angel Form/Hybrid Stage 1/Demon Form Appearance: (How does your character look when they ascend into either their Angel, Demon or Hybrid form? One paragraph please)

• Angel Form/Hybrid Stage 1/Demon Form Abilities: (What abilities does your character upon activation?)

• Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Appearance: (Same as before. Simply state how they look upon ascending into this form)

• Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Abilities: (Same as before. Simply state what they gain from this form)

• Custom Form Appearance (If you have unlocked at least Angel or Demon Form's or have reached 2-3 tier, your character has the ability to create their own unique form. Be sure to tell us how they look in this form)

• Custom Form Abilities: (List any special abilities, techniques or upgrades they get in this form)
∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4075-1

• Class Title: (What is your Angel, Devil or Hybrid Title? For example, one could be The Angel Of Ice, The Devil of Fire, The Hybrid of Memories and etc)

• Class Traits: (What Class Traits does your character get? Please try to limit this to 2-4 powers or abilities. Also take note that Class Traits they get are based on their Class Title, the path they took to get to this class, personality or even other powers. So for example, if a person was heavily into blood, they could possibly become The Angel Of Blood. Or, if a person's path in life was full of hardship, they could become The Angel of Will.)

• Branch/Position: (The Branch basically tells us which part of the Iramasha Family you are in. Go here for more information: )

• Race: (Are you an Angel, Demon or a hybrid Iramasha)

• Skills:


General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Chaos Warp: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Seishin Buki Level: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Race Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Image4076-1

• Roleplay Sample: (If this is your first application on the site, please be sure to show us a post from another site or make a new one to show us how you RP. If you have already made a character, you may remove this!)

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 WVMWLOu

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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:08 pm
This One is for Raiki. Enjoy my nigga

"Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:36 pm
One hot template coming up @ Gin!

"Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:04 pm
This one be for Hiro

Enter The Hobgoblin's post
"Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Joined : 2010-06-03
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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:35 pm
Thanks frost it looks epic
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∙thefrost's graphic request∙ - Page 3 Empty Re: ∙thefrost's graphic request∙

Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:19 pm
◄Frosty's Request Template►

Request: Poliro BG Template
Why: I feel Poliro's current template looks a bit bleh, cause I made it myself mainly.
►[b]Incentive: Make Poliro look a bit more awesome. Or give him the illusion he is?
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