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Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Empty Re: Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open]

Thu May 10, 2012 7:12 pm
suzu would only look to be 6-7years of age. ( pic but whit out the bare or bandages and a eye patch over her lift eye.)
suzu was walking down the hallway she was reading from a note book and not looking where she was going and completely zoned out. "yes at this rate it should be ready for a trial run soon.." suzu would than look up seeing Jacob" hello sir" suzu closed her note book. Jacob was a rather strong hollow.she assumed by him being here that he was part of shadow fall " tis nice to see another face walking thies dreary halls." she than would fold her hands over each other at her waist holding the note book behind them. " I go by the name Suzu Zumizimu. what may i address you as sir?" suzu gives off a friendly vibe

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Fri May 11, 2012 4:43 pm
suzu was thinking he is here for Ashlei. i wonder what he wants with her? "It's a pleasure to meet you Jacob. I am sure Miss Ashlei is here so you come to the right place. where she is exactly at in here I don't know.

suzu looks down at her note book. little more than a blue covered pad of papers . In the note book was the details on an experiment she was doing."I don't know what everyone else is doing but I was just doing some work. " suzu laughs lightly "evil-like purposes? I don't personally see what we do as evil. good and evil are labels that I really never cared for. but I digress I'm sure the Miss Ashlei knows all that happens in Las Noches. So I'm sure she knows your here.
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Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Empty Re: Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open]

Sat May 12, 2012 4:23 am

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Ashleiheadertwo

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Ashleiname-1

Just then seemingly out of nowhere, a rapid breeze gushed down the corridor blowing pages of the notebook, hair and clothes about in the wind. What was weird was how this was inside a building with no windows in sight. Something must have caused this sudden course of wind. Suddenly, the wind gushed again but from the other direction following a small crackling sound of glass as an empty vial fell from the ceiling and smashed on the floor. Nothing happened for a moment before suddenly, the sounds of a sonido could be heard at a very rapid pace. Voom, voom, voom. A rather average sized girl stood in the corridor besides the two chatting and looking down at the smashed glass. She shrugged, brushing off the fact that something just smashed. In fact, it was her doing anyway. She turned to the other two and brushed her red hair out of her eyes. It was wild, sticking out in most directions as though she had been running through a hurricane. She then attempted to speak with them.

"Hi, Sorry if I startled you two. I'm in the middle of some work and it looks like I ended up dropping one of my utensils. What a shame."

She smiled at the two, tilting her head in a happy gesture as though she had no care in the world. Now wait, if you knew who this girl was then you would understand that she was not the kind of person to smile and chat to people randomly. Something was going on...

"So I heard your trying to get an audience with Ashlei Clixx? Well that might be more difficult than you think, she is a very busy girl as you know."

She giggled. If they knew anything about Ashlei then they would easily tell that who they were talking to was indeed her. She was wearing her usual school-like dress with a white shirt, glasses made of bone inspired by Szayel, bright red eyes, no tights and some rather sexy knee length boots. She raised her hand to her chin and looked at the two. One was male, not so interesting to her to be honest. She liked the look of the smaller one. Firstly because it was a girl and secondly, she looked smart. She never really liked talking to dumb people and most of the time she would end up killing them for being so. The girl then started to talk a little cheekily.

"I'm sure if your nice and say please she'll listen"

She giggled again with that creepy smile as something in her hair shivered. Lifting itself out of her red princess style hair, a black wing shook itself to get the hair off of it. There were two, one either side of her head that must have sunk into her hair when she was moving fast as to not snap at her vast speed. On her back was a very similar thing as two much larger wings unfolded from her shoulder blades and from small incisions in the white shirt. These indicated her hollow heritage but the main difference was how they were not made of pure bone or white, they were jet black and fleshy. Wrapped around her right leg was a thin tail with an arrow/heart shaped tip that slipped into her boot and was weirdly stoking her leg. You would be mad not to notice the small dagger sticking from her inner thigh, almost obscured by her dress but slightly noticeable if you were paying any attention.

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Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Empty Re: Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open]

Sat May 12, 2012 10:58 pm
Suzu gripped her notebook tightly as a burst of wind ripped by them twas a little odd in a building. But than the phenomena occurs once more followed by a familiar sound to Suzu of a vile braking. Shortly afterword the sound of sonido filled the hallway. the user of it was now standing before them a young looking girl. Suzu knows all to well the look of age matters not as she can control how old she appears to be. The young appealing girl with red hair seemed not to care about the vial shrugging it off...Did she do this intentionally? Suzu knows that miss Ashlei was in las noches some where. also Suzu was under the impression only Third Circle did research & experimentation aside from Ashlei her self and suzu was the only female member of the Third Circle. this could easily be wrong so best to act casual. Suzu was thinking of removing her eye patch to get a Reade on this red haired girl with her own left eye. but Suzu thought it to be rude so she decided against it.

//ChaoZi wrote:

"So I heard your trying to get an audience with Ashlei Clixx? Well that might be more difficult than you think, she is a very busy girl as you know."

This ment the girl was eavesdropping on them and over herd what they was talking about. Suzo was now open more to the possibility of it being Ashlei's assistant if not her. suzu would remain quiet.

Kade wrote:
"Yes, I see this Ashlei Clixx is a very important woman doing business which concerns the arrancar race, I wanted to join not only serve her purpose but also to gain enough strength and power to protect someone very close to me"

Talking for the first time Suzu would say with a sharp sound in her voice "Your wrong. Miss Ashlei is extremely important that you are right about. But she is to all hollows not just the Arrancar. Her innovations have made us stronger as a whole race." If there was one person Suzu looked up to it would be Ashlei and to suzu it sounded like Jacob was selling her short. suzu would merely watch the rest of Jacob's response

//ChaoZi wrote:
"I'm sure if your nice and say please she'll listen"

this would be directed at Jacob so Suzu would stand and watch his response curious of what would happen.

Kade wrote:"Please, I really do wish to see Ashlei Clixx yet
you say she is very busy being a member of Shadowfall...I shall wait
patiencely for her orders but I do apologize my name Jacob Tu"
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Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Empty Re: Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open]

Mon May 14, 2012 3:46 am

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Ashleiheadertwo

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Ashleiname-1

Wow, this conversation was growing to be an annoyance. A guy that was way too formal for his own good and a young girl that seemed to look up to their leader but also have a sort of corrective side. Well, now is probably a good time to reveal all the secrets but first, she wanted to have a little bit of fun. She listened to Jacob talk and took in every word with a dumb smile on her face. He grew silent after he finished talking, and the girl decided to speak for him. Once again, the red haired girl with wings listened and took it in, slightly bored already and lusting for some kind of catastrophe. She waited for them to finish up before saying a very short phrase.

"Done talking yet?"

After saying this, she lifted up her right boot and swiftly kicked in Jacobs direction with enough force to potentially send him through the wall at the end of the corridor. Why did she do this? Why not? they were her servants after all.

"Ashlei doesn't like the submissive type, It'd make sense if you'd lost your legs but you still got them so stand up next time."

She laughed to herself for a little moment before turning to the little girl.

"It's a little disheartening that you two have yet to recognise that I am the girl you are seeking."

She raised her fist to her forehead and shook her head.

"Honestly, Hollow these days need to learn how I run things around here. Kneeling for instance in a corridor! I may be a queen but i'm no princess..."

Ashlei knew she was making some sense but it was up to the other two to understand it. She was a very forceful girl that would make sure people knew when she disliked something. For instance, kicking people through walls for doing something barely wrong. In fact Jacob was probably doing the right thing but what he needs to remember is that Ashlei is no normal ruler. Ashlei waited until Jacob was ready to listen to her again.

"You want me to help you become stronger then? Geez, I don't get asked this enough. My answer is.... maybe. I don't help those who cannot help themselves. You should know that any signs of weakness will receive my blade, why do you think I kicked you?"

Ashlei reached down to her thigh, brandishing a very fine dagger that she quite literally pulled out of her leg. The blade was drenches in red, dripping in fact. The dagger was actually rather small. It didn't even look very threatening. Maybe something to open letters? Well that's what you would think, but once Ashlei had waved her hand over the bloodied blade, something bizarre happened. The blood from the wound on her thigh shot towards the blade, moulding with the red already on it and lengthening the dagger's shape into a red sword. She flicked the blade down to the ground creating a large splash of blood on the wall beside her.

"Make sure you don't get any of this on you..."

She giggled. They might be thinking 'is this her Zanpakutō but they were gravely mistaken. Her real blade was a pure mystery even to herself...

"Oh i'm sorry, Am I showing off a little....?"

She said this calmly as though she really didn't care. All the while, her right leg was now drenched in her bleeding wounds blood.

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Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] Empty Re: Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open]

Wed May 16, 2012 2:28 pm
Suzu watch in aw as Jacob took a kick from Ashlei lunching him down the hallway. Suzu had been hard at work and had no time for *fun* so seeing this bit of violence made her burst with joy on the inside. Suzu tried her best to contain it but a snicker with a small smile crossed her face. As Jacob would go flying Suzu instinctively would slide her hand up removing her eye patch. This would reveal her left eye that unlike the right one was red in color. This eye how ever lets her analyze things with great detail even down to biological makeup. to Suzu Ashlei was being cruel and beautiful to openly inflict pain like so. But the kick was in the end uninteresting with no major injuries... so she turned to face Ashlei and Ashlei was also turning towards Suzu.

//ChaoZi\\ wrote:"It's a little disheartening that you two have yet to recognise that I am the girl you are seeking."

suzu would speak "Please for give me my queen had I known it was you and this being my first time in your presence I would have kneeled down to you as well. But I guess this way was for the best. less I get the same reward as him. "this would be said in the voice of a child and have a insincere joking sound to it. Suzu would know now to never drop her guard around Ashlei. Suzu would do her best to neverr forget this.

Ashlei would be talking to Jacob

//ChaoZi\\ wrote:"You want me to help you become stronger then? Geez, I don't get asked this enough. My answer is.... maybe. I don't help those who cannot help themselves. You should know that any signs of weakness will receive my blade, why do you think I kicked you?"

Ashlei reached down to her thigh, brandishing a very fine dagger that she quite literally pulled out of her leg

now this was interesting. suzu's eye would start to analyze this blade as it would get bigger. now it was looking like a true sword. the initial analy'zation would show the blood to had malleable traits... the full capabilities was steel unknown and would take longer to process the data.

//ChaoZi\\ wrote:"Oh i'm sorry, Am I showing off a little....?"

suzu would speak in her child like voice again " your powers are amazing and some thing worth showing. I now know why they call you the blood queen. but I must say the smell of blood is making me hungry." Suzu's Vampiric Nature would be reacting to her seeing the blood along with the smell that was now filling the place. Suzu would than turn to listen to Jacob as he would state his name again and seemed to be awaiting orders.
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