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Queen Of The Sands
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Fri May 18, 2012 5:19 pm

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Ashleiheadertwo

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Ashleiname-1

Ashlei happily chuckled to herself knowing fully well that these two were in no position to even lay a finger on her. It almost gave her ideas of how she could toy with them but in all honesty, she really shouldn't be doing that to her underlings. After all, one of them might even save her life one day. Then again how likely was that? the entire event of Jacob being slammed into a wall was rather funny. He was actually hurt as well. Oh joy, most Arrancar tend to stop themselves from crashing but this guy. Oh this guy was a perfect tool. Maybe he was too loyal to defend himself. That would be nice but somewhat creepy. She listened to what Jacob had to say and she answered honestly.

"You're right, power must be earned. So why did you come to me to get it? Surely running your blade through the enemy is enough to train your might."

Ashlei began to spin this peculiar sword of hers in her hand, splashing blood onto the cieling, floor and wall. Not too messy, but enough to look creepy. She got up close to Jecob and lent into his face.

"Or are you after something bigger than that?"

She let out a sly laugh as she lent backwards, poking the mans forehead with some force to stutter his steps if he wasn't prepared for it. Ashlei then strolled over to the little girl. Now, this girl was actually rather fascinating. Ashlei raised her hand and patted the girls head, stroking her hair and running her hand to her cheek.

"Your right, don't bother kneeling to me. I get enough of that at funerals."

Ashlei's smile didn't fade. She was intrigued by the two people she had met and found it fun to play around with their words. She moved away from the girl and wondered what exactly the eye was doing. She then spoke again and Ashlei responded.

"Blood Queen?"

She looked a little surprised at that title. Something before her was called that and it didn;t affect her ina good way. Ashlei shook her head, smiling again.

"Yeah I suppose you could say that. In short, I never die as long as I still bleed... and don't eat this blood. it'll make you throw up more than you could possibly think was in your body..."

Ashlei chuckled again, obviously loving the topic of blood...

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Sun May 20, 2012 7:00 am
Suzu would watch as Ashlei addressed Jacob. Suzu would hang on every word said. she found it inspiring that the queen would act in such a way. To Suzu Ashlei seemed extremely strong and confident in her power and she had good reason to. Tho Jacob did not know it Ashlei whit little effort hand already put them in a trapped situation. Suzu by now would o most know all about Ashlei's blood blade... and that its not limited to a sword or even a weapon she must hold... o no this skill she was using was much more than that. whit all the blood that was splashed in the hallway she could easily impale them both. Suzu was deeply impressed. Suzu would not even pay attentions to what Jacob said really. but she was able to get the just if it off what did make it in to her head.

Ashlei would than walk over to Suzu and pet her. this would send a happy scents of acknowledgement through her body. this would manifest itself in the form of light trembling followed with a bigger smile as the hand ran down her cheek.

As Ashlei told her not to eat the blood Suzu would let out a heavy sigh"Oooo I was hoping it was eatable. I have been so busy with my work that I've not eaten a drop in day's... "She said this pouting like any child that did not get their way. But quickly recovering and stating "o well that just means I will need to hunt in the living world later." The thought of drinking from a living thing like a human would make Suzu's mouth water. but she would make sure not to drool.
Queen Of The Sands
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Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open]

Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:34 am

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Ashleiheadertwo

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Ashleiname-1

Ashlei looked towards the male of the group and stared at him for a moment. It seemed he was thinking about something and Ashlei could tell what it was. Don't believe me? expect a girl with an IQ over 200 to ntoice when people are thinking about things. She walked up to Jacob and prodded his forehead with a slightly annoyed look.

"You know if you don't think I'm right then I suggest you start running... Unless you just think I'm incompetent, then yes....start running"

And then Ashlei had to listen to Jacobs words that sprung from his mouth. They were a tad annoying in a way. Ashlei thought to herself 'stop repeating my name you idiot' because it didn't really settle well with her that people overused it.

"You can never ask too much from me but I can't solve your problems for you. Get some independence. I barely know you yet I get the feeling that you list for strength and power... Somebody needs to prove themselves some time..."

Ashlei then peered over to the little girl again. Ashlei in truth preferred this girl over the man. Probably because she was a girl and also very cute. Ashlei had managed to stun the girl with a great big grin which made the Cero Espada chuckle. She was then little reluctant to not drink the blood Ashlei had spurted about the halls. This was mainly for the girls protection though.

"Well drink it if you must but it will kill you... and feel free to kill people on earth. Just don't stray too close to big cities. People don't like us there"

It wasn't a very good idea going anywhere highly populated currently. Especially with all these enemies nowadays. Ashlei took a few steps away from Jacob and pushed herself up against the wall, watching the other two as she just hung there looking a tired.

"Hehe.... I need to remember to drink after cutting myself"

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Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:38 am
suzu would listen to her queens words and take than to heart." Hmm than i'll have to pass on tasting it. tho knowing it would kill me makes it all the more alluring I have no desire to die yet.. and I will do my best to stay safe in the living world. " she would say this in a happy/upbeat way and the smile would not leave her face.

Suzu look at Jacob as he started to walk away. she would be thinking to her self.( hmm so that is the end of it? ) in her mind if she was in his shoes she probably do the same. she would have executed it differently for sure but it would steal be backing away from the situation. suzu would speak" it was nice meeting you Jacob and I do hope to see you again"

she would than look to her queen." are you sleepy? is it from the blood loss? " suzu asking it in a sensear voice, Ashlei's body was on the small side and that meant it did not hold as much blood as an adult body would. and tho we are spirit beings blood loss has the same effect on us. she was not sure of all Ashlei's biology so this was the most reasonable assumption suzu could think of. " if you like I would be willing to offer you some of mine. i do plan to hunt later so its no bother if i lose a bit now."

on a off note sorry i did not post for so long and i know i probly missed up a lot in this 1. and for how short it is.
Queen Of The Sands
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Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:02 am

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Ashleifour

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Ashleiname-1

Ashlei looked on as Jacob decided to pretty much get up and leave. How boring. That guy just wants power and more power. What is so great about being so powerful? Ashlei herself found that great power was always a burden because of the responsibility that comes with it. Ashlei however had grown used to it, and takes all of her might and grace for granted. Nobody can just take her place, and she can slaughter anything that comes too close. Maybe that is what Jacob is after as well. the man got up, walked away, and Ashlei stood where she was holding her head but keeping an eye on him.

"Bye then. do come back after you've solved your power complex..."

Ashlei then lost focus on Jacob and stopped giving him any attention. he might have answered but she wouldn't have heard it. She was too focused on keeping herself both awake and alive. The witch clutched her forehead, and then slide down the wall into a sitting position. Her blood abilities always came with this sort of toll. However because she hadn't slept in a good 5 hours, her body was beginning to shut down. Suzu, the little girl that was with her, was being quite respectful and offering her own blood for Ashlei's sake. This, Ashlei managed to hear and it brought a smile to her face.

"I can't take blood form you....I wouldn't want to ruin your sweet body"

isn't it quite weird? The strongest Arrancar alive today was suddenly clutching her face and sitting on the floor looking rather terrible. this is merely one of the several creepy things about Ashlei: Ruler of Hollows and Queen of the sands.

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Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:21 am
As Ashlei gave her final words to Jacob suzu's left eye would erupt with a flash of purple and black flames that was her reiatsu. This would only last 6 seconds be for the flames died down. After the flames were gone the color her left eye had lost its luster. Her eye had done its job and let suzu analyze Ashlei's blade power but now it must cool down so for now she was down to one usable eye

Suzu put her eye patch back on there was no reason to leave it off if she can’t use the darn thing. Seeing Ashlei griped her forehead and slide down the wall. She would speak to suzu kindly and refusing her offer at the same time. “You flatter me with your words." there was a small pause before she spoke again "my queen are you all right. You look as if you may pass out at any moment... “suzu would have a look of concern on her face. “Should I help you to your room?" it's at this moment that Valin came in screaming... this angers suzu a good bit not cause he was screaming win ashlei look plum exhausted.... no this guy interrupted her having time alone with the only person suzu idolized... she lowered her head and clenched her fist while raising it from her side to just above the waistline before going to slam her hand on the wall of the corridor beside her but stopping right be for it hit. A mini-shockwave off her hand would make a small perfectly round hole the size of her fist...before racing her head back up and smiling like nothing was wrong and listening in on what Valin had to say.

After hearing what Valin had to say.
“If I may speak freely the runes do sound interesting. If they hold power they should be studied by the third circle for possible uses tho I find the part about dragon summoning a bit of a cliché... But as a member of the third circle I can see possibilities of forging weapons from studying the runes as well as bioweapons from the lizard." suzu ran her hands thru her hair with a look of disappointment. "The duke is my superior....i did not think someone of that rank would complain about something so small as other hollows attacking him... for a hollow to become a Gillian we must kill others right?" suzu would pause and now look at Valin "for a Gillian to become a Adjuchas is the same ... and as a Adjuchas one must constantly eat or they will revert. Knowing this WHY! Does my superior have any doubts in Shadow Fall. it’s part of the nature of a hollow! If one does attack him he should notify them he is acting under orders and if they won't back down KILL THEM. DON’T SHOW MERCY TO THOSE WHO WOULD GO AGAINST THE WILL OF SHADOW FALL END THERE LIFE WHERE THAY STAND FOR THERE DISLOYALTY!" suzu would realize she was no longer talking but screaming. Her body is that of a child so was not super loud but Suzu was steel embarrass by her outburst.. quickly covering her mouth she would say "I am sorry my lady I let my feelings get the best of me... if you would allow it I will hunt down the duke and aid him in his search. If those runes are real than they could be used to make good weapons for Shadow Fall as well as I can keep an eye on him if he is showing doubts it may be best. ”

Queen Of The Sands
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Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:39 pm

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 VibrantAshlei

Dark Relationship & Friendship [Open] - Page 2 Ashleiname-1

Ashlei shook her head and lowered her arms so that she could look over at Suzu. This little girl seemed to show some emotion towards Ashlei's well being. Cute, but Ashlei could not develop on that much right now. The Queen reached into her dress pocket, and removed what looked like a small vial with red liquid inside. She smashed the vial on the ground revealing the goopy red contents. Suddenly rising into the air, the liquid turned into a small stream of red that was sucked into Ashlei's mouth like spaghetti. Ashlei eyes then began to light up red and without a word of warning, her Reitsu broke out. A flaring red explosion of pressure around her body caused her to be capable of standing again and her dizziness was completely gone. Her hair was flowing behind her as though it was defying gravity and hopefully the people here wouldn't be blown away by her 'reviving herself'. This new guy would have run into the room to try and get Ashleis attention. She then began to speak when he finished talking.

"So? why should I give a fuck?...."

Ashlei strangely had a much more vulgar and aggressive approach when she talked. Whenever she drinks blood, her reitsu sky-rockets for a short amount of time. Even though the pressure has lifted, she still glows and looks rather threatening. What this guy was talking about did not concern her at all.

"Demons, Demons, Demons, Demons....I DON'T GIVE A SHIT"

As Ashlei shouted, her voice amplified so that most of the area could hear it. Almost like a banshee scream that didnt affect herself. She made sure it wouldn't deafen anyone, but it would still hurt a lot. Ashleis wings began to fold out, stretches as if they were tired. The reistu glowing off her body highlighted her being as she stood there.

if this...MAD demon bastard is having trouble then good for him. it does not concern me in the slightest. If he dies, then that is a shame. it only proves how useful he is. And you are claiming that he is being attacked by Hollows and demons? Why is that a problem? Just kill them. All betrayers under my hand will die. They will be torn apart, and rendered to a lifeless mass. Do not come to me for demon affairs... Your lucky I have not pulled your head off and eaten your insides. honestly I doubt you taste very nice as it is..."

Ashlei then turned to suzu. She was curious as to how the little girl would have reacted to Ashleis outburst. This is supposed to be the woman that Suzu looks up to. With a threatening command like that, it wouldn't be surprising that both of them would be scared numb. Ashlei lowered her reitsu, cooling herself down so she could talk less violently. She wandered up to Suzu and held onto the girls chin with her thumb and finger as if she was about to kiss her. Obviously not though.

"However what you choose to do is your own choice. If you want to help demons, then I will allow it..."

She then let go, walking with her back to them.

"I do not care what the demons are doing nor about these stupid runes. I will deal with it when it escalates. there is nothing that I cannot put down..."

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