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A book a day - Page 3 Empty Re: A book a day

Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:36 am

Everything had gone as planned, he couldn't tell to much but the traps worked something like this. And he than let one Kidō off having used it's power now. Kaede's energy and form vanished. He moved into the air, making a tile just a few feet above the ground as he used a shunpo to arrive back at start. He owed her a large apology. Because he'd used her somewhat as bait and well wanted to test the traps. Now he knew a method around them, he stood at the twelve o'clock from them. Only a couple meters, this spell kyokko had been used from his Zanpakutō.

It had only taken a couple moments to whisper the chant to himself, not as though anyone would hear it as it was. This was easy enough, he couldn't keep it up forever. He was looking for an opening, Squad Two had different rules from other Division's so using her as bait was more or less a way to draw him out. Was he exactly sure when and if the other would move, no. But he was aware that best to pick pray when their alone and well Kaminari wasn't alone anymore. However it wouldn't be quite possible to know this.

Over was a good choice for it gave them some stealth, creating a tile to stand on was simply like walking to a shinigami. In the academy before he was taken out of it. He'd learned to apply this skill without draining himself to much. Kyokko was good for a couple minutes, it allowed him to watch and wait. He was fully aware of his surrounding's and could tell somewhat from the sounds that he was on the move.

Kaminari wasn't alone, not yet anyways. As though he'd abandon a comrade to go on ahead, that was against the rules of his own ideals. So he'd wait now and see what was happening on this end here. Kaminari, if she could give him one opening or two. He could easily use a Bakudo and finish this up. He already had one Kidō left in his Zanpakutō and the next one was going to be really special. Having set up something special, this was a toll upon his reiatsu. But this was a decent enough thing that was just large enough to cover a couple areas around Kaminari.

He could only string low level kidos up, but that was a gift in this case. He'd set something special up within his Kyokko question was would Redd be running into it.

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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A book a day - Page 3 Empty Re: A book a day

Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:17 pm
As she ran through this maze of confusion, there was something that she was able to notice that she had not before. The green tile below her feet was mimicked on the ceiling right above. A suspicious look came on her face and she decided to watch it a few times to see exactly whether it was following her, or if it in a way was her. She turned left at that next area and watched as it did as well.

"I see.. Probably how he is able to watch us in such a large place with these walls confusing everyone..." she stopped running as she came to a dead end and rolled her eyes in slight irritation. She turned around and continued on, but this time kept it at a slow pace to try and listen to things around. "Why, why, why?" she thought to herself in frustration as yet another wall decided to move on her and block her way.

Suddenly an eerie feeling came over her. She felt like she was being watched by someone a bit closer than she liked. She narrowed her eyes and looked up and around the area for any hints of where this person might be. She could only slightly sense him, but was unsure of how to pinpoint him. She figured that he was using Shunpo and that was why she was having a hard time locking on his position. "Great... Not only am I tricked into a testing area with two crazy people, but I am going to be the first one that he decides to come after. Going up against the third seat of Squad Two, not exactly on my list of to-do's..."

She looked down to the Zanpakutō in her hands and sighed, assuming that was going to be the way that she was forced to fight him. "I guess... bring it on?" she thought to herself and then an irritated look came on her face, "I'm gonna diiiie." She grabbed the hilt of the Zanpakutō, looking around and waiting for him to show himself, ready and willing to fight.

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A book a day - Page 3 Empty Re: A book a day

Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:21 pm

The net had appeared as the male ran into it, well that was complete at the very least. Thing's had been taken care of to a good trap here, his job wasn't complete yes the target had run into the Kidō net he'd gotten ready within his Kyokko. This hadn't taken much energy to do, but yes he wasn't complete yet. He was ready to continue with his next move now.

His hands moved forward as he pointed his sword towards the form of Redd, he'd shown himself after the male had run into the net. Bakudo number 4 shot from the weapon and quickly wrapped around the figure of Redd, confining him in another Kidō. The net had allowed the Kidō to wrap around the form of the male, his eyes searched over the figure of Redd slowly. This was pretty much the plan, Kaede was rather clever.

He didn't require chants for the Kidō's in use, it had taken a bit of his spiritual energy to perform this little game. But it was fine, he'd not reached Kaminari,not even close as it stood. He'd stopped Redd cold there, but the Kidō had worked out nicely and this was the scary part about him. Though he'd only just came from the Academy. Kaede's battle sense was quite advanced, his eyes gaze towards Kaminari.

"I think it should be fine now..Sorry about that, I wanted to draw his attention out to you, sorry."

He'd become quite good at Kidō, the net was attached to his shoulder that his wakazashi was in. Bringing his Zanpakutō up to his net now, letting the side of the weapon rest on it. This weapon would be ready for the next step if his superior decided to press this issue on.


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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A book a day - Page 3 Empty Re: A book a day

Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:15 pm
Kaminari was taken by slight surprise when he charged at her. His speed was indeed greater than her own, but luckily something had stopped him. A net. She blinked in confusion and then shifted her eyes left and rightn to look for him. She immediately assumed that Ichiro was behind this, but at the same time was too nervous to completely drop her guard from Redd. She didn't see him at first, but then another Kidō came forth and ensnared Redd. She turned her head to see where it had come from and smiled when she saw Ichiro. He was actually rather impressive to her. He not only protected her from injury, but his quick and clever thinking made it where she would not have to do any actual battle... at least for now.

Taking a step back from the net and Redd, she leaned her back against the nearest wall, letting out a relieved sigh. Impressed she was, but she was more thankful than anything. If she knew this little trip was going to become a battlefield or training session, she would have come more prepared. She kept the Zanpakutō tightly in her hands just in case this wasn't the end, but for some reason she felt that it just might be. Although she did not show it, she found it rather rude and inconsiderate of her feelings that he would use her as bait without even asking her. She more than likely would have gone on with the plan if something was said, but instead she was left in the dark.

She glanced back and forth between the two males to see what would happen. Taking note of Ichiro's raising his weapon for a second move, she looked to Redd seeming rather worried. "Is... he going to hurt him?" she blinked with wide eyes as she thought to herself. "He wouldn't.. it's over... Isn't it?"

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A book a day - Page 3 Empty Re: A book a day

Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:36 am
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-5+
A book a day - Page 3 O5p3s3

“Retaliate, Takaru!” Before the man's Kidō had even been cast, a loud, dominating voice rang out over the area, and in the next moment, a single man stood between the two fighting parties. Standing at six feet two inches and with light blue haori still fluttering from a recent shunpo, this man was unmistakable as the Captain of Squad 3; Toshizo Hijikata. Of course, as indicated by his initial words, Captain Hijikata had already released his Shikai. It obviously wasn't because he actually needed any help in bringing down any of the others present, but more to send them a message that he was not messing around. Well, that, and his Shikai was perfect for dealing with the Hadō spell. That being said, it was pretty useless against bakudo spells, but Hijikata was prepared; having profiled all three Shinigami upon his entrance through their reiatsu levels.

Because he stood between the two males, all the Kidō that the third seated officer of Squad 2 had fired was now aimed at Hijikata and not the other male. Zanpakutō already in hand, as each Hadō number 1 Shō was fired at him, Hijikata intercepted them with his blade, unaffected by them at all. Of course, this was the effect of his Zanpauto; "Reversal", or the ability to take in and then reverse any power. However, that still left the actual reversal, and after the three Hadō spells had been taken in, Hijikata immediately fired off a very small blade-like wave of energy towards the air. As for the next two spells, Hijikata's Shikai still couldn't do much against bakudo, but because he had much more reiatsu and the very low level of the spell, he simply overpowered the Kidō as soon as it touched him; leaving him perfectly able to intercept the final Hadō number 33 Sōkatsui. This time, however, the energy wave from Hijikata's Zanpakutō was slightly larger, and fired directly at the ground which caused a small gash.

Of course, Hijikata was not done just yet; as the man who had been casting Kidō had already moved over to the female. Without wasting any time, Hijikata used Shunpo again to appear before the man, aiming a punch at his gut with his left hand as soon as he appeared to stop his attacks. "I am Toshizo Hijikata, Captain of Squad 3" he spoke in the same dominating tone, his facial features quite clearly showing that he was not pleased. "This little 'fight' of yours is unauthorized; under my authority as Captain the three of you are ordered to cease all hostilities this instant and await further punishment" Hijikata finished, standing up straight but with his Zanpakutō still drawn. Granted, when he had said "await further punishment", that was really more of a formality. Sure, the two males may receive a slap on the wrist, but as far as he could tell the female was innocent in these matters, and he would most likely have any charges dropped against her. Awaiting a response from any of the three, Hijikata was still prepared for any of them to attempt to strike at him.

A book a day - Page 3 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*

A book a day - Page 3 Empty Re: A book a day

Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:15 am
Kaede's eyes were in somewhat of a daze at the arrival of the other, he'd seen the male Redd going for the female Kaminari and was about to move to her rescue himself. But the Captain as expected was far faster then he. Kaede compiled and sheathed his Zanpakutō both the wakazashi and the katana simultaneously. Raising a hand he pushed his middle finger and his thumb together, disabling what Kidō he'd set up and perhaps been ready to use. Kaede was ready with several more Kidō in the wings to deal with it. Truthfully, his skills could of kept going for a long period of time. But this was well enough.

Kaede stood still and calm, not getting further involved in the situation as the Captain was right. They weren't exactly in public practicing or doing something the Gotei 13 looked happily upon. Kaede had done what he set out to do. Protecting Kaminari had been the primary goal and it was done. Kaede would simply get punishment as it came.

Kaminari was innocent and Kaede's first sentence was simple and deciding he'd protect her once again, Kaede wasn't much beyond a lowly fourth seat so his words pry never would mean much to anyone. But here they were, for what it was worth he was changing his outlook on somethings and well he'd grown and learned new strategies for it. Not to mention a truly fierce Captain had arrived. Perhaps this was a man he could look to and learn from. His Zanpakutō seemed to pull Kidō towards it, hm this was a weapon he needed a couple more moments to examine. His mind began to break down how it had worked and try to understand it's workings.

Kaede sighed, sometimes it was painful not having a sword to lean on. Being alone was something he'd begun to feel more often. Kaede used a shunpo to get to Kaminari, he was certain a Captain could read him well enough. He looked over making sure she was alright, he'd been concerned.

"Are you alright Kaminari, sorry for what has happened here." Kaede said softly, as he knew the female was quite upset, perhaps she'd just been unready for this he'd seen signs of her being upset. And wanted to comfort her. Yes Kaede fully aware that the Captain was guarding her. And he wasn't the type to let a lady suffer if he could help it in any way.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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A book a day - Page 3 Empty Re: A book a day

Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:55 pm
Kaminari's mind was running wild as everything happened so fast. It wasn't just confusing or startling, it was truly scaring her. Her eyes had become wide in fear as she heard the shout of the Captain Of Squad Three. As if this wasn't enough, Redd has shot off multiple Kidō towards Ichiro. No, it was no longer Ichiro. The Captain was standing between the two of them and she had not even seen this happen. She couldn't focus because of how frightened she was. She really wasn't even able to grasp what exactly happened to the Kidō that were shot at the Captain, but certainly did see that Redd had shifted his attention towards her. She pressed her back harder against the wall behind her as if trying to get away, awaiting the kidos strike, but it was halted by the Captain and she was saved.

Taking in a stressed breath, trying to calm herself down, she slid her body down the wall behind her and sat, leaning her head backwards. About this time, she heard the Captain speaking of punishment and that only frightened her more. Dropping the Zanpakutō she had been given to protect herself with, she raised her hands to grab the sides of her head. Her heart was pounding. She was practically tricked into this place and was now going to get in trouble for it. She didn't know that she was considered innocent. She assumed that she would be guilty by association or something. She didn't find it fair, but it was partly her own fault. She should have been stronger and been able to prevent all of this from happening, but she was not. Lowering her head as she clenched her own hair rather tightly between her fingers, she allowed a couple tears to drop down her cheeks.

Her head snapped up, still staring at the floor below when someone decided to speak to her. She only glanced off to the right, refusing to completely face him. If he looked closely, she was trembling. Everything that had happened was not something she wanted. She didn't want to be trapped in a building. She didn't want to be forced to go up against a Third Seated Officer, even though she wasn't alone she thought she was. And she definitely didn't want a Captain to be forced to waste his time and come break up a fight between them all. The loud noises of the walls shifting and the combined immense spiritual pressure from all three of them was too much for her to handle at the moment. Curling her knees to her chest and covering her face with her hands, she shook her head as an answer to Ichiro's question. That was really all she could do.
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