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Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:27 pm
Kanna had just left the home of the man that she felt that she loved. What she had just witnessed was more horrifying than she let on. A deep dark secret of her own that kept this man from knowing the truth about what she was feeling. Flashbacks of days she wished she could forget ravaged her mind like the black plague, leaving her feeling hopeless and afraid. Too afraid to even turn around and tell him the truth. Too afraid to come forward and speak out about what was going on with her. These strong feelings of dread kept this young, white haired woman from being honest with those she cared for and even with herself. She said she was okay, that she was just tired and needed rest. She acted as if she was fine, like she was just going to head home and move on from this scene... That was a lie. Kanna did not even head in the right direction to get back to the Seireitei. In fact, she purposely went the opposite direction, trying to collect her thoughts.

This secret of hers was eating her away inside. Only minutes ago, Snopy Saika was violently attacking her in an attempt to take her life. Although it wasn't his fault and he was unable to control himself at the time, it didn't help her cope. She was horrified. Her hands were shaking enough that she refused to hold them out. She hugged herself, grabbing onto her upper arms tightly as she began wandering away from the area and into a darkened forest. With each step she took, flashes from her past invaded her mind. “STOP IT! NO PLEASE!” At first she thought someone might have needed help, but soon realized that was not the case. This was her voice she was hearing. It was a memory. It was a memory of him, her ex husband, when he beat her black and blue. She had begged him. “NOT AGAIN! YOU PROMISED!” She had pleaded with him, but he did not care. He continued his violent assault on her until she wasn't able to scream or move. She remembered the pain so well, the fear, the agony. And now... years later, she thinks of those days and someone else's face now lies upon her ex husbands.

“Snopy...” she said in a soft whisper. Yes, the man she now loved was plastered in her mind as someone who attempted to hurt her. No one ever knew about these horrifying experiences. No one ever knew that she was being beaten by the man she thought she loved, and even though she felt she had left everything in her past... It was here again. The memories of 'him' were scratching their way to the surface. Her mind was trying to paint Snopy as an enemy, as another man who was just going to hurt her the way 'he' had done. Kanna knew better than this. Snopy was many things, but an abuser was not one of them, but of course... she thought that about 'him' as well. As she walked through the darkness of the forest, she tried removing the thoughts from her mind, but they just kept coming. It was like the more she tried to think about something else, the harder it became to forget. She continued to walk.

Hours passed, a day... two days... She now sat under a tree with her Zanpakutō in her lap. She looked horrible, sick even. Her hair was matted, her skin was pale, and there was a dull look in her eyes that made her seem lifeless. If you didn't see her chest going up and down, you'd think her dead. Either way, it was time for her to move. She stood up, this time turning back towards the direction of the Seireitei. The first step she took was so weak that she almost fell to the floor. She caught herself and took another step, this time falling to her knees. Still, she was allowing her past to weigh her down in a manner that she should not ever do. “Stop it...” she whispered desperately as she clenched her fists tightly, “Stop it... Stop it.. STO-” She had begun to scream and yell, but something interrupted her.

“STOP IT!!” she heard the terrified scream of a young woman. Kanna froze for a moment, this scream reminding her of her own. “SOME BODY HELP ME!” she heard the scream again. She set her hand on her forehead, thinking that it was her mind playing tricks on her. “What the hell...?” she thought as she closed her eyes and tried to calm down, “I refuse to begin hallucinating... Not out he-...” She heard the scream again, “AHHH SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE!” That was it. Kanna jumped to her feet as fast as she could and turned to the direction that she heard the scream. Rushing through the trees, she heard it again and again. “NO! DON'T! NO MORE! PLEASE STOP IT! SOMEONE HELP!” As she got closer, she heard a loud 'thud' and quickened her pace. Finally she entered the area. Stopping on a dime, she saw three large men standing over a bruised young woman. Once again, the flashbacks of her ex husband beating her made their way into her thoughts. This angered her. These three men were doing the same thing to this girl that her ex had done to her.

“I will not have it...” Kanna mumbled just loud enough for them to realize she was there. She had her head lowered in anger, looking fiercely at them through the separations of her bangs. “Oh look... What do we have here?” one of the men said and walked up to her. He set a hand on her shoulder and pulled her into him, “You wanna come play too?” Kanna stood there for a minute, now just staring at him in the most threatening way she could. “I... will... not... have it!!!” Kanna said again, still keeping her voice low, but the threatening tone made the man who touched her take a step back. Out of no where, Kanna let everything go. An explosion of spiritual pressure burst outwards from her body. It made it feel like the wind had picked up, but it was only her raw power and intent to kill that swallowed the area. Kanna didn't even unsheathe her sword. She charged forward and landed a single punch into the man's jaw. Never before had she used such strength. It was enough to send him flying into a tree about ten feet away. Kanna then turned towards the other two, but they tried to use the girl as their sheild.

“Bakudo Number Nine... GEKI!” with that, around the two of them a red light began to shine, keeping them completely still. “Move...” Kanna said to the girl and the girl nodded, breaking free of the two imbeciles. Kanna then charged at them both, allowing the Kidō to fall as she unsheathed her Zanpakutō and sliced across their chests in a single movement. “You will never harm another woman, again.” she told them and with a single more swing... “NOW DIE!” ...before they even had a chance to hit the ground, she sliced her Zanpakutō through their throats with the most accurate of swings. With that, she turned to the other man who was still on the floor, writhing around in pain and stabbed him straight through the eye. She didn't stop though. The look on Kanna's face had changed to utter insanity. Her eyes were wide, her smile was huge, and she looked crazy. She stabbed him again, “DIE!”, and again, “DIE!!!”, and again “DIE!”. She began to laugh while doing this, but suddenly she felt someone's arms wrap around her. “STOP IT!” the girl she had saved begged, “Pl-Please... Stop... They're dead now... There is no point of sullying your hand... Please...” Kanna's head turned towards the girl. She still looked insane until she saw the girls tears. Kanna instantly calmed down.

“Are you all right?” Kanna asked and the girl suddenly smiled evilly. “Of course... You fell for it...” Suddenly Kanna felt seven blade like appendages shoot through her entire back and out of her chest. Her eyes widened in horror as she looked to the three bodies that she had just killed. They vanished and seemed to absorb into this girl. “But... I...” Kanna felt the woman pull the appendages out of her back and stumbled a bit until she hit a tree, “You... bitch...” Kanna set a hand on her chest and watched as the blood came out. “Now die you stupid Shinigami!” the woman raised her weapon towards Kanna again. Kanna closed her eyes as the woman began to attack, but someone screamed. “SISTER NO!” Kanna's eyes shot open and looked towards another girl. The other one gasped, “What the hell are you doing here? GO HOME!” The girl suddenly seemed like she didn't know what to do. She looked around in fear, glanced to Kanna, and then ran off. Kanna was so confused by this point that she wasn't sure what the hell was going on. One thing she knew, she was dying. She fell to her knees and then to the floor. The last thing she saw was the sister of the girl who attacked her run over and kneel down, after that, everything went completely black.

Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:43 am
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika walked through the streets of Rukongai, at the moment there was not a care in the world. The sun shone down through the trees brightly at this time, penetrating the layer of foliage. She was not deep in the forest at this point, if she was she'd notice a much darker lighting. Dark was the exact opposite of everything that was around her, and within her. The beautiful young woman was almost skipping through the forest. Yet, things would not be so pleasant for long. The forests, contrary to popular belief, were a common location of hollow, and occasionally other things. Pick out the forest on any random day, odds were you wouldn't find anything. Today, however, was one of those days where the forest wasn't completely peaceful.

She stopped and glanced over, hearing the cry of a hollow. Sumika hated hollow, of course most people did. All she thought of when she thought of hollow was the death that they bring. This isn't to say Sumika has anything against Arrancar in any way, just the hollow. If she ever did meet a friendly hollow, something that is a rare occurrence, she would find it extremely hard to trust it. It was coming in the Angel Iramasha's direction, obviously it sensed her. Sumika raised her arms high in the air as she stretched, waiting for it to arrive. Welp, time to get this over with hehe. Even with a hollow on its way, her perky good mood wasn't extinguished.

As a rather bear-like hollow approached, she turned to it and raised up her hand. Quickly, the chaos energy within her being began to stir. Bye bye~ With that a wave of energy came surging forth from her, the chaos blast headed directly for the hollow. Though it tried to dodge, the wave was too fast and ended up causing fatal damage to the rather weak hollow. She stretched out a bit more. I wonder if there are more in the forest...maybe it would be a good idea just to check.

Sumika knew if there were more, getting rid of them would be best. As she went deeper into the forest, she suddenly contrasted with everything around her. She was an Angel Iramasha, her energy, aura, and even appearance (which actually hadn't been much different even when she was a human) were the opposite of the darkness that slowly surrounded her. It gave her a chill almost. As she went in she sensed something, someone's energy. It was a Shinigami but it almost seemed to just didn't seem normal, it was a little strange for a Shinigami. Her childlike curiosity peaked, she began to move in. To speed herself up she used her Chaos warp, though she paced herself as not to become too exhausted.

Soon enough she was in a small clearing, and what she saw was far from comforting. The ground was dyed red with blood. Yet none of it appeared fresh, it appeared to be from hours ago, not that Sumika could tell that. Then she saw where the energy was coming from. Lying on the ground was a young woman, though woman might be an overstatement. She looked like she was in her teens, 18 years old at the very most. She was rather beautiful too. She had long silky (and shiny) white hair. She had a very attractive body, formed very well. Sumika was at first amazed at just how pretty this woman was. Yet then her mind kicked into rescue mode. She ran over and checked the unconscious woman's wounds. Yet, from what Sumika could tell, she was the victim. Sumika wondered if she had been healed. Shaking the woman, she called out. Hey! Hey are you ok! She used a loud voice, but she kept her pitch down as to not agitate anything that may be around. Who was this woman, and why did Sumika feel so weird about this?
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:44 pm
Kanna had no idea of the change that had taken place. She thought she was going to die and that really was it. Death was near. She'd never see Snopy, Kathrine, Kaminari, or Kuro again. The only regret she felt she would have was the way she left Snopy. Suddenly, in the blackness of her unconscious mind, a voice echoed. It was calling out for her. It was sweet sounding, but still loud and slightly irritating. She was regaining consciousness. She shifted as she woke, closing her eyes tighter for a moment, right before she opened them. She shifted her eyes only, refusing to move her body for feel of it falling apart under her. "What... the hell happened?" she mumbled under her breath and then caught sight of a young woman that she did not recognize. This woman was standing over her, looking down at her and for some reason seemed worried. Snapping back into logical though, Kanna pushed herself up from the floor quickly. She jumped to her feet and fell against a tree as she ran her hands along the front of her torso.

"What the...My woun-.. My... the blood... " Kanna saw that there was no wounds and then looked up to the girl, "Did you heal me or something?" Kanna pushed herself away from the tree and looked around. Feeling a slight headache she raised her hand to her head and closed her eyes, trying to calm down. Immediately after that, she felt weak in the knees and dropped down to the ground again. She took in a deep breath, realizing her heart was pounding quite hard within her chest. "What the hell..." she said through breaths as it became slightly harder to breathe the more she moved, "I feel so weak..." She sat down and leaned her back against the tree, taking a deep breath and looking as if she were sick.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:45 pm
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika removed her hands from the woman's body as she snapped into an upright position. The woman immediately moved her hands across her torso. It didn't take a genius to realize that she was shocked about something. Judging by her garble, Sumika guessed she was talking about some wounds that, as Sumika had noted, weren't there. The woman seemed completely confused as to something. She also appeared weak, as she had fallen to her knees. She looked kinda sick the way she positioned herself. Sumika moved towards the woman's current position.

Are you alright? What happened? There is blood all over the ground there. As she asked all of these questions, she looked around for a moment. What could have possibly happened eluded her. The woman was weak, yet she was not wounded. At the very least, it seemed strange to be so weak after winning, and if she had lost that would have been her blood. A person didn't have to be a genius to realize a lot had happened. Sumika waited for the woman to respond before asking another question. What is your name? She was trying to get some idea of who the woman was, in order to make sense of this.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:25 pm
Kanna just looked around at all the blood, flashes from what had happened flickering in her mind. "I... am not completely sure." Kanna raised her hand to her head and took in a deep breath, once again trying to calm herself down. She closed her eyes and leaned back onto the trunk of the tree. "I only remember... sitting around... then a scream and then..." Kanna's eyes snapped open and then narrowed again. She remembered. "That stupid bitch tricked me." she said in a low voice, although it was higher than normal. She set her hand on her throat and cleared it. "I sound weird..." she said, "I bet I'm getting sick.. Damn it..." She really was just talking to herself this entire time, barely acknowledging the girl until she was asked about her name. Kanna looked up to her and raised an eyebrow. "My name... Is Kanna." she said, stopping for only a moment. For a moment, she was actually going to be rude to the girl, but thinking about her weakened state and being alone out here, it was probably in both of their best interests to stick together... although more Kanna's best interest since she was the one that was sick. Right now was probably the most alert she had been in a very long time. The past few days were just sitting around and sulking, wallowing in her depression and twisted state of mind. "What is yours?" she asked after a second or two of silence.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:35 pm
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika listened to the somewhat uninformative explanation. She didn't blame her for it, as it is completely believable that she wouldn't know what happened entirely, there was nothing wrong with it. When she heard something about being tricked, she wondered exactly what might have happened. Putting the pieces together, she came to the possible conclusion that maybe this woman had been tricked, then attacked by whomever tricked her. Though with so little information to go by, Sumika didn't really know how plausible this was. When the young (looking) woman noted her voice, Sumika was a little confused. Her voice sounded perfectly healthy to her. It sounded about the right pitch for a girl with that body, it didn't sound off to her. Yet, the woman knew her own voice better than Sumika knew it, so she assumed that it was indeed different than the norm. Sumika listened as she heard the woman's name. Her name was Kanna. The first thought that entered Sumika's mind was "pretty name". After a moment, the Kanna asked Sumika for her name. My name? My name is Sumika Saika, pleased to meet you.
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:24 am
Kanna definitely wasn't expecting that. This random girl held the same name that the man she was in love with held. Shocking, but it was slightly funny. She giggled a bit and then turned towards her. She stared at this girl and began to chuckle a bit. Her chuckle moved into a laugh. "Well that's funny. Your last name is Saika, huh?" Kanna set her Zanpakutō down by her side and shifted her position on the ground to make it more comfortable. She soon stopped and shook her head, speaking in a joking manner, "One question though, do you have any relation to Snopy Saika?" She really was just joking when she asked that. It was just funny that they shared the same last name. She closed her eyes again and concentrated on breathing. Her energy had been zapped from her when she confronted those people. Then being tricked and stabbed in such a manner, she was physically drained. "Don't worry, I'm joking..." she said with her eyes still closed while trying to relax, "I just know a guy with the same last name. I highly doubt that you'd even know the guy, let alone be related to him."
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:48 am
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Kanna began to giggle a bit when Sumika said her name. That giggle slowly escalated into a laugh. Sumika at first felt like she might have just been insulted, as a person's name wasn't really something you laugh at. It was confirmed, at least in her mind, when Kanna said it was funny her last name was Saika. Sumika was about to speak, slightly hurt, when she stopped dead in her tracks. Every muscle in her body froze up completely, refusing to move. Sumika just stared at Kanna, for one moment and then another and then another. Time just kept passing as Sumika couldn't believe what she had heard. She was trying to process what she had just heard. She blinked once and a second time and a third time. Finally, her eyes began to widen. She began to speak.

D-did you just say...Snopy Saika? She was obviously extremely interested in this, as she may have just found the brother she spent 80+ years looking for. She contained her excitement, as she feared she could be hearing things. She listened very intently to whatever Kanna said, as this was more important to her than anyone could imagine.
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:59 am
Hearing her response, at first Kanna just knocked it away as if it was nothing. "Yeah..." she said in a casual yawn, "I did...." Kanna just sat there for a moment, then finally it registered. Her eyes slowly opened and she thought about the way the girl asked her about the name she used. This Sumika Saika sounded overly interested and her choice of words made that obvious. Turning her head back towards the girl, Kanna raised an eyebrow at her as she had her own interest peaked. "Yeah... I said Snopy Saika." she repeated the answer this girl asked for, "Why? Are you actually related to him in some way? If so, the bastard lied to me... and I'll make sure he gets it later..." Kanna stopped leaning back and sat up straight, pushing herself back into the tree. "He told me his family was all in the World of the Living... So, you actually related to him, or what? Snopy isn't exactly a common name, although it's not impossible..." Kanna stared at the girl with a blank look in her eyes, just watching to see her reactions and listen to her replies.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:13 am
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika, the moment Kanna finished, let out all of the pent up energy she had. THAT IS MY BROTHER!!!! She yelled at the top of her voice out of pure excitement. Snopy Saika is the name of my big brother who died when I was 16, I've been wanting to find him for the last 80+ years! She then continued on in order to clarify things. Well odds are he doesn't know I am here and thought his family was in the World of the Living. Plus, most people don't live forever, so it isn't impossible for someone to die and come to the Soul Society, and odds are he would never know. She was literally jumping for joy at this point. I finally have some information about him! It is him right? Blonde? Somewhat tall? Sumika stopped for a moment to catch her breath. She calmed herself down a bit. I'm sorry, I just am really excited right now. I haven't seen him in forever. As she finished, and after Kanna had confirmed some things about him, she asked one last question. How do you know him if you don't mind me asking?
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