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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:13 pm

Kanna Aikotsuki

Kanna stared blankly at him for the moment, just listening to his words. Some how he was able to reassure her that everything will be okay in that matter. A small chuckle and shrug of the shoulders was given and she straightened her back up again, looking similar to how she usually stood. She stepped up to Snopy and went to hug him, but stopped. A shocked look came on her face and she took a step back, staring at him. ".... You're so tall!" she said with a hint of excitement in her tone. "Okay... I guess changing back into this wasn't that bad at all... I was always more attracted to taller men." Kanna knew what subject was coming up next, so she was doing her best to try and avoid it. That subject was going to lead her down a conversation that she didn't know whether she was ready to have. She hated thinking about it, so talking was going to be much worse. She looked back towards where his house was. "You can go talk with Sumika, okay? I feel better." she said with a small smile, although it was likely obvious to Snopy that she was lying. Kanna wasn't one to stop worrying that easily, and even in this state, that was just too easy.



The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:35 pm

Snopy smiled a bit as she commented on how tall he was. She had shrunk 3 inches, so to her he was 3 inches taller. He chuckled a bit. And I always found myself attracted to shorter girls, so I personally like the change. He stood and watched her for a moment before she said something. The moment she said she was okay, the smile turned into a serious look. Ohhhh no you don’t. We still have a little issue we need to work out. Look, whatever it is must really be hurting you, I get that. But this is why we are going to talk about it now, so we can make the pain go away as soon as possible. If we don’t talk now, then it will just keep eating away at you. Rather than put it off, we are just going to tackle the problem head on. The more I pay attention to your actions and words, the more I realize what has been upsetting you. My hollowfication, or more specifically, what I did to you while I was hollowfying. I understand why that would upset you, but to upset you to this degree, there is something more to it. He went over to Kanna, leaned in, and gave her a kiss on the lips (if she allowed) and then pulled back. Please, tell me the whole story honey.

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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:41 pm

Kanna Aikotsuki

Kanna stared at him with a blank face. She knew it. Her distraction was not going to get Snopy to go. He was way to smart for that and he knew her very, very well. He wasn't going to fall for something so obvious. As he stepped closer, she backed up a bit out of fear. It wasn't fear of him, but fear of the conversation that they were about to have. He placed a small kiss on her lips "I... ca-..." Kanna began. Her hesitation showed only that she really was uncomfortable. She closed her eyes very tightly, her entire body beginning to tremble as flashes from those nights once again plagued her mind. Kanna dropped down onto her butt, just sitting there. "He beat me..." Kanna said just loud enough for Kanna to hear, "That's all he ever did after I found out that he was cheating on me. It didn't matter whether he did it in front of Natalie or whether I asked him to stop... or whether I cried." Kanna lowered her head as if she were ashamed of herself. And then she cried. Tears soaked her face, her eyes became red. "He made sure that none of the bruises would be seen by people on the outside of our home... He promised to stop... He never did... I can still feel it..." she said, placing her hands along her throat, "When he choked me... A-And when he threw me at the wall... When he pulled my hair, slapped me, chased me around the house, yelled, screamed, said I wasn't worth anything... Then he'd get his damn stick... That fucking stick... Just a thick branch from a tree outside, but he loved it because when he grabbed that he knew he would shut me up..."



The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:22 pm

Snopy listened to her first three words and an almost echoing gulp sound came from his neck. Micheal... He remembered she had told him her ex’s name in the past. Those three words were enough to tell him what the rest of the story was, or so he thought. He was only horrified when he heard about how he beat her, and he was only very horrified when he heard about how he did it in such a way no one would see the bruises. However, he then his a level so far past horrified that it made being horrified seem like a happy experience. He didn’t just beat her. He choked her, slapped her, threw her into walls, pulled at her hair, berated her, and, worst of all, made her shut up with a stick, though odds were he beat her with it at least once. Snopy’s fist was tightened almost as hard as Kanna’s were earlier, though his finger nails were shorter so he didn’t make himself bleed.

That son of a bitch... Snopy spoke quietly, but due to their close proximity, Kanna would easily hear it. I see what happened now. That bastard did unimaginably, horrible is to weak a word to describe his actions. In fact, someone who would do that is beyond being called a monster, monster is too nice a term for someone like him. But beat you and did all of these unimaginably horrifically ghastly things to you. Then when I was hollowfying, I attacked you. I was in a relationship with you, and I chased you around and tried to kill you. That connection reminded you of that...thing. I understand perfectly. Snopy was at a loss for what to say, what could he say that would make her feel better? At the very least, he felt he had to try. I am so sorry about the things that happened that day, I’m sorry I attacked you. I don’t think words can really express how sorry I am. However, words can express this. I swear I’m going to get that thing in my body completely under control, so there is no risk of that ever happening again. I swear that I will never touch you with the intent to harm ever again. Never again, I swear it.

He looked up towards Kanna. His words couldn’t describe his feelings at the moment, but his actions sure could. Well, I can try to add to my apology like this. Snopy moved in fast. Within a moment, before Kanna would likely even realize what happened, Snopy has his arms wrapped tightly around her body. He leaned in and presses his lips against hers once more. However, this would be a much deeper kiss than the peck he had done earlier. His tongue wasn’t even part of it and they would likely be trading saliva. In fact, after a few seconds, he moved his tongue in her mouth (should she allow) and began to play with her tongue a bit. He would do this for about 30 seconds (unless cut off sooner) before pulling back and smiling, observing the reaction on her face.

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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:51 pm

Kanna Aikotsuki

Kanna wasn't exactly expecting his reaction. In all honesty, she was trying her best to remember a time that Snopy even cursed. She couldn't think of any at the moment, but she was sure it must of happened some time prior to this exact moment. If not, that was kind of funny. A small and quick chuckle left the crying girl as she raised her head to wipe her tears away. She just looked him straight in the eye, something she didn't usually do when she was this upset. She stared at him while he spoke, not breaking eye contact. Hearing him swear to control that thing inside of him made her feel better, especially when he swore on it over and over again. A small smile formed on her lips and she nodded to him. She believed he would do it. She trusted him to do it. "Thank you..." she said with a sweet and raspy voice. What happened next she had not been expecting. She had glanced away to wipe her face again, but when she looked back to him, he was moving closer. Rather aggressively, he placed his lips against her own. Aggressive, yet passionate with a sense of determination and lust within every second of the kiss. His tongue was slid into her mouth, immediately exciting her in a way that only he had the ability to. Kanna responded, sliding her tongue along his, creating a dance that they only knew the rhythm to. For a good, arousing thirty seconds they kissed. Having to take deep breath, Kanna pulled back at the same time he did.

"Hahaha..." she laughed a bit with a kind smile on her face and a unique and new light in her eyes, "I can't say I was expecting that, but I liked it." She placed a smaller kiss against his lips and ran her hand through his hair, sliding it behind his ear. "You know... I think I will actually be able to get used to this..." she said, referring to being loved and cherished the way this man seemed to cherish her. "I think it's about time we go to Sumika. I don't want her over there alone." Kanna told him, "There are too many idiots and jerks out here. I just magically recovered from some bitch attacking me. I'm shocked I am not dead. I don't even know how I was healed, but I definitely still feel weak from it." She knew he was going to want an explanation for that, but she did want to get back inside first. "I'll explain to you inside..." she said and attempted to stand up. Immediately she felt dizzy and lost her balance, beginning to fall backwards into the tree again. "Aye..." she held her head, "I think I've done more today than I should have..."



The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:56 am

Snopy was still unsure of how he did it, yet despite his lack of experience he somehow managed to kiss like a pro. Perhaps the only reason was because he was in aggressive mode whenever it happened, but he would never know for sure. All he knew was how much passion and power he felt behind it, as their tongues played their own little game of twister. After they broke the kiss, he couldn’t help but smile even more when seeing her face. She obviously wasn’t expecting it, but she enjoyed it. I went in like that because it was the only thing that I felt could show how much I cared, but I think I need to do this more often. He chuckled as he said that, he REALLY wanted to do it more often. As he said this Kanna ran her hand through his hair to behind his ear, which he noticed felt pretty good. He listened to more of her comments, happier and happier he was able to cheer her up.

Snopy did wonder exectly what Kanna meant when she said she could get used to “this”, but the general idea was clear. A nod was Snopy’s response when the idea of going back was brought up. He did feel a little bad about leaving his little sister behind like that, but he knew he had to. Now it was time to go back. When Kanna mentioned what had happened, he was mildly intrigued. Well, I would like to know what happened. You can tell me on the way ba-- The words were only barely cut off as he saw Kanna fall backwards after trying to stand up. You definitely need some time to rest. The Vizard made his way over to her and then did something else that might surprise her. He picked her up in his arms, holding her as one might hold a princess. He might not have been the strongest person, but he had captain level power, and thus he had a level of physical strength to make him able to carry Kanna like it was nothing.

With her in his arms, he headed back the way the two of them came. The way he moved with her in his arms seemed so natural. It was something he had learned from someone he knew. Someone who I’m going to have to kill for carrying me like that in the past. It was a moment of his life he would have rather forgotten. Yet now he was carrying his girlfriend, whom he noticed seemed even more small and delicate when he carried her. Soon enough she’ll probably be back to her old self, though the things that were said here will definitely mean a lot either way. He kinda liked this Kanna, as she was so much sweeter than her usual self, though he was fond of Kanna’s usual self for some very odd reason.

Snopy returned to his home and opened the front door best he could while holding Kanna. Upon walking in, he turned towards Sumika, whom was sitting on the couch where he left her. You didn’t have to just sit there while I was gone, you were free to move throughout the house. He chuckled a bit, not even really acknowledging the fact that it might be odd for him to be carrying Kanna like that. Of course, it wasn’t the oddest thing for a guy to carry their girlfriend in that matter, it was only odd considering it never happened before. Snopy sat down next to his sister, positioning Kanna so now she was on his lap and he was holding her in his arms. Good news, we’ve worked everything out. I’m sorry I left you like that though. Snopy turned his attention to Kanna. You have to be exhausted. I have a place I can take you to if you are ready to sleep for the night. Just let me know and I’ll take you there. Snopy had a specific place in mind, a very specific one. He waited to see what Kanna would say, and what her decision would be.

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The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:57 am
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

As Snopy left to go find Kanna, Sumika spoke out to him. Last time you said that you never came back. Yet a smile formed on her face when she heard his response about how this time he promised. This was reassuring more than one would think, as when it came to her, Snopy had never broken a promise. She trusted him with it and as he left the house, she sat back in the couch and sighed. She had finished all the tea she had been given. For some reason, the young Iramasha didn’t think it would be right to go around his house just yet. They had only just reunited. So she simply sat on the couch, just humming a familiar tune to herself. Nothing really matters, anyone caaan see. Nothing really matters, nothing really matters, to meee... She hummed this song she had heard a few times while on Earth. Though she left out some of the other parts, as they didn’t fit her mood at the moment.

After humming a variety of songs, she heard the doorknob squeak. Turning her head, she saw Snopy had come back, and was carrying Kanna in his arms. A huge smile formed on her face. HI BIG BROTHER!!!! How’d it go? From the look of the two, she could tell things went well. After Snopy sat down and positioned Kanna in a way Sumika found adorable, he commented confirming her belief. He also apologized about leaving her, to which she shook her head vigourously. Don’t worry about it. You did what you knew you had to. She listened then to his offering to Kanna about giving her a place to sleep. As a matter of fact she was tired herself. I’m really tired actually, do you have any spare places I can sleep?
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:18 am

Kanna Aikotsuki

Kanna placed her hands over her face in a distressed manner. She still felt light-headed and dizzy. She merely nodded to him about resting. As she set her hand on her face, a stinging pain shot through. She opened her eyes and looked shamefully at the cuts she had caused herself. Suddenly she was lifted from her feet and was carried bridal style. She looked up to Snopy, blushing a bit at his new actions towards her and then relaxed. She placed her head on his chest, her hands on her stomach, her petite body lying comfortably in his arms. A small, mona lisa smile on her lips showed she was completely content. Soon they reached the house. She could only tell this by the sound of the door opening since she kept her eyes closed the entire time. As they entered, she heard a kind voice coming from the room. She opened her eyes and glanced over to Sumika. She really did actually like the girl. Mature, yet innocent. A combination that Kanna liked within a girl.

Snopy sat down and positioned her on his lap. At this point she was truly exhausted. Hearing Snopy talk about how they had worked things out and then offered her a place to rest, she wondered exactly how big this house was. She hadn't really explored it the first time she was here. She merely knew of the large basement and living room. She was going to tell Snopy to just let her lay on the couch, assuming there was only one bedroom, but then hearing Sumika speak about how she was tired, Kanna changed her mind. She looked up to Snopy and whispered quietly in his ear. "I think it would be nice if she got to sleep somewhere comfortable, so give her the place that you were going to let me sleep, okay?" Kanna told him only where he could hear, but then began blushing a bit, "I... can s-sleep... w-with you if that's okay..." She couldn't even look him in the eye. She turned away from both him and Sumika, shy and slightly embarrassed for asking for something like that. "I... am exhausted... I do need rest." was the last thing she said before waiting for his answers.



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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:07 pm

After hearing his sister ask for a place to rest, he almost spoke up. However, Kanna, despite how tired she obviously was, beat him to it. He immediately gained a sort of internal grin upon hearing what Kanna said. Sumika was going to sleep in a guest room that had its own bed. This might be the first time the room saw use though, the only reason it even had a bed was because the previous owner had left it. Thankfully he cleaned the room and made sure to clean the bed once in awhile so it was perfectly fit for use. The Vizard had the perfect response to Kanna’s request. I don’t think that would be possible. If I gave Sis where you were sleeping, and you slept with me, then my bed would have 3 people in it. It may be big, but my bed is only meant for two. Sis can sleep in the bed in the guest room. He placed one of his hands on Kanna’s head and stroked it a bit. Heh, seriously, where did you think you were sleeping? I have to say though, seeing you get all shy like that is adorable.

He positioned Kanna once more in the “bridal style” way of being carried. The guest room is just down the hall, you may sleep whenever you like. I’m going to take Kanna to bed, I’ll see you tomorrow. He was sure Sumika realized by now she was free to move throughout his house and he wouldn’t care. He took Kanna and made his way through the house, and up to the second floor. It really was surprising, it wasn’t exactly a small house, and some of the rooms were pretty big. His bedroom was fairly sized, though it had a large bed. On a bookshelf to the side was a variety of things, from Manga to novels. He still kinda wanted to go to Earth, but the house was a decent one and he could easily live in it so long as he could stay near Kanna. He pulled back the covers and gently placed her in the bed. He let out a yawn as he went around and sat on the edge. Tomorrow I’ll make you a big breakfast, since you must be starving. However, I am utterly exhausted. I need a little sleep before I can be trusted preparing food.

Snopy took off the sandals he had been wearing, and also helped Kanna take hers off if she needed it. Once you’ve got your strength back you really need to get some new cloths. Those look like they’re going to fall right off your body. He blushed a bit when he thought about it, as in all truth he wouldn’t have a problem if it happened, so long as he was the only person there. He laid down next to her, it felt a little strange to have someone in his bed with him. Her body was close and it generated heat. Yet the close proximity was something that felt pretty good. He reached down and pulled the covers up, which would cover both of them. Once under, he placed one arm around Kanna and pulled her in close so their bodies were pressed together. While keeping her close, he would stay awake for a little while before drifting off to sleep. Today had been interesting, but things turned out for the better and he would get the best night’s sleep that he had in a long time.

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The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:07 pm
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 6 Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika watched as Kanna shyly asked something, so quietly that she couldn’t make out what it was. However Snopy heard, and his response told her enough. She giggled at his response a bit. All three of us would be too many, I’d be intruding. Well night big brother, night Kanna. Sumika stood up and stretched herself out. Despite being allowed to move about the house, she sat there the whole time. Now she had to go to sleep, as she didn’t feel like going all the way back home.

She stood up and went down the hall, there was only one room (other than the living room and kitchen) attached to the hall Snopy had pointed tol. Yet Sumika spaced out and forgot where he had said it was. Thus, she went to another section of the house, ending up in a dining room. Oops, I think I should’ve paid more attention. She wandered the first floor for a little while before finally finding the room she was meant to go in. It was an average room, not much in it but a few pieces of furniture and things of that nature. Sumika quickly went to the bed and jumped right into it. She took off her cloths until she was in nothing but her underwear and slid under the covers. She thought about some things, giggling as she did, until she finally fell asleep.
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