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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:22 am
Obviously this girl was holding in a lot of energy and excitement. She yelled out about Snopy being her brother, causing Kanna to jump, jerking backwards away from her and hitting her head on the tree behind her. "Ow..." Kanna mumbled as she rubbed the back of her skull, a single eye open as she watched the overly exicted girl continue talking rapidly about him. Kanna just stared at the girl like she was crazy and nodded to the question about him being blond and some what tall. "Well... I guess. Depends what you mean by tall..." Kanna looked off a bit, scratching her cheek sheepishly. Her vision of 'tall' was over six foot. Once Sumika apologized and explained how excited she was, Kanna just nodded. "I can tell." were her only words and then the next question came. This question actually made her blush. If this was indeed Snopy's sister and this girl wasn't just delusional, how the hell was Kanna just going to explain their relationship. Thinking about that for a second, with a pale tint of red on her cheeks, she sighed and shrugged it off. "If you're actually his sister, than I am the girl dating your brother..." she explained, crossing her arms along her chest, "I'm Snopy Saika's girlfriend."
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:41 am
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

As Kanna hit her head against the tree, Sumika giggled a bit. Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you. She apologized, her outburst of excitement was a little uncontrolled. When Kanna mentioned height, she knew what was meant. Well I said somewhat. He isn't really tall, but his height is up there. I don't remember exactly, it is near 6 foot but not quite. He was, at least back then, very skinny. Our whole family was. I'm not even 100 lbs last I checked. Then she listened as Kanna explained her relationship with Snopy in the simplest manner possible. Sumika was a little surprised, but considering how her brother used to be with women (in her memory at least) she couldn't help but giggle.

So my big brother has a girlfriend. I never thought he'd have it in him, at least as I remember him. Well I think we are talking about the same person anyway. I mean not many people are named Snopy...actually, I don't think anyone but him is named Snopy. I mean, I don't think anyone else would have it. Even if someone did, what are the odds of him being Snopy Saika unless it is my brother? Then Sumika realized that Kanna probably thought she could be crazy, hence saying all this. I also am unsure of how to prove I am his sister. He probably didn't say my name, as he always just called me sis. And it isn't like he'd have anything that he has kept all these years...except maybe that necklace I gave him, but I doubt he'd still have it. She began pacing wondering about any way to prove herself. Then she realized. Oh, I'm sorry. You aren't well. I should really be helping you if I can before I do anything else. Is there anything I can do for you?
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:51 pm
"It's fine, it's fine..." Kanna waved the head bumping incident off. This girl was extremely hyperactive, but still rather kind. Of course, Kanna's distrust of people in general was keeping her from really trusting what this girl was saying. She before she had met this Sumika Saika, she had been tricked by another girl that was just trying to kill a Shinigami. There was no way she was taking what Sumika was saying to heart, no way. She just kept listening to the girl ramble on about her brother. It also didn't help that this was yet another girl in Snopy's life, if everything she was saying became true. She had already been forced to deal with some 'best friend' of his. Obviously this was a very different situation. This was Snopy's sister! She knew how much Snopy cared ab out his sister. She could just tell that once again it was going to be her jealous and mistrusting nature that was going to get into the way, but she couldn't help how she was. She'll just have to fake another smile and likely keep herself quiet.

"Yeah, he has the necklace." Kanna said to her as if it was nothing, "And no... You don't need to do anything for me." Kanna took in a deep breath and pushed herself back to her feet. "If... you want..." Kanna spoke again, having a feeling she was going to regret these next words, "I can take you to him." She didn't even wait for an answer though. She knew what it was going to be. Kanna just began walking back into the direction that she knew the Seireitei was, since Snopy's house was only a few minute walk outside of it. "Come on..." she said and then continued on her way. Of course it was up to the girl whether she followed or not.
The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:26 pm
A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika felt kinda like something was off. It was like the girl didn't like her much. Actually, Sumika couldn't really tell what Kanna was thinking. Then she perked up when Kanna mentioned Snopy still had a necklace, "the" necklace. What? I don't think he would keep it all these years. Yet Kanna got up and started walking, saying she would take her to him. Sumika tilted her head. She almost said really, before realizing why question such a good thing. This was her chance to see her brother, and she was not screwing this one up. Sumika went and followed in suit. She ran over and followed behind Kanna as they headed back towards Rukongai. Sumika kept her excitement inside, not a good idea as it tended to explode all at once. Still, once Sumika saw Snopy odds were Kanna wouldn't be able to get a word in for a little bit, Sumika would probably talk that much. She had a slight skip in her step as she walked. This was going to be her best day in a long time.
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:30 am
Kanna lead this excited girl for a good hour before they had entered the area in which Snopy's house was located. From where they were, you would be able to see it. She said nothing though and just continued on this silent walk until finally she came to Snopy's door. She lowered her head, stared at the door for a moment with a raise fist as if she were going to knock. For a single moment, she almost dropped it, but sighed and just knocked on the door. "This is where he lives..." Kanna said softly as she waited for the door to be opened. With every moment that she was waiting, she got more and more nervous. She really did not want to be standing there about now, but at the same time she did. She wanted to leave and not have to see Snopy after what had happened. He would have also probably learned that she never went back to the Seireitei and just wandered around alone. She wanted to stay because it would allow her to reunite him with the sister that he had spoken of multiple times ever since they had met. That necklace he wore all the time made her realize how much he really cared for his sister and made her want to see his reaction when he was able to see her again.
The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:31 am

Words: 545 Characters: 2960

Snopy yawned as he woke up in the morning. He slept really late compared to usual. He moved much more sluggish than usual. Overall, he didn’t seem to have much energy. It had been like this for a few days. It was pretty obvious, as even his Zanpakutō spirits questioned him. Yet the response was always the same. What’s wrong boss? You’ve been like this for days? I don’t know what you are talking about. He made his way through his home as usual, except for the slowness of it. In fact, he had barely done anything. When he wasn’t swinging a sword around in training, he always looked as if he was thinking about something. Later in the day, he had lunch. Of course as soon as he finished, he went right back to his same focused expression.

You know this moping is starting to get old. I’m not moping. This time, he heard noises that signaled just how annoyed Fumika and Reiko were getting. He let out a sigh before he went on. I guess you are right. Things just don’t feel right, like at all. I mean, Kanna acted like she was fine the other day...but... There was a pause. Buuut? I may not understand everything about my girlfriend, but she is my girlfriend. I can still tell she was most certainly not alright when she left. Do you know how much that bugs me? He scratched the back of his head. Something he did not relay to them was something else strange. Today, not long ago, something had happened. It was a big something, one that probably had to do with him. Whenever something like this happened, he would get a strange ringing in one ear. It was almost an alert system something was up. Yet not only had it happened, it was, before long, in both ears.

What could it be? Something with Kanna? Kiyomi? The Soul Society itself? Something is up. He almost wanted to pull at his hair, he hated these feelings. He hated being alerted something happened, but not knowing what it was. As he tried to settle his mind a bit he heard a knock at the door. He sighed and went to the door. Upon opening it, he began to say something. He saw a woman he did not know first off. She had long beautiful hair, and a very very petite body. Who in the world is this? May I help !!! His words were cut short. A sudden sense if shock flew through his body. However, this realization had nothing to do with the woman in front of him (whom he would be shocked about if he could tell who it was). Behind her, he saw it. The small thin body. The long red hair in a ponytail. A bow that almost resembled some sort of wings. He pointed at Sumika as he said it. He shook his head violently and then rubbed his eyes. Yet when he looked up she was still there. SIS!!!!

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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika had waited patiently as Kanna knocked on the door. Her was happy as ever when she saw Snopy open the door. She did so something surprising, and that was hold herself back from tackling him at first notice. She stood patiently and smiled as Snopy tried figuring things out. The moment he said sis, she was done. She pounced on him so hard, they both ended up flying into Snopy’s house and nearly crashing into the wall behind them. BIG BROTHER I MISSED YOU!!! She held him very tightly in almost a vice grip. Can’t...breath... She loosened up on him as he said that. Oops hehe, sorry.

He stood back up and brushed himself off. He stood for a moment. Then he ran back up and hugged her tightly, which caught her off guard. I can’t believe it, I haven’t seen you in so long! I thought I’d never see you again. Sumika giggled a bit as he did this. You know, you almost never hugged me way back, this is kinda...not bad, but different than I am used to hehe. She spoke this rather playfully. Then she perked up as she heard something leave his mouth. Well, I didn’t really hug people much back then...hell, I barely showed affection to anyone. I mean Kanna is probably the first person to openly receive my affections like that. Oh, I can’t wait to tell her this! I spent all these years thinking I’d never see you again, and now you’re here, and looking quite well at that! Upon hearing this, she loosened up her grip on him. She looked to Kanna, then to him. Then to Kanna, then to him. What did he mean? Kanna was standing right there, she already knows. Only one thing escaped Sumika’s mouth. Eh?
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:54 pm

Kanna Aikotsuki

As Snopy opened up the door, Kanna didn't get the reaction that she was expecting, which sorta hurt. She kept an indifferent look on her face though. Seeing Snopy light up at the sight of the woman behind him, Kanna felt a few things that she had to make sure were held in. In all honesty, she was slightly irritated. She didn't even get a high or how are you. She also felt a bit of jealousy since she felt like she had been completely ignored. She was also understanding and slightly happy because she knew that he missed his sister. Kanna didn't know how she knew it, but there was this feeling in the back of her mind that she should probably move. So right on time, before Sumika would have pushed her aside, Kanna turned her body side ways so that Sumika could run passed her. Once Sumika had tackled Snopy hard enough to hit him against the wall, she turned back towards them and just watched saying absolutely nothing. She let them have their reuniting conversation and just waited until she was noticed. Then something was said that made Kanna look at him as if he were crazy and had this overwhelmingly angry look in her eyes. Was this some sort of punishment for walking out on him a couple of days ago? If it was she did not like it and she did not feel like she deserved such treatment.

“What the fuck ever.” she said with a roll of her eyes, “I go out of my way to bring you your sister and you are going to act like this? Don't worry, you don't have to tell Kanna shit because she already knows and she has decided to say fuck you, since apparently she doesn't exist.” Of course all of this came from not knowing that she had been transformed. Feeling her sleeve fall down her shoulder, she let out an annoyed sight and pulled it back up. She also noticed that her voice was still acting up. She set a hand on her neck and forced a cough, wondering if she had something stuck in her throat. There wasn't anything there. “Thanks for your help back there Sumika.” Kanna said as she turned away and walked off, realizing that there was something strangely familiar about this voice. She felt her Zanpakutō begin to bang against the back of her thigh as she walked away. “What the hell!?” she raised her voice a bit a she tightened the sash that she used to hold her sword up. “This is seriously fucking ridiculous...” she sighed and continued on her way back towards the Seireitei, this time intent on actually making it there.



The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:32 am

Words: 390 Characters: 2205

Snopy looked over at once at the woman whom had been there since the start. Indeed he did think it rude not to say anything, but he would have gotten to her in a moment. Yet suddenly, she burst out in obvious anger. She talks about how she went out of her way to find his sister and he acted like this. Snopy was upset at this woman for outraging like this, as he didn’t know she had brought his sister, nor did he mean to completely ignore her. Something about the anger was familiar though. Yet the next part dumbfounded him. She talked about not having to tell Kanna anything because apparently she doesn’t exist. Huh? As the enraged woman walked off he ran full speed, easily overtaking her walking speed, and blocking her path. I’m sorry ma’am but I don’t even know...well what just happened. If you are upset about me ignoring you like that I do apologize and I did plan on inviting you in once I calmed down a bit. However, who are you? No seriously, who are you? I’m talking about my girlfriend Kanna and you rage and talk about me acting like she doesn’t exist. He turned back to Sumika and then prompted another question. This woman brought you here? I...don’t know how she knows me...unless... He looked back to Kanna, now a quite puzzled look on his face.

He went up close and examined her from top to bottom. I’m sorry, but do I know you from somewhere? I’m trying as hard as I can but I can’t get your face to match up with any names. Hell, your entire body looks unfamiliar. Even your energy signature feels very different from anything I can remember. I don’t recognize any of it. He scratched his head a bit. Something about her personality is odd, don’tchya think? Snopy’s Zanpakutō interjected into the conversation, and Snopy responded out loud by mistake. I think you are right Fumiko, something about her personality is strange isn’t resembles...!!! Snopy glanced up for a moment. Sorry, I was talking to one of my Zanpakutō spirits...but your personality seems oddly familiar.

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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Sumika

Sumika Saika, The Angel of electricity

Sumika watched silently as Snopy talked, partially to himself and partially to Kanna. She was caught quite off guard by the fact that Snopy didn’t recognize her at all. Body, energy, none of it Snopy could recognize. Yet this woman was Kanna was it not? She introduced herself as Kanna, she knew a lot about Snopy, and she knew where Snopy lived. Yet Snopy didn’t recognize her in the least. Even if she wasn’t his girlfriend, her knowing all of that information had to mean they knew each other. Yet something told Sumika that the woman had been telling the truth, leaving Snopy being the one who is wrong. Yet as she observed his speech, she understood wrong was the incorrect choice of words. Snopy was just as confused as she was. Once he mentioned her personality, Sumika used her Chaos warp and appeared next to him.

What are you talking about big brother? Isn’t this your girlfriend Kanna standing right in front of you? She told me so much about you, and she knew a lot too. So you two have to know each other, right? And before your name even came up, she introduced herself as Kanna, so there is no way she is lying, right? Why are you saying you don’t recognize her? Is it a joke, because I think that is a mean one if it is. Do you really not know? How could you forget your own girlfriend. She paused all her questions in order to give him a moment to process everything. In response, this is what she heard. She’s Kanna? But that doesn’t...make any sense...I know my girlfriend. I know what she looks like, sounds like, and what she acts like. I’ll admit this woman acts a bit like her...but...nothing else matches up. But...I most certainly didn’t forget my girlfriend, I know that because I’ve been half-depressed these past few days since she left cause I think I did something to hurt her. Sumika still didn’t understand, nothing added up at all. But that makes no sense! She knew so much, this woman has to be your girlfriend, why can’t you recognize her! In return, Snopy yelled a bit, not at her, but out of frustration with himself. You think I’m not trying to figure that out!!! Sumika had a worried look on her face as she looked over to Kanna to see how she would respond.
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:15 pm

Kanna Aikotsuki

Okay, this was actually quite entertaining to watch. Snopy had stopped her from continuing on and politely explained himself. She was about to retaliate and yell, but Sumika stopped her when the girl began speaking. It seemed Sumika even trusted her current word over her brothers. Kanna figured that she would retaliate and yell at her for lying or something along that lines. This didn't end up being the case though. Sumika actually explained the entire situation in a much calmer way than Kanna would, so she literally just stood there being quiet. As the siblings spoke to one another, Kanna realized something. Snopy really did not recognize her. She then connected that to the weird, yet familiar sound in her voice. She continued thinking about it for a moment and then reached inside of her haori. "Oh my god! What the fuck is wrong with my clothes!" she said as she reached into the pocket. Her haori was so loose that is was falling off of her shoulder again and sort of revealing the upper part of her chest. She grabbed something out of her pocket and then fixed it.

"Here!" she grabbed Snopy's hand and handed him the Iramasha telepathic gem he gave her. She took a step back from the two and turned away, hurrying into Snopy's house. There was something she had to look at. She walked around until she found a mirror. Once she did, what she saw made her eyes wide and her heart jump. At first she didn't believe it, but then waved her arms around in the mirror a few times. "My.. god..." she said as she turned her body to the side. She glanced herself up and down and pulled on the clothes to have the cling a bit more to her figure, "I'm... young again? What the hell!?" She turned back towards the mirror and opened her haori, uncaring to who was watching. If they were watching, one was a girl, the other was Snopy, so who the hell cares. She had her bra one anyway... Which actually wasn't fitting as well as it had before. It was a bit loose. "I.. perked up...? Hehehe.." she actually giggled at that and then closed her haori again, stepping back out to the livingroom area of the house. "Wow..." was all she could say as she leaned her back against a wall and slid down it until her bottom hit the floor.



The Site Hideyoshi
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A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lot Of Changes Happened Here [Closed]

Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:02 pm

Words: 453 Characters: 2435

As Snopy listened to his sister, he looked back at this “Kanna” at various times. She had a very blank expression for awhile. Then something happened. She checked her cloths and they were loose. She was awfully shocked, though Snopy had only noticed when she checked for it. She did something, covering up the top of her breasts. Then she ran by Snopy, but not before handing him something. Into his hand was placed a gem. Not just any gem, and Iramasha telepathic gem, the very gem he had given to Kanna a few days before. Everything suddenly connected in his mind, and the gem in his hand removed any doubt, as it still had traces of his spiritual pressure from all the time it had been in his possession previously. The woman was his girlfriend, and he hadn’t recognized her. He stood there staring with a blank expression on his face for a moment. That really was her.

Snopy turned and ran into the house after her. He had, for the moment, forgotten about his sister. His brain had so many things to process by the end of today it wasn’t even funny. He followed her presence until he came up to one of his rooms that had a mirror in it. He showed up just in time to watch as Kanna opened up her Haori, giving him a perfect view of her chest (with the bra on of course). Whether or not the bra was loose or not, Snopy couldn’t help but have his entire face turn beet red. Yet he could not stop looking, as knowing it was Kanna removed the one thing that had allowed him to resist earlier. He listened to her comment on them “perking up”, which Snopy was no idiot to what that meant. Indeed they have. There was...giggling in his head, coming from his Zanpakutō spirits. They probably found the whole situation amusing. Snopy, however, didn’t care. In truth if his logical mind was functioning at 100%, he’d make a comment on how the way people are it is only natural for a man to enjoy that sight, yet he was a little distracted at the moment.

As she finished up she headed back out to the living room and, snapping himself out of his little daze, went over to her as well. When she slid down to the ground he went over and kneeled in front of her. I’m sorry about what happened out there. Though I couldn’t really help it. You don’t look anything like you used to, so it only makes sense I figured it was someone else. Either way, I still apologize.

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