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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Awaiting a Adventure

Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:52 pm

Short steps. Deep breaths. Another day had passed by the sights of every one who lived in Karakura. It was Just like any other day with people going through their daily routines, minding their own business. Maybe it was a dull and painful process for some, some being represented as the humans. All the things they did was to just distract themselves from the painful thing they knew as death. But for the crazy things out there who laugh at that word, it was different. They didn’t have to fear such a thing. Death was a myth.

Then again, for a kid of 16, Rin Okumura. His life was beginning, he didn’t need to fear death because nothing made him fear it. He enjoyed life now, it was far less painful than it was before Shirou Emiya, had taken him under his wing as a little brother. Rin could only look up to Shirou, hoping one day he would repay his debts for being where he was now, alive.

The moon glittered down on the lake just adjacent to where Rin and Shirou lived, allowing his dark blue hair to glow in the light source. The stars shone brightly like the little suns they were. Of course being just a kid, Rin could only dream to be big and strong one day but when you take the time to look up towards the galaxy, you could take in to consideration just how small everyone actually is. But at the same time, imaginations could take everyone afar. Rin Okumura sat on one of the stepping stones just in the middle of the lake, looking down at the water as he placed his right hand, swishing the liquid around whilst watching the ripples from his fingers echo throughout the water. The tiny fish lay underneath somewhere, probably sleeping. “I wonder if Shirou-san is still asleep…” He mumbled once again to himself, it must have been about midnight now, he hadn’t been out long but rather snuck out when Shirou did fall asleep. The day that had just passed was exciting, Rin had the opportunity to gather wood for the fireplace in the small house by the lake to give them the warmth before spring comes. May not be something exciting for most but for a boy who was still new to the world, it was probably one of the best days he had had so far.

Rin was fully aware he shouldn’t be out at this hour, especially since Shirou hated him in the dark by himself. Even at day time, he wasn’t allowed past certain points without Shirou. Strange enough was that Rin was sure Emiya had told him that there weren’t really any dangers down in Karakura forest, not unlike how there often were in the big wide world more known as Downtown Karakura. But still, better to be safe than sorry.

Even so, that didn’t stop the boy’s curiousity at all. In fact, it only just made it spike, he looked back towards the house. Lights out. Shirou must be deep in his slumber. Turning back around and looking to the depths of the forest, he frowned somewhat. He had only ever travelled up to a field that lay around a two minute straight walk from here. He wanted to travel further than that. That’s right, he could do it. He could explore just a little further and get back before two at the latest.
Standing up, Rin hopped to the next stepping stone before landing firmly yet quietly on the long grass, walking down the path quietly. He was cold, shivering every time the winter breeze took effect. The owls within the tree branches were hidden, like some shadow but yet only their eyes that looked like to portray an evil scene still crept the child out. He had to be sure not to go off the path he trenched now otherwise he would have a hard time finding the lake again. “I’m sorry Shirou-san…Just this once…I promise.”

Last edited by Oreki-Kun on Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:14 pm

That night, the little boy was not the only one with his curiosity peaked. Within the grass of the forest, something was watching him. Totally invisible, unable to be seen by all but the absolute best in perception. This was one of the abilities of Mu; the ability to be hidden in plain sight, the Doctor's presence almost completely vanishing from this plain except from the very small amount that he had to draw from Mu to activate this power, which was so miniscule even professional trackers had difficulty keeping up with it, theoretically. If anyone was stupid enough to try to chase the man who was invisible.

His eyes watched as the boy leaped on the stones, a small smile on his face. "Oh my, Hebi, what do we have here…?" He whispered silently to his snake, which looked at him from behind his back, as if it was unsure. The Doctor made a chuckling motion to himself, even as he took in a deep breath of his gold flecks that were in his hood. It was such a strange habit; but addiction is a powerful thing.

His eyes traced the young boy again, following his route as he moved with exact precision. Seems he's afraid of falling off the beaten path… He thought to himself, his toothless smile growing even wider, Hebi shivering at his back as his body changed, slowly slithering towards the boy. How could he tell this? Due to his profession as a Doctor and his own studies, he knew when the human body was tense in certain places; this boys facial muscles were tense and he was focused intently upon something, using it as a landmark.

"Well hello there."

The Doctor spoke, as suddenly his body finished slithering up Rin in an instant, covering him from head to foot, his body in a strange, snake-like shape as his gaze was met with Rin's, his scaly looking face inches away, staring at his prey through his glasses. The hair on his head was dirty and unkempt; they were so close that the Doctor could feel Rin breathing, but Rin would be unable to feel anything from the one whom had just bound him. "What a… pleasssant evening we're having. Isn't it?" He asked, looking into Rin's eyes as Hebi slid behind the Doctor's head, trying to lock eyes with the boy.

Now, if the boy was a normal human, he would be knocked right asleep. However, in this instance, the Doctor was just trying to relax the boy, to get him to just lower his guard into the Doctor's non-restrictive coils. The Doc wasn't trying to hurt him; but he was trying to see if he could catch him. As long as Rin made initial eye contact with the snake, it was highly likely that his entire body would begin to relax even out of his will, and he would find it steadily more and more difficult to look away. The Doctor was looking for a new research subject this evening; and it seems that he has found the perfect candidate.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:39 pm

Seconds drew in to minutes and each second that the many clocks ticked around Kurikara made Rin have the urge to turn back. Was it the fact he was somewhat scared about the new surroundings or perhaps the fact he was scared and felt guilty about going against Shirou's orders. A feeling of guilt overcame the boy's face as he looked towards the ground, watching his feet step each time. The beaten path was always smooth to walk along from the many who had walked along before. But now a days, you wouldn't see many around this part.

It was a shame, from all the people Rin had seen back at Hanako's pub the day he was saved, why couldn't he meet new people? Why couldn't he make new friends. He was so eager to start his journey that he still wasn't set on doing what was initally why he and Shirou had moved out here for. To settle down and learn what's right and wrong. Once Rin had done all of those things then only then could he pursue his dream of having a normal life, going to school and doing what everyone else seemed to do.

After a while, the boy closed his eyes, sighing for a second in to the breezy air-- Wait. He could of sworn he heard a branch snap and it defiantly wasn't from any steps he had just taken. His eyes snapped open, instinctively looking straight behind him.

"H-Hello...?" Rin looked around where he stood. Nothing. Perhaps, it was just his wild imagination or the fact it was so late was getting to him. Even though he wasn't tired, he could be. Just as he was about to continue his journey, he felt something strange. Almost as if there was a force beneath the ground, like a...magnet? Pulling him down and not allowing him to move.

"Well hello there."

The boy flinched, feeling his heart beat fast against his chest for a few seconds. What was going on...T-This had to be a nightmare right? He had seen hollows before but nothing like this. It was almost like a snake, a snake infused with a..human being? But it had coiled around him, could of the boy not noticed something so obvious? Why couldn't he of felt it. He opened his mouth to say something, nothing. He couldn't even call out for his brother.

"What a… pleasssant evening we're having. Isn't it?"

The man's eyes were just like a snake, the cracked skin that showed as the scales sent a shiver down his spine. "W...W...who...are you?" Rin finally muttered after a few seconds of stuttering, but his mutter sounded simply more like a whisper. Just as he had finished his question, a snake slithered behind the man's head. Staring deep down in to the boys' eyes. Okumura, at first, resisted looking but he couldn't help his curiosity get the best of him and before he knew it, it was as if his energy had somewhat been sucked from him. He couldn't move and nor could he say much.

"l...let me go..." He muttered yet again more quieter than the last. His mixed feelings inside of him made his legs shake from both his weakness and from the fact he couldn't help but admit he was scared. This had to be a nightmare, and if it wasn't then it would be Rin's most dreaded nightmare.

Awaiting a Adventure Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:15 pm

"That's it… just look into the snake's eyes… just let go…"

The Doctor breathed out, feeling Rin relax. "Oh, but if I let you go, you'll fall onto the hard ground… it would feel much better in my nice, warm coils." He continued, the smile wide on his face, the base of Hebi's body slightly shivering as he did so. "Now, Sleep." He spoke, a hand shooting up and suddenly shooting in front of Rin's face, causing his conscious mind to be distracted. The Doctor was using a trick known to many hypnotists, known as Rapid Induction. By distracting the conscious mind, the hypnotist could for an instant speak to the subconscious, and instructed it to go to sleep.

As this would most likely work, or even if it did not, the Doctor wasn't planning to especially care. Standing there for a few moments, Hebi began to move, it's mouth opening wide as it shot over Rin, taking the length of his body into its mouth. It then proceeded to swallow him down its throat, completely consuming him within itself as he would be sent to the Doctor's stomach, landing sleeping into a prison cell.

"And now…" The Doctor muttered, a scroll appearing in his hands as he opened it wide, the smile not dimming on his face as his body suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke. He reappeared in front of his own laboratory, before going deep within it. Now… let's see here. He thought to himself, as Hebi opened its mouth wide, spitting the young boy out. First…

He quickly extracted a needle from one of the spare tables, checking to make sure its liquid was active. This was a special hallucinogen, one which implanted the stimulus in pain in the neck, very much like one would get when they had a tattoo done. As such, Rin's subconscious mind would believe that he had gotten a tattoo this night. However, that wasn't quite what was happening. The Doctor had Hebi's fang pierce into the glass, draining it, before shooting towards Rin, biting him in the shoulder as a symbol of a fang appeared, dark red in color and shining, before growing dull. He smiled; should he ever need this subject again, he could easily retrieve it now, having branded that mark on Rin's soul.

Now, let's see, what does this child desire…? He wondered, speaking to the hopefully hypnotized Rin. "What is it that you want?" The child would not consciously realize he was being asked this; and hopefully while his subconscious mind was awake he would tell the Doctor his request. He was interested in granting it; very interested indeed…

Last edited by JJ on Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Satan's Spawn
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:31 pm

He knew this feeling, it was similar to when he had awaken from his dreams during the night, part of his body wants to move and get out of bed whilst the other part always tells him No - To sleep more until he's fully regained his energy. He hated it.

"That's it… just look into the snake's eyes… just let go…"

Rin felt every cell in his body calm down, his breathing felt relaxed - Why wasn't he running, or why wasn't he scared right now? He was standing in front of something he had never seen before, something he had no idea how strong it really was and possibly something that could kill him in a heartbeat if he wanted to. So why wasn't it...

"Oh, but if I let you go, you'll fall onto the hard ground… it would feel much better in my nice, warm coils."

His struggles stopped only a few seconds after that, Rin's gaze from his azure blue eyes stayed fixed on the snake. "..." He felt paralyzed, a fly in a web of a spider or a tiny helpless ant against a bug higher in the food chain but still, at the same time - it felt relaxing. His mind racing with thoughts could only take one in to true recognition. I don't want to die. Those same five words over replayed through his mind like a scratched record. Death. Just that one thing Rin Okumura didn't fear - that was until this very second. The feeling of dying when he actually had something to live for was far different than when he was dying as a street kit with nothing to live for. Shirou Emiya was the only person right now keeping him alive and if he died now then he couldn't even face the fact of what might happen to Shirou.

Small tears broke from the boy's face at the thought, he felt helpless. Getting Emiya in to such trouble, even if Shirou did get here now, wouldn't that potentially make the pair of them in trouble? Rin couldn't face that fact, he couldn't bring his older brother in to such mess. He knew it was reckless but still, he was just a kid. He had no idea what to do in a situation like this because it would of been a situation that would of only appeared in manga to untrained eyes.

"Now, Sleep."

All of a sudden, Okumura felt a horrible sensation similar to his energy, that it really was being taken from him, he was helpless. His body suddenly collapsed but being bounded it had stayed up whilst he himself had fallen in to a deep sleep.

The small boy had no idea what was happening in the active world nor to where he was at that second after being swallowed by the snake. He could only dream his dreams he always did, but since of the recent events - Rin's imagination wasn't as wide as it used to be. It was vivid now, His mind was too focused on all the little things that had just happened - It's said to say that your dreams are based of things you think of last before you're off to the dream world and now Rin can only think of Shirou and danger. His mind that resembled a video player was all jumbled up.

The boy walked around the forest in his dream, the breeze from the winter air had vanished whilst the clouds up above made the sky a snowy white colour. Instinctively, Rin tried to rush back towards to where he lived and from the moment he arrived where the house should of been, it was in ruins. "...S..Shirou-san..?" He called out, rushing to the piles of burnt up wood. His jumbled up mind creating snakes to peek out of the wood as it made the helpless boy panic, rushing back over to the lake in some hope of protection. This couldn't be.

Was this all his fault?

"S..Shirou..." Rin's tears fell deep in to the lake, the ripples reflecting his pain whilst the reflection of the lake looked back at Rin, why couldn't he wake up? The boy bought his feet up, wrapping his arms around them whilst shaking in fea-


What was this...pain? His neck felt like it was on fire making Rin's heartbeat spike for a few seconds, the reflection from the lake showing something glowing to where he quickly placed his hand on, curling up in a ball and biting his lip hard to try and prevent himself from screaming. He felt as if he wanted to claw at his neck or lay the cold water from the lake on it but it was hard now that he couldn't move from the pain he was feeling. Yet, that same sensation back before he was bought to sleep took place again, his closed eyes only able to picture the face of the snake as he fell back in to what seemed to be a trance.

"What is it that you want?"

Rin felt calm once again, almost as if it had blinded the pain. He wasn't entirely aware of being un-conscious and what was happening back in the real world. But he was more focused on the question asked for this one question over-rode every single other of Rin's thoughts, the surrounding dream changed on him as he was simply now standing in darkness and nothing more.

"I-I want to be able to protect N-Nii-san...I want to protect Emiya.." He whispered to himself, even at pain like this - the boy was still determined to protect his brother. Of course his untrained eye had only seen someone like this to be not normal that he hadn't even thought of what the people he saw as a street-kid could of been. Was everyone the same?

In the past, when Rin went exploring without Shirou, he'd normally end up training. He was always paranoid about something happening and being a threat to Shirou that he wanted to get just a bit stronger to help him. He was useless after all.[/center

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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:45 pm

Well that's… unoriginal… and hardly an interesting request on its own… but let's see…

The Doctor thought to himself, ti.ting his head slightly to the side as he looked over Rin. So what to do… He wondered, beginning to slide away from where he had placed the boy to rest, a curious look on his face as he placed his hand on one of his pieces of machinery. "Ah… yes… there's always… THAT…" The Doctor thought to himself, smiling.

HE began getting his materials together, quickly getting everything he needed for the proper administration. His hands moved quickly, but sharply. He moved over to his subject after that, reaching a hand out as he pushed Rin's hair back, holding up a needle as he pointed it to Rin's ear, smiling as it slowly went into the demon's right ear. As he did so, the energy released from the needle, the strange blue color with which it was.

The material quickly entered Rin's body, binding with the ear of his very spiritual being. It turned into a sphere; at this point, if Rin's soul exited his body, you would be able to see that his right ear had a blue earring. However, his normal form had nothing detectably wrong; there wasn't even something that one could see to suggest that there was something wrong. Or sense, for that matter.

However, that material was an absolutely massive amount of energy, simply a rediculous amount; enough that releasing it as it was now would instantly fry Rin's body, killing it from shock at how much power was within it. However, should Rin bring it under his control, its release would activate an entirely different ability. And what it would activate would be… well… interesting.


The Doctor knew this was really al that he wanted to do to his test subject, so eh decided that he was going to have a bit of fun, throwing down his hands and reaching up as a coffin began to emerge from the floor. The lid quickly snapped off, falling down next to Rin, as Hebi began to rapidly shiver at the Doctor's back. Out of the coffin quickly stepped the one who would be the man's partner, even as Dr. Hebi looked at the hair in his hand that he had extracted from Rin when moving his hair back, quickly sliding the sample into his pocket for perhaps later use.

Out of the coffin, the being quickly made its way. It was not quite what one would expect; as it seemed to be a young girl. However, there was something odd about her. Her eyes were different colors, and her hair was a light blue. This was the weakest of the Doctor's creations of Edotensei, known as Suzu Zumizimu. The true owner of that name had long since become much more powerful, but this particular one was her from when she was much weaker, so the Doctor decided she would make a more interesting sparring partner.

"Wake up and defend yourself."

He spoke simply, as at last Rin would suddenly wake up, feeling a rush of energy as he was confronted with EdoSuzu, the Edo quickly drawing out its zanpaktou…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:23 pm

The boy was aware somewhat that what he desired would of been cliche by all means but it's what he truly wanted. Whilst Shirou always tried his hardest to take care of both Rin and himself, Rin felt stupid. Not being able to help and to be honest, he was jealous of his older brother.

Rin's body was full of pain even if his subconscious state, his mind made Rin believe all of this was one huge nightmare. The pain spiked up and down at stages for him, sometimes becoming unbearable and others to a minimum level. If such a thing were to be real then what would he tell Shirou? What if he got back and Shirou found out he had gone missing. He didn't want for Shirou to see him look any differently to how he was earlier on during the day but Rin was certain he could hide what ever had been placed on his neck. Perhaps he could pass it off as a birthmark that Shirou may of missed at first. But what if the pain were to return even then. Rin didn't want to think of things like that.

The dream state he was in felt like reality and the kid had no idea what really was going on outside of it. When the boy came too, unknowing to a command he was laying still. His drowsiness getting the best of him at first as his eyes opened at a small level. Where was he? He continued asking himself, the darkness of the room made Rin know for sure he wasn't sleeping in his own bed back at his home. The new surroundings confused him for he had never been in a place like this. The surroundings weren't very welcoming but made him shiver from the cold at first before his body grew slightly used to the temperature. "ts..." He tried sitting, wincing in pain and placing a hand on to his neck. He couldn't describe how he felt, it was as if despite the pain, He felt stronger than before. Were the dreams he had just gone through real in some aspect? The pain in his neck was real, he knew that for sure but who was behind all that. Why did he feel like he was obliged to speak, like feeling he was in some relaxing trance of some sort.

A sound of something metal being pulled was heard near to him. Rin blinked as his vision finally cleared, noticing someone or something unfamiliar to his eyes look as if it were about to attack him. "w...Wha...What are you doing...?!" Rin jumped, standing up quickly as if his energy suddenly returned to him during the heat of the upcoming fight. His gaze scanned for who ever was behind this, stopping as Rin noticed the man. A small part of his memory returning to him from back in the forest. "You..." He narrowed his eyes angrily,

"Who the hell do you think you are...Where am I!? Send me back!"

His million questions fired like a bullet from a gun as he tried to step back to save his head.

"I'm not attacking you!"

He yelled out towards the girl, who was she anyways? Her eyes were different colours, something you don't really see every day and her hair was a shade of blue that was rare to Rin's sights. Was she also someone who this man had taken from the forest? That was the first accusation that popped to his mind. He tried looking for a way to escape quickly. Sure Shirou and himself had sparred before but never with whatever that sword-like weapon was. It was true that he looked like an idiot, wrecking part of the lab at first and trying to save his life but he had little to no idea what his self had just gone through but if it was something Rin didn't want to be was sliced bread.
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:33 pm

The Doctor's right eye slowlyc losed shut, as Edo Suzu blinked at the man before herself. The Doctor reached out, a scroll appearing. "Fine. Then… take this.. .because she's going to attack you until you subdue her or you die… So fight.. Like an animal." He explained, smiling as a rapier appeared in his hand, throwing the solid steel weapon down at Rin's feet.

The Edo gave him until the count of five, before suddenly she was after him. Her blade flashed out, slamming down at his head with an impressive amount of force, before spinning around, aiming a slash at his hips. Then, she seemed to flash as she used Sonido, holding her blade up high and striking at his shoulder, before finally pointing a finger at child, releasing a Bala as it shot towards Rin, not very powerful as to not hurt the Doctor's lab, but solid all the same.

"She's my most basic Edotensei creation… which you may soon be joining if you fail…" He explained simply, closing his eyes behind his glasses as he gave a small chuckle, before slowly opening them again, thinking about the lock of hair he had slid out from within the boy's head as it slid within the fibers of his cloak, not meshing and remaining there for whenever the Doctor would retrieve it. For now, he wanted to see what the boy would do; there was no obvious place for him to escape to, as this room did not even have doors. It was fairly large, amount ten meters all around, and the Doctor was wondering what he would do, carefully watching as his eyes were opened once more, and staring at the fight intensely…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:26 am

The young boy attempted to study the strange appearance of the Doctor, wondering if he had ever seen such a being before. The whole 'snake like' appearance that he had at first made Rin's thoughts crowd with Hollows - but after second impressions, he knew this wasn't true at all. Hollows were far different from the man, they would kill anything in their way and would mark their presence with loud screeches and screams. Plus, most of them were massive.

This man on the other hand was just like the horrible creatures that snakes were, very discrete at what they do and would be able to do something so quietly yet so fast that the prey wouldn't notice it half the time, which was exactly what had happened to Rin for him to be here in the first place. But still, how could someone who Rin still saw as a human being, look, sound and be able to do all the things snakes could?

The lab was another mystery to Rin, the only thing he could think of was that the Doctor had infused himself with snake DNA, it's impossible to be born as such a thing, right? That's what he thought at least. Did Shirou know about these beings? He had been taught about some things, most to what he forgot due to his laziness.

"Fine. Then… take this.. .because she's going to attack you until you subdue her or you die… So fight.. Like an animal."

Die. He hated that word and the meaning behind death. Was he really being serious? Would he really die if he didn't fight such a...innocent person? "..." She seemed so...lifeless. So lifeless it brought a frown to Rin's face. It seemed his only way out was to actually do something about it. There really wasn't any way for him to escape, the boy couldn't even find a door to flee from. How did he get here anyway? His memory had become blurred slightly now but that didn't matter right now.

He watched the large weapon fall to his feet. If Rin could hold himself up against a close combat spar with Shirou, then fighting with a sword could perhaps be the same maybe. Swords were close combat after all, Rin just had little to know knowledge of how to wield one properly, not unless you count watching Anime as part of anything.

His hands grasped the hilt of the rapier firmly, picking it up with such care as if almost he was afraid to get a scratch on something that was made to scratch. His azure blue eyes stared deeply towards the girl who seemed to be counting towards something. Narrowing his eyes with confusion as he held rapier up in front of him, it was just that instant that the blade from the girl flashed out, her speed being indeed fast. The blade aimed down towards Rin's head to where his instinctively held his weapon up in attempt to deflect the attack.

Once making impact with her first attack, the boy winced at the strength. It almost made him regret he didn't like sparring against Shirou in a life or death situation. That way, Shirou wouldn't of held back and Rin would of learnt more. His feet skidded backwards by a few feet at the impact as his hands grasped the hilt of the rapier even firmer now, sweat drops forming in his palms with concentration. This was crazy. He exhaled deeply, quickly lowering the rapier back in front of himself once the attack was retracted in attempt to catch his breath from feeling as if he could of had a mini heart-attack from the sudden launch towards him.

The girl, without sparing any seconds swung around and attempted to slash towards Rin's hips. "W-What the--" He panted in a crap attempt of twisting the blade in a awkward way to deflect it, only to tumble over to the side on the hard ground, already being taught to get straight up if one were to fall over, he did exactly that whilst ignoring any grazes or bruises that may appear. He'd rather have them over being struck after all. The second he in fact did raise from the ground, the girl had disappeared, reappearing within not even a second closer to him whilst swinging her sword down to Rin's shoulder. "QUIT IT!" He yelled out, trying to move out the way but feeling the blade skim inches from his arm and cut the fabric loose from his shirt. Trying to catch his breath once more, a light soon formed from the girl's finger tips.

"She's my most basic Edotensei creation… which you may soon be joining if you fail…"

Creation? The thing he was fighting wasn't actually real or even had feelings or whatever made up a human. She was a creation? Just what sort of man had Rin met...Whatever was happening. He refused to become something like that.

His heart increased in speed a little as if it instinctively knew he was in trouble. Despite the fact the boy didn't know of his true heritage, he had done some pretty unpredictable things before. Having people rushed to the hospital simply for the fact they called him names and wouldn't allow Rin to play with them back when he was still really young. The things he did in the past, he could never forget. His demon self wouldn't in fact be truly released until he has first unsheathed Kurikara whom is in the possession of Shura Kirigakure but needless to say, part of his demon energy is still active within him. Which could lead on to unpredictable things sometimes when believing his self was in near death situations. Almost as if his body could protect him with condensing his energy. Whilst this had only ever happened twice in his life, it was still something Rin hadn't noticed happening.

His eyes closed shut by instinct, not having time to block whatever the attack was. His body doing exactly that as it condensed the energy within himself in order to protect Rin and in attempt to avoid Rin taking damage from the bala. A sudden light blue, which resembled his true self formed all around him - the bala smacking against the shield which had the intention of protecting Rin from the harm. Rin's eyes tightened, still shut when hearing a hard smash against something that sounded hard. His eyes then opened by a few inches, wondering what had happened whilst the energy shield soon collapsed after an attempt of backfiring the bala or deflecting Rin.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Awaiting a Adventure Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:19 pm

"Oh mai."

Dr. Hebi said simply, smiling as a shield appeared around Rin. Interesting.. .he's got demon energy…? But from the looks of things, he doesn't understand what's going on… he's shutting his eyes to it. The Doctor realized, as he held out one hand, as suddenly the very ground around the fighters began to shift and change. A massive ring of earth shot up around them, slamming into the ceiling as the doctor created a massive elevator of earth. The elevator then began to shift in gear, even as the Edo brought down its blade, hard, pressing against Rin's own sword to hold him in place.

"You are a most curious boy… I may make you a creation after all." He uttered simply, as he shot up into the air, breaking the ground as the group reappeared on the surface world, night encompassing them all, a lake on one side of the Doctor and a cliff on the right, with a great waterfall behind himself. "Fight harder." The Doctor expressed, as Hebi looked from behind his shoulder at the fight.

Edo Suzu knew exactly what to do, as she threw back her right arm, stepping forwards as she made five consecutively hard slashes at Rin, trying to send him back and knocking him further and further back, the emotionless gaze in her eyes remaining as suddenly she leaped back. "Fire." The Doctor said simply, as suddenly from the Edo's chest a massive ball of red light was revealed, before without warning shooting out, a massive blast of energy sailing towards Rin.

It was a cero alright, and it was headed straight for the strange boy, whose race was fully human and yet… smelled of demon energy."She will not quit… until you have submitted to her." He explained simply, a light in his eyes as he smiled at the demon-child. He was reversing the power of Abrahamic law on Rin; for him to win, he would have to put the Edo in her place; thus fulfilling the philosophy of the Jews.

Ah, how Dr. Hebi loved the many ideas of this reality.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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