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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:08 pm

After the lucky escape from being blasted by the bala, Rin had still kept with the confused look on his face. Had she even fired it? He continuously asked himself, unaware of the shield. Just before Rin tried to attack, the ground around them started to change in shape and size - almost as if it were...lifting? But of course, he couldn't pay attention to that and it seemed like the Edo was telling Rin as well but bringing her blade without any mercy towards the rapier, making Rin grimace at the strength in attempt to keep himself balanced and from his arms giving in to the attack. "" He cursed under his breath in a hiss towards the female. If she really were alive, would she still want to attack such a helpless person?

In just a few seconds, the lab had gone and the new arena took place above from where they were before, this time were Rin had grown accustomed to where he lived. The night had still bestowed upon the forest, allowing the boy to think of the many other fights that were being took place at this very second. If he could just escape...he would. But it wasn't so easy with a crazy female attacking him and someone whom seemed and looked to be of a much higher level that could kill him in an instant. If he were to attack the snake-like man then there was no doubt about it that he'd find himself in more mess than currently. Not only that, but if he were to run then he was almost certain the man wasn't kidding when he said that Rin would find himself at a state just like the girl - he couldn't risk anything. Now he got it, the message Shirou, his brother had been trying to teach him during their spars and now that this was the real deal, he had to keep in mind everything he was taught.

The attacks from the Edo showed Rin that this fight had only just started, it was almost as if she were building up the strength now, fighting harder and not caring that if Rin were to screw up just once, his head could be on the other side of the lake. Although, he couldn't help but slide back from each of the five attacks, the rapier seemed to be rather fragile and not something that were to be built for such slashes unlike the Edo's - the rapier was a blade used for thrusting, stabbing the enemy which is exactly what Rin had to try and do he understood now but at this moment of time, all he could try and do was to deflect the attacks towards him with the blade whilst his own shoes collected piles of dirt and grass from being pushed back from such strength.


Rin's confusion overclouded him again, fire what exactly? Another bright light formed from the female's chest, much brighter and larger than before and seemed to not want to stop for Rin to get out of the way - the blast which was known as a cero fired towards the boy, lighting part of the forest up and reflecting it's light from the lake. Rin attempted to dive to his right away from the cero, landing on the hard ground face first. What was this pain he was feeling? The arm that hadn't been holding the rapier at the time felt as if it were badly burned or...worse...


Rin felt a damp liquid drop on to his hand that held the rapier. Rain? No. It couldn't be raining, as the moon allowed some source of light for him to see when he opened his eyes, all he could be was surprised. Blood, but from where? The boy's breathing increased as the pain grew stronger, noticing a detached arm from just a few feet away before his glance traveled over to where that arm should of been.


He screamed out in pain, standing up whilst a good sum of his blood dropped to the floor. This had to be some nightmare, T-This couldn't be happening. He clenched his teeth together in attempt to stop his horrid screams, a glare of death shooting out towards the Edo. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!!?" He yelled without any mercy, his anger getting to him. He hadn't been like this...not since the incident back at the care home years ago...

He lunged towards the Edo, his face damp with his tears and yet hot with anger, his thoughts only with the intention to kill now. He didn't care if he hurt someone! He wanted this...this...thing to pay! He wanted for it to get a taste of it's own medicine. The loss of his own blood had made Rin grow dizzy, unable to keep himself upright at first but with such anger now built inside him, it was as if it were a new energy source for the boy. His eyes had unknowingly to him, flashed a bright azure blue as with his only arm, he thrusted the blade, fast in three stabbing motions, one towards the Edo's stomach, one towards her face and one towards where he believed her own heart would be, if she even had one.


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Hon Hon Baguette.
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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:52 pm
The Edo's eyes widened as it processed the fact that it was being stabbed at; quickly changing its position as its blade flashed, as a large scratch appeared across the side of her face to the other side, cutting the bridge of her nose. Her eyes grew very wide as she deflected the stab at her chest, hearing him screaming out. The Doctor, on the other hand, dully noticed the change in him upon the loss of a limb. Hmm... Apparently I'll have to fix that. He thought to himself, thinking about what arm back in his labratory would be best suited for the situation.

Meanwhile, Edo Suzu had gone back at it. Holding her blade high, she darted forwards, slamming the blade down twice before suddenly throwing it all the way into the ground if Rin tried to dodge, before suddenly spinning around, lifting herself up on the scabbard of the blade and throwing out her leg, most certainly flashing Rin. Not that the Doctor or the Edo cared; but seeing undead, scaly... yeah. Anyway, she quickly followed up as her body spun around, slashing down once more before suddenly darting forwards, before suddenly sliding back, performing an elegant feint, the blood from her nose flying off as she pointed the blade at him, awaiting for his next move...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:08 pm

The long night had taken over Karakura with many still sound asleep within their homes awaiting the day - but it seemed that for Rin and the Edo, they weren't planning on resting anytime soon. Not now, at least and although Rin hadn't heard a peep from the one who looked undead, he was pretty sure his despise for her and the Doctor would continue to brew within the cauldron. He himself being the kind of person he was would usually give someone a chance but the second he had seen Dr. Hebi and his snake, he knew they would never, ever, become friends or anything close to companions. Instead, the boy had an everlasting hate towards them, this was his first true enemy, his first true fight that would haunt his mind for however long he would live for.

But the only thought that had swarmed the kid's mind at this moment of time was taking down the cruel monster he had crossed blades with - yet he was so close to his home, he had no intention of running for he was 100% focused on what was in front of him. Even so, this was something he wouldn't, couldn't tell his older brother, Shirou - at all. Not about the mark, or the Doctor or the Edo, nothing. He didn't want to worry or accidentally get Emiya in to any trouble whatsoever and if he were to act normal around him then he wouldn't suspect a thing.

When the blade of the rapier stuck a cut straight across the Edo's face, Rin's glare narrowed harsher - soft but cruel growls escaping from his mouth. The distance between the two were soon another few steps, making it seem like some sort of western cowboy showdown from the past - where one had to draw quickly.

The Edo suddenly dashed towards the boy, her blade slamming down towards Rin whilst he attempted to block with the rapier, the following attacks from her being more merciless. When Rin was suddenly flashed from the girl, the undead scales from to where the skin would be made Rin shiver up his spine. Sliding out of the way from Edo's last attack, Rin soon were to watch the female back up slightly, the blood from her nose falling to where her steps had been trenched within the grass.

The sounds of the falling water from the lake soon overpowered the two's fights, the previous clashing of metal being the more dominate over the peaceful lake and the battle. Watching the female await Rin's further attack, the boy dashed forwards without a break, spinning a roundhouse kick towards her stomach and after jumping back, dashing over to the side of her in aim to swipe her waist with the rapier. He would then do once more another stabbing motion at aim towards her neck and again to the hand that held her Zanpakutō in aim to give her pain of some sort to drop the blade, if this were to succeed then Rin would aim a hard kick towards her face to send her back.

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:46 am
The Edo's eyes narrowed at Rin as he came at her, her body suddenly vanishing with a sonido, the buzz echoing from the arrancar as she reappeared behind the boy, watching him spin around and make a swipe at her waist. She dodged quickly, but could not prevent the lower half of her cloak being slashed, and looked down, seeing that her only garment had been cut and was hindering her motion.

Her head quickly moved to the side as the blade shot by her skull, narrowing her eyes at Rin, and as she shot his blade towards her hand her arm moved with a flash, quickly grabbing onto the bade with her bare hand, moving her torso around to dodge the kick he launched towards her skull, flipping around in the air. Grabbing the blade, she pulled, and hard, causing Rin to rush towards her as her blade switched to her other hand, cutting off the other half of her garment and leaving her bottom half bare, as it was hindering her movements now that it had been cut.

Her blade moved quickly, slamming into Rin's back and trying to slash across it, most likely causing a large amount of bleeding from the attack. Then, her left leg pressed into his stomach, her knee shooting into it from the front as she released the blade, swinging her now unhindered lower half around as her other foot shot up into the air as the leg which had delivered the knee slammed into the ground, aiming a lightning-fast kick at the side of Rin's skull.

Finally, her blade readjusted itself one final time, as she aimed to stab it from the side at his right shoulder, most likely causing an immense amount of pain. Interesting… The Doctor thought to himself, wondering what the psychological effect of the female's mode of dress would have. While the Doctor himself didn't experience it, most human males he had seen through his studies would be distracted by this event, and lose focus. However, in Rin's case… such a distraction could prove fatal.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:58 pm
The harsh fight that was taken place currently had picked up in pace that the human eye wouldn't be able to register and keep up with. The sparks from the two individuals connected attacks flew off in all directions as there seemed to be no remorse in stopping anything anytime soon. Although the anger in the boy, Rin Okumura had spiked up since the start, he had still hoped that this would be over soon and he would still be living.

As most of his attacks were deflected or dodged, one of which did happen to connect which in turn resulted to the Edo loosing her under garment and although Rin was still confused on how he should react to such a thing or what would be considered as a normal reaction for teenage boys. His face turned bright red, loosing concentration whilst his eyes traveled directly to lock on to the Edo's eyes instead, trying to unsee the vision he had just witnessed. The blade he had gone towards the Edo with just that second had been grabbed mercilessly, soon making the boy being pulled against his will towards the Edo.

His teeth gritted together with both anger and the pain he was in that didn't seem to want to subdue. Deciding to let go of the blade that was in his possession before, Rin had only came to that result after wanting to spare his own life rather than loose it over some weapon. He watched the attack fly towards his back before quickly darting over to the side, although the kick to his stomach seemed to connect as it made Rin fly once again a few several feet back. Although this time, having somewhat more control, his feet stayed in contact with the earth beneath them, a horrible skidding sound heard as the boy forced himself to stop once he was a few feet before the Edo.

The boy panted, trying to catch his breath before feeling a large piercing pain connecting with his shoulder. His eyes closed tightly as he grimaced, coughing up patches of blood from the damage his body had taken, afterwards he quickly glared up towards the Edo, trying to ignore the undressed part of her. Using his only hand to grab the Edo by her wrist, biting the inside of his bottom lip to prevent himself from yelling out anything such as the pain he was in or rather the many curse words he had wanted to say towards the Doctor who he had now loathed with every ounce of his body. The boy kept his glare locked on to the Edo, throwing his knee upwards towards her stomach, stumbling at first with the little control he had left that supported him standing conscious. He wanted to finish this and refused to accept defeat...That was the one thing about Rin he had to learn by himself.

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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:04 pm

The Edotensei merely stared unblinking as Rin grabbed onto her hand, not even reacting to his action. She merely stared down at him as he threw his leg up into her side, looking mercilessly down at him as she threw him towards one side, their casual action causing him to be sent flying from her person, his knee not even phasing her, as the blue haired girl stood there, staring after him. "Alright.. I rather think that that is enough." The Doctor suddenly stated, his body emerging out of the ground in his red cloak as his right hand touched onto the Edotensei's head, causing her to suddenly freeze, not moving whatsoever as the Doctor walked up to the youth, looking down at him.

"Well? What do you want to do? Do you enjoy the merciless beating on your person from another? Or do you have a righteous indignation about it? Do you wish that you could kill me?" He asked the exhausted child, sitting down cross legged in front of him, level with him, his eyes that were covered in that purple color staring at the youth as he awaited his reply eagerly. "I simply want to know about how it made you feel to be completely oppressed against… and as for you arm…" The Doctor trailed off, staring at where Rin's arm had been damaged, the smile on his face widening as behind him, Hebi began to slightly wriggle, back and forth, back and forth.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sun May 19, 2013 10:53 am
The boy's intent to kill the Edo was still brewing within him despite the fact that it was clear to anyone that he was loosing by miles. Although, his determination didn't seem to want to vanish despite the state he was in. "Alright.. I rather think that that is enough." The boy's gaze averted towards Dr.Hebi whom had appeared feet away from the two suddenly, was it truly enough? Rin hadn't really thought of whether the Edo was in any pain or could reach a state where she wouldn't be able to go ahead although it had seemed that given even just a few more minutes, the boy was sure he wouldn't of been able to go on.

The boy looked over towards the Doctor whom was now in front of him, sitting down to Rin's height. His strange purple eyes seemed to be the only thing allowing Rin to take his mind off the pain within his lost arm.

"Well? What do you want to do? Do you enjoy the merciless beating on your person from another? Or do you have a righteous indignation about it? Do you wish that you could kill me?"

What sort of creepy person could do this? Make clones of others that are indeed fully animated. The boy wasn't sure if he could call this man a true genius or some rude nickname he had been continuously calling the man under his breath. "...I'll kill you.." The boy mumbled, his eyes looking down towards the ground, keeping his mind occupied from the unwanted intention of passing out.

"I simply want to know about how it made you feel to be completely oppressed against…"

The boy growled slightly at this, it was true he had felt completely humiliated and he really didn't have any one to blame about this other than himself, He was the one who disobeyed Shirou's rule about going out at night. "I don't feel like that..." The boy spoke quietly, "Even if your stupid Edo could beat me a thousand times and a thousand times more...I refuse to die...I don't care what the power difference is...Even if it meant fighting you...I'm not scared..."

"and as for you arm…" Rin glanced back at the Doctor, narrowing his eyes. "I don't care about my arm..." Of course he was lying, he hadn't ever felt pain like he had when his arm had been damaged. It hurt and even at the current time he hurt, but he didn't want to cry or ask for help. That was one thing Rin wanted to forbid himself from doing.

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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Mon May 20, 2013 5:31 pm

"You'll kill me? Well then by all means… go right ahead. If you're really ready to kill someone who doesn't actually… wish you any harm at all." He told the little boy, his mouth turning into a smile as he watched the boy avoid his gaze, his iron gaze still staring at him. He heard how the boy growled, causing him to smile further ,that toothless, satisfied smile. So he has no small pride… He thought to himself, a satisfying series of thoughts running through his head as Rin kept speaking.

"By what means would you die?" He asked the boy, his scaled flesh sickeningly plain on his body as he questioned the demon child. "And you aren't scared?" he asked him, looking seriously now at the boy behind his glasses, his gaze suddenly turning cold and serious. "Fear is a human emotion, one that is necessary for survival. It is your natural warning system, and tells you how best not to die. You want to not die? Then listen to your fear. Embrace it. Allow it to cover your body with a intricate relationship to your soul, and you may yet become great." He told the body, unexpectedly giving him some important advice, a small smile appearing on his face again.

"And lying only works so far as you can control your bodily reactions." He told the young male, sitting cross-legged as Hebi's neck placed itself on the ground, lifting the Doctor up into the air. "You seem to care deeply about what happened to your arm… but I rather think that you would like a replacement. Tell me, if you had the ability to get it back, would you have it that way? Would you gain power at the risk of dealing with someone such as myself? To make it so you can never be utterly oppressed like that ever again, so limited that you cannot even move without the threat of death hanging over your head… I can give you something to prevent that, but you would have to associate with someone such as myself." He told the young boy, smiling immensely as he did so, honestly not knowing what the youth's reply would be, but very much so awaiting and looking forwards to it.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Awaiting a Adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Awaiting a Adventure

Sun May 26, 2013 11:16 am
"You'll kill me? Well then by all means… go right ahead. If you're really ready to kill someone who doesn't actually… wish you any harm at all."

A soft, hesitated sigh escaped from the lips of the boy. This wasn't really whether Rin could trust the Doctor enough to believe the latter, but even if he did have this anger built up in him which he believed wouldn't disappear, he still wouldn't of been able to lift a finger to anyone, especially the Doctor. He hated the idea of death and others killing others, but throughout all of those beliefs, when he had fought the Edo, something made him disregard all of that and only have an intention to kill without any regrets.

"I..I can't..." Rin thought to himself, it was true. and he hated the truth currently, he hated the fact that he knew full well how weak he was but still had such a big goal of wanting to protect his brother no matter what. Upon Rin saying that he wasn't scared, he had to rethink it for a second, was he scared of himself or the fact that he had realized the world isn't such a happy place that wanted to embrace someone in distress? Without Shirou and the help of Daigoro, he would of probably died back then but now that he had thought of it, maybe the meeting of the Doctor and Rin was a advantage somehow? He didn't know how exactly but perhaps he would grow to look back at this moment of time and be somewhat grateful.

"Fear is a human emotion, one that is necessary for survival. It is your natural warning system, and tells you how best not to die. You want to not die? Then listen to your fear. Embrace it. Allow it to cover your body with a intricate relationship to your soul, and you may yet become great."

The boy narrowed his eyes, puzzled by whether fear really was all that helpful. Shaking his head quickly afterwards, "I was taught that having a lot of fear showing would make someone vulnerable to the enemy. That and I hate fear..." The last part was indeed true, Rin envied those who could walk forward without any worry on their face but even then, he couldn't really read emotions so he had no clue if they really were shriveling up in fear deep inside.

"And lying only works so far as you can control your bodily reactions."

"You seem to care deeply about what happened to your arm… but I rather think that you would like a replacement. Tell me, if you had the ability to get it back, would you have it that way? Would you gain power at the risk of dealing with someone such as myself? To make it so you can never be utterly oppressed like that ever again, so limited that you cannot even move without the threat of death hanging over your head… I can give you something to prevent that, but you would have to associate with someone such as myself."

Was this a bargain? Rin looked up to the Doctor, slightly angered yet already contemplating the options. Calling the Doctor all the names under the sun wouldn't bring his arm back, if he walked back to Shirou like this then he really didn't even want to imagine what his brother would do and going to Karakura hospital would mean that the boy would have to walk in a crowded place to get there and would probably be asked for the presence of a parent or guardian, both which Rin didn't want to explain.

"What do you mean...Associate? You're the one with the reckless he-she-it-thing that ripped my arm out on the first place. You've caused nothing but trouble and problems for me so if anything, it should be you giving me favors. If I did have the ability to get my arm back, then I would. Who wouldn't? It's my damn arm. But I'm the type of person who wants to work for things such as power because then it will feel like how power should and it'd be easier to control." Rin growled quietly, trying to prevent any more anger rising up again. He hated the position he was in, the way the doctor had made him feel with that fight, he felt helpless and powerless and yet through all of that, he still yearned for some sort of power to beat the Edo or at least of defended himself more so he wouldn't of had to experience such a great loss.

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:33 pm

"I will be completely direct and honest..." THe Doctor smiled looking Rin over for a moment from head to foot, before smiling his toothless smile. "I believe that you have far more than done enough work to deserve a gift, and most likely an apology from myself for my earlier actions. So, please take this as my way of saying sorry for putting you through all that, as well as a thank you for allowing me to study you and the capacities of the Edotensei creation." He explained to the young man, as he moved both arms to either side, before sliding them down onto the ground.

Without warning, the space around the two began to rumble and crack in a large circle, before it suddenly began to descend, the whole group of them going farther and farther downwards, as finally they shot all the way down into the lab again. "So I will ask you one last time... are you sure you would not like it restored? It hink the mark I left on your shoulder will be hard enough to explain... not to mention a missing limb." He stated, looking quite satisfied as he rummaged around a box that he had just opened, as what looked like more of the Doctor, dozens of them, all wearing black cloaks as opposed to the Doctor's red, were rummaging around the lab themselves, taking care of various operations themselves in Rin's presence, most likely blowing the young man's mind as the Doctor turned around once more, holding the syringe in his hand. He asked the man one last thing, his toothless, knowing smile clear on his face still, the light hiding his eyes behind his glasses.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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