Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Cookie
The Cookie
Joined : 2011-08-07
Posts : 1892
Age : 29

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Sat May 25, 2013 10:03 am

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= R Y O I C H I K A L L E N =

    Both of his hands were held together by an intense reiatsu ropes, while the woman began to cry out from her sadness and uttered out the words that she had kept. Her sister, was right in front of me, told him the date of her birth, and the day of her death, and even her full name before storming off to the nearby eatery where she had pointed earlier ago, but the dramatic moment ends here.

    All of the sudden, the male had a smirk across his lips. Both bracelets were removed earlier when both of his hands were being held together, thanks to the intense reiatsu that held itself nearby to the bracelets that was unstable of its condition, it fell off from his wrists, and it was both. His spiritual powers just suddenly rose up like a bomb that just detonated, scaring off most of the nearby civilians and shinigamis who just happened to pass by. If he does not switch places and lock away his spiritual power, it might be a big problem for the Gotei 13, and it was better to settle things off quickly before more unneeded attention appears. Stretching his neck side by side, his face was turned before the eatery where Kristya had entered. His right hand was held up to the air, as a large amount of spiritual energy was gathered upon his rising arm, before thrusting his palm against the window with full force. The amount of spiritual energy and force released before the window and from his palm, caused the inside of the eatery exploded into pieces by a single thrust from his palm. Windows shattered, doors turning into dusts and counter being blown up to pieces.

    A large smirk before turning to a calm expression, he uttered out the words with a slightly different voice, which its slightly lower pitched than Ryoichi's, it was his Zanpakutō spirit who had interfered within both of the siblings conversation. The male could not hold back the hesitation between both sibling's arguements, and decided to have a little 'fun' instead, "Well, you see, both of you were too annoying. I've overheard the conversation between both of you, and i can clearly hear that you don't care of this 'brother' of yours right? This may be none of my concern nor business, does not mean i do not have the right to interfere for the sake of my weilder and owner. Its preferabble if you die right now, so that your pointless words will never harm my owner's heart. NOW SIT DOWN, AND UTTER OUT YOUR LAST WORDS, WOMAN!".

    If the female appeared from any direction, one of the symbols would appear from any part of his body, charging up an orb before the symbol and releasing a large blast, capable of bringing down a large 10-storey building from its solid state to nothing but dusts. After the blast has been fired, he would proceed to take advantage of his speed by taking a step foward before appearing in front of female in a blink of an eye. Then thrusting his palm against Kristya's face and slam her head against the ground, which would cause a large crack by the strength that he had released from his arm. His eyes were menacing, staring to the female's body with an extremely unpleased look that can clearly express before his face. Kurai had enough of this, for the sake of his owner, he will end it by his own hands if Ryoichi does not have the guts and the willpower to believe the truth before his living sister.

    "Your existence is nothing but a burden to my owner, if he cannot accept the truth of your living, AND I'LL TAKE THE BURDEN FOR HIM, AND ERASE YOUR EXISTENCE SO THAT HE WON'T BE NEEDING TO WORRY ABOUT THIS KIND OF SITUATION ANYMORE!"

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Sat May 25, 2013 10:47 am
As the eatery exploded, Kristya did not move at all for a moment. Then her head turned around, a look of confusion on her face.


She let whoever was inhabiting her brother talked, but when she saw them charging up an attack, she reacted.

"Heaven's element, blinding presence."

Once again a blinding flash of light exploded from her body, covering the area within forty five meters from her. The blast disintegrated, along with any shadows in the surrounding area. She felt his palm hit her head, forcing her down on to the ground. Luckily her previous defenses had still been running, otherwise she would have likely gotten a concussion from the force of that attack. Her what was apparently her brother's zanpaktou talking, she smiled slightly. The glistening sense of love had returned to her eyes, and as she looked at her brother she could not help but reach up and brush her hand lightly against his face.

"I love you, Ryoichi-oniichan. Please stop, let's stop this senseless fighting. I can't fight you, how many years has it been since we've seen each other? Oh, Ryoichi-oniichan, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to be so mean to you back there, I shouldn't have lost my temper. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Tears fell from her eyes, desperately begging for her beloved brother to forgive her. Both her hands reached up, wrapping her brother in a soft hug. Then she prayed, hoping that her brother would forgive her for all the pain she had put him through. Please, I'll do anything, I'll give up anything, but Lord, don't separate us again!"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Cookie
The Cookie
Joined : 2011-08-07
Posts : 1892
Age : 29

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Sat May 25, 2013 11:26 am

- Open The Cracks Of Siblings - [ Private ] - Page 2 86770c3cb510249b54b695e20dc2bdb1_bp
= R Y O I C H I K A L L E N =

    The man resisted the look in her face, intending to kill her and end this once and for all, but he hesitated. His grip got loose from her face before moving it away, and he was pulled into a hug. As Kurai's spiritual power had calmed down, he was once stabilized again and the bracelets locked itself back as a pair to his wrists. The male was himself again, and before Kurai's position is switched, the words uttered, "Damnit.. This is a fair warning to you. If you have ever hurt my owner again.. Trust me, i'll FUCKING kill you.".

    Ryoichi's tears soon flowed out from his eyes and dripped on kristya's face. Brother's tears, filled with both sadness and happiness. The man had finally reunited with his sister once more. It was a miracle that he could actually bumped with her sister and met her in such a short time, but it was better than nothing, that Ryoichi had waited for years and searched her continuously from the earth to the soul society, ignoring those who tried to talk to him to find his sister to reunite. It was a dream come true, it really was.

    "You've made your brother worried for too long.. Promise me, that you're not leaving anymore.."

    Pushing her away slightly, his face was smiling bright at Kristya, her sister, and uttered out words with a tone of joy, "Welcome Home, Sister."

    [ END ]

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