Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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'MURICA (Open) Empty Re: 'MURICA (Open)

Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:00 am
The woman walked through the crowd, lost in her own thoughts. Blonde, spiky hair stood atop her head, her skin a bit pale. Her eyes were hidden behind a strange pair of glasses, and one of them was covered in bandages. She was wearing a black leather jacket, and she hadn't bothered to button it up. Beneath it she wasn't wearing her vest, today it was just a black t shirt with her gun holsters on top of it. Two strange pistols were on opposite sides of each other, while another one was slightly farther down on the right. If anyone was in to guns, they would likely recognize it as a M1911 pistol. Her black jeans covered her legs, and she looked at the watch on her left hand. On her back a long casing was strapped there, marked with a large piece of caution tape that someone had seemingly glued to the package. A large suitcase rolled behind her, pulled along by her arm. She seemed to be muttering to herself, audible to people as she passed them.

"Unable to connect, huh. Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Still, this means I’ll have to set up a separate connection mechanism. I guess it’s lucky that I finally got that computer attached to the internet. I should probably wait till I get to my hotel room, America sure is a pain. Can’t believe it when that man at the airport told me I absolutely must remove my vest. What did he mean, ‘no concealed carry allowed’, that’s just bullshit! When you’re attempting to put a bullet through someone, it helps to keep your gun a secret.”

Grumbling, she didn’t realize where she was going, and she walked straight in to a male that had been in front of her. Stumbling backwards a bit, she took in the man’s look. Somewhere in his 20s, maybe six feet two inches, perhaps a bit taller. Based on how his shirt was reacting to the breeze, it was clearly open in from, for whatever reason. Taking off her strange glasses and stowing them in one of her pockets, she glared at the man.

“Hey, mind getting the hell out of my way man? I’ve got somewhere to be, and I prefer my bullets go in to a paying target, yah idiot.”

Yea, sure the man didn’t deserve that sort of treatment, but she was already frustrated, so Amy didn’t really care much. She wasn’t in the mood to be nice, not yet anyway. Being dragged out here over some stupid rumor of cult activity was a real bitch, she didn’t want to deal with anything else. Then, of course she was out of range for the normal connection between her glasses and the supercomputer she had back at home. This sure was going to be a long day.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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'MURICA (Open) Empty Re: 'MURICA (Open)

Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:12 pm
Amy laugher, the man before her seemed to be a bit silly. Most people reacted with anger of fear when she acted this way, but this man seemed to be acting really nice, and her attitude changed to be a bit friendly towards him.

“I’m sorry, but not in this crowd, no way. Would you like some help in finding her though? I just hate this crowd and this place, it’s a real pain. Anyway, how about we make a deal, I help you find your friend and you’ll help me find my way around here, okay with you? Based on the area, ten, maybe twenty stories up should be more than enough.”

She waited for his answer, and if it was affirmative, she would smile, looking delighted.

“Alright, now I have something to do besides wandering around. I’ll be right back.”

With that she scooted over to a rather tall apartment building that had a fire escape on the side. Jumping, she grabbed on to the edge and hauled herself up. From there she ran up the fire escape to the top floor before jumping on to the roof. From there she looked down upon the crowd. She could see them all, and while she couldn’t judge their height perfectly, she could tell their hair and eye colors. Finding a couple of people who matched she was looking for, she jumped back down, taking the fire escape stairs as quick as she went up, and flipping over the side bar to land next to her new acquaintance.

“Sorry about that, but I found two people who happened to meet your description. One about nine or ten meters to the north, the other is roughly one hundred meters to the east. Those are only approximations, and I can’t guarantee I didn’t miss her when she was behind a building or something. It was only a quick look after all. Anyways, I gotta be off, I found what I was looking for about four hundred meters north of here. See yah!”

With that she walked off, going towards the direction she had indicated. As she did, she pulled out a small circuit board from her pocket, examining it in great detail. She only hoped this would work, she didn’t have much of a choice after all.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Queen Of The Sands
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'MURICA (Open) Empty Re: 'MURICA (Open)

Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:27 am

Faith Mikasa

The girl that Tyler was so desperately looking for wasn't that far away from him at all. In fact, she was only a few metres up the road. She had gotten slightly lost after walking a bit too fast when Tyler wasn't looking and this caused her to lose track of him. Bumping into many people, she eventually made it out of a bundled mess of limbs and bodies that were travelling up and down the paths. However she didn't make it out completely unscathed. Somebody hit her head as she tried to duck under something so she spent the next few minutes crouched in front of a shop clutching her head with her face buried into her scarf. She had a complex blend of emotions at the moment. She was frowning, sniffling but trying to keep a straight face so she didn't appear as weak as she felt. Most people just ignored her as she crouched here.


After a few minutes, she looked up. The something caught her attention and it wasn't a person or a noise, but a smell. The store was a bakery with its front window wide open. The smell of fresh gingerbread caught her attention. She sniffed a few times and stared. She had never smelt something like this before. It was strong. It made her feel hungry. She pushed herself onto her feet and held her arms close to her chest, holding the edge of her scarf shyly as she walked into the bakery. once inside, she just stood there and stared at the food. Cakes. Biscuits. Cream. Bread. The mixture of smells almost knocked her off of her feet. this place was amazing. She had to push the scarf over her mouth to mask her drooling. She then thought to herself: what is this place? However she was forgetting something as she reached onto a shelf, lifted a small cupcake and proceeded to gnaw gently into it.

The baker wasn't too happy.

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'MURICA (Open) Empty Re: 'MURICA (Open)

Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:59 pm
((OOC: I'm out at least for this posting round. Amy isn't walking with you, and either I'll post when I want her to meet up with you again, or if either of you want to run in to her I'll be watching the thread.))

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Queen Of The Sands
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'MURICA (Open) Empty Re: 'MURICA (Open)

Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:51 pm

Faith stood in the bakery and took a fresh, wide chomp out of the muffin she had taken off the shelf. However, as soon as er teeth sank into it, the sounds of a rather plump, hairy man in a white chefs hat exploded like a grenade around the Bakery, frightening the living skin off of the customers and even more so: the girl with the muffin. She didn't know what to do. She had done wrong and hadn't realised it until now. What did she do wrong? Did she not wipe her feet on the way in? Did she have to take her shoes off first? She just didn't know. Dropping the muffin in terror, she quickly ran into a corner and huddled up against the wall, clutching her ears so she couldn't hear the mans spit-filled blathering.

It was when another customer entered the bakery that the mans roars were quenched. Faith did not dare to look at them just in case she would be shouted at again. Instead, she just sat there and shivered in fright. Somebody was talking, but she couldn't tell who. Her hands had lifted her red scarf to her head and covered her ears so everything just sounded like mumbled garbage. Maybe they will go away and leave her here. That would be good. A silent room with nobody inside for Faith to dwell on her mistakes. Nobody could shout at her there. Maybe a kitchen with muffins in. NO! Thats what got her into this mess! No muffins! But they're so good. Maybe one. Or two.

Faith opened her eyes a bit and looked at the wall, shuffling slightly as her feet started to hurt from huddling like this. She almost wanted to cry about it. The uncomfort. the noise. The loneliness. Why oh why did she have to wander off!? Where is Tyler!?

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'MURICA (Open) Empty Re: 'MURICA (Open)

Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:26 pm


It appears that no one on the site really knows where America is placed. So in light of this, I'm moving this board to that part of the site.

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