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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The First Step, Rio Grande Empty Re: The First Step, Rio Grande

Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:45 pm
The girl sighed as she walked through the desert of El Paso, Texas, a glare in her eyes. Just hours ago she had left the last town, a small one that had contained a couple hundred people, in hopes of finding something to soothe the ache in her soul. Of course, when she had left the town had been drained of the last of its living occupants, something that this female was not too happy about. Humans usually left behind a foul taste whenever she fed off of them, and it wasn’t her fault some idiot of a sheriff had brought her in to the town after she had collapsed due to the hunger. Sighing softly, she stuffed her hands in to the pockets of her leather jacket, boredom plastered on the young woman’s face. Her blonde hair was streaked with pink, the wind causing it to shift slightly. An eye patch covered her right eye, the left was a vivid mixture of red and gold. Many metal piercings adorned her left ear, a golden chain extending from one towards her lower lip. Her light skin had no visible blemishes, but one might be tempted to think she was hiding whatever scars she had. A leather collar was worn around her neck, four chains falling from it. After about an inch of chains, metal claw like pieces touched against her skin. She did have a distinctly feminine appearance despite having nearly no breast growth at this point. The leather jacket she wore was open in the front, revealing a red inner lining along with a black tee shirt she wore beneath it. The girl also wore a pair of black jeans, though in several places they had been torn apart by what looked like claws or blades. Grumbling, she walked on, until a sense hit her, a faint energy, a weak one, but it was followed by a bunch of hollows. Grinning, Meru could feel some sort of happiness wash over her. Finally she would be able to fill that aching portion of her being. She knew that the hollows would be enough to hold her over until she could return, but right now she was too weakened to fight off the hollows.

Pushing her leg in to the ground below her, Meru concentrated, her power surging forth as she created the speed rail that would take her to the necessary area. Running forward, the girl suddenly disappeared as the friction in the area now propelled her forward instead of holding herself back. Shooting forward, she could see a river ahead, but she did not care. To the one on the other side, she would likely look like a blur of color as she shot over the Rio Grande, the sheer speed she was being carried by keeping her on top of the water. Stopping suddenly when she reached the other side, Meru collapsed in to the sand a mere couple of feet from the one she had sensed earlier. Groaning from the pain coursing through her, no external injuries were the cause of this pain. She knew it well, well enough to know what was going to happen if she was kept in this position. Slowly bringing her head upwards, so she could look at the one she had sped towards, it seemed that it was some human on a bike. ‘Typical, just my luck that I have to deal with another human.’ The thought past through the teenage looking female’s head, but she knew she would still have to accept it. She spoke, her voice betraying her weak self as she lay there, barely able to move as she attempted to quell the desires that welled within her.

“Hey… you… I know we only just met… but how about we exchange a couple of favors? You help me out and I’ll get rid of those hollows chasing you, kay? Please… I don’t want it to happen again… please, while I still have some semblance of control…”

She was fighting with herself, holding in her inner desire caused by the stress of her unique condition. She only hoped whoever it was that she had run in to would decide quickly, as she wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold this back. Time was of the essence when it came to dealing with this.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


The First Step, Rio Grande Empty Re: The First Step, Rio Grande

Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:12 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The barren landscape, the desolation and darkness of the wide sands that had been tinged dark from the blood that had been spilled on such a land for so many years and so many times..... It was a nice vacation spot for the Demon to fit when he wanted to. Walking the large landscape of the desert Reigen was seemingly adrift in the wind, it wasn't odd for him to find himself in an area with such devastation and death for him Texas was a lot nicer now all the humans seemed to up and die on their own, it saved him the trouble of doing it for them. The cracked roads did not seem to bother the well-dressed gentleman as he walked down them, it seemed that he was gliding along the road as if the ill-repair of the place was simply not there for the Demon whose smile was still slapped on his face as it always had been. Walking down the road seemed to get a lot louder as he noted the sound of a buzzing but not that akin to a fly or a bug but a motorcycle. Turning his head a bit he would note the speedy cycle flying quickly past him, bringing up dust as it looked to outrun the crop of hollows that seemed to rise up as it passed them. Looking at the black vehicle as it moved past Reigen simply smiled as he noted the oddity of having a human so far out in these neck of the.... Well the expression worked poorly in the desert.

Walking quicker now he found himself only making some effort as he knew the landscape of the area well, the bridge ahead was assuredly out so the likelihood of the owner of the bike get to any sort of destination was a poor one at best. Still it couldn't help but kill some time for him and who knows he could possibly make a new friend.... As he moved the hollows around seemed to understand they were not in the presence of food, he would easily devour them before they got close to him as they looked to seemingly back down from him he sniggered at their lack of conviction. "All these empty holes and their afraid of little old me? I'm not sure to be flattered or insulted." Shrugging as he continued to walk along the path that the driver had made towards the Rio Grande and the bridge that made its way along the area. However to walk all the way would have been tedious, as such the Demon felt that he could get a boost from his chain. Throwing it out the weapon would being to fling itself outwards spinning until its owner grabbed on and then released himself at the direction of the water. Though it would probably have hurt a lesser creature the chain sliced itself into the bridge and landed its owner back onto terra firma carrying his weight for the last few seconds of the journey as he stood on it.

However the scene he found when he arrived was quite....Odd, not only did he find the driver who was seemingly a woman but also another whose appearance seemed to indicate pain of sorts as they were lying on the ground. Still for Reigen the most important part wasn't to aid the less of the world but to enjoy them writhing in some sort of agony, or at the very least being very upset. Feeling he had to make himself known the Demon walked past the two women and simply seemed to ignore the situation as it was only waving back to the two after he went past. "Sorry here to repair the bridge, not bridge repair though with a suit this expensive my prices would clearly be outrageous, just doing my civic duty and if I walk on a broken bridge I might scuff my coattails...." The sounds of almost vanity in the last parts would be notable as the Demon seemed to get to the edge of the bridge and looked to survey the damage.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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The First Step, Rio Grande Empty Re: The First Step, Rio Grande

Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:35 pm
When the one who she had asked for help from began to talk, anger began to gather in Meru’s face before falling in to despair and remorse when the human mentioned the town. Normally she wouldn’t show this emotion, but being so drained taxed the demon, and with it her emotions were no longer hidden. While she may have enjoyed fighting, to kill them like she had was not anything she could have wanted. The loss of control, she hated herself when she fed that way. She was supposed to have it under control, not let it rampage on the nearby people! Taking a deep breath, she could feel herself slipping. If she didn’t want to die, she had to move quickly. However, if she tried to force it, she knew she was likely to kill the one before her or possibly put her in a coma. She never liked forcefully ripping the energy from people, she preferred to deal with things with more, well, dignified manners. However, all such thoughts were pulled from her mind as she felt the presence of another demon. At that point she stopped caring, she only hoped Mana would forgive her if this was one of her troops and she ended up killing the lime haired demon. She stopped her mental struggles as the chain hit the bridge, letting her survival instincts take over her body. As the lime haired man in a suit flew over to the bridge, Meru shot up, using another speed rail to shoot her over in front of the man in half a second. Arriving as soon as he had, the female’s form began to change as her hand shot out, attempting to wrap her grip around the new demon’s arm. Black bat like wings had spread from her shoulders as metal chains hung from her forearms, seemingly seeping out from underneath her skin. Metal cat like ears poked up from beneath her hair while five metal chains had sprouted from her back, the chain tails fanned out defensively behind her.

If she had indeed managed to grab on to the arm of the other demon, the chains coming from the forearm of her gripping hand would wrap around his wrist in an attempt to secure her touch to him. The male looking demon would be able to feel his energy leaving him as Meru attempted to drain him in an attempt to refill her reserves. If she was not successful in grabbing on to him, she would fall in to a predatory stance, attempting repeatedly to grab on to him until she could successfully grab a hold and take his energy for her own in order to restore herself and enable to let herself live.

Once her energy had been refilled, Meru smiled sheepishly at the man, her form reverting to its original look, before she whirled around. Digging her feet in to the ground, her energy now replenished, she pushed off with a speed rail allowing her to shoot forward at speeds well beyond what the human’s bike could accomplish. It would only take her a short bit of time to catch up with the human, a low growl leaving her throat as she raised her hands while feeding her energy in to the desert floor below her. The sand rose up from the floor, controlled by Meru’s sand manipulation, it would shoot out in front of the human’s bike, forming in to a wall in front of them. As she did this, she directed her other ability, friction manipulation, to influence the move pieces of the bike she rode. So long as Meru willed it, the friction would rise to become too great for the bike to move. At the same time, her speed rail ended a good few feet from the girl, a glare in her eyes.

“We have unfinished business, human. I don’t take kindly to you forcing me to waste so much energy on chasing you down, asshole.”

Sighing, she took a deep breath, her body relaxing as she smiled and walked forward, closing the gap until she was only a couple inches from the girl. The wall of sand she had created fell apart behind her, another deep breath keeping the demon calm. Her eyes looked towards the floor as she began to talk.

“I’m sorry if I scared you before, it wasn’t my intention. Being a few hours from death tends to make me act in ways I usually wouldn’t. As for the town… well, I told the idiot sheriff not to take me anywhere near human settlements! I mean, why the hell would he take a starved energy vampire in to a human settlement?! That’s like asking for a murder, it’s not like I can help it! I was unconscious the entire time, I couldn’t help it! Ugh… I am so gonna get it for this, they told me to feed before leaving…”

Realizing what she had justsaid, Meru shook her head and sighed. Today was going to be a long day, and she sure didn’t like it. Speaking again, she kept her voice even this time, making sure to take deep breaths and control her emotions.

“I’m sorry about ranting like that… this whole day has just gone downhill for me. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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The First Step, Rio Grande Empty Re: The First Step, Rio Grande

Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:54 pm



The sound resonated from the sky above as a, what looked to be, human fell from the bright light that breached the darkness of the night's sky between two Japanese-style doors, the Senkaimon. The light being closed off just seconds from the grueling curse that bellowed from the lungs of the inexperienced rogue Shinigami falling from the sky, leaving those in the area around it slightly disoriented in terms of night vision due to the blaring beams. A Jigokucho, or a hell's butterfly, gracefully spanned it's wings and took off toward the skies after just making it from the clutches of the Senkaimon. Progressing toward the ground beneath the Senkaimon, Seiko quickly pivoted his body to get a view of what was below, ensuring that he wasn't going to be injured through this unexpected fall. However, this wouldn't be case for this venture. Damn that stupid butterfly, it thinks it can mock me! Now here I am about eat shit! Thoughts bounced in the walls of his cranium as he began to process, quickly, what he was about to do. At first he assumed the two would move, but with the glaring light above it would make it difficult for either of them to see before his body was close enough to make impact with their own. "You better move!" Emphasizing on the word move to get the point across that there wasn't much that he could do in the situation. His positioning would land him between the two girls, granted they moved away from one another.

A loud thud cast from the impact as a cloud of sand sprawled from the crevices between himself and the earth. An elongated moan of pain and agony escaped his mouth, but was muffled by the sand that had buried his face as well as half of his body. He was parallel with the ground, but sank ever so much due to the force of impact. Seiko rolled over, his shirt slightly lifted up toward his chest and his other being crumpled up beneath his back. He slowly opened his eyes, caked with sand, and batted them a few times in attempts to remove the grains that remain upon the eye's surface. He attempted to use his finger at first, but immediately removed it from his visage's vicinity after remembering his whole body was covered in grainy substance that made up the terrain. Sitting up, he shook his head and removed the excess sand that covered him before getting up to his feet and dusting himself off in random places before giving up hope on removing all of it from his body's surface. Damn it, this shit's everywhere. He sighed and then exchanged glances with the two that were near him. "Well, well... what are a couple of broads such as yourself doing here. Aren't you worried about getting sand in certain places?" Puffing up his chest as he began to speak and releasing a creepy smile that had it's effects on some women, but most likely not to these two. He looked the two up and down, the biker seemed was alright judging by the curves she held and nothing else and the other was rather odd and had obviously but a lot of work on trying to make her face consisted of primarily metal. He jerked his head back slightly at the sight of the numerous piercings the girl had upon her face, in doing so more sand fell from his hair and into his mouth. In result he projected his tongue from it's rightful sitting place and vibrated it with a gust of air that escaped from his bottom lip, making a flatulent like sound. Becoming frustrated with the sand and how it was beginning to make its way to uncomfortable places he looked around for a solution.

Upon seeing the river he was slightly shocked that luck was with him today, minus the whole sand dilemma. "Alright, hell yeah. Who's up for a dip?" He queried in a smooth tone as he began to jog toward the location, but stopped seconds after his first few strides and took a low stance in order to prevent more sand from falling into his mouth or eyes. He walked similar to that of a crab, comically ensuring each and every step he took resulted in no upper body movement of any sort. As he reached the water's edge he began to undress as he whipped his closes with his face turned away before throwing them away with loads of sand still hiding within them. The water splashed up at him as his nude body flailed its way into the water, once he became knee deep he flopped down and disappeared from the sights of the two lost by the glare cast from the moonlit sky. Bubbles reached the surface of the water revealing his position before he sprang up from the water, noticing that there was a strong current he placed his feet into the sand below to heed him from moving. "Damn, this water is cold as hell! So what's up? You guys getting in or what?" He scoffed and continued to remove the sand from the "hard to get" areas. Taking another dip into the water before emerging near the dry land, climbing his way back to his clothes. Putting them on without drying himself due to a lack of a towel, the clothes absorbed the water and stuck to his body. He wasn't sure which was worse, the sand or the feeling of wet clothes.

Proceeding back to the two women's position he was kind of curious as to where he wound up after all. He had never used the Senkaimon before, and to be honest he didn't even know what the hell it was. He was just trying to catch that damned butterfly, it mocked him so moving so swiftly each time he tried to get it in his grasps. His thoughts drifted away from his current location as he became questionable with the two that shared his location. "So what's the deal with you two? You guys gonna fight or something, if so I call winner." Curious as to why there seemed to be some sort of hostility drifting in the air. He wasn't familiar with mortal beings or any other beings besides those that resided in Soul Society. This was his first trip outside of that area since he had passed away, and he wasn't even aware of his departure from Soul Society. "So where the hell are we anyway? This place looks vaguely familiar..." His words drifted as he began to think about what it was that was so familiar about the place, but couldn't put his finger on it...

Base Code by: THEFROST
Graphics by: CPKallday

The First Step, Rio Grande Sbb1I7e

The First Step, Rio Grande Empty Re: The First Step, Rio Grande

Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:36 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The amount of bodies gathering themselves to the location was quite....Quaint. For the most part Reigen would note that as he walked past both the human and the person laying on the road that they were in fact a Demon, seemed that the area was beginning to be a hotspot for trouble well Reigen was there so that made a lot of sense in his eyes. Looking at the woman on the bike in more detail he noted that she was wearing a suit with quite nice craftsmanship, the look of it worked better on a woman of course as it was made in seemingly custom fit or perhaps simply she was the right fit for it because she made herself to be.... No matter the suit was a nicety that allowed Reigen to take the human a bit more seriously however her disposition may have been a slight peeved or perhaps spooked by his chain hurtling towards her, a faux pax on his part but even a gentleman can have bad aim once or twice. The human girl decided to make herself seemingly scarce but not before throwing a phone at him. The chain still reeling itself in would knock into the bike's wheel as it moved past before speeding up back into its owner's jacket. "Honestly who throws a phone at someone, the manners aside she could at least be civil and simply give it to me like a normal adult..." Looking at the back he noted the number scoffing at it for a moment as he saw the woman fly down the hill the was sure that he wouldn't need to talk to her over the phone he would catch up with her very soon... But there was another matter at hand that he turned his attention to, more specifically the jumping demon right behind him.

Turning and shifting his body and arm away from the overreaching monster the well-suited man sighed as he saw its form shift into a dark visage akin to the demonkind when they could not or chose not to keep their illusion of some normality upheld. Pushing away with the force from the ground beneath he would note that the creature was now more feral than they were honestly dangerous. "Honestly getting to this point is embarrassing its so unsightly to see a demon be so worthlessly obsessed with things." The pot now calling the kettle black noted that the creature that was previously a woman would begin to call out chains that looked to reach his arms again. "Oh I didn't expect you to bring toys but..." The single chain from his body whipped out and made a whirlwind cutting the bonds of the other chains coming towards him. "I'm the one who bring the chains to the party dear..." The creature would not let up however, she would seemingly ceaselessly grab or claw as if some sort of predatory beast. "Oh for all that is..... Can't say good but the saying loses its meaning if I don't say that... anyway..." As the girl reached out once more suddenly another figure would appear, this one similar to her a demon without a disguise. Grabbing it the girl would soon begin to drain the energy from within until seemingly she was replenished and it was a hollow husk. "Well at least I don't need to send it back..." The girl seemed to just let herself go after trying very rudely to make the demon need some sort of blood transfusion. She wandered off and tried to make friends with the new human around it seemed, all Reigen did was smile knowing that he was going to have a lot of fun with this....

The talking between the two seemed to go off without a hitch, Meru was allowed to say her piece to Leadie however the last apology she gave would be slightly abrupt with an upsurge of wind and then a impeccably dressed Demon moving pass her with one hand outstretched as it looked to slam her head into the ground below from her sandy high horse. Stopping quickly Reigen landed in on the ground as he looked on at the girl he had just looked to give a quick and easy brain removal. Adjusting his tie he looked down at her and spoke slowly so as to aid in any recovery from concussion. "Apologies should not be for those you have not tried to eat little one, I'm not someone who approves of morons and you're actions have made it clear that you are not well enough in the head to be unsupervised in the world of the living." Looking at the other woman Reigen simply smiled and tipped his hat a bit. "Apologies we can talk in a bit just doing some administrative work..." Looking at the girl for a moment waiting for a response Reigen noted the entrance of another participant, dodging the man's loud and dangerous entry he spoke with little decor and acted almost to much like a buffoon to honestly be taken seriously. Rubbing his eyes Reigen simply sighed once more. "Of course another jester has entered the court and he's naked and swimming all the while.... brilliant." Some part of him was interested another was quite happy to see the three of these people dead, though admittedly the human a little less, if only for the sake of such a nice suit....

Template By: [THEFROST]

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The First Step, Rio Grande Empty Re: The First Step, Rio Grande

Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:44 pm
The young female demon was surprised that the male demon had been able to dodge her first attempt to grasp at him, but she would not have relented despite this. As her chains tried to secure themselves around him, he used his own chain to cut them off. Luckily for her, it was only her forearm chains that had attempted this. If her tail chains had been the ones severed, she would have been crying on the ground in pain. She ignored the words he spoke, her desperation to feed reaching a whole new level. Eventually her fingers managed to close upon a being, allowing her to feed as was necessary. She could feel the energy pouring in to her, filling up her broken vessel and allowing her a new lease on life. With this act completed, she had then gone after the bike, using her sand to stop them from moving forward as she caught up with them using her speed rail.

Meru watched as the rider got off her bike, her eyes watching as the human cracked her knuckles. The young Asthavon was not afraid of this human, not one tiny bit. Her eyes notice as the human reached in to a pocket to pull out a book and flipping through a couple of pages before it seemed that the seemingly female human began to rebuke her. The words she spoke caused anger to grow in Meru, but the adopted Asthavon held it back, her face remaining as it was. As soon as the speech was done, the human saw it fit to lash out her fist at Meru’s face. The female demon’s body changed, black bat like wings growing from her back as metal cat like ears grew on her head. Five lengths of chain grew from the small of her back, one slipping upward and around to tighten around the human’s wrist and bring it out of the way, allowing Meru to keep her nose from being broken. Finally, chains grew out from her forearms, her body now back to its true appearance. However, while it had saved her from the human’s beating, she had yet to notice the male demon from before. As such, Reigen’s push successfully knocked her down in to the ground. Sputtering incoherently as she pulled herself up, she managed to use her sand manipulation to remove all the grains of sand from her body.

Glaring up at the other demon, her mind was suddenly filled with fear as he began to talk. She now realized that the human, whoever it was, knew who her family was. She had refused to feed before leaving, and was now out in the middle of nowhere, a place in which it would be nearly impossible to get sustenance. The thought of this demon dragging her back to her family scared her, a whimper escaping her throat. Her body quickly returned to how it looked before, a scared look on her face as she scampered over to the human and tried to hide herself behind the woman. That was, until the shinigami came falling down from the sky, forcing Meru to give up her hiding place, instead choosing to curl up and whimper a good few feet from the male demon and the human. Her voice escaped her, a pleading tone in it as she looked up at those around her.

“Please don’t tell my family I’m here, I don’t want them to know how much time I’ve been spending in the human realm. I know I’m supposed to feed before coming here, but I didn’t want to waste any more time.”

She looked down at the ground, sadness on her face as she tugged lightly at the golden chain that went from her ear to her mouth. It was a bad habit of hers, to play with that specific chain whenever she worried deeply about something. Pushing the eye patch away from her blind eye, she rubbed away the tears that had formed in both her eyes. Now wasn’t the time for a mental breakdown, considering how much her recent energy depravation had affected her. Turning towards the male demon, she spoke softly, the worry still etched in her voice.

“I’m sorry for the way I acted, I was relying mostly on my survival instincts at that time. I don’t like to take my meals in that way, and usually prefer that the ones I am feeding from consent to it. It wasn’t fair to act that way towards you, especially when you did not know about why I acted the way I did. I only did it because I was on the edge of starvation, and I truly will do anything to keep myself alive.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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The First Step, Rio Grande Empty Re: The First Step, Rio Grande

Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:15 am


Slightly unamused by the reactions of those that witnessed his actions and the overall dissatisfaction of nobody being there to exchange blows. Seiko grew discouraged that he'd be getting anything worth while from these folks. He paced back and forth thinking of ways he could possibly provoke one another to engage each other, but it seemed that the two "well-dressed" characters were adamant on the decision of just going on with their day. As for the grovelling pierced lady, he wasn't too sure of. She seemed to be more interested in the two not telling mummy about what had happened in the town she previously ventured through.

It was some time that Seiko had been on Earth and being in "El Paso Desert, Texas. The Former United States of America. Savvy?" Was definitely a first, and didn't really understand what Savvy was. He figured the worst that could come from this is that he had finally made his way out of Soul Society and off to a higher land where he'd be able to find other opponents that were worthy of his acquaintance. Placing his palms upon the back of his skull he let out a deep sigh missing all of that chatter that was going on between the three minus the only things that were relevant to him.

"Well, this blows... if none of you are gonna smack each other up... screw this." Grumbling to himself, but in a volume that was loud enough for the others to hear. He shifted his weight forward in a slightly angered fashion and began to stomp in some sort of puerile temper-tantrum, sand flinging up onto his legs as he did so. He scoffed and ripped his head down to his legs and shifted glances at both of them before ripping his head up and tracking on. "Damn sand! Bullshit!" He continued to crab walk his way back in the river, full clothed and then proceeded to dig his feet through the river's bottom gasping for air as he went below the surface traveling across the river in a rather unorthodox manner. The hell with this, I'm gonna find some people that will actually give up a good fight.

Emerging from the water's surface continuing to dig his feet into the sandy bottom he continued crab walking forward until his image was unseen to all of those that stood on the opposing side. It was off to bigger and better things from here for Seiko in "El Paso Desert, Texas. The Former United States of America."

[-Exit Thread-]

((Just made some decisions on what I'm doing with all of my characters, so just pulling him out of the thread.))

Base Code by: THEFROST
Graphics by: CPKallday

The First Step, Rio Grande Sbb1I7e
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