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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:33 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 492


A single closed eye. That is what Henrex had. His single, unrevealed eye was closed. The boy sat down on the ground, in a meditation form, with his head bowed slightly. The scarf that was wrapped around his face billowed gently in the morning wind. It was a relatively cool morning. It wasn't too hot, and it wasn't too cold. Everything seem very...average today. It seemed to be a perfect day for meditation. At least, it was something to pass the time. Nothing to excited seemed to happen in the morning, most of the time. It was very quiet for a day like this. However, Henrex had risen mildly earlier in the morning to meditate and clear his mind of what had happened during the night.


They plagued his dreams. The nightmares constantly made him fear for his second life. The single, almost reptilian eye within the one man who took everything from was one of the only things that made Henrex be afraid. However, he had decided to meditate today to get his mind off of this. Now was no time to be getting scared over someone that couldn't touch him in this world. A shaky breath came from the young boy as he slowly opened his eye, then looked down. The single candle that sat a mere few inches in front of him still burned strong. The scent of a rain-forest emitted from the smoke of the candle, filling Henrex's mind with an image of a forest.

A forest. Something that he quite enjoyed within the Living World. However, it was not exactly somewhere he could go as he pleased. With multiple antagonist organizations having multiple strongholds, fortresses, castles, and much more to claims their territory, it made travelling and exploring relatively difficult. The world had became a dangerous place. Very, very dangerous. He had to keep calm and get stronger, so that he could be able to roam the world without being killed. However, that would all come in due time. For now, it was the time to clear his head. The nightmares were his main priority to get rid of. The eye that was open slowly started to close, and the tight grip on his knees that his hands had slowly loosened.

Drifting back into the alluring realm of enlightenment, Henrex's senses slowly drifted away into the darkness of his mind. Mindfulness. The first stage of enlightenment in meditation. While Henrex was by no means a Buddhist, he was born in Toba, Japan. He had been taught these different things in Japan that he was so used to doing. It was a part of his daily curriculum. It was even a part of his martial arts training. The first stage, Mindfulness, was the practitioner aiming to achieve a state of pure awareness, then forming a concept of it. However, for this to happen, he needed pure silence. Henrex had a feeling that the pure silence would not last long...


I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:53 pm
Stepping out the of the Senkaimon and into the Seireitei was interesting for Chifuyu, she had only ever been here when she was a child with her family but now she didn't have anyone with her. She had decided to come and look around for old times sake and a little bit of Vanguard business, she had reviewed maps and guides for helping her through the spiritual realm although as she walked through the place she noticed something wrong. She was going around the place until she realised her maps and guides must've been outdated which meant that she was.. well she was lost as much as it annoyed her Chifuyu looked around for someone to talk to and saw someone in meditation.

She walked over and tried to get her phantom tech to pull up his file although it couldn't recognise enough of his features to find a match but then again the man was covered head to toe in clothing with even a lot of his face covered. She sighed before deciding to test her luck at this shinigami being able to help her.

"Hello, I am sorry to interrupt you while you're in meditation but I am lost, I have outdated information and I was wondering if you could be of assistance?"

It was so simple but Chifuyu didn't exactly tend to make chitchat and the fact she was sort of curious about the male intrigued her a little but she didn't exactly know where to start and even so he was in meditation which she was interrupting so she also guessed he wanted to get back to it as soon as possible.

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Thu Jul 28, 2016 5:24 am
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 639


Almost there. Henrex was so close to entering the first stage of enlightenment. More silence, That was all he needed. His mind slowly drifted away, and his eyes seemed to want to stay shut for an eternity. A single, silent breath came from Henrex as his soul seemed to drift away into a state of nothingness. His head slowly tilted back as he felt the awareness of Mindfulness wrap around him. The peace of mind that he was in was an amazing feeling. Now...time to try and achieve the second stage. Wisdom. This one would be much more difficult. Requiring that the practitioner were to have a concentrated insight on the three marks of existence. Impermanence, suffering, and no-self.

This stage....was said to end suffering. However, Henrex had never made it past the first stage of enlightenment. Could this...really end suffering? If it could...then...could it stop the nightmares? Could it stop the pain in his heart from....his fear? Henrex wanted to find out. Being entirely honest, he was scared about trying to enter this state of mind. end up like his nightmares? Would he have to confront....them? That was his fear. However, the silence that was oh so enjoyable for then was soon taken. The sound of a Senkaimon opening sent Henrex back to reality.

The sound of footsteps on the cold ground of the Seireitei rang out, ripping a gaping wound in the silence. However, Henrex's eye remained closed. He had figured that it was just someone passing by. Just wait for them to leave so that he could go back to meditation. However, that didn't happen. In fact, quite the opposite. Instead of leaving, the energy source approached him, asking him something. Great. A lost soul that had wandered into the Seireitei? However, he couldn't just make assumptions since...well...he wasn't exactly looking at anything. He had his eyes closed, after all. A breath came from the boy as he right eye slowly opened, viewing what seemed to be a very humanoid figure. A female.

His Cyberbrain activated immediately, scanning her for her race, and if he had seen her before. Two results. One, she was human. Two, Henrex had never seen her before. His left hand slowly and subtly went for the sword at his side, his pale, gloved fingers wrapping around the hilt. Gripping tight, Henrex kept a grip on his Zanpakutō the entire time. As for his right hand? His right hand slowly moved up to the scarf that was covering his face. The gloved hand presses against the eye that was covered, as if to protect it more. The eye that was revealed scanned the woman up and down, looking for anything that might spark a memory if he had ever seen her before.

Nothing. He had never seen this person before. His eye narrowed and the grip on both his Zanpakutō and scarf grew tighter. Humans didn't just go entering the Soul Society through a Senkaimon. The candle in front of him still burned on, but Henrex wasn't paying attention to the scent of the rain forest that the smoke continued to emit. Slowly withdrawing a small portion of the blade from the sheath, a flowing aura of black and purple emitted from the blade of his Zanpakutō. It wasn't something special. It was just his spiritual energy that was being manipulated by his own ability to manipulate and create shadows. However, he could quickly utilize the spiritual energy in the aura to form an attack if needed. Henrex's right eye continued to stare at this human. How did she open a Senkaimon? Why was she here?

The quiet voice of Henrex reached out to the female, a whisper. If she heard, she would have very few options if she wanted this to continue.

"......If you wish to have answers from have some explaining to do."

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma] Empty Re: Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma]

Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:15 pm
Standing before the meditating Shinigami gave the woman a chance to closely inspect his features, which was hard enough as it is considering he covered himself head to toe in clothing which made it hard for her to see anything other than his eye which glared at her in a searching manner. It occurred to her that they were both doing the same thing by trying to identify the other with Phantom Tech.

Her eyes quickly moved to his hand where she saw him tighten his grip on his Zanpakutō. She considered that he might be paranoid or on edge although she wondered what might be considered a threat in Soul Society considering that most of the events and the fact that she came through with the assistance of a shinigami. She was a bit annoyed that the shinigami simply demanded information about her.

"I'm Chifuyu Yuudeshi, a member of Vanguard and I came here for a meeting. I just arrived but I am trying to find my way because my data on the area is outdated, may you please assist me in finding my way?"

The woman didn't exactly care that much about the shinigami's enigmatic appearance although she had more pressing matters so she didn't bother to inquire about him which may or may not annoy him, after all it would give off a condescending appearance which was unintentional because she appeared to put other things above him.

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Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma] Empty Re: Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma]

Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:29 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Raven with a Broken Heart

Artist: ThunderCats | Song: Wilykit's Lullaby | Word Count: 557


Silence engulfed the Seireitei as Henrex's single eye continued to gaze at the Human's two eyes. His eye widened as he heard what she had said. The new silence traveled on the wind as Henrex's garments began to flow within the wind. The Vanguard. That's where she was from. But...that wasn't what caused him the initial shock. Her last name. Yuudeshi. She...was a descendant of...Shadin. The one....who saved his life. His eye quickly shut to hide any shock or surprise he may have had. How should he go about this? This was Shadin Yuudeshi's daughter. His eye soon slowly opened, before the black clad boy soon rose from his position.

The iron grip on his sword soon loosened, and Henrex had let go of his sword. The clanging of the handguard against the sheath rung out like a gong in the area as Henrex continued to stand in silence. There was multiple things going through the boy's head, and his eye narrowed. What was she doing here? Why was a member of the Vanguard in the Seireitei? He was curious, but yet nervous. Could something be wrong that the Vanguard needed the Gotei? couldn't be so. Swallowing a small bit of saliva silently, Henrex quickly calmed himself. There couldn't be anything wrong. She was acting far too calm for something to be wrong.

His eye soon found itself staring right back at the girl now identified as Chifuyu. He could feel the aura of questioning coming from her. She was curious about him. God, wasn't everyone who met him? That's how many people felt when they first met him. They wanted to know why he hid. Henrex's eye slowly closed for a brief moment, then opened halfway, staring into Chifuyu's eyes. His head slowly lowered and a sigh left the boy.

"....I suppose....I have to answer as well....I'm Henrex...Astillon...I call myself the Raven."

There was a good reason behind that. The wings on his back. The resembled a raven's. However, that was not the only reason behind it. Not only were his wings the cause of the nickname "The Raven", but it also resided within his spiritual energy. The black and purple energy that flowed within Henrex's body was able to take the form of a raven. This was due to Henrex being one of the many Shinigami who were able to control their spiritual energy in a way that allowed him to change the form that his spiritual energy took. However, he only did this when he was angry, or out of control with his emotions. This was not one of those times. Henrex Astillon was perfectly calm as of now.

Turning around with his back facing the girl, Henrex would whip around, withdrawing his sword from the sheath. Slashing the air with a single, clean swing, the candle that was at his feet would be attacked with the air current of the attack that Henrex made. The simple swing of the weapon managed to get close enough to the candle's wick. With the sudden change in air, the flame that sat upon the top of the wick flickered, before extinguishing. Kneeling down, Henrex's gloved hand would scoop up the extinguished candle, holding it within his hands.

Turning back around, Henrex would then quietly call to the girl to follow him. This area was not the place to converse about anything.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma] Empty Re: Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma]

Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:59 am

Why is my heart in so much pain?

As the melting wax of the candle that Henrex held firmly within his hands continued to pour and ooze down the sides of the item, he could feel his hands starting to burn from the melted wax piling at the base of the candle, before the white liquid would surround the candle and the small holder of the candle, before it would begin to flow off, and even the gloved, icy hands of the Raven would feel the heat from this immense amount of bundled heat.

It hurts....but I can manage the pain perfectly fine. I've faced worse than burning wax.

His entire body shuddered as he remembered the days where his human days were filled with nothing but pain, and he could clearly remember his last moments as a human, experiencing far worse pain than this. However, even with his calm, cool demeanor, it was crumbling secretly. The boy was putting up a bit of a facade to keep himself from what his normal reaction would have been upon seeing the Yuudeshi girl. Normally, he would have made himself scarce. Run. Let his shy personality take over, instead of this mask that allowed him to swallow his fear for only a short time.

Disappear like a whisper in the wind. That is what he WANTED to do. But, instead, he stayed. For some reason, this girl seemed...familiar. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that he had seen her somewhere before. Perhaps a glimpse within a trip to the World of the Living? No...even with something like that, he would have ran so much sooner. The only reason that he had not run....was because he MUST have seen and interacted with this girl before. As his silent footsteps continued throughout the Seireitei, a quiet sigh left him, before he stopped.

".....W...Would you like...a drink?"

Keeping his back faced to the girl, and his hand clenched tight around the candle that he held, with the wick still smoking and burning from the previous session of meditation, Henrex's teeth gently gouged into his lip, causing a small trail of blood to flow down his mouth, all of this hidden by the scarf that he wore around his mouth and face. Perhaps if he could talk to this person, despite his shy demeanor, he would remember.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma] Empty Re: Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma]

Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:57 am

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

Stares....something Henrex really didn't enjoy. He hated being stared at. And this time was one of the worst times that he could be stared at. Normally he got stared at for having the scarf over his face, or just being outside in general. Now, of all times, they just had to stare at him. With Chifuyu directly behind him, his hearing quickly picked up the whispering between them, as well as his eyes scanning and reading the gazes that were coming their way. His eye flicked back and forth, before he was brought back to his senses by a burning feeling.

The candle wax was beginning to burn through his gloves. Sighing softly, Henrex knew that the candle would simple be a burden, or an annoyance. As a pitch black orb of black slowly materialized within the air, this orb would slowly make it's way towards the melting item within Henrex's hands, and the orb would shrink down, forming itself into a small pole. Maybe two inches at maximum. Slowly pressing itself against the stick of wax, the item would slowly insert itself into the candlestick.

Expanding slowly, the pole would once again return to the form that it had been previously, which was an orb. However, it would not exit the candle as it expanded, but rather, would engulf it. The candle would soon be unable to be seen, as it was entirely surrounded by the orb of spiritual energy. As it sat within, Henrex's energy would slowly begin to break down and destroy the candle that was within. As this happened, the size of the orb would reduce. Eventually, the orb would disappear, as did the candle that had been engulfed by the said object. After all, Henrex's energy had been breaking down the candle, reducing it to nothing.

It was only then that he felt Chifuyu's head gently place itself on his shoulder, and her whisper was heard. Blood rushed to his face, turning the pale, revealed skin on the right side of his face red, and his eye would zip around, and he could see the shocked gazes on the fellow Gotei members as Chifuyu did this. His entire body locked up, and his head slowly moved towards where Chifuyu rested her head. If this little crowd grew bigger, Henrex would not be very comfortable. His own voice, a whisper if anything, and his eye, cold and stern, but yet filled with panic, fear, and nervousness.

"....They're staring at us because....I'm not exactly...a person....and I rarely talk to people...especially...w-women..."

The red that occupied Henrex's face never left him as hos eye soon resumed darting from left to right, looking at the crowd that was beginning to form. Things weren't looking good as of now. However, the crowd slowly thinned, before vanishing into a small group of people splattered around. A quiet sigh of relief came from Henrex as he watched these events occur. Relieved that crowd had vanished, he would then answer Chifuyu's next series of questions. However, even this was proving to be difficult with what she had said.! Spiking the drink!?

"N-No! T-That wasn't why I was asking! I...I was just asking if you would like's tea. I won't spike it...I promise. I-I would never do that...."

The red on his face slowly turned a darker shade as he looked away from Chifuyu's blue eyes, with his right arm gently rubbing his left, with both limbs pressed tightly against his sides. He felt something strange when he had looked into Chifuyu's eyes. Something familiar. A familiar hypnotic feeling. As if he would become lost if he continued to look at her. Perhaps the two had met before?

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Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma] Empty Re: Crystallized Shadows: Meditation And Meetings [PRIVATE/Gamma]

Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:23 am