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Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:27 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

He closed his eyes listening once again, the voice of the wind here was so familiar. The feeling of it brushing through the tree's and coming against his skin. Tsubasa's eyes slowly looked over Kaminari as he opened them. She'd made her choice it seemed, he rubbed the back of his neck. He needed to figure out a way to deal with this matter. Searching the entire area would only take a couple seconds. But did she want him to help was the question? Tsubasa didn't know if she desired the help of someone like him. She did seem unsure about home among other things. This was her path, after all, should he really be butting in here. He sighed softly reaching into a pocket within his clothing. Tsubasa slowly pulled a device up to his lips. "Izanami-chan, inform the Nest I'll be a bit late getting back with our supplies. I have a promise to keep it seems and I will be detained." A cute female robotic voice came through on the other side. Saying alright papa thought that was a strange thing.

The remainder of his daughter's personality seemed invested in the personality of Izanami now. She was the Artifical Intelligence he'd made for the Gotei. Linking them with the Unabara and possible outside aid without the need of human error. but that was a rather big headed way of thinking. That was if the stars aligned and everything went well. "I am rather agile if you tell me a bit about your friend I the area Hatakeyama-san. However, I believe Sumashuu-san would be able to provide a far better-coordinated search effort. I am not from these parts and can't say I am familiar with the area with absolute certainty." Tsubasa did know this place decently, but not to the level of a resident. People who remained in Karakura or the surrounding area would best his knowledge.In truth, he could summon his clan to help search. But this was his promise, not the Unabara's themselves. When a man made a promise to another it was his job to keep it.

His family shouldn't be involved in such if possible. He pulled a small device out that looked like a pill. Gently he touched a button letting hit the bag he was carrying. The pill like object seemed to swallow the bag before their eyes. He put it away slowly now as he let his crimson gaze rest on the two. Now they had his full attention without any lingering or gone conclusions. Tsubasa was prepared to pay attention and see what situation lay before him. The person's name he'd heard it only for a moment he thought. Silver was that the person's true name or perhaps a feature. Shadin-san would be rather upset if he acted out too much in this region. So he'd need to keep things relatively simple so not to give the Raven's Nest trouble. Their slogan, after all, was to help those in need regardless of race or creed. He glanced around the area as he got ready to search. " Sumashuu-san, I can search an area you select. Since I myself am not familiar with this region, I will handle where you suggest." He said smiling and remaining still and calm.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Hybrid King
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Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:27 pm




Saisei's ears perked at the sound of her name finally being spoken. Kaminari was clearly lost in this unfamiliar area she currently inhabited. With that being the case, it seemed both Saisei and Tsubasa were more than willing to help. Whatever it took, the girl was in good hands from here on out it seemed. Stepping forward, the boy gripped at the large bag that previously hung from his shoulder and started to dig into its innards before producing a tightly rolled set of bandages and a small tube of antiseptic cream. Inching his way forward, he re-positioned the bag while he listened to Tsubasa speak.

"Right, that makes sense. Like you said, more information on whoever this Silver is will make it a lot easier for me to know what I'm looking for. That being the case, looking won't be too hard if that's what she wants. But, that's up to Kaminari. In the mean time, I'll go ahead and help her with her scrapes." Nodding in unison with the man, Saisei approached Kaminari before crouching and gently moving his hands forward. He spent little time interacting with others given his training with his father, so this was a first. Bandaging himself up in his spare time was a piece of cake. Bandaging someone else up could only be just as simple, right?

"Just let me know where and I'll go ahead and help out. Alright?" Giving the girl yet another soft smile, Saisei got to work. In only a matter of seconds, his quick hands grazed over multiple scrapes that littered her calves. Though there weren't very high spots to fall from within the forest, it sure did seem that the girl took quite a tumble to the ground from the looks of it. Making sure of the placements of his hands, a quick press here and there eventually led to sterilized scratches wrapped up in a rather tight bandage. Brushing his hands, Saisei leaned back against his heels and gestured around himself.

"That's the best I can do without your permission. Other than that, who is Silver? Anything will help. Hair color, height, weight, looks. Anything and everything that you can think of that has nothing to do with his personality should be just right for me." Saisei nodded in confidence, a surge of excitement filling him now that he once again had gained the chance to help another person. Moments like this were what the boy lived for after all, his Father taught him that well.

Template Coding By: [THEFROST]

Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:26 pm

Kaminari wasn't exactly skeptical, but she was a little wary of these two. She had been so many weird places recently that who knew what kind of area she was in. She tilted her head obnoxiously at Tsubasa as the man talked to an invisible person. Did she just hear someone say "papa" back to him? Blink, blink. She shook the thoughts from her head and rubbed the back of her head. She was thinking of something to say when Saisei agreed with Tsubasa and offered his assistance. She nodded and sat down, motioning more toward her legs and arms; anything else would have required the removal of clothing and naaaaah. Yeah, that was it. Just naaaaaaaaaaah. Clothes stay on.

"Well, I appreciate the kindness you two have shown; even if your knowledge of me creeps me out! " Kaminari pointed childishly at Tsubasa for a moment and then calmed down, "It's nice to run into people who aren't immediately trying to kiil me. Um... As for Silver. His hair is silver, his eyes are green, he's a little taller than me, slender, quick on his feet..." she scratched at her cheek a little bit, "I'm not sure what else I can say to describe him. I don't know his weight, never asked and he never told. Same with his height... He does usually find me though; he's good at that..." In that moment, Kaminari's embarrassingly loud stomach decided to make itself known. "Ignore that. Oh..." Kaminari looked at her legs and smiled as she wiggled them around, "Okay then. They aren't stinging that much anymore. Thank you Saisei."


Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:08 am

Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa remained silent as he merely took in what was there to take in. His senses seemed to be doing a routine alert. Trying to figure out from where and when he needed to be aware of his surroundings. Though the answer was clear for him it was an always situation. This wasn't something he could overcome through normal means. He heard a thing about him knowing a bit and decided to drop a name. To see if she remembered that much or perhaps her memory couldn't extend that far. "I only know what Ichiro-san told me of you Hatakeyama-san." Tsubasa listened further as he thought about it. Truthfully he could search this entire place in a short amount of time. But quick wasn't needed, it would require a fine tooth comb to do this. Rushing through and looking everywhere wasn't key. When someone was missing it was due to two circumstances normally. Either they were hiding or someone was busy occupying their time. Now there were other such situations which often times proved him wrong.

Tsubasa would only be a person with feet in this exploration of the one known as Silver. His mind did drift for a moment on to Ichiro-san, it had been some time since he'd seen the man. He wasn't well when the request was made. He could only assume that it hadn't gotten any better. This was merely a guess into the logic of things going on. He was starting to understand why Urahara Kisuke got out of this life. Staying at home and tinkering in his shop. It sounded nice and rather unassuming, that was something he could live with. Maybe in the future, he would seek such a life out for himself. To retire from this world's conflicts and live a quiet life.He'd not mind such a peaceful existence. Letting his family be lead by his son. Let someone else go to war every five minutes on behalf of others. But he couldn't put too much thought into that now. After all the elusive Silver remained around. What was interesting despite his sonar, he couldn't sense anyone aside from them here yet. Elusive man indeed, that fit Silver well from what he could tell.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Hybrid King
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Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:21 pm



It was odd, watching Tsubasa unfold his connection with Kaminari. It was even weirder to see how he addressed her, as if she was a soldier that once served under him. Maybe he had an extreme sense of respect and honorifics for those he encountered, but to Saisei it seemed abnormal. Growing up so quickly and under the instruction of a father like Sagumi only got you so far in terms of respect. Pressing off of his heels, he stood before taking note of whoever this Ichiro-San may be. Just another name that the boy didn't understand, he could only assume this was someone the two of them shared in common. Shrugging it off, he turned and began thinking.

"Alright... We know what he looks like, but the way she talks about him..." Saisei's mumbling was quickly interrupted by a stomach growl that was only rivaled by a single person he knew, and she was a glutton. Taken by surprise, Saisei couldn't help but stifle a giggle as he turned back towards Kaminari and gave a look her way. "You said it yourself, he normally finds you. We can scour the forest from dawn til dusk, I don't mind. Just, let's get food out of the way. Can't ignore an empty stomach when you're trying to do something important, right?" He gently nodded, turning towards Tsubasa to address his general presence in the situation. The man himself brought an odd worry to the young boy, something he couldn't exactly pinpoint.

"I'd just need you guys to follow me is all. If, there's even time for food." The boy couldn't exactly force the two to take a moment from this rather important task to fill Kaminari's empty stomach, but nevertheless he had to try. It'd open up time for him to search the forest on his own as well to see if this Silver was actually anywhere nearby. The way that Kaminari spoke of him was... odd, to say the least. Elusive and suspicious, he sounded like someone that didn't want to be found at times. Saisei could only do so much in the case of someone like that. Of course, however, he would definitely do his best.

"So. do we have the time?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:36 am

The name that was dropped clearly flew over Kaminari's head. She stayed silent while she thought, but nothing came to her. She gave in and shook her head, "That isn't a name I recognize, but I don't imagine me recognizing anything these days." Kaminari let loose a frustrated sigh and turned her attention back toward the young man that was helping her. She smiled lightly as he finished, making sure to thank him for his work. It did indeed make her feel better, but the embarrassing announcement her stomach made did not.

And it wasn't ignored. It wasn't ignored! Kaminari's cheeks flooded over in a deep red as talks of food happened. She wanted nothing more than to punch herself in the gut for those few moments, but decided against it for her own safety. "I-I guess..." Kaminari replied to Saisei, but eyed Tsubasa. There was something about that man that kept her on edge and she wasn't sure she was ready to sit down and have a meal with him. What if he spiked her food? What if he was actually an enemy!? He did know a lot about her. This would only be remedied by finding Silver; the was the only one she trusted.

"I... need food." Kaminari's gut won that argument. Now standing, she took a step toward Tsubasa, giving a suspicious, but playful glare toward the mysterious blonde man. "But if you try anything, I'ma run. Cause I don't think I can fight you and I'm not sure I wanna try and you're scary, so... be nice. Okay? Okay! So..." She turned to Saisei and smiled, "Food?"

Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:09 am

Re-Emergence [Closed] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

He smiled a bit these two seemed in their own little paradise. An interesting dynamic but as always he did seem to sit outside looking in. He didn't feel hungry himself. He wasn't surprised that Ichiro-san's name wasn't known. It wasn't as though it was very surprising to him in the slightest. He had documents on her and a few others, though truth be told hers mattered a bit more to him. Due to the nature of the promise he'd made with that person. Tsubasa seemed lost in thought for the moment, he did have a photographic memory. So he could just write out the details of her file if need be. Let her examine them as she saw fit. But the question was, did she wish to become that person again? When a person lost memories like her, a new person was born. Someone who was very much new and different from the original. It happened with Tsunashi, so why couldn't it happen with Kaminari? But it wasn't his place to interfere only offer if she wanted it. The choices were hers to make and not his in the slightest.

" Hatakeyama-san, I do have a file on your previous life if you are interested. " He said softly, making sure she knew it was her choice what came next. If anything came of it at all that was to say. It wasn't as though he could force a file on her. Restore her memories or such a thing. This was indeed her cross to bear and see through to the end. As for him being scary, he couldn't do much about it, a veil couldn't hide what she saw. She could see beneath any mask he chose to wear at this point. Besides his reputation for trying to do the right thing and going wrong about it. He couldn't really tolerate how much people expected the perfect answer. But he'd been working on a project here off and on. So time did demand his attention far more often. Besides, the situation did require some level of tact and skill truthfully. Tsubasa remained silent letting her ask questions and do as she pleased. Talking wasn't really his thing. Actions spoke louder and could prove much more.

But perhaps that was the fault with his thinking more often than not. It wasn't like people could do much else. Unabara policy often went that way, a price of growing up in District 80 he guessed. People there didn't behave like normal people and even he himself was damaged. But like really messed up puzzle pieces he fit into the loop somewhere.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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