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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:23 pm


Why should I train you human? [Ritsuko/Sofia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Their blades connected and graced off one another and she turnt around suddenly she focused on the blade being thrown towards her however the snap of Sofia's fingers caused it too play a soothing and graceful melody like a harp, then the unimaginable happened the seele had now transformed into a saw-blade like object naturally the reaction would be too jump or move too the side especially if you have enough speed too match the incoming object. Luckily for Ritsuko she was a fast girl. So utilizing her speed carried her momentum upwards allowing her too she She looked above but she kept her mind focused on the spinning blade behind, considering that Sofia's blades operate via her mind or telepathy it'd return with immense speed.

Ritsuko was prepared for anything however she looked up and saw small objects which had the appearance of grenades and judging by their energy composition they were made of Reishi and then "boom" the last thing she could visibility see was the two seele moving too Sofia's hands, it seems that she was using the smoke too obscure her vision and when she least expects it will attack with no warning.

"Calm your mind and focus on the task at hand"

If the seele Sofia thrown comes back too attack her she'd focus on the blades sounds...every movement made a sound and gives a visual representation and the modified seele shouldn't be that distinctively different so she jumped and if successful Ritsuko would use the momentum she'd gained to grab the approaching blade and use both to block the incoming attack.

(Ignore the other slashes in the gif, just the initial block is being focused on)

Why should I train you human? [Ritsuko/Sofia] - Page 2 Tumblr_mj58uaLHMM1qbs05mo2_250
Cooking Spray
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Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:53 am

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

The Quincy was having fun. Ritsuko’s skills and combat leanings were certainly different than her own, but that didn’t make them any less notable. She had potential. At the very least she showed more interest to train than Toto ever did. In either a feat of skill or a testament of luck, the girl had managed to avoid the spinning seele through the use of her speed. It was a nice touch as Sofia did specialize largely in speed, an attribute she had dedicated so much to as to sacrifice others in its stead. Oddly enough however, if the girl would’ve looked back at the blade she dodged, she would’ve noticed something strangely entertaining.

The blade had stopped completely, seemingly out of its own accord. It was almost as if someone was literally holding it still, though no one was there. It hadn’t been made it clear as to how she was capable of doing what she did. Telekinesis? Gravity? Fairy dust? Something else entirely? It wasn’t as if she openly talked about, and frankly not many knew anyways. She was known as The Melody, among many other names, but it was largely attributed to her fame as a celebrity in the musical field. She had even been made offers to star on prominent action and science fiction films.

If Ritsuko had kept her eyes on the seele for even a second longer, she would have noticed that it seemed to move as she did. A turn, a jump, a twist, or even a back and forth motion would elicit the same response from the blade. Eventually, it would begin swinging wildly, not directly at Ritsuko, but rather in her general direction. It was almost as if it meant to slice, not into her but rather through her clot-… no, that was likely just a misconstrued idea. Instead, the blade would quickly sink into the ground, next to her feet as if wishing to be picked up. And Sofia hoped she did.

The varied articulate maneuvers of the blade on its lonesome were of course planned out by the artist. Had Ritsuko picked up the blade Sofia had purposely surrendered to her, then the girl would’ve had two blades to work with. Had she chosen not to she’d be left with only one to fend off the two Sofia wielded. It would have been on her best interest to use two, as even masters of the art would have difficulties fighting her on equal terms, let alone at a disadvantage.

”You have the tact, and you have potential and speed. But you still lack the fluidity, and the natural grace to guide your movements. You’ll learn.”

A typical fighter would have used their energy to crater the area around them in a massive repulse of energy as they pushed down on their swing with unyielding might. Sofia wouldn’t. Instead, she simply launched at her, landing sideways next to her, and swinging her blades with clear and defined intent to harm. One of her green bladed modified seele would aim for her leg, specifically at the side of her knee. The other would simultaneously swing higher and aim at the space between her neck and her ear. The movement was fast enough to the point where trying to run away using speed as she had earlier would only create more difficult circumstances for her. There simply wasn’t enough room or enough time. And even if she tried, Sofia had more than enough speed to close and eliminate any gap. Sofia was excited that she possessed the potential to be fast, but she was more intent on working on her swordsmanship before moving up to a different area. She wanted to push her to become proficient with the blade… or die trying. The choice was hers.

The action wouldn’t stop there though. If Ritsuko didn’t react in time with both of the blades she would’ve likely lost a leg, or her head, or maybe both. On the other hand, had she managed to block them, she’d noticed a smirk coming from Sofia that was as happy as it was mischievous and insidious. Had she indeed blocked them, the Captain would have treated her trainee’s blades as if they were made of wet soap. Allowing her weapons and even her body to slide in conversely opposite directions, both blades would approach rather quickly as they closed in, like a gator’s maw. The point was to clamp down with both her blades. Given the speed, and the nigh point blank nature of the motion, it would be an extremely difficult attack to avoid. Given the proximity, blocking it would be even more daunting than dodging. Had it been successful, the blades would have created a wound trail that extended from the shoulder to the midsection and from the thigh to the midsection simultaneously.

Perhaps only one of the attacks would land. While it wasn’t entirely impossible for the girl to somehow avoid both, it would be a difficult and daunting task indeed. To be fair however, none of the wounds would have been deep enough to truly create lasting damage or even elicit too much blood flow. They would simply be painful…very painful, as well as likely shredding through some of the pretty clothes she wore. For sure the girl would live. If Ritsuko made it out unharmed then great. If she didn’t, Sofia had her means to ensure she returned to top conditions before continuing their training. On the off chance that her trainee had indeed avoided the attack, the Quincy prodigy would just take a step forth, blades already touching each other after having clamped down, and spiraled forth. The step created enough force, and her speed allowed for enough momentum to spin in such a fashion to create the effect of a rather large drill. The drill of course being both blades spinning extremely fast with Sofia as a catalyst. This time, the drilling move would contain great potential for harm, or even to be fatal. As such the options were limited. If she could avoid it then she should. But if she failed the result would have likely been worse still. If she decided to fend off against it, then she would have had to resort to strength, speed, momentum, force of will, and then some to stop it on its tracks.

”Have you come to regret the training yet?”

She was expecting to hear a resounding, Yes. She was expecting to be yelled at in anger, or to hear bickering about how she could’ve died, assuming she hadn’t. For sure Toshiko would not have approved of Sofia’s training method. But Toshiko wasn’t there, and more importantly Sofia didn’t care. The girl had come to her for a reason, and she was well aware of the dangers that came along with seeking training of her. There was a high chance the girl wouldn’t make it out alive, or even in one piece, or two… But if she truly gave it her all and rose up the circumstances, then Ritsuko could very well walk out a completely different person, with new heights of power. Then again, it was far too soon to be content. They had only entertained the idea of bladed combat. The best parts had yet to start, and the fun had simply just begun.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:00 pm
Simply Russian

Ritsuko Nicklovich

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by MWD on Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
Cooking Spray
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Why should I train you human? [Ritsuko/Sofia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Why should I train you human? [Ritsuko/Sofia]

Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:48 am

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

”That’s part of the problem, you see. I’m not defending them, but it's difficult to pass judgement when you’re not in their shoes.”

The attacks had never meant to kill her, though they very well could have depending on her methods of dealing with it. She was however surprised that Ritsuko had been able to avoid any damage yet again. It was surprising and it brought out many questions she’d leave unanswered for the time being. Despite not excelling too much in either of the aspects she had shown, the human was able to utilize her skills in synergy to allow her to escape certain situations like the ones she’s had presented to her thus far.

”Right. I’ll ask the same question once more later on.”
While she enjoyed her trainee’s spunk and headstrong attitude, she also needed to experience some pain, some injury, and some level of failure. Up until that point Sofia had assaulted her with calculated enough movements that although dangerous, were relatively simple to deal with. No more. Still holding both of her seele, the one in her left hand would be held in a form of reverse grip. The blade pointed out and behind her while the other pointed out and in front of her. With a loud and terrifying screech like a banshee, Sofia was propelled off the ground and up towards the girl, much faster than she had shown to be before.


In a swift turn, Sofia would spiral once, the blade before her swinging hard towards her trainee’s neck area. The other green seele was kept close enough to her body to avoid any kind of preempted notion of where the attack would go, or if there was even an attack to begin with. Certainly Ritsuko wouldn’t have seen it coming, since there was nothing to judge or calculate given what was showcased.As soon as the spiral had her turn in its unyielding might and flashing speed, the reverse held seele would angle and turn as the Quincy Prodigy slashed down at Ritsuko’s ankle with the tip of her seele. It wouldn’t have been hit with the length of the blade however. After all, Sofia wasn’t trying to chop her limb off just yet. Instead, it was the tip of the weapon which would have likely made a cut on that area, though the heat from the blade would likely ensure no blood loss as it would have been cauterized upon contact.

In battle, one couldn’t always dodge or otherwise block attacks. Sometimes one was forced to take damage. And if she was anything like Sofia, she knew that they weren’t the toughest or most physically imposing individuals. That meant that they needed to train their weaknesses much more than they did their strengths. All in due time however. Once all was said and done, Sofia would be a few meters away from the girl. There was little to not chance of the previous attack not having been successful. But even if it had, the girl would still be able to move just fine, despite with a bit of a limp. Granted she had nothing to worry about. Once the training ended, the girl would be sure to heal her trainee with one of her techniques.

”That’s enough of me going on the offensive. I’ll go on the defense now. Come at me.”

As she stood waiting, Sofia took on a rather odd fighting stance. One blade was angled forward above her head, while the other was angled downwards in the same direction as her leg. She knew she was pushing Ritsuko a bit much, and that if she kept going like this it would only injure her further, but it was needed. Sofia could take it easy on her and not push her too much, but then her progress wouldn’t be that much either. Instead, the prodigy would make sure to get her to an almost near passing out or death state while pushing her limits beyond their boundaries, so that the girl could grow stronger and break through her own limitations and boundaries.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:24 pm

Simply Russian

Ritsuko Nicklovich

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Gh Ritsuko winced as she felt the tip of Sofia's seele slash down her ankle, and it hurts but she's experienced worse pain in the past as soon as she landed the pain got slightly less painful was it because of the seele itself? Whatever the case she could feel her movements were becoming more sluggish, now it was time for her to go on the offensive instead.

Since Dual wielding was all about preparation and so the first thing she did was get into a proper stance since Sofia is also used dual-wielded weapons it makes sense to have her body perpendicular to her opponent giving making her a smaller target and keeping one sword towards her opponent and one facing away and since she's gonna have to rely she'd have to go on her off-hand to stabilise and control the sword it'd be better to go slow, using her body more in repetitions rather than more strength. If done incorrectly or she overextends it can lead to dropping the sword.

Quickly with a burst of speed Ritsuko decided to charge at Sofia but not before taking a clever route and obscure her vision with some dust hopefully it won't backfire and cause her eyes to water in pain instead of Sofia's. So using her off hand sword she deep into the ground causing a small pocket of dust to appear in front of her, if everything goes according to plan sofia's back side wide would be wide open giving Rits to land a killing blow.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
Cooking Spray
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Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:14 pm

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

The girl had been nicked. The damage wasn’t much, and while the pain would not be ground breaking at the very least it should’ve been noticeable. The girl had shown resolve with the blade and her skill with it, though Sofia was yet to pass judgement on her; she needed to see how she handled herself in the offensive, not jut in a defensive parameter. Siking one of her seele into the ground before her, the Quincy stood back while the cloud of dust rose. Rather than trying to see the girl and get dirt on her eyes obscuring her vision, Sofia chose to close her eyes and keep them close, effectively removing sight from the equation.

Sure, she could run her Melody through the blade on the ground and use the vibrations to find Ritsuko. Hell, she could even use the very same ability to blow away the dust and reveal her location, though she’d do neither. The Quincy wasn’t there because she wanted to win. If that was the case the battle would’ve been over before it began. She wanted to push the Human as much as she could in her use of the blade in combat, but while also limiting herself to using those very skills. She had a hunch the attack would come from behind, and the relatively subtle hints of noise to her vicinity confirmed her belief.

Still with eyes closed, her hands dropped back and over her head, blade angling down in the same direction of her body, but behind her. It would have had the effect of blocking the incoming strike of both blades. With her right foot circling behind her in a swift dancing like motion, the movement would cause Sofia to stand facing Ritsuko, as the hands turned to push one of the the blade out and to the side of the girl, and the other on the opposite direction. She didn’t push the blade off of hers however, she simply applied enough pressure to keep it there, before letting her own blade slide along the length of hers, in the direction of her wrists and her upper body with the intention of cutting her in two. She’d need to think fast if she wanted to keep on breathing. Although having her eyes closed was in some ways a handicap until the smoke cleared, it was also a disadvantage for the human. The lack of sight also meant less restraint as she simply attacked on instinct and sound without regard for well being. It was a perilous situation for the two alright.

”I hope you’re learning something from this.”

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:46 pm

Simply Russian

Ritsuko Nicklovich

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Ritsuko was immediately displeased that her plan didn't go accordingly but that's part of fighting right? Not everything will turn out the way she wants it to be, she'll just have to come up with a solution to the problem. She had hoped that the dust would obscure Sofia's vision and allow her to get the killing blow that she needed but of course who would fall for a ridiculous trick such as that. Regardless as she got closer to Sofia's back with her blades ready at hand she immediately turned around to retaliate against her assault, their swords clashed as she noticed that Sofia closed her eyes.

Ritsuko didn't utter a single word as she stared at Sofia for a few seconds with her blue eyes, the silence was eerily unnatural, like a dawn devoid of birdsong. Silence clung to her like a poisonous cloud that at any moment could choke the life from her, regardless she attempted to use her free hand to redirect the sword by applying a bit of pressure hopefully enough to cause Sofia's other blade to pierce the ground instead. However if it didn't...well this would probably be the last thing she sees before moving on to the afterlife, she's heard of the wonders and excitement the Soul Society had to offer maybe then she can visit Henrex on the way there.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
Cooking Spray
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Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:34 pm

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

As always, surprise was still among the very best of attacking options. Beyond just surprise however, the girl would try and go for absolute shock. One of her blades had been blocked, and there was effort placed against the other to attempt to sink it into the ground. From the looks of it, though noteworthy an effort, it wasn’t likely to work. It would have ended up with a slash or a stab of such a precarious nature that she’d likely meet the girl as a ghost or a hollow of some form. But where was the fun in that? Too easy. Too easy.

”Think fast.”

Rather than pushing against or away from her blade, Sofia simply just...let go. The seele would thus sink with ease into the ground beneath her; both of them. And not allowing a single second to capture the moment or analyze the situation, the next action would come. Placing the palm of her hands over her sunken seele handles the woman would swing her feet from underneath her and slam with unyielding force against her trainees torso and bosom area. Lack of air and difficulties breathing aside, it was fair to assume such a hit would have likely sent her flying several meters away, if not more. Due to the close proximity and the lack of a glaring speed difference between them, dodging or blocking at such a range, and under such questionable and unorthodox circumstances was simply out of the question.

”Battles are hardly ever a test of wits alone, or even a test of the blades on their own. Unfortunately. An enemy will try everything, fair or not. So now, try to pool your skills together, from the blade to the energy based, and come at me.”

Hopefully by then Ritsuko had either gotten up or was starting to. As it was, Sofia was defenseless or so it seemed. Her trainee still had her two seeles and the prodigy had none. Sure she likely had one or two more seeles on her person, but there didn’t seem to be any clear indication that she’d use them. Instead, the woman simply assumed a battle position, with the brightest of grins on her face. One of her hands seemed to tease and run a finger over a golden diamond ring for some reason or another. She wanted Ritsuko to go with everything she knew, and everything she had. There was a high chance Sofia would too, and there was a high chance the girl would have to be carried out in stretches once all was said and done.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:16 pm

Simply Russian

Ritsuko Nicklovich

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Ritsuko continued staring at Sofia waiting for the inevitable to happen why didn't she just end it right then and there? All she had to do was place the seele across her neck or chest and piercing either a slow death via the catared artery or straight through the heart. Many possibilities on how she'd cease to exist ran throughout her mind until suddenly their once colliding blades dropped, she didnt even have enough time to process the entire motion or hell look down to see the seele sink make contact with the ground, she was then swept underneath her feet and felt an overwhelming force of power all across her chest area causing the wind to be knocked out of her.

Before being sent over several meters away from Sofia and hitting the ground with a loud thud then just laid there staring at the ceiling...her body almost at the point of shutting down as well as the fear in her body screaming at her "Give up" "Just give up" but she's made it this far why let this opportunity go to waste and just go home in her comfy bed? But that wasn't her she wasn't a quitter even if she was with a few grunts and movement of her hands and legs she managed to stand with various bruises but she's had worse pain before.

However what triggered her was seeing that grin on Sofia's face just looking at her made Ritsuko want to square that bitch right across her face it was insulting to her overall wellbeing as a fighter. But she had to keep her cool otherwise she'd end up in a ditch somewhere when this is over so she concentrated. And all these marks and bruises will be a symbolization of how far she's progressed hopefully once this is over and fully recovered she can show Toshiko them...sure she may question who'd done this to her but she'd hopefully understand what a person will go through to become a liability rather than an asset.

So with a soleumn grin on her face she grabed the two seeles and immediately went forward at Sofia, if she focused carefully it appeared as the her movements have changed from to a more fluid style so utilizing everything she's been thrown at her about swords gracefully she darted towards Sofia at great speeds and slashed in a horizonal direction and if she managed to duck underneath to get a good hit in she'd catch her off guard by using the other seele as a to target her legs.

Not only will this give Ritsuko a slight edge in terms of overall speed but also initiate the final component to her plan and thats to get in up close and personal, let's see how the Quincy fares against the combat capabilities of Tai chi.

Assuming that Sofia was able to dodge both strike's she'd toss the seeles away and grab one of the quincies arms and holding it tightly and if that somehow worked she would then utilize perform the Thousand Fist Technique. Ritsuko began concentrating her energy and putting it all into her right fist and cleched it tightly before punching sofia with a flurry of blows so fast it appeared as if she has multiple fist aiming at her.

If the attack were to sucessfully hit Sofia she would get a face full of punches targeting her upper torso and stomach a making a simple block either ineffective or due to the close distance between the two women and the usage of only one hand.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Cooking Spray
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Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:07 pm

The Quincy Prodigy

Sofia Montero

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Very nice. The woman was surprised at the Human’s choice of attack, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless. The spinning swinging motion she had chosen was perfect for the situation. It used not strength but rather speed and momentum. It relied not on the power but on the sheer difficulty of blocking and stopping it, let alone dogging under normal circumstances in such an scenario, and close proximity. And how was Sofia so acquainted with the ins and outs of such a tactic? It was among her signature moves. She had successfully employed in battle against powerful beings like Devetta’s Shell and even the former Emperor of the Quincy whom she bested. Running would do nothing. With more time she could have reacted accordingly but time wasn’t on her side. The only saving grace was the very notion of what she told Ritsuko moments earlier. Swordplay should still be the overarching theme of the remainder of the battle, but like any real battle, she would have to use all her skills to compliment it if she wanted to survive; Sofia would.

A strong glow on her ring finger would cause to burst into a small contained ball of light. From it, a large and beautiful one handed sword would project into her hands, the ring now nowhere on sight. The deep ebony handle, the gold heavenly inlays throughout its construction, the diamond accents, the reishi breath from the hilt and the ever glowing silvery light from the blade… The weapon’s name was Rona, and it was Sofia’s main personal weapon of choice. With a swing of her blade, a large, thin, but extremely sharp and serrated blast of water would slice up and against one of the coming blades. Given the circumstances and the careful defense embedded within Ritsuko’s own offensive maneuver, it should not have brought harm to her just yet. However, the sheer force should have slowed her motion, even if not having her stopped entirely. In that time, with the blade in one of her hands she’d swoop and try to angle her blade to catch the Human’s body. Given the proximity, none were bound to come off without injury. If the Human had moved away at the last minute she could have avoided a slash to the right side of her stomach. However, doing so would mean Sofia too would go without injury. Had she had no time and were to be slashed by the Quincy, it stood to reason her intended angle would have sliced just above Sofia’s right shoulder.

”I told ya. Use everything you have, and everything you know. Make it revolve around the blade and try not to die. Can’t let the fun die before it even begins, can’t we darling?”

Of course, the Sternritter Grandmaster wasn’t about to use every tool at her disposal. It was supposed to be a fair fight after all. But she was going to use everything necessary to continuously push the Human boundary through boundarie. She would make sure she experienced pain, suffering, defeat, hope, and failure, just to have her relieve it again over, and over again. There was no real ill intent notion behind it however. There was growth to be had in times of struggle. Raising her sword up and slowly in a diagonal angle, a plethora of small silvery white feathers were created on their path. Each feather seemed stationary, and their numbers decent, ranging somewhere around 500. With the largest grin of satisfaction and excitement the Sternritter eyed her little prey. It was obvious Ritsuko wanted a fight, to punch and smack the Quincy, and she was welcomed to. Hell, Sofia wished she tried.

”Have you ever heard of cheese cloths? It's a material with stuff inside that when pressed liquids ooze out of it. Let’s put it to the test. First, we need holes.”

With the very last giggle as she finished her sentence, the feathers fired off. The plethora of extremely sharp small bodies launched in almost every direction towards the girl. From their motion and maneuvers it was obvious it wasn’t simply a straight forward attack. Sofia was after all The Melody, and it seemed like her feather blades were manipulated by the very grounding ability that encompassed all that she was. Ritsuko would have to contend with plenty of feathers coming at her from left and right, up and down, back, and forth. Once again, Sofia wasn’t intent on killing her just yet. She was okay with grievously injuring or seriously maiming her, but not to the point where she couldn’t fight. As such, the Quincy would purposely let off her assault on feathers she had defended herself against. Unfortunately, there was little chance that she could tackle them all at once. On the off chance that the Human possessed some odd and surprising ability that allowed her to brush off the attack easily then perhaps her own strategy could change. But, for the time being, Sofia was simply testing the waters.

”Keep it up, and you’ll soon be stronger than Toshiko.”

As she spoke, the water that had been used before began moving thanks to the Melody, accumulating underneath her feet and creating a form of super dense platform on which the girl hovered. It allowed for a better viewing angle of what was going on, and a better point of attack and defense should it come to it. Part of her wished her old childhood friend was as devoted to training and power as her newest love interest was, but such was life. More often than not twho who had talent did nothing with it, and those that lacked it did their best to utilize what little they knew. Despite being called the Quincy Prodigy, Sofia liked to believe the bulk of her success and her power came from not innate talent she had been born with, but through practice and effort that showed throughout the years.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Why should I train you human? [Ritsuko/Sofia] - Page 2 ORabiFS
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