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Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:42 pm
A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Guilt wasn't something Midori felt often, but the last few sleepless nights were plagued with it. She couldn't get him out of her mind, the dying man Kento Suzuki. He was kind and tried to be optimistic about his situation. He knew he was dying, had accepted it, and asked for basic conversation from her. At the time, it was a normal thing for Midori to reply apprehensively. She rarely gave out personal information about herself. It was hard to do that when so many people loaded their inner thoughts and deepest feelings onto her. She created a strong wall around her own heart to prevent it from crippling under the weight of everyone else's problems. But something about Kento hit her wrong. She felt bad for not talking to him and she didn't like it.

The three days after their introduction, Midori avoided Kento and paid attention to his charts and tests, keeping it official and professional. Every time she saw his name on a paper though, she felt bad. Now, she couldn't handle it. She needed to do something for the man who had tried to get her to open up, or at least explain herself. So, on the third day of avoiding him, Midori made her way to Kento's room during a time she knew he'd be there, likely resting. If he was asleep, she sat silently, making sure to let her subordinates know to not bother her with anything unless it was an emergency. Luckily, no emergencies came up and Midori would be able to wait there until he woke. "Hello, Kento." she said, standing by the side of his bed, smiling softly, "How are you feeling today?" Unlike before, Midori wasn't in her doctor's coat and there wasn't a file in sight. It was a casual visit.

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Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:13 pm



A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Now one might say this three day avoidance was a little hurtful, one would be correct. Despite this though Kento didn't force his way into her day. He didn't want him to be any more of a burden to her than he already was so when she finally slipped her way into the man's room Kento was asleep but he was a honed warrior and one does not lose their ability to wake up to subtle noises that easily but he stayed in the appearance of being asleep. That was the beauty of reiatsu, is that you didn't really need your eyes to see who was there.

He stayed "asleep" for a good ten minutes trying to work out why she was here and eventually he'd humour her to see where this went. With his eyes a little before looking her over and then open them fully and grin.

"Captain, how long have you been there? me feeling? Oh. Much better now that you're here.... wait nevermind. You look much better without the doctor's coat on, or with a file in your arm. What's the occasion?"

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:22 pm
A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

The silence of the room allowed Midori to think on how she was going to talk to him. The ten minutes allowed her to come up with nothing concrete and only made her more nervous. It also didn't help that Midori wasn't dumb and very good at reading people. She knew he was awake and accepted the silence as punishment for her treatment of him. When he finally decided to stop faking it, she greeted him kindly and received an interesting greeting back. She couldn't tell if he was flirting or not, so she just kept on smiling.

"Well, um..." Midori hesitated and looked away for a moment. When she looked back, she took a deep breath and sighed, speaking calmly. "I wanted to apologize for how our meeting went... It's... difficult for me to open up to people. When you carry a lot of problems on your shoulders, hearing them from hundreds of people, you learn to harden your heart... If you don't, you break, so opening up... talking about myself... it's... hard. So, I'm sorry."

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Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:46 pm



A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

The man watched as she explained her reason for coming here and he laughed a little, he couldn't believe that she came to apologise to him for how she acted. It wasn't that he hadn't guessed for some reason she didn't like to talk about herself and the avoidance just made him acknowledge that but it wasn't something for her to make a fuss out of. Kento pulled his body out of bed, since he was actually sleeping Midori would see his torso out in the open but he wasn't a guy to sleep without clothes on at all, that would've been much more awkward for the both of them.

He shakily stood up for a moment, gaining his balance and sense of position to not fall over but he did try to get out much quicker than what he should've, Kento always used to get out of bed quite quickly and so there would be a stumble and he'd fall right into Midori - it was instinctual for him to roll in their fall and take the brunt of the impact as much as it hurt and for that moment he didn't realise the position he had put them in and bit his lip. He had after all seemed to flirt with her followed by getting her in this position, it was like Fate was trying to incriminate him by making him do stupid shit!

"I'm very sorry, that was purely unintentional and a mistake. Still getting used to my body's capabilities now."

Once the incident was over he rolled her off him, he had no intention of keeping them in that position when they had only spoken once and hold her close. That was just inappropriate for him. Despite him moving Midori off him he stayed on the floor for a moment as he readied himself to try and get back up again, any attempt to help would obviously be rejected by him.

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:04 pm
A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Midori's instinct was to help him as he stood. She saw that stumble and went to help stabilize him, but the sudden movements didn't allow her reflexes to take over the way she wanted them to. Within moments, Midori found herself lying on top of Kento. She had a light, curvy figure with a large bust pressing into his chest. Small strands of her well-kept hair fell along his face. At first, it was a little mistake, but in that moment their faces came close enough that Midori found herself blushing. Her cheeks heated up, turning bright red as he apologized. Her words were caught in her throat and she froze. Luckily, he took control and moved her body off of his.

"I-I-It's okay." Midori said as she hurried to her feet, almost tripping over her own clumsiness before fully standing and helping Kento back to his feet, "I-It happens. J-Just a mistake." Midori was not one to be so damn flustered! This was not like her at all, but it was happening! It was like she couldn't control her actions or her feelings. She never blushes this deeply! Once he stood and was stable, she turned away from him and rubbed at her cheeks, trying desperately to get the color to fade. "Well, I-I... um. I just w-wanted to apologize, s-so... Um..." Midori tried forcing her composure to return and turned toward him. Her desperate attempts to keep a straight face were betrayed by the still reddish color of her cheeks. "I am sorry... again. And um, i-if you ever wanted to try and talk again, I would try to be more open."

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Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:29 pm



A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Kento felt his own face flush, while laying down he should've been thinking about something else, yet despite the intense amount of pain from his body and the impact the only thing on his mind was her. The heat her body radiated while pressed against him, her curvy figure. Her flustered face right against his. It took him a moment to realise she had stood up and almost fell down and then offered to help him up. He didn't want to but at the same time the thought of taking her hand was a little to tempting and he stood shakily before reaching out and holding onto the woman for support, his back after all made it incredibly painful and hard to stand.

"I.. I want to talk right now Midori. You make it sound like we only get to talk next time you come around and time is quite limited for me so I'd like to maximise it. Also... you can't leave me here with my back injured like it is. I'd have to give a bad customer review if you did that now."

He stayed propped up against the woman and watched her face, he had recovered a little quicker although there was still a bit of red to his cheeks but not as much as her's. Kento slowly guided her towards the bed, mainly because he needed her to actually help him get there before he sat down and brought her with him, she was still free to leave but he hoped that she wouldn't, this idea of her leaving right now was worse than his illness and he didn't realise he still had his arm around her which was previously for support and he pulled away to let her go.

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:41 pm
A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Midori did her best to help him up. She kept him stable. He was a bit taller than her, but she also wasn't weak. Being this close though, it made her heart race. She had a hard time looking him in the eye up until his little joke. She looked to him and pouted, puffing out her cheeks like a child. When she realized what she was doing, she shook her head and her face went back to the adult look it was supposed to have! With that, she helped him back onto his bed. "Alright then." she said with more confidence, her blush faded and her nerves calming down, "What would you like to talk about? Last time you asked about..." Midori tired to remember what he had asked her before, but she was stuck and couldn't remember. "What was it?" she asked him.

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Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:01 pm



A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Kento found even her pouting attractive, the woman's sudden attempt to regain her composure was only more amusing for him. He sat close to her, probably a little closer than he should've or would've under other circumstances but it wasn't like he was pressing against her or anything.

"You probably don't remember since you didn't let me ask before. I was going to ask why you wanted to become a doctor, you know at point point did Captain Midori Hayashi decide she wanted to be a doctor and try to preserve life? Also, don't be afraid to ask me questions it's not fair if you know nothing about me yet I get to pick your brain about anything. Even sickness related, go nuts."

He calmly moved back so he was leaning against the wall next to the bed, having forgotten the entire purpose of getting up initially was to get dressed and still really did since his attention was now focused on the beautiful woman in front of him.

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:35 am
A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Midori stood in silence at first, hearing his words as he mind contemplated how to answer. One of his statements contradicted previous behavior, so she crossed her arms. "Last time I talked to you, talking about your sickness was a taboo discussion subject that you pointedly avoided." she stated with a little annoyance in her tone, "So now it's okay to talk about it? What changed?"

After giving him a moment to answer, Midori sat back down in her chair. She had helped him into bed, so now she was giving him his space again. No need to keep herself that close. "As for your question, I always wanted to save lives. I was just lucky that my aptitude for it was better than I originally thought. I've always been inclined to aiding those who've been harmed, especially by sources outside their control or while attempting to save another." she explained and sat back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other.

"Why don't you tell me what my boundaries actually are?" she asked him, "What should I ask about and what shouldn't I? Any subjects that hit too close to home? My normal conversations usually consist of "how do you feel about that," but this isn't a psyche evaluation or a therapy session. I have to say, conversation isn't always easy for me, especially when talking to a man."

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Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:02 am



A Casual Visit [Closed] 6EdIfMt

The red-head laid back and looked up at the roof, thinking on her words as she pointed out the inconsistency of his behaviour and comments which only made him chuckle at it. She was obviously annoyed, oh well. He felt the same way when she wouldn't stop speaking about his sickness or being so professional and now she wanted to behave casually? He could ask what changed there but he didn't.

"Well, you were being so profession and stuff, I'd much rather the casual you which I have now. So I suppose Captain, I don't mind talking about things you want to know if it's mutual you know?"

He kept his feelings hidden, watched her move away wasn't a pleasant thing but he accepted the situation. Her answer was good, he finally got to understand the woman a bit more instead of it being completely one-sided with her asking about one thing which was his sickness.

"You're boundaries? Really? Not really any boundaries, ask me questions but just don't make every single one about my sickness and asking me how I feel or all that stuff. I get it's in your nature to want to help and you think you'll get somewhere by tearing through every single bit of info I can give you but it's not very pleasant. Either way, as a doctor wouldn't it be good to try and get better with your conversation skills especially if it's harder with men?"

He popped his neck, all this inactivity was getting to him and it wasn't that he was to tired to move or do exercise. He would just not enjoy it afterwards when it hit him like a freight train.

"So, you have any family? I told you about Sophie, really my only family member but do you have any family?"

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