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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:59 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

More headpats! Mirja had garnered a great skill in patting heads when around Ceal, who was a voracious headpat slut. And so Ulv gave her everything that she had, giving Yuel the best headpat she had ever felt in her life. Bwuhuhuhu, VICTORY BY HEADPAT! Mirja's eccentric thoughts occasionally surfaced in Ulv's otherwise calm mind, and the look on her face was one of mock lewdness, like she was trying to make headpats to be a sexual thing for the sake of comedy. But eventually, she stopped rubbing and patting and just let the hand sit there as Yuel gave her permission to use her Devil's Heart.

Taking a deep breath through her nose and exhailing, the manacles on her wrists glowed an amber colour as she channelled the Resolve Flame. The Manacles usually didn't react to anything, but Resolve Flame was the child of the power that made them, so it was understandable for them to react. Focusing herself on Yuel, she pushed her Resolve FLame into the woman, filling her with a warm and powerful energy that throbbed in her heart and her chest. And then the warm pressure blew away the chill of Norway and even a girl with no spiritual sense could feel the tangible force in the air.

Flaring and crafting, her Devil's Heart coalesced in something simple, on Yuel's wrist. And then the pressure faded away. With no spiritual power to feed the flame, it would fade eventually. But until it did, Yuel could enjoy it.
"Now, this is still a kind of new power to me, but that thing on your wrist should be able to mitigate your confusion when you pop. And in case you pop through time as well as space, I attached it to your Soul. So as long as you are you, it will follow you. When you appear somewhere new it should give you the basic information you need. Time, date, position, dimension, all the good stuff. It won't tell you general trivia, because it is geared to help your confusion when you pop, not your confusion in general. Those are the limitations. However glorious the thing I make is, it helps you feel better, not just helps you in general"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:05 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Yuel's only issue with the wonderfully excessive headpatting was Ulv's distasteful expression that made Yuel want to pull away, but she closed her eyes and enjoyed the experience. If no moves were made, there was nothing to feel guarded towards. Instead, Yuel felt curious, attentively observing what was taking place once she assented to whatever Ulv was going to do. The human studied the vibrant manacles on Ulv's wrist, assuming spiritual energy as the reactant that provided its flourescence. Eventually that vibrant glow invaded Yuel's chest, wrapping her chest, inside and out, uplifting the girl's spirit, her mood brightening with every beat of her heart. Such that even the air around her lacked its previous chilling atmosphere, instead a warm blow like the air of spring glossing her face.

"Waah, a pleasant feeling. It reminds me of Shadin's own radiant glow... or Azure's smile."

Her last words trailed off with a more melancholic tone, but still one of gleeful remembrance, only enhanced by Ulv's efforts via manacle. Eventually, like some sort of parallel manifestation, that glow which originated from Ulv's manacles took form into its own wrist-resting device. It was less conspicuous, something of a comfortably fitting bangle. Yuel's excitement grew, less in appreciation for the gift or the interest in its function, but moreso how it works. Though Yuel wasn't sure, given her spiritual ineptitude, but based on what Ulv said, she could infer that this item wasn't solely reliant on spiritual energy for its inception. Presumably, it was willpower given form. But there was something more to it, right? Either Ulv just didn't understand the process herself--which Yuel wasn't going to assume as a likely choice given their conversation--or, well, who knows? It certainly wouldn't actually be just willpower--right?

"How does it work? Rather, how'd you make this? Not just from spiritual energy, right? How does it work? How did you create it would be a better question, actually."

The design was so simplistic, there didn't seem to be anything aesthetic that had deeper meaning or relevance to the ability itself. Or perhaps the simplistic design was necessary to the function? Or aesthetics really didn't play a part at all. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything else Yuel could do to get a better understanding other than Ulv's words. Again, spiritual ineptitude and all--it was a real inconvenience in a world where spirituality was a very important sort of thing. Especially considering it was the same reason Yuel wouldn't be able to get a feel for what was going on within her.

The implementation of the bangle on her wrist wasn't taken too kindly by the spirits on the inside. Though Yuel might not be able to tell, if Ulv was at all spiritually competent to any respectable degree, she'd be able to feel the beasts writhing inside Yuel--frighteningly powerful in their own right, and more importantly, discontent. Though, whether it was due to the invasion of power into Yuel, or the presence of a foreign entity on her wrist, was a much vaguer detail. Crucial to note, however, was that the presences were individual, one demonic, one likely much more familiar to Ulv--Chi energy.

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:54 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Smiling at the mention of Shadin, Ulv couldn't help but remember that time Mirja had met Shadin outside the Karakura Hospital. He really was the gentlest of men, she couldn't reconcile a guy like that with a title like the Beast Of Karakura. But, then Yuel was asking the questions of how it worked and what it did and how she made it. Ulv cracked a broad grin thrust her fist into the air, flames exploding behind her in a glorious show of Tulpa-pyrotechnics.

"It was made with GUTS!" She exclaimed, before thinking that might go down poorly and clarified. "Solidified willpower, basically. My Resolve Flame looked into your heart and then the power I got from Commander Ibiki aided it in manifesting something to help you with your trouble, in this case just popping in randomly. My Willpower, shaped by the Resolve Flame, created that little computer thing on your wrist. The aestetic is strange because my Devil's Heart is function over form, but it does it's job right. Take it apart and you'll confuse the fuck out of your average computer technician however, not entirely sure it actually works like normal. It works because it needs to work, not because of internals. It's...really confusing"

And then, from inside the little Yuel, came something interesting. The vigorous awakening of powers was a cacophony, but through it was great power and familiar power at that.

'That's...Tai Chi! She's a Cultivator?' Hvit's surprise came from Ulv's head, but the red-head shook her head.
"No...You've got something interesting inside you, haven't you? Something not entirely your own. Or rather, not entirely in control of it? Something like that. You might be an interesting girl after all~"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:25 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Guts??? No, it sounded more appropriate to--even in mental monologue--refer to it as GUTS!!! Obviously just this note alone wasn't sufficient for the young girl. Yuel was a genius, not an omniscient god. What does GUTS!! have to do with supernaturally manifested wrist-devices? Was it literally made of entrails? Did Ulv conjure amber entrails to form this device? If that was the case, Yuel wasn't keen on having it. Thankfully, the red-head continued her explanation, fiery theatrics continuing to blaze behind her.

"Solidifed Willpower? So it really doesn't have anything to do with, like, a tangible energy? Are you sure? Like, have you tested it--how do you know iit's solely through willpower?"

Yuel oft thought herself an open-minded individual, and truly in many ways she was open to new things, new information, new trends. However, as arrogant as it may be, groundbreaking revelations, most specifically ones defying universal laws, were more difficult for her to find permissible. The general exception was for Yuel herself, such as when she made Renkinjutsu, which essentially allowed spiritually inept people to, well, not be defenseless on a spiritual level inherently. If someone else was to do the same thing, she'd be strongly hesitant to believe them. Especially since Ulv's description on the internals definitely made even less sense.

It felt like James again, with his description of "magic" being "it doesn't have to make sense, it's magic!" Fortunately, Yuel had grown a bit from that point. Before, the girl might've exploded out in confrontational questions and accusations on Ulv's ineptitude to not know how her own abilities worked. Last time, those questions led to bloodshed, a circumstance she'd rather not revisit. Yuel felt there were better responses to offer. Such as,

"If it just works off willpower, then anyone with sufficient willpower could do it, right? So? How can I do it? If there's anything I'm confident in, it's my brain. My brain, and my heart. I can't use any energy all by myself, so if it really is all on willpower, I could do it. Show me."

Let their beliefs and statements prove themselves. Reality is the end-all-be-all judge, and Yuel trusted her reality to a fault. The only thing of interest now--besides this mystical willpower based power--was Ulv's inquisitive looks. Though they presumably maintained eye-contact the duration of their conversation, at the moment it didn't feel like Ulv was looking at her. It felt more like Ulv was looking through Yuel, or inside her, certainly an unpleasant feeling regardless.

"What do you mean 'something inside me'? Elaborate."

Yuel knew what she was talking about. To some degree. The girl had a few encounters with these creatures before, one of them being the time with James in fact. It spoke to her with a tone of mischief, like a devil on her shoulder tempting her to something sinister. And it worked. Sure, she was able to save James that time, but at a massive cost to her soul, her humanity. Even now, Yuel wasn't sure if she regretted it or not. Thus, the blonde had a particular insecurity towards this creature within her, one part fear, one part anger, and surely a coalition of many other feelings.

The only person she talked about these things with was Shadin, ASRA, and were he still alive, likely Azure Someone being invasive about it was rare to come across, and more importantly, suspicious--especially since ziamichi were rare, but not exceptionally so. So for people to take a more particular interest to what was in her specifically was odd, if not terrifying. What was it about Ulv that she was curious about the spirit in Yuel?

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:08 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"Ahh, inside-you-ness can wait. Instead, since you ask I must teach you the great and fabulous art of Tulpa! That of making things with just your willpower and determination! I hope your confidence pays off" Ulv nodded and then got down on the ground, a mellow and yet focused pose to her body, and a gesture to invite Yuel to come sit with her.

"Right, Tulpa requires work and imagination. A while ago, a technique was made to get around the normal issues. Usually, no one person has enough willpower to produce something made from your mind alone, with some serious exceptions. But by using this technique, it enhances and focuses your power to make it a relatively simple job. But, you still need a powerful mind to manifest something for more than a few moments"

Taking a deep breath through her nose, she constructed her Mindscape, as if by doing she could more easily explain how Yuel should do it.

"You need a lot of imagination and mental sculpting to do this, so first you need to create a Mindscape. A plain in which you reside inside your mind. It can be whatever you want it to be, but the most easy one is simply an infinite plain with nothing else surrounding you as far as your eyes can see"

Ulv didn't want to overwhelm the poor girl, but she did say she was confident in her mind, so maybe she could handle it? Ehh, she could always say if she wasn't.

"Now that you see this plain, create something that can anchor you into this plain. Be it rope, or tendrils, or hands, or cats that spawn from your ears. Anything that connects you, and the ground. Drive these things into the ground, and expand your consciousness outwards"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:47 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Makings solely of willpower and determination? The world was certainly a fairy tale, but there had to be a limit somewhere right? Anywhere? No? When will actions of defying reality ever have a consequence? Am I the only one to suffer them???

"Okay, sure, hit me with it."

Albeit her depressed inner monologue, Yuel reinvigorated herself at the mere mention of a challenge. Of course, Ulv may not have meant her words to be a challenge, but basically any sort of confrontation that included Yuel's confidence, or anything of herself being questioned, that in and of itself was pretty much a challenge--something the young blonde absolutely reveled in.

"Imagination and hard work are the virtues I live by, so I should have no problems there."

Reasserting herself, questions ran through Yuel's mind on the validity of this "Tulpa". They serve as enhancements, but then where do the flames come from? The power source should then be Ulv's own original techniques with spiritual energy or her inner power as the conduit, as in there had to be power to begin with for the Tulpa to enable something to take form. Ulv did say she was an elementalist, after all, but if that were the case then what could Yuel do? What power within her was there to enhance to conjure new power? Therefore, is "a powerful mind" really the only requirement? That was something the girl had in spades, and she's never come across "willpower alone made form".

"Oh--a mindscape. That's no issue--I'm perpetually living in one. The world is my mindscape."

Though it sounds a bit much, it wasn't really too much of an exaggeration. Yuel's anomalous existence visited all corners of time and space. But for as long as she's done this, for as much as she could remember of it with her twisted being and even more twisted memories, she was always the only one. Nothing around her besides herself was there in permanence, everything around her always easily being an existence as easily fleeting as it was for her to just, suddenly, pop somewhere else or lose all memory. As far as the young girl was concerned, everything around her is nothing. A hard sort of loneliness she wasn't keen on enduring, but had to nonetheless. That, and Yuel was constantly up in her own head.

Constantly, Yuel was thinking up a storm in her brain. Her dreams found this to be a much more proactive occurrence, but quite often--especially in boredom or inactivity--Yuel closed her eyes and focused on a world inside her head. Just like her dreams, it was a world of boundlessness. The sky above her was vast, endless, stars and galaxies littering about. And if she brought her eyes down and looked to the left, somewhere off in the distance was a massive ocean crashing and flowing around, more chaotic than usual surprisingly. Likely due to the rain, as parts of the sky were clouded and pouring downward, disrupting the odd but usual serenity of her 'mindscape'. On her right, a massive mountain range whose peaks were above the clouds and base likely as wide as an ocean, the look of its enormity impossible to miss.

And finally, around herself a pure realm of whiteness. Perhaps 100 metres, or a thousand if Yuel visualised it. It was always just pure white ground that extended off for a distance she couldn't see past. The girl just new it was functionally infinite, just as the rest of this world around her; if she moved in the direction of the ocean, it would never get closer, only white surrounding her. If she moved to the mountains, the same thing. If Yuel visualised any contraptions in this dream, maybe something that let her fly, no matter how high she got, it would never go high enough to be amongst the stars, never high enough to see the base or peak of the mountain, never high enough to gaze down on the endless ocean. This was the dream, the 'minscape', she always conjured for herself.

"Connect myself to it? Er, like, bind myself to it? Sure, I guess."

It was an odd request, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. In fact, connecting oneself to this 'mindscape' seemed like the obvious choice to be able to retain yourself in the world; otherwise, if your mind wandered, you wouldn't keep the mindscape stable. It was so obviously natural to do that Yuel never actively focused on the fact, since it was more or less implied and automatic. So, when Ulv made the suggestion, with eyes still closed the first thing Yuel thought of to "tether herself to the mindscape" was gravity. It was obvious. Nothing really tied you to something better and more reliably than the weight of the world. It coalesced all around her, imperceptibly, but it was definitely there.

Nothing was quite different except for Yuel now knowing that, on an ethereal level, there was this invisible force brought from the entire world pulling her down perpetually and naturally. Enough that, without even realising it, this added gravity offered this world some much needed order. The rain fell down linearly, instead of waving about in the wind chaotically, and the ocean off in the distance quieted. Things were pleasantly more serene.

"And? Now what?"

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:17 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Ulv opened her mind to the Mindscape and saw it populated like Earth. Every being here was a part of her mind, and that was used to funnel her Willpower into specific avenues, in which she would launch forward and mesh into one, the Tulpa. Of course, it was so much easier for her because of the Resolve Flame that came from the Resolve Force she got off Ibiki, but it would just be a weaker albiet still efficient application by others.

"After you can feel your Mindscape, you can begin to populate it. With people important to your life, with clones of yourself, with monkeys in tophats that sing soprano. Whatever you want to populate it with. Your limit is your Willpower, your determination, your mental power. Each one of these creations if a part of your mind, a part of your mentality. The more you have, the more they can use the power that makes them to focus into a manifestation of Thought. The process is automatic as soon as they are made, but making them does require some focus. So, I hope the claims of your mental superiority were not you simply braggart about it" Ulv gave a grin, and then created Fenrir, the World Swallowing Wolf. A tremendous thing, it wasn't her Resolve Flame but her true Tulpa, made out of the Fury that swum in her head and her heart. A Powerful and Fearsome creature, it's appearance was met with a small bang as air displaced.

"And then you are done"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:20 pm

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

"Create things. Visualise them... easy enough."

Yuel wasn't keen on visualising other creatures in her mind. Largely because they were a bit more random with their organic movement and thoughts than just standard thought experiments. But, if she were to visualise living things... well, it was her mindscape, with the only limit being her own imagination, right? So, if that's the case, as far as Yuel was concerned, there really was no limitation.

Suddenly, the world was quite literally roaring with life. The white around her expanded nigh infinitely. The memories of her past and future and alternative selves finding some physical form. There were different Yuels around her, the things they saw and experienced being created in this mindscape. Less of this was from the draws of her willpower, and instead creations of immense proportions finding form through her sheer intellect. Entire buildings were found in her mind, colossal organic beings roaming between busy streets, islands floating in the air. Each living creature, millions, billions, an incalculable number roaming about. Each one had their own thoughts, their own dreams, their own individual actions. They weren't random, they were purposeful. All the gears took in motion, as if the imagination Yuel manifested in her mindscape was the will of fate itself. And the one thing that really tied all this together, the unifying force where Yuel's willpower truly came into effect, was visualising gravity

Gravity influenced all these creatures, all these beings, and just like Yuel, they were tethered to her mindscape, now a part of its reality. The girl even visualised the beings she'd once conversed with, in the sky a monkey floating on some cloud, looking at her with a devious smile with mischief on its mind. It was a being of enormously powerful proportions, to a terrifying degree, but matched by this creature whose roar literally made the ground tremble and air shriek like a sonic boom. A massive white tiger, awoken from its slumber somewhere in the mountain range, annoyed at the new bustle from Yuel's inceptions. And in the distance, the calm of the ocean was disturbed by a grand dragon, tsunamis in the distance rushing upward from the swing of its tail as a plethora of sea life circled the divine beast.

"So... if I think of these things... and they channel this force that binds them... Well, they're all channeling it. Without even knowing. Each of them have their own weight, a gravity to them..."

It was the thought of all of them not just being individuals, not just all of them having their own thoughts and dreams and means to achieve them--it was the thought of each of the things having weight to them, that made Yuel really start to think they had weight to them in a different sense. Suddenly, this gravity meant so much more than some unifying force, a creation of hers to tether to the ground. The stable force that would be ever unchanging regardless of what the small, comparatively insignificant entities bustling around did. The only thing that could ever change the impact or existence of gravity was to change and impact the source--which was everything, or in this case, the mindscape itself. Hence, that which humbled all life within the mindscape was what Yuel manifested.

If Ulv had even so much as blinked, she would miss it, though immediately recognise it afterwards. Ulv was, after all, well-versed in the arts of the wind, and she'd certainly feel the tangible difference in the air around Yuel. It was thinner, or thicker, or blowing in chaos, like it was being played with. But it wasn't just the air; more specifically, it was the space itself which the air occupied. And on the ground beneath them, natural cracks in the ground were being sealed, then reopened, small uneven portions of the ground being ever so slightly leveled and raised. The world around the two, at least in their immediacy, was shifting about.

"Seems like you got a handle on it, kid."

The voice resounded in Yuel's mind, or more specifically her mindscape. It was a voice coming from the sky, the same sort of timbre to it that the laughing monkey from before had.

"I haven't seen you in a while."

It was a familiar voice, as Yuel's heard it on more than one occasion. Usually, it was in a mischievous tone, some food for thought that would help her, but it was always spoken in such a cryptic manner, or in such a way that they were clearly trying to entice Yuel into doing something. For their own devices, no doubt, and that fact alone was usually more than enough to subvert further conversation. If there was anything Yuel wasn't keen on, it was on not being in control, and more importantly, being manipulated. It was in a way a step on her pride, one she fully acknowledged may not be such a good thing, but a part of her she'd rather not part with.

That said, things were a bit different this time. With Ulv's help in describing what to do with the mindscape, Yuel felt that most of the cards available were now in her hands. She still didn't quite understand who the voice was, or why they were in her head. The girl knew that Shadin had an idea, but she'd never get a clear answer. Given that, she figured some sort of demon, maybe a ziamichi spirit within. It couldn't be a zanpakuto spirit--the Duulheim was clear that of the hyperambiguous entities within, it'd either be the beast in the mountains or serpent in the seas. So, it was time to be more on the offensive.

"So? Who are you? Shadin wouldn't tell me, and the other two are just as hard to talk to as you. Time's up and rent is due, Saru."

She couldn't see it clearly--after all, this creature was high up in the sky, usually in his own domain, though the 'tether' made things a bit different this time around--but Yuel felt like they were frowning.

"You're getting a lil' cocky now, aren'tcha?"

"Nah. Maybe. A little; but if you don't answer me now, I'll just keep pestering you, and now you can't run away from me."

This time, Yuel held the mischievous smile, a grin that split her cheeks like Moses.

"Nah. I don't feel like it. But ask the lady with you, she'll do some explainin'. She should tell you what you want to know, and after that, go bother the others instead."

The voice faded off towards the end, but Yuel managed to make out the last bit. And from there, Yuel pulled her conscience out from her mindscape and opened her eyes, returning to reality. Before her was Ulv, though in Yuel's eyes, she looked more like a golden gate to a wealth of information. Stars sparkled a tad in the girl's eyes, a bit of her thirst coming out.

"Ulv, random question, if you don't mind me answering--ah, by the way, I think I got the mindscape thing down, though I have a few more questions to ask on it so I know it more precisely--but anyways, I had friend tell me to ask you, do you know this guy--arrogant, troublesome kinda person, er, monkey actually, i think? Anyways, do you know someone named Goku? He said you might know him by a different name or something."

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sun Dec 02, 2018 6:02 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv waited around for her Yuel to finish up with her thing, getting some Cultivation in while she did.The lightning beasts thrashed and power grew, but even with all her cheating, progression was long. She was getting within sight, but was still quite away from the end. After a while, things started happening around Yuel, but Ulv had seen to much to be shocked, startled, or even notice it. Everyone did things differently. And then, she asked a 'Random' question. Which was clearly not random at all, but Ulv would let it go and just cock an eyebrow at her.

"Your sentence structure is a mess, darling. However, I do know a Goku, from Dragonball. But a point before you go any further. Unless you have done crazy magical stuff in which case I can't help you anyway, your mindscape doesn't exist outside of your head. Even a Shinigami's Inner World can't interact with their Mindscape. Whatever people populate it, however well they seem to act, ultimately it is just a conversation with yourself. Which means anything and everything in that mindscape is created from your head, and you know everything about it. You quite literally can't make something you don't know. So if there is something you don't know in your Mindscape, you've gotta start looking into outside interference.

Sort of, secret Shinigami Spirits or Inner Hollows or Ziamichi have slipped in while you were building it. But even that won't be real, and interaction with the being in your mindscape will have no impact or progression with interaction in the thing that made it. Maybe they just want you to know they exist? So best to look in the world of your Soul, rather than the world of your Mind

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sun Dec 16, 2018 8:42 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Yuel took a minute to process what Ulv was saying. The "mindscape" she was describing had a few discrepancies with the usual meditative 'world' Yuel often entered, but the wolf woman's instructions worked, so there must be some sort of connection between the two. As far as the young girl could discern, there were three possibilities for her to consider; one, that the planes they both experienced were different entirely, and that it was more or less a coincidence that Ulv's methods worked in Yuel's "mindscape"; two, that there really was some sort of magical thing going on, and since Yuel's spiritual ineptitude made her incapable of being certain, this creature within was an intruder, alongside the other two beasts she knew to exist; three, that Goku was was someone she did know, from a future or past self, whose details she couldn't entirely recall. To some degree, he still was, in the state presented to her, entirely of her own creation and memory, shaped up in the way she subconsciously remembered. Either way, there were only a few ways to move forward on the subject.

Other than that, it was time to revel in the experience of finally having some sort of "ability" derived from herself alone. Renkinjutsu was her machination, but it was an entirely exterior system that she just manipulated. Anyone could do it, frankly. Her "singularity existence" issue was an entirely separate matter, and one that she couldn't freely manipulate anyways. This "willpower" ability was truly, truly her very own, and it was magnificent.

Yuel looked into her palm, closed her eyes for a moment, and focused. In the back of her mind, she thought of the experience, her mindscape, and drawing that tethering sensation out once more. The young Duulheim opened one her eyes and looked at ground beneath her and drew out that power. Once again, cracks formed beneath her feet, opening and closing as if spaces between the matter was expanding and contracting, nothing but an abyssal vacuum occupying the area of this expanded space, before it collapsed and sealed the cracks thoroughly. Yuel smiled wide, genuinely thrilled from this experience.

"Thanks for the advice, Ulv; I really do appreciate it. What do you call it, by the way? The whole technique? Oh! Also, I have a few theories as to who this Goku--er, actually maybe he meant Wukong, but whatever; I have a few theories as to what was going on there, but I really don't know how to ascertain it. After all, as you know, this is all going on within my mind. Unfortunately, since I'm unable to use spiritual energy, or any sort of energy resource in general, I don't have any methods to confirm without bringing something from the physical realm; do you have any ideas? You're a vizard, so you should know how to handle things like this hopefully?"

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