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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:56 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Poof. Ulv was back in her own body, spiritual power spend hard. She wasn't burning body just yet, but she had still put out most of what she could casually. She hoped Yuel could deal with the dragon, but now that was all Ulv could do, hope. Pulling her Reiatsu back into her body to reduce the strain on her now thin reserves of power - Devil's Heart was always a rougher, and that astral projection sucked a lot out of her - she stretched, and then leaned against a tree, waiting for Yuel to come out of the inner world. Or die. Die was always a possibility.

Five minutes passed before Ulv let out an exclamation of vexation.
"Ahhh! How much patience does she think I have?! What is going on in there? WRRRRRRYYYYYY!" Ulv exclaimed, leaning back in an extremely exaggerated angle and screaming. But it was broken up by Hvit, who spoke up.
'Something is wrong with the bridges, Ulv. They are losing their luster. Turning, amber. Their prismatic gaudiness was kind of oppressive but I don't like what them losing that is signifying' Hvit said, and then a sarcastic voice 'Ohh, and the sun is imploding. Wonderful. We are all going to die, again'

Ulv knew Hvit was just griping, but something was happening. Her physical body interacted with her Dantian but it was also part of her soul, so when it was crippled by the Henrex and later Neoveta actions, it required proper maintenance to regrow, and didn't get that, instead being artificially re-inflated with her Reiryoku. This time was too much, and she had shredded Dantian beyond any repair. Not catastrophic, but it sucked to lose such powers. She liked them, they were cool. And how would this effect her relationship with Ci and the rest of Wulin? How would it affect her relationship with Magnolia now that she had to right to help with Black Wulin?

It was put to one side when Yuel returned, her body changing surprisingly into what seemed very much like a Suika....hmm. Ulv was really not qualified to handle that, so she just nodded awkwardly, picked Yuel up, and opened a Senkaimon.
"To Ibiki it is then!" Her troubles could wait. These troubles needed more immediate attention.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:18 am
Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

Artist: Cristian Alejandro - Song: Hotel ホテル

As soon as Yuel reemerged from her Inner World and stretched out her hands in vigor, Ulv already came about grabbing her body to pull away. The initial action succeeded, as Yuel was genuinely caught off-guard. Where was Ulv trying to take her all of a sudden? Give a girl some time to reestablish themselves, goodness! Just before Ulv entered the senkaimon, Yuel wriggled out of her grasp with a level of strength that wouldn't lose out.

"Wait wait wait, Ulv, what're ye daein'?"

With a huff of impatience, Yuel puffed up her cheeks and straightened her garments. True to her wide and short attention span, that sense of impatience soon lost out to her interest in this new form. Rather than giving Ulv a stern expression, Yuel's eyes darted all across her body to admire the changes.

"Ah, sae thes is mah Shikai, huh? Ah, nae wait, that's nae it. Ulv, where're ye tryin' tae tak' me?"

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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 8Bvy1N8


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:31 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

The new Yuel, the Neuel, seemed to have a very strange manner of talking, as Ulv could barely keep her head around it after she slipped out and stood looking at her new form. It was certainly a strange new form, but that wasn't something Ulv was going to give much of a mind to yet.
"Your new Shinigami stuff, plus the horns. Horns like that are generally a Suika, which is something I felt in you to begin with. So I am taking you to a Suika so you can understand your new powers and your new birthright. We aren't the best on either"

Ulv's explanation, which could have definitely gone first before just grabbing her, was simple and to the point. But so were many things about Ulv. Subtle was not something she ever really did. As show-cased by the fact that she was a giant flame.
"I should probably have led with that but you surprised me with horns and powers. Plus, I thought Ibiki would like to see a sister, or, cousin, or niece? I don't actually know your relation to her. But another of her clan, would nicely cover it"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Posts : 2340

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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:48 am
Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

Artist: Cristian Alejandro - Song: Hotel ホテル

Once Yuel returned her focus to Ulv she attentively listened to her response, while in the back of her mind several completely different thoughts was circulating. Mostly in adjustment to her new form, physical abilities, enormous and sensitive spiritual energy, and most importantly the ability of her eyes. It was as if everything in the world was breaking down for her understanding. At just a glance, she could perceive the elemental make-up of the rocks around them, the bark of the trees, and the minerals within the nearby waters. Despite the sudden overload of information, she found no issues enduring all of itt. If anything, this was what Yuel considered beautiful.

But all this information was secondary. In this moment, it was more important to pay attention to Ulv's words and respond.

"Hm? Suika? Ah--AH!! Aye! Ah am indeed a Suika! in fact, if I remember, mah original maw back in sool society was named Tsume Suika. Ah remember a wee sister, an' a very coloorful Rukongai. I dornt tthink it's th' reit time tae see 'er now, tho'. Ah hae an inklin' feelin' tat she's currently preoccupied."

Though her words may not have been the most reassuring, her near glowing yellow eyes had a sense of knowing to them, and her face made confident of her words.

"Mair importantly..."

Yuel abruptly bum-rushed the vizard with incredible force, aggressively leaping into Ulv's body. Though it may have seemed malicious at first, Yuel's intent was to just tightly hug the woman, with the difference in their heights meaning that--if successful--Yuel's arms could only wrap around the woman's hips and waist, her head likely around chest height at most.

"Thenk ye, Ulv! it's coz ay ye tat I could find oot sae many things about meself!"

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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 8Bvy1N8


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:17 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ugh...listening to her was going to make her ears bleed.
"It's like that accent was hand-crafted by the Devil himself just to torment me" she muttered, looking at Yuel as she went through her new memories. That, she could understand. Ulv had many memories to go through. "As for your mother, I don't really know Suika beyond Shuten and Ibiki, which is another reason why I wanted you to go to them. They will understand who Tsume is a lot better than I will, and the reference to, colourful rukongai is also lost of me but probably not them"

And then she was moving. Ulv's brain kicked into gear a few moments after the movement, but she didn't question it. It's sense of what was going on was better than hers, and so she generally accepted what it wanted to do. Exceptional footwork slid her body back and to the side, and then used the momentum of movement to lash out a kick at the thing coming towards her. Only then did she realize that it was just Yuel coming in for a glomp. She could pull a bit of force out of the kick, but it was all set up to much to stop entirely.

"Don't just leap at people!"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:28 am
Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

Artist: Cristian Alejandro - Song: Hotel ホテル

Normally Yuel would be too distracted with all the new things to explore in the world and throughout herself to recognise what Ulv was saying, but in the incredible clarity of her mind and rejuvenated senses, she caught onto the vizard's murmurs. In turn, Yuel responded, a bit disheartened, but understanding nonetheless.

"Ah, aam sorry ye feel 'at way. Ah cannae help it, unfortunately."

Though it may not have been clear, Yuel was attempting to say her words more clearly this time around, but it was still drenched in her heavy accent. The mention of the Suika clan was enough to bring her spirits up once more, however. In all honesty, Yuel hadn't considered the rest of the family until it was mentioned, so the suggestion to meet the rest of them was well received.

"Ah, och aye, Ibiki! 'at was mah wee sister's nam, but ah dunnae kinn onie Shuten--who's she? Ibiki at th' moment aam sure is thrang talkin' tae anither me, but mebbe we can visit thes Shuten insteid. Actually, mebbe a visit tae lae ay th' fowk wooldn' be a bad idea!"

Then came the counter to her embrace. In immediate response to Yuel's leap forward, Ulv side-stepped and offered one hell of a kick. Yuel could see the kick coming due to her incredible vision, but the speed of the strike was overwhelming and unexpected, and it immediately struck the girl's face full-force, with no resistances put up. The rest was simply physics; Yuel's body recoiled backwards, and given Ulv's level of strength, Yuel flew across the landscape and bashed through several trees. Perhaps for another individual it wouldn't be as serious a circumstance, but even in her shikai state, Yuel's body was not the most durable. Her face was completely smashed in, several bones broken in the process of smashing into several trees.

"Mah god, 'at was roogh."

If it was Yuel in her normal form, that strike probably would've outright killed her. In fact, the damage done even in her shikai state was oppressive. At the very least, the Suika blood running through her was activating, rapidly moving about to restore her body and maintaining her conscience given the ungodly stamina of a Suika. Flesh and bones were reconnecting, soon approaching complete repair. Unfortunately, the reformation of her body and the reassumption of her Suika lineage wasn't enough to overcome the fact that Yuel had an underwhelming tolerance to pain. Thus, even while she was going to be physically fine, the girl groveled in pain on the dirt and grass, far too hurt to move a finger.

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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 8Bvy1N8


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 4 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:20 am


Well, that didn't go down well. Yuel was off from the kick, simple though it was, and she could feel the breaking bones through her tactile sense. Cursing, she went over to Yuel, but she seemed to be fixing what she had suffered with some kind of special magic power. Which was good, she had thought that she would need her Devil's Heart to get to work fixing that.
"You know, maybe next time, don't leap at the woman with instinctive combat experience. You are lucky I am wearing my devil bonds, or we'd be picking bits of you off the carpet" she berated, shaking her head softly.

"I know this is all new to you, but such reckless action while having such a fragile body. Even if I don't have strength beyond stature, I am still well stacked" Ulv finished, referring to the muscles she had across her body. "Now, before you do anything else to spark a catastrophe, I am going to take you to your family so they can teach you how to be less of a bundle of terrifying vigor. Suika know how to deal with Suika, after all" she then, let out a sigh and calmed down from the fury stack she had built.

"Shuten is a younger sister of Ibiki. You'll meet her when you go visit the other Suika"


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