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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:00 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

"Tulpa. It is a concept in mysticism and the paranormal of a being or object which is created through spiritual or mental powers, it's naming comes from the Tibetan sprul-pa which means "emanation" or "manifestation". Which fits. Most of the time one person doesn't have the mental power to create a Tulpa by themselves, but a very wise man got very stoned once and made the Earth-Defying Array, which amplified mental power and allowed him to project. I later enhanced that and created my own Arms Of The Earth. It is better in the fact that you don't have to go through hell learning about it" Ulv explained, before thinking on the girl herself.

"As for Wukong, that sounds like Sun Wukong, from Journey To The West. Strange you'd have a spirit claiming that identity. But as a Vizard, I can't help. You need to be a Vizard before I can start helping you as a Vizard. What I can do, is crazy insane bullshit magic to put an avatar of myself into your Soul, and then drag you along with me for the ride. So if you are a secret Shinigami or something, we can go see who's making a racket" Ulv would hold out a blazing amber hand, and let Yuel take it, or not. If she did take it, then the journey to her west would begin.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:00 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Ah! Tulpa, I've heard about it before. So this is what a Tulpa is... Weird though; you say being or object, and I can see that from your massive wolf, but what about the flames? I thought that was a part of your Tulpa, and I'm pretty confident my, er, Tulpa, isn't from manifesting a being either. Are there any other ways a Tulpa is manifested, because mine is more of a, well, terrain-changer? From how I understand it, I'm manipulating space itself and changing how it flows like how gravity tells space how to curve. Er, that aside, as far as the pains of learning about it, I'll take your word for it."

In all honesty, Yuel was very curious about it and wanted to ask more; however, she took Ulv's words of learning about it being hell as her way of politely saying she didn't want to go into detail. For all that Ulv has given her in this short amount of time, Yuel was grateful enough to set aside her obsessive curiosity.

Other than that, it seemed to Yuel that Ulv had an idea. As far as she explained it, Yuel could work out how it would be in theory. If it were someone more malicious, the blonde figured the whole process of "entering someone else's soul" as a potentially very dangerous experience. That said, Yuel more or less asked for this, and though she didn't want to seem naive, the girl developed a good deal of trust in the wolf-woman. That, and her excitement surrounding this whole ordeal wouldn't subside as easily as her curiosity.

"Well, If you wouldn't mind, I'll be burdening you once more."

With a slight bow of appreciation, Yuel extended her hand to meet Ulv's. Presuming they both entered Yuel's "inner world" from there, the landscape to arrive at would be identical to the "mindscape" Yuel was comfortably used to. Though it was absent of the bustling world and life she created to create her Tulpa, it still had the white space around her, the vast oceans in the distance on one side, a gargantuan mountain range to the other side, and above her an infinite sky filled with innumerable stars.

"Hm?? Isn't this just my mindscape? Did something go wrong?"

She wasn't aware of it, but Yuel's "mindscape" was identical to her inner world. To some subconscious level, every time she conjured her mindscape, or entered a lucid dream with this exact same scenery, she was actually entering her Inner World. The actual mindscape she entered when forming her Tulpa was different, but through the power of her "Tulpa" and image of "tethering everything together", she unknowingly forcibly brought her inner world about within the mindscape, therefore conjuring the three creatures alongside it.

Of course, she was never particularly conscious of this fact, largely because she didn't have the spiritual energy to "sense" anything spiritual about it. The fact that she could enter her inner world despite that was somewhat of an anomaly in itself, likely due to her true lineage amongst other interferences. That said, she also wasn't immediately aware of the three beasts within, though from past experiences she knew something existed here. One in the oceans, one in the mountains, and that less-than-amiable monkey in the sky, Sun Wukong.

If Ulv was to enter, she'd likely be aware of them immediately. That said, the vizard would also be aware that the waters in the distance was like a concentrated ocean of spiritual energy, the sleeping beast underneath the surface passively emitting a monstrous pressure, as if the ocean of energy was its own energy leaking out and pooling around it over hundreds of years, enough to be a seemingly endless body of water. In fact, Ulv should be extremely familiar to it. The energy signature shared many similarities with Ibiki, or more specifically Oni-Kyosei. By feeling alone, the calibre of power it held might not be too far off.

On the opposite side of inner world--if the world had a discernible cardinal system, you could call this side the west--was the mountain range. Within it, an equally immense energy signature emanated, this one demonic. If Ulv had ever come into contact with Shadin's ziamichi spirit, Oni Chita, she might similarly feel some familiarity, and like Oni Chita, the level of power emanating was also absurd.

Finally, the energy signature emanating from the sky, and the one Ulv would undoubtedly be most familiar with, as this one emanated tai chi energy, and it didn't lose out in presence to the other creatures. Of course, as Ulv should be able to immediately feel their presences, they in turn would notice her. The demon in the west pulsed out a wave of demonic energy, as if to censure the vizard as well as scan and ascertain who she was and what she was doing here, but beyond that it stayed dormant. The beast in the east, however, seemed to be awakening. The energy it emitted was its passive, sleeping state, but with a foreign being entering the domain, though not nearly as aggressive as the demon, it clearly wasn't keen on intruders. Nothing would happen in immediacy, but the waters of the ocean churned violently, as if something was making its way to the surface.

The one offering the most notable and overt reaction was Wukong. Within the eternal skies, a cloud began its descent, arriving close enough to the two for Ulv to have eye contact with the monkey-esque being atop it should she choose to look up, but still a considerable distance away, and no further. From his amused expression, it didn't seem like the monkey was keeping a distance out of caution. In fact, he went prone on the cloud and stuck his head off to the edge, as if to get a better look. From that, it seemed more like he wanted to come closer, but for whatever reason, couldn't.

"My my~, what an eventful surprise this is."

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:29 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

"My Resolve Flame is something different, It's a combo trick by me and Ibiki, the Commander of the Gotei. She lent me a hand and I used it with my Tulpa to make a new manifestation. it was really cool, actually, the way we met up like that. I really do like Ibiki" she then, got into Yuel's Inner World, and was surprised to see it so populated. The Demon sent out energy as if warning Ulv off it's property, and so she flared energy right back, as if telling him that being a mountian wouldn't save him from getting his ass kicked.

The Ibiki Beast was another thing. This wasn't the Resolve Force but the sheer Reiatsu of the woman, stick inside Yuel. Why...was a question for another time because she obviously had no idea what this place was doing or why anything was like this. What she was interested in, was the man on the Jin Dou Yun. A unique Personalized Technique that solidified his identity more than any words ever could.
"Victorious Fighting Buddaa. It is a surprise to see you here, everyone wondered were you went after Xuanzang was wounded like she was. To go into this woman, with a Demon and a Shinigami's energies as well...little Yuel is quite interesting~"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:15 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

The pulsation of energy Ulv returned to the western mountains had no response. Whether it was out of respect, or it couldn't be deigned, was up to debate. Either way, though the presence it provided as a whole wouldn't let up, the demon didn't seem interested in retorting or getting involved as a whole. The beast in the east was a different story. The waters were still churning, and it was awakening and rising from the depths, though it seemed like it might take quite a while for that to happen;in a certain frame of thought, it was a testament to how deep and large the ocean of spiritual energy was--or how small the rising creature was.

Either way, the only other of the three entities more immediately present, and willing to offer response most importantly, was the "Victorious Fighting Buddha". Of course, Yuel had no clue what Ulv was talking about when she first said it, but following the direction of her greeting, the young Duulheim gazed up to also see the monkey far up above. At first, she offered a surprised expression, but this quickly transitioned into a something more of a genuine amusement.

"Hohoho~, such a quick reunion, Saru; you always run away, so I figured you a coward, and yet you've come so quickly this time around, called a "Buddha", no less. I wonder what's different."

From there, Yuel redirected her focus to Ulv, wondering what their connection was, and more specifically, analysing who they were to one another, with Wukong coming so quickly once Ulv came around, and Ulv referring to the former in a respectful manner. As far as Yuel could tell, at least. In contrast, the monkey entirely ignored Yuel, albeit a slight wince if indignation at her commentary, specifically when she'd say "Saru" and "Buddha" respectfully. Though they rarely conversed directly, Wukong evidently spent more than enough time in this place to have an idea of what kind of person Yuel was, so he knew quite well just how much she was mocking him.

"Tch. If you ask me, it's her predecessors that are much more impressive--or rather, lucky--and not her. She's fortunate to have her lineage, and most of what she thinks are her accomplishments is really just the legacy of her ancestors."

Okay, so maybe Wukong didn't entirely ignore Yuel, moreso using the newcomer's engagement as a means to return Yuel's insults. In response, the blonde's cheeks puffed up in anger, outwardly regaining her composure, and only outwardly.

"You talk a lot of shit for a being just another monkey in a cage."

Feeling more than satisfied with her response, Yuel pridefully reveled in her insult and awaited a snarky bite back, only to be a disappointed. Instead, Wukong continued to ignore her, focusing on Ulv. Though there wasn't an actual glow, the monkey's sharp black eyes seemed to penetrate into the wolf-woman, as if seeing through every fibre of her being.

"Mah, a few things happened here and there, and now I'm inside here. That aside, a more interesting--and more current event--is you. What is a tai chi practitioner doing in my bratty little host? And not just a Tai Chi practitioner. I wonder, what's drawn you into this domain? As you can probably tell, there's quite a few people here, and they're usually not too keen on intruding strangers. I, however, welcome the company."

The monkey bellowed a high-toned, mischievous laughter, sending a pulse of energy towards the east and the west, as if to tease the two beings in their respective domains.

"Especially the snake in the waters; he's a rather aggressive fellow, and I'm sure he'll be coming not too far from now, so I suggest you keep things concise."

Last edited by Sage on Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:28 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Ulv would listen to their exchange, and then decide to step in. He was respectful to though he deemed worthy of being respectful to, but a most mischievous monkey king to those who were not. Yuel didn't help matters by being antagonistic towards him, however.
"You would be but a Man-Beast Metamorph without Xuanzang. Xuanzang would be but a Priestess without Shaka Nyorai. Everyone is supported by their linage, but that is not grounds for decrying them of their impressive nature. To have a soul like this and keep it coherent speaks of impressive spiritual strength. With training, she could become a student of renown" Ulv suggested, giving Sun a smile, and then looking back to Yuel. "But you should show some respect to those within you. Their aid will help you greatly but it is not to be expected or given for free"

She then took a more formal posture, straight back with her hands behind her back and her head straight. To look closely, they would see her amber skin flicker and move, a symbol of her being here in spirit, not body.
"I am here to help a friend. She wanted to get here and find out what it was, not something she could achieve herself. I am sure you have had many friends you have helped, and been helped by. Yuel could go in both catagories, if you two can get along"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:40 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

The monkey scoffed at Ulv's request for some humility and fairness in credit. Partially for her mentions of his origins as an example, but also because of how she related them to his comments on Yuel.

"You misunderstand me, child. But, you don't know of her history as I do, and it's not something I'll deign to explain. I feel like the words I'd need say will lessen as well."

His last few words trailed off in good timing, as the reason for the mockery made itself more apparent. The rumbling of the waters turned much more savage in what seemed to be something of a mountain breaking the tension of the water's surface. It's size wasn't in full view, but the mountain's peak turned to a full range, and with a discerning eye it looked more like the emergence of a series of spikes. In some time, the bases of these mountains--spikes, rather--revealed, showing that they were all connected to an absurdly massive, scaled body. Even now, its full size wasn't in full view.

That said, due to her spiritual ineptitude, Yuel hadn't really noticed it up until now, and accurately chalked up the sounds and rumbling to the dormant beast, but she didn't think much of it. It wasn't necessarily her first time experiencing this, anyways, and after a while she usually ignored it. This time was a bit different, seeing as the source of the rumbling finally revealed itself after a long-awaited time. Of course, considering the scale of its presumed body, the creature's full image was by no means anticipated. Thus, an expression of shock, and some level of horror, showed on her face. Meanwhile, the monkey's eyes found themselves on Yuel and matched the wide grin on his face.

"Well, I don't mind if she doesn't respect me, kids will be kids; however, for some reason I get the feeling that she wouldn't be respecting the newcomer, but rather fearing them. So I guess, rather than a kid, little miss Yuel might be a baby~, kekeke~."

"Sh-shut up! This is my world anyways, so there shouldn't be anything for me to fear when inside it!"

"Kekeke, you are mistaken, hostess. You find this white space to be yours because he allows it, just as the pussycat in the west and myself up here manage realms of our own; it is, safe to say, at his discretion. Besides, everyone has an inner demon, some people a little more literally, so everyone should have something to be at caution with within themselves."

At the mention of 'inner demons', the monkey split his eyes focus, one looking at the actual mountain range in the west, the other look at Ulv, seemingly within her as a matter of fact, and both eyes formed crescent moons to match his mischievous grin.

"Shut up! Monkey should do as monkey is told! E-either way, now that you're here do you have any ideas on what this place is, Ulv?"

Last edited by Sage on Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:59 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Of course. Sun Wukong was a Man-Beast Metamorphed monkey, so appeals to his better side would come out nothing. She'd have to do it Age Of Might style, if she wanted him to listen.
"I'm a Yu-Shan as well, Sun. So if you want me to kick your ass to ensure you mind your manners with Yuel, just say so and we can begin in ernst. Some, what thousand years? Trapped in here? Bet you've wasted away without someone proper to fight, nowhere to get Resources, no Qi Alchemist to help you on the road"

She then flicked her eyes to Yuel as she claimed that there was nothing that should cause her to feel any fear. And then asked where this was, which seemed obvious to Ulv. Giant monster thing moving about was on the list of lesser priorities. Size wasn't everything, and at a certain point size became a detriment to one's self. It's why Reapers kept their Zanpaktous into a nice slender size.
"It's your Inner World. The embodiment of your Soul. Spiritual beings have them, and the powers you have are found manifest within them. A surprisingly crowded Inner World. I would suggest flicking Sun out as soon as you can, you won't get anything beneficial from him except lip. Plus it would be fun to see how the Caananites react to Wukong entering their War against Wulin.

There is a soup of power in you, but you are definately a spiritual being. You just need to learn how to connect with what is inside you. Makes me wonder what you'd imprint onto an Asauchi"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Mon Jan 21, 2019 3:47 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Wukong's eyes maintained their crescent amusement, unfazed by her provocations. The monkey twirled about his cloud, an apple practically summoned into his hands.

"Kehehe, by no means is the lack of freedom ideal, but I've no issues maintaining myself. The monster in the waters keeps to himself, but I have no troubles finding a sparring partner elsewhere in this realm. I'll admit, the lack of Qi Alchemists is a bit of a disappointment, but it is of no matter; I think I'll find myself burdened less by these circumstances quite soon, rather."

The monkey finished his piece and took a bite of his apple, moving into a prone, more comfortable position, his eyes locked onto the west as if a show were soon to begin. In contrast to his relaxed posture, Yuel was still visibly on edge, though she was successfully soothed by Ulv's words. Her attention redirected to the woman, intentfully listening on her response with great interest.

"My inner world? I guess that makes sense? But I'm not very spiritually inclined, so even though I've heard of sub-shinigami before, I didn't think that sort of circumstance would apply to me."

Yuel's surprise stuck around a bit, but quickly rotated into some excitement. After all, for as long as she's remembered, the girl had always desired power of her own. From the first time she saw Azure, captivated by his power, to moving to Karakura and acquainting herself with a plethora of superpowered individuals enrapturing her with their prowess. Now, for the first time, she was being told that there might be potential power lying within her? Wait, no, hold on, Shadin said something similar one time, but when Yuel pestered him to continue, he brushed it off.

"I-I see... then there is a seed within me! I wonder then why there are so many beings within me then... wait! Wukong! You must be my zanpakuto spirit then, right?"

Her question was only met with uncontrollable cackling, deep desperate breaths inbetween, as if the monkey was going to die from laughing. Instead what gave her a response was the full emergence of the behemoth to the west. The water-level of the entire ocean sunk considerably, in its place the view of a behemoth eastern dragon risen from its slumber. Its massive azure body with patches of golden scales and hairs flared with immense energy on the scale of some of the worlds most magnificent powerhouses. The piercing strength of its luminous golden eyes practically scorched all in its view. Of course, all of these features in its spiritual power usually meant very little to the spiritually inept Yuel--but, this time was different. Why?

"Wha... I.... I can feel it. I can feel it? Is that what this is?"

Yuel's tension relaxed immediately when the beast entered her view; instead, she was utterly captivated by it. The immensity of its size, the beauty in its iridescence, its absolute majesty, and most importantly, the blissful, overwhelming feeling of its spiritual energy. The Duulheim was, for the first time in her memory, experiencing spiritual pressure, and in all honesty, it was overpowering. It felt like this crushing force of gravity, demanding every fibre of her being to hug the ground beneath her--and at the same time, it was like some ecstatic beacon of heat and warmth calling to her, and without even realising it, the charmed Yuel was walking forward.

"This is spiritual energy? Wow... it's, amazing? I'd ask why I can feel it, but..."

She paused her words as well as her steps. Though it seemed like she randomly stopped walking, Yuel knew that the place she was standing on was the edges of her white world. Even though it was usually infinite, this time around any step further would be leaving her white world and entering the realm of the dragon and its oceanic world.

"But I don't think I need to. I know why, and it's because..."

Yuel stretched out her hand forward and balled it into a fist. Along this motion, Ulv would recognise the subsequent reaction as the realisation of her Tulpa, the same space-altering effects applying to her hands, as if she were grasping the film of a barrier before her and sliding it off the invisible wall of her white world. Thereafter, Yuel start walking forward again with her hand still outstretched, this time beckoning for the behemoth to come closer, within her reach. It offered no response and stayed put, not even looking at the girl.

Instead, its eyes were fixated on the woman a distance behind her. There was no emotion in its expression, not that a dragon's expression was easily read. However, the power of its stare was intense; the piercing glare easily induced a feeling of all-knowing arrogance, different to the one Wukong offered. This one felt more like simply existing within this world and being under its eyes read every piece of your being, everything laid out to bare.

"It's because you're mine. It's not Wukong--it's you, that's my zanpakuto spirit--right?"

Through her Empathic Heart, Ulv would be able to see the blank listlessness in Yuel, or rather, calmness. In fact, even without Empathic Heart, the air around the blonde changed significantly, and her demeanor as a whole seemed grander. If Ulv were in front of the girl, she'd find a similar piercing gaze in her eyes, akin to the dragon's.

"All of this is mine. I remember now. It's because of you. You're the reason I'm like this."

A change of air around a person was a figure of speech, but for Yuel, this was literally happening--once more courtesy of the recent Tulpa she learned, simply much more powerful within this world. Enough that, similar to the way Ulv manipulated the wind, a gust brushed along Yuel's body and lifted her forward towards the dragon.

"It's time for you to pay me back. What is your name, serpent?"

Largely out of her usual character, Yuel's words were striking, spoken with heavy authority. Her demands were not met, however; a snort of air escaped the dragon's snout in a scoff, and instead of responding, the creature motioned back into the waters, as if to return to its slumber. Unfortunately for the dragon, Yuel wasn't intent on letting it do as it pleased.


Her previous words of authority only extended as far as that--words. This time was different. At her command, the world listened, and the waters froze in time,preventing the dragon from re-entering their depths.

"You will no longer run from me."

Of course, a dragon was a proud being; a mere command and show of force wasn't enough to submit to. In fact, it was understood as a provocation. The behemoth turned its focus back in her direction, not at Ulv this time, but properly at Yuel. The world rumbled, and the spiritual pressure it exuded skyrocketed.

"Uh-oh. That's my queue, I look forward to seeing what remains of you!"

Wukong quickly gulped down his apple and stood up properly on his cloud, hastefully flying away back into the skies a great distance away from the white world. Soon after, the build up of spiritual pressure actualised into energy, and a massive beaming pillar of energy tunneled its way towards Yuel, who was completely defenseless, and by extension Ulv. Having only now realised how ahead of herself she'd gotten, as if the girl regained herself and her former character, in futility the young Duulheim closed her eyes and put her hands up to block the oncoming blast that seemed like it would vaporise all in its path.

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:31 am

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Bloody Monkey. Xangshang should be a Buddaa simply for putting up with him. If only Ulv was more than condensed energy in this form, she'd totally thump him one and teach him some manners like he should have been.
"No, he isn't your spirit. He is just a monkey that got lucky and had one of the best teachers ever to have existed. What he is doing here is vagaries, and what he can help with is even more vagaries. Dantians can't be shared, so right now he just really just a nuisance. Best he can do is advise you on Tai Chi if you ever go that path, but he doesn't need to be stuck in your soul to do that"

Then the Dragon came, and Ulv was quiet, letting Yuel talk to the creature that was muh more obviously her spirit. Ulv wasn't in the konw as to what was happening or why, but Yuel seemed to grow angry at the spirit for doing something to her that she did not like. She demanded it's name and that was the point Ulv stepped forward and put a hand on Yuel's shoulder.

"You couldn't hear it if it told you. A Spirit's name is an important thing, and it is the key to unlocking your Shikai. You'll not hear his name before you are ready to accept who and what he is" Ulv counciled, before Yuel took the Hayden Diplomacy route and decided to force the situation while on rickety ground. The incoming energy blast would probably not do much good for Yuel, so Ulv grasped her energy, span it out through her leg, and kicked a crescent of burning power at the blast.

"It doesn't do to kill your host, Mr Dragon" Ulv exclaimed, before turning to Yuel. Ulv was transparent at this point, having burned a great deal of her energy to counter the blast. "And it doesn't do to try and force your spirit into obedience. He is you, You are Him. Maybe he has the qualities you'd rather not admit you have, but you have them none the less. Unlike Wukong and the Demon who are just hitchhikers in your soul, this Spirit is the most important thing you could ever encounter. To lose contact with him is to lose a part of your soul.

Show him the respect you would wish to be shown, accept that he is a being of pride and that he has great self-worth. And above all else-" Ulv vanished completely before she finished, her energy wholly spent.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 Empty Re: Quantum Break [Yuel]

Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:27 am

Song: Lighthearted - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

When Yuel opened her eyes, the worst seemed to be avoided. The blast was countered, and before her was a faded image of Ulv, offering genuine advice. Of course, at first, in her adolescent emotions, Yuel wasn't completely receptive. While the blonde wasn't actually quite angry with the dragon, she still wasn't very accepting towards it. Yuel deduced that the dragon was her zanpakuto spirit easily enough, and while she may not be directly experienced in shinigami matters, she was certainly knowledgeable about it; her mentor, Shadin, was a sub-shinigami himself. She was well aware that the name of the spirit was the method for her to attain shikai--that was the plan.

It started from just the feeling, but from fragments of memories, Yuel pieced things together. It was strange, in fact completely impossible for someone such as her, in the circumstances she lived in surrounded by spiritual beings, to not have been affected by any of them in any capacity to at least enable her to see other spiritual beings. By some method, something was stunting the growth of her spiritual energy, as odd and improbable as it may be. The most definitive proof of this in her eyes was that, with Shadin having mentored and thoroughly seen through her, he made no mention of anything. Therefore, there couldn't be any foreign influence doing this to her; it wouldn't be Wukong, or even the beast in the western mountains.

It had to be something that he felt she needed to take care of herself and overcome. Something from within, unique to her. The only thing that could be the case was her zan spirit, with all the clues bared. Yuel being self-titled "The Mind of Karakura" was arrogant, but had grounds to it. Even in the short few moments to which she was for the first time exposed to spiritual energy, and furthermore able to sense it, she started doing the math.

She started doing calculations on the amount of spiritual energy she could sense and was burdened by being released by the dragon; additionally, the ocean it slumbered in was condensed spiritual energy as well. From the fragments of memories she could recall over five centuries ago, the numbers matched up. This dragon, as the reason for her spiritual ineptitude, absorbed and housed all spiritual energy she produced and accumulated beyond the bare minimum, indefinitely stunting her growth.

Again, Yuel wasn't angry, exactly. She simply felt that, for all that this dragon took from her, it was only deserved that it offered something in return. After all, the dragon, and everything it had, was originally hers. Those were her feelings at first.

But once she was met with its ire and once she was defended by Ulv, a bit more clarity came to mind, thankfully alongside some added perspective. Maybe she was angry after all. But as Ulv said, a zanpakuto comes from the self, and is a part of oneself. Something about her enabled the dragon to do this. Maybe it was that arrogance and possessiveness. After all, her first thought on the subject was that it had taken what was hers, when in reality, it should be theirs. Ulv was right; this dragon, undoubtedly, was someone with their own pride. Yuel was certain of this, as she had a great deal of pride herself.

"Mm... Thank you, Ulv; and sorry about that. Thank you for protecting me. I think I'll be seeing you soon. Do you mind waiting on me a bit? I'll be out of here soon, and put your advice to good use."

Once Ulv disappeared, Yuel refocused herself on the dragon, this time with a new sort of resolve.

Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: Cristian Alejandro - Song: Hotel ホテル

On the outside, Yuel's expressionless body stood frozen, completely unresponsive. It wasn't until around fifteen minutes later that at torrent of energy started to come out. Torrent was perhaps an understatement, as it was more akin to a hurricane of energy rapidly hurling out of her body without warning, enough that the lake nearby moved into waves that might empty it, and the trees around were uprooted. The energy was so brightly luminescent that there was no discernable colour, such that Yuel's entire shape was lost in its shine. In terms of sheer pressure, at its peak, Yuel didn't seem to lose out too much to the level of pressure Ulv could provide.

Once the amount of energy escaping her calmed down, a new appearance was visible, a look that would certainly prove familiar to the vizard. In this new form, with a familiar blonde head of hair--a noticeably lighter shade now--and incandescent yellow eyes, small stature, oddly enough a significantly smaller chest, and much more skin exposed--such that the innumerable scars around her body that seemed nearly tattoo-like were visible--these features were the more mild changes. More noticeable was the odd cap on her head that followed into the drawing of an eye, on each side of the eye protruded black horns with red tips, a major change into yellow eastern attire, and by far the most conspicuous thing, an utterly massive barbaric sword, way larger than her own body.

The girl standing where Yuel once stood looked around with wide eyes, curiously scanning the surroundings. Eventually, she out-stretched both arms and curled her back as a yawn escaped her.

"HnnnggGAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That took forever--at least 5 hours, more certainly!"

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Quantum Break [Yuel] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


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