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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:37 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: Hatsune Miku - Song: 【IA】遺骸の花守【オリジナル】

Day was beginning to wash over the skies of Devil Peak Mountain. While most of this realm was held in a sight of grey melachony, the will of Demon World's Princess held but a mere mile or two of this range in the soft glow of an early morning sunrise. Hues of ocean blue, orange starlight and cherry pink streaked across the horizon as these feelings of warmth melted through the once bitter and cold winter morning. Much like the reflection of Algos's own heart, The Royal Demoness yearned to hold this piece of warmth for herself when surrounded by the walls of such a cold world.

Pumping through her blood was the impulse of sheer love as she understood quite well what it meant to be marked, bonded and connected to someone. Memories of their night of affection, lust, and commitment danced around in the mind of The Princess as her heart continued to flutter with these sensations of adoration. Yet at the same time, dreadful thoughts of despair flooded the backdrop of her conscious. What if something were to happen to herself? What if she couldn't protect her beloved sister that gave her this love? Would she become overly possessive? Could this only end in heartbreak? There were so many things that could go wrong, but her confidence still felt assured that she could perhaps cherish this happiness for as long as possible before the inevitable pain of suffering consumed her spirit once more.

In spite of that acceptance, however, the woman was seen sitting in a meadow of flowers; holding her hands to her chest as hot tears of twisted emotion flew from her eyes. There was a sense of fear inside of herself for becoming attached to this sibling; despite the fact she wanted so desperately to make this cherished person her own. Yes, her greed was satisfied, but she did not want to lose this heated flame of love since it had been so long since the affection of another graced the tender flesh of her skin, the broken halls of heart and the scattered memories of her ego.

So -- a decision was made to mitigate the chances of this loss occurring.

Given the fact that the two were bonded to one another, Calypso could no doubt sense the location in which her sister lay as if it were as clear as day. Thus, it was obvious enough that she must teleport there; as the energy of Algos was bonded to her body and could provide a direct wormhole to traverse dimensions itself to be at her kins side. In doing so she wanted Cali to come forth into the soil of demon world so that she may begin to bring out the nature of her powers more. The woman was far too weak to be a proper Asthavon, so The Princess knew how to bring that potential out of her sibling given her expert knowledge of the demonic body.

Ergo, Algos dried her tears, stood up and held her arms out so that she may greet her sister with the warmth of a smile as the rays of the sun made the woman almost seem angel-like; despite the foul scent of demonic blood radiating from her crimson aura. As in this unseemly visage did six crimson wings of raw chaotic energy form behind the royal demoness to signify her own powers beginning to awaken from its dormant slumber. These angelic appendages sought to embrace their ever-glowing warmth around the body of Cali so that they may feel their sister once more before the agony of training began.

"It's so nice to see you again, my beloved. I think it's time we began our training, no?"

And with that, if Cali were to emerge before her, Algos would embrace her in the most tender of hugs; making sure to savor her kin's aroma, touch and ginger tones. With a welcoming kiss upon her lips, the taste of Calypso would be all The Asthavon needed to cement this day as good before diving forth into the sea of exhausting challenges the two had set ahead of them. As making this upward battle of bringing out Cali's potential was going to be tiresome, but worth it to make sure this love lasts.....

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  WVMWLOu
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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:57 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Another night was she within the grasp of an odd dream, hardly aware of reality or herself, so deep in that not even the morning light batting away the dark curtains of night roused her. Not even the moths unfortunate enough to get caught in her hair and fluttered awkwardly could rouse her. Most times, when she was in this state, she was out for weeks, floating in a constant rotation of vague hints and teases her mind played. It always felt as if... There was something she was missing, but at the same time was too hazardous to really touch upon. The secrets her subconsciousness held scared her to a degree, even with this loosening of her nerves.

All these elements did not rouse her, but one thing did; The deep connection the siblings now bore had brought to her attention that Algos wished for her presence. It indeed broke through her state of REM, finally getting the bed-head girl to get up. Though she did end up teleporting into Algos' arms, she was still waking up, and didn't quite think before she ported; thankfully she had reformed her clothing, though her hair was a mess with the occasional flappy golden wing caught in it. Though she stumbled on unsteady legs, returning the hug sleepily, even her 'scarf' arms were gingerly clinging to the red angel's wings, the mention of 'training', along with a kiss to her lips, got her eyes opened up much faster, blinking quickly.

"Aaaahh, right right! Training! That that!"
She righted herself, evicting the moths from her hair (whom awkwardly fluttered about around their master) which then fixed itself, her sighing and patting her cheeks.
"Wuff, I am NOT used to being up so early, or so quickly. Normally shweep like that like um.. Two weeks minimum. But it's you so that's fine."

She had a lazy smile, though upon looking at the soil, she realized where exactly she was, brows raised, "Oh... I don't normally walk very far in this realm... The grounds made me feel weird if I stayed too long, like, yannow, scary weird." She shrugged, though sniffed a bit as she was close to her sibling, "..You were crying again huh? I can smell the saaaalllt, ooooo~!"

She spoke the last sentence ominously, making a crawling sort of movement with her fingers as she grinned at her as an obvious (and probably poor) attempt at cheering her up, though her expression quickly switched to confusion, "Yknow, why are people's tears salty? That's weird. Then again I make weird sweet healing tears so, heh, maybe i'm the weird one here."

She shrugged casually, a little kick in her feet as she smiled at her sibling, "Aaanywho, back on subject, what's on the training agenda thing? I'll do my best!"

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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:17 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: Hatsune Miku - Song: 【IA】遺骸の花守【オリジナル】

Delectable. That was the first word which started ringing in the mind of Algos as she savored the honey taste of her beloved's kiss. It started making the pangs of hunger in her gut begin to become satisfied as The Princess siphoned her sister's golden extract of life essence into the depths of her body. Mending such sorrowful wounds of hurt which lay inside of herself with this love made this sister oh-so-fullfilled. Yes, now that this love now firmly in her hands, the response to having such a powerful sense of sentiment to lay claim to caused the demoness mind to move toward taking what she wants, but not before adjusting the senses of her body to hear the movements, sounds, and responses which her younger sibling gave.

Even while lost in these experiences of Cali's ever sweet smelling aromas, Algos could remain attentive to the words in which her kin spoke without losing focus. From the lazy smiles, to the relaxed tones of speaking and lack of care in the world; it was apparent the sister was at peace with how things were. That was a happy sight to watch unfold before the blood eyes of The Royal Asthavon because it meant she felt safe in the arms of The Princess and that is a feeling of strength The Princess wanted to project to the subject of her love.

"It's that feeling of emotion which grants you the strength to stand before me, sister. You are such a bundle of silliness sometimes, but that's why I love you."

Indeed, the attempts Cali made to cheer her older sibling up did appear to work. As inside the beating heart of Algos did a sense of warmth swell up her chest. It was if there were butterflies soaring around in a meadow of infinite glowing heat that swelled up into the heavens of unending bliss. The sentiments of that happiness when they are together were hard to put into words, but the feeling radiated all the same from her being and the two could undoubtedly sense that connection with how they were bonded. It is why Algos wanted her more and more as that craving within the depths of her soul started to rise to the surface with each passing look of desire she gave her kin.

"It's fine. You will adjust to this realm in due time as I won't allow you to fall."

Those words were spoken with the utmost of certainty behind them because Algos's blood ran through the veins of Cali. Therefore, from her will alone she refused to allow her sister to fall to any side effects of being in this world of demons. If she were a princess of this dimension, then she believed herself to have all the might in this cosmos to be able to at least do that for her sister. So, if nothing else, the younger sibling may begin to feel a sense of foundation with each step she took. As if the world below her feet were solid and an angel of above was overlooking her every step.

"Aren't you the insightful one? My tears taste like nothing less than the heavenly nectar of the gods themselves."

There was a coy smirk which eased across the face of The Princess as there was no a hint of doubt which echoed in her playful voice. Perhaps she truly did believe every bit of her body was a blessing for this world to indulge. Of course, after the time these two had together, Algos had no misconceptions that Cali knew just how enticing the heart, soul, and flesh of her body could be. Hence there was little reason to be uncertain about ways in which this demoness's existence was a mouthwatering to partake in. Instead, this bundle of dreams that lay in the hands of this royal demon would feel the sensation of her cheeks being pinched from both sides as Algos gave her quite a gentle form of bullying.

"Existence is an abstract and odd thing to experience on all fronts. Tears are the least of your concerns right now, sister."

Leaning in closer, closer and closer; Algos placed her face toward the side of Cali's neck until she was able to brush her bare skin against this supple-tasting region of her kin's body. Then, in one swift action did she bite into the flesh of her sister; making sure to bite deep to extract all the sweetness of Calypso's gold being into her mouth. With her hands firmly held around her sister, she proceeded to suck and drain her for many seconds until she inevitably pulled back away from her neck; dripping shadows and honey from her mouth after having the experience of having her way with The Danava of Dreams and Nightmares.

"You taste damn good, but that's not the full point, is it?"

There was an odd laugh which came out of the mouth of Algos; seeming as if she were almost in a half-dazed state. Of course, she was intoxicated off the feel of this overflowing love, and she was certainly being selfish in taking charge of manhandling her sister. Yet, the point of this was to open up the floodgates of her own divine blood to react in the body of Cali. Since as soon as she was injured did this scarlet blood from The Princess push itself to the surface, react to the impulse of damage and soon begin repairing the open wound to her neck at breakneck speeds.

"My selfish love is inside you, and we demons react to emotions quite potently. It's penetrating your being, eating at your soul and will break the wall between you and your potential."

With a wave of her right hand, Algos then had an aura of crimson energy flow forth from her body; radiating a sense of demonic might with its daunting presence. It was this same atmosphere of strength which then started to bleed out of the body of Cali as the blood of The Princess reacted to this strong feeling of love burning in the heart of Calyspo.

"The more we demons understand the elements which possess us, the more potent our powers become. The path to training you to become stronger lies in this love we share, sister. You are The Danava of Nightmares and Dreams, so you live in a state of constant surrealism from this unreal love beating into your soul. It is our job as fellow kin to materialize that sense of potent love to reality by using our powers as the medium to express this sentiment."

With her right index finger pointed to the sky, a ginger smile came across the face of The Demon Princess as this feeling of surging love overtook her spirit. At this moment the mental processes of Algos were being shared with the mind of Cali so that she may better understand what her elder kin meant by those sentimental words. While visualizing the burning ember of their flaming love for one another, Algos could invest those feelings of warmth into her already dangerously potent demonic energy. And being that she was consumed by the art of suffering and pain, this possessive element grew stronger when the twitching torment of The Princess's passing thoughts about the fear of their future came into play.

Many worrying thoughts of world wars, death, separation, isolation and woe weighed down her spirit; but this only served to make her stronger when that experience of heartache turned to strength. It resonated in her being and brought forth an eruption of blinding light which resulted in the screeching sound of blood red eruption of energy soaring forth from the tips of Algos's wings. In this way she produced a cluster of energy powerful enough to outright vaporize entire cities ten times over; but it was under such a great control from the sense of stability Cali gives that she tamed it and let it eject into a blinding white blaze in the sky that shook the heavens themselves; producing numerous earthquakes in the distance as The Princess's overwhelming love could grip this entire realm in its grasp now that she felt powerful enough to take on the whole world with the amount of pleasurable suffering love gives when you want to better yourself to shelter, protect and guard that which you care for in the face of uncertainty.

So while she was in pain, and her possessive powers thrive on that pain, the possession of love was beating in the soul of Algos. Hence, she intermixed the two to create this symbolic gesture of affection to be bled into the universe with how The Princess's powers influenced the world around her at this moment. As it is her reasoning that the anguish of hardship creates the most harden of spirit, this burden which comes with the responsibility of looking after someone you love was something which she could indeed handle and dared to stare down in spite of these fears which hurt. And thus, it is to that end why Algos then held her ember-lit gaze toward Cali's dreary eyes.

The younger sibling was going to have to explore the depths of her own spirit to understand how the possessive element of her dreams, nightmares, and love could bring the utmost of raw sentimental power to existence. As this world thrived on the potency of the symbolism, connection, meaning, and purpose. Without any of these things, so many unaware fools met their end before their time because they could not properly conceptualize what it is their powers manifested themselves for. And The Princess did not take her fellow kin to be anything less than exceptional now that their hearts were conjoined in such a loving way.

"You can feel every meaning and intention behind my actions because of this link we have right now, sister. But...I feel expressing it in words will help: you have to be able to manifest the many aspects which make you and your powers to the surface. You have the love, now how would you convert the love of your dreams into reality?"

There was now a look of utmost gravity behind the face of Algos. Every word in which she spoke carried with it urgency as she knew the key to keeping this safeguard on her sister's existence lies in her understanding this to the best of her ability. Ergo, The Princess took a few calm steps behind Cali; pressing the weight of her warm bosom against the head of her kin. Then, when a comfortable position was found, she held on to to the right hand of her sister and started to project the many different ways she could potentially harness this power of nightmares and dreams.

"You have so many ways to translate this power of dreams and nightmares into a power which can go beyond your wildest imagination, sister. Perhaps you could use the fear of losing my love to generate demonic spells which oblierate all in your path, or maybe you could use the strength of power which my love gives you to produce possessive spells of might which augment your strength. It matters not how you wish to express that sentiment with your powers, but you have to understand what it is you feel in the mindscape of your conciousness. My blood is merely there to help guide you, bring it out and be used as a helping hand to reflect the utmost of what your potential can be as an Asthavon."

And with those words drenched in the utmost of caring belief, emotion and sentimental investment, Algos understood it was then going to be up to Cali to take these words of enlightenment to do with what she will. As at the end of the day The Princess could only guide her toward the well. If she decided to drink it's essence and understand the power that it could grant her was all in the hands of her sister. So, all her elder kin could do was wait, watch and observe what might manfiest into reality now having bestowed this knowledge upon her.

"I'm here for you if you do not understand this confusing path, sister. We have all the time in the world to extract this well of marvelious strength that is waiting to shine in you. I believe you can do it."

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  WVMWLOu
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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:16 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso felt all manners of warm and fuzzy being in her sibling's presence, even if she only now was fully awake. She was expressively interested in what Algos had in mind for training, though at the same time some night whispers inside of her tickled her with fears, though such things weren't given much thought or mind, especially with the sensations of her sibling's love being present to stabilize her. She was happy to sense Algos was happy, or at the very least in a positive mood. Her elder kin spoke to her as if they had known each other their entire lives, while such a thing wasn't true, Calypso just swayed and flowed with the river of current existence and emotion; feeling familiar and noticed made her feel more at ease.

"You're super great, sis, I love you too!" Calypso's tone was nothing but cheerful as she had a bit of a hop of excitement. She never imagined that she would feel such freedom and joy outside of the mindscape; before now, that was the only place in which she had felt so fluttery. Though she was momentarily relieved of the feeling of birdliness when her sibling pinched her cheeks, the girl not being able to help but laugh at the light bullying she received,

"Ahahah heeyyy! That huurts!"

Ordinarily her flesh would have reacted, regardless of friend or foe, to such a thing, but it remained still, automatically knowing no danger was present, likely due to their connection putting her at ease. Though when her cheeks were relieved of the pinching action that only a great aunt could top, she did a bit of a chuckle when her sibling suddenly started getting closer and closer to her, like some predator with an eye on it's plump new meal. She sensed her sibling's intent, and didn't move, she didn't have to. All she did was grit her teeth and bear her biting into the tender flesh of her neck, tearing at the seams of her existence, though when she felt her sibling's teeth leave her flesh, her body went to do the routine act of fixing itself, however the essence of Algos that still resided within her worked much faster in restoration, the bits of black, eyeball-infested flesh making a gentle bout of grumbled hisses as it sunk away, as if sad it couldn't do it's job.
This was fine. Everything was fine. She was okay with the Princess prodding and pinching her. It was the least she could do to make her happy, relieve her of the darkness in her mind and heart. Calypso had zero intention of falling away from her, or her family, or anyone, no matter how many tears she was forced to shed, no matter how many times she was reduced to a puddle. She had the conviction to tie herself back together and keep going.

The young demoness shrugged and rubbed the back of her head, "...Guess I do. You taste way better, im sure~" She smirked, though the sentiment was rather dark, in hindsight, "No need to call your love selfish, though Sis. It's completely fine-"

Her eyes sparkled as she witnessed her sibling harnessing her crimson energy, her interest quickly being roped in as she uttered a soft 'Oooh', though looking back up to listen to her speech on such a thing. Her face somewhat deadpanned as she felt the sensations and pulsings of her sister's energy, her body doing a bit of a shake from the rush of sharing her white haired angel's mental processes, being flooded with all sorts of new sensations, fears, desires, needs. It was almost overwhelming, but she wasn't physically phased, her mind quickly breaking down everything she witnessed into easier to digest, logical sentences. She stared at the cluster of energy that was so simply dispersed with such great control, something so powerful her mind was ablaze with how scary it was, yet how amazing and beautiful her sibling was.


Her face was aglow with a blush, the prismatic shimmer was strong enough to show her amazement, exhaling a shaken breath, "That's... A lot you got.."

She stared down at her hands, thoughts swirling in her mind, of whether she could preform something so amazing, yet so terrifying. Did she really have the possibility to be able to possess such majesty? Though as her mind churned, the feeling of cold, bony hands settled on her mind, a gentle breeze echoing from the black of her mind,


Calypso seemed to perk up from her dazzled state for a moment, thinking she had heard someone speak, though settled as Algos placed her preciousness upon the back of her head. This only made gentle giggles leave the lips of Calypso. To her, the female body was a precious thing, a beautiful thing. She had a massive bias towards them as their placement in many societies was a thing of purity, of gentleness, of motherhood. She only felt such extremes towards feminine forms due to this belief of their worth, and for them to not be desecrated upon without expressive consent.

She came back, as she was given different ways in which she could channel her power by the gracious hand of her sibling, inhaling and then exhaling, staring at her hands as her sibling spoke words of power and encouragement.

"...I'll try, I'll do my best."

Tightening into fists, she tried to figure something to manifest with her power, feeling the impulse to close her eyes. Her sibling here, the feeling of warmth and protection, and the patter of her excited heart, lead her to mentally dig, dig into something she could channel and use, somewhat going into a silent, meditative state as her breathing slowed, that image of that dark lake resurfacing in her senses. Everything was soon white, she grasped something...

Everything next happened so quickly; First, she was simply there, within her sibling's embrace. Next her body was black and shadowy, then it rapidly flickered, like the poor thing glitched, all manners of strange eyes opening and then closing, finally she screamed, equally glitching tendrils whipping around wildly, as the sensation of pain and fear hit her consciousness, an electric shock keeping her from whatever she grasped.

She was finally, falling down, and regardless if Algos had been hit, or caught her, she spoke,

"I... I tried to grasp something. And... Dark... Light... Eyes, Things.. What the fuck was that..?"

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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:04 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: The Chase

Sweet little sister was oh-so amazed by the prowess which lay deep in the heart of her elder sibling. It brought forth a semblance of happiness within the foul spirit of The Princess as it did feel damn good to be viewed as powerful, strong and reliable. If she were to be the older of the pair, then she knew she had a responsibility to use this demonic power to protect something which held the sentiment of fondness so close to herself. So much blood could be extracted from the world with such a determination now flowing into the essence of this demonic royalty, but she wasn't much focused on that for the time being. Instead, Algos's blood eyes shifted their gaze toward the sight of Cali before moving forward with what they needed to do next in their training session.

"I've acquired this power through a lifetime of grief and actualizing the person who I am to the fullest. If I'm not aware of myself, the way this world works and how to suffer and be patient enough to enjoy the journey toward my grand power; I'd have not lasted as long as I have in order to feel the glow of the sun's touch against my skin having been freed from the shackles of my imprisonment."

There was no doubt echoed in the words spat forth from the lips of Algos as she reflected on the grueling progression that it took to get to this point. Recalling all the battles waged as Neoveta, remembering all the blood they extracted from their enemies, visualizing the anguish of the training they invested to build the empire of their strength and recounting all the people they loved for fading into the abyss; it couldn't all be for nothing. She was not going to waste the power that all the many spirits who looked to her for guidance invested in at this point, nor was she going to cast aside the second chance at life she received in her current form. It is for this reason why she was willing to use this powerful demonic love to possess her sister and guide her through these same troubling woo's with her elder kin at her side to prevent the hell she endured from occurring within Cali.

With her sights set solely on the prize of blessing her beloved with the grace of enlightened power, this awareness of the inner self-allowed for Algos to then comprehend that there were foul nightmares waiting to be used as strength within the depths of Calyspo. The passing visage of eyeballs, hands, and shadows showered the mind of her younger kin as she became consumed in this dreaded abyss of her untapped power. Yet, with the blood of The Royal Princess flowing through the veins of The Danava of Dreams and Nightmares, it's from this terror and fear that pain is produced. And when there is suffering to feed off of, this blood can enhance itself to further cycle the body of Cali toward becoming stronger.

So, when the body of Calyspo soon glitched and shattered toward its sea of eyes, shadows and other abhorrent visuals; the stance of The Princess remained ever strong and never once did she lose her embrace of Cali. What was there to be scared of? Nothing. Not a damn thing. The body of Algos has endured hell itself, so she wasn't afraid of taking a bit of damage if her kin happened to lost control of these powers. Instead, the elder Asthavon wanted to continue to press her sister forward with the development of her powers since there was something potent waiting to be unlocked and unleashed within her.

Ergo, with knowledge of just what an Asthavon was capable of when pushed to their mental brinks, Algos presented a creature made of black energy ahead of Cali. It appeared to be a mass of the night itself as it seemed to have no humanoid form, spread for six feet in every direction and had a mass of giant red eyes glaring menacingly toward the direction of Calyspo. In this way The Princess wanted her fellow royal kin to start the process of relying on her mental visuals to infuse the needed strength into her attacks so that they may hold sentimental and emotional weight. When these values are infused into the particles of energy which emit from the body of Cali, it is then that the blood of Algos can activate and further use that pain to augment her attack potency to give the youth a fighting chance in this world.

"Those are the nightmares which give you pain. And if there is pain to be found, there is growth to be had. Go ahead: try that again. Try tapping into that nightmarish pain. My blood will give you the foundation needed to support a great strength to be birthed into this world. I will not let you go or let you fall into the abyss, so don't be afraid."

The words which uttered out of the mouth of Algos were spoken with a ginger confidence to them. They were softly spoken, yet held an air of certainty to them. The Princess figured she knew the path forward to bringing out the utmost of potential that lurks within Cali. So, understanding the road ahead meant that they just needed to endure the pain to get there. And she was assured in her own strength, wisdom and insight that she could utilize her inner powers to prevent the probability of something awful from occurring. They were conjoined as one for this time being as far as the mind of Algos was concerned, so she was certain she could overwhelm, overpower and subjugate any types of negative thoughts, side effects or anything else that dared to put a damper on this progression towards the utmost of demonic strength for her younger sibling.

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  WVMWLOu
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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:34 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Calypso panted and heaved, feeling a sick spell as she remained in her sibling's grasp, her eyes blinking closed, deep breaths escaping her lips. She had no idea what the hell she just tried to reach for, or what even happened to make her feel like her skin was full of needles, though, her sibling still held onto her and goaded her to try again, even giving her a target. The terrifying creature didn't shake the youth; Calypso didn't know fear towards appearances, only towards actions and intentions. Though there was fear within her, as she took a few breaths once more, calming and settling down into a quiet meditation, her upper body leaned against her sibling's warm body, descending back into the darkness of her being.

She felt herself floating, in what felt like dry space, her eyes opening halfway as she felt something wrapping around her body. Felt familiar...

"..Why are you doing this?" A monotonous voice spoke behind her, directly into her ear, like a soft whisper, "You're just becoming one of them, a monster with no heart, a chaotic destroyer..."

Calypso was confused, feeling as if she knew this voice, though at the same time it was like a stranger was talking to her, though her mouth ran before her mind, "Why do you keep stopping me?"

"Didn't you want to help people? To not be a monster? To show them power without madness?"

"I need to do this to be able to help others. All you ever do is stop me..."

"You're making a mistake... I just wish to prevent you from perpetuating the cycle of misery and tears."

"By keeping me away from myself?"

"Isn't becoming me what you're afraid of?"

Calypso's vision became unobscured by the swirling and squirming of her flesh and eyes, to reveal... Another her, floating above her, restraining her arms. Everything was similar, except they had much longer, flowing hair, and pitch black abysses for eyes.

"The last time our power flowed unabated, our mind almost broke from the strain, of merely being born, of merely existing. You do not remember, I am the 'us' who possesses such pain. It will either be a repeat, or we truly will become a monster of monsters, if I allow it to be released in full again. I allowed a tear last time, but no more."

Calypso created a soft scowl, as she sighed, "How do you know things won't be different this time? It's all fine, Algos-"

"Algos is one of them. She's just using you. Can't you f-"

Hands wrapped around the lifeform's throat, an animalistic glow in her golden eyes, "Good... That got you quiet.. Now you listen to me..." Her body became properly vertical as the world shifted, the 'other' Calypso gently struggling and grasping at the hands clasped on her neck, "I don't know what happened when we were born. I don't know what the full extent of our power is, but if it's really that bad, I want to figure it out. I want to control it," Her hands loosened as the other her fell silent, "And.. How you're speaking, you're just another person I want to prove wrong, even if you're me. I won't be anything like Mama, i'll help everyone, I'll make everyone happy.. I promise. But, I can't do that how I am... I won't let it all out at once, but just let me pull more... Even if im scared.."

The empty eyed clone motioned down with her head, silently giving the OK to proceed, regardless of how upset they were.

"Fine then, if you're so eager to wake that infernal force that slumbers within us.."

Calypso nodded, sinking down quietly as everything obscured into shadow...

The sound of howling came from Calypso's flesh, as if millions of voices were trying to scream out. The sensation of crawling upon flesh was in the air, the feeling settling upon her sibling, as it her flesh was going to peel off one's bones and run screaming. This intimidating aura, the smell of fear...

Her eyes flashed open, a strengthening in the chilled atmosphere, like an explosion of aura from her as she channeled her inner fears and the terrifying nature of her body. She stared at the creature like a beast settling eyes upon prey, reaching a hand out slowly. Her arm didn't look normal, rather, was overtaken by shadow, darker than dark, along her arm were eyes, though they possessed no irises nor pupils, simply being white orbs decorated along with several long, gnashing mouths full of horrible teeth of a creature incomprehensible.

"Seek, Devour."

Her voice was eerily calm and collected, though it wasn't only her voice, it sounded like many, very many, spoke with her, the might of her own consciousness proving alpha to the lesser voices. Darkness rapidly built up on her arm as a many-eyed creature suddenly sprang to life upon her arm, possessing the horrifyingly sharp teeth, it's beady white eyes blinking in unison as it's tendrils were delicately draped upon it's creator's arm. Within a blink of an eye, the nightmare of pulsating shadow and veins darted to the beast in front of it, horrible fangs sinking into whatever lied before them.

The beast would slowly be reduced to nothing as the horror seemed to.. Drink it. Drink it, gnashing it's teeth on it's flesh, whittling away it's existence. As soon as it had concluded it's feast, Calypso motioned her hand back to herself, "Return."

She preformed all of this as if it were natural, though as the creature she weaved darted back to her, she flinched when the being collided with her chest, seeming to burrow back into her body, and then everything was as is before Algos formed the shadowy red-eyed foe, though Calypso's existence flickered with shadow for a moment, her completely returning to normal, arm included in such.

Calypso rapidly blinked, as if she just woke up from slumber, "..Why's my arm sticking out? Weird.." She drew it back, staring at her hand, "..Weren't we gonna start, Sis?"

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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:39 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: grito

Interacting with the shadows of your ego is difficult for any being to dare to comprehend and achieve. It forces a person to face the depths of their suffering, pain and true foulness which lies in the depths of their mind. So to be the observer within the walls of Cali's heart allowed for The Princess to pay witness to this act of acceptance transpiring before her eyes thanks to the bond they shared. Thus, to see that the influence of her actions take root in the form of beloved sister being able to confront these issues within herself made the spirit of the elder kin flourish with happiness. It showed that she had the capacity as a demon to grow beyond the limited capacities which her current state possessed.

Of course -- the path to growth was not one without pain.

The whole of Cali's body then started to let out the most vilest of howls into the cosmos itself. The screaming of many millions of beings erupted forth from the murky abyss of her soul and Algos could not help but take in sheer delight from this suffering taking place before her. As even in this moment of personal enlightenment, the ever-present shadow of Algos's hunger lay in the background of this profound change. As such, a glow richer than the extract of blood started to ooze away from the body of The Princess when this notion of craving passed over her mind. It signified the act of Algos beginning to selfishly feast upon the sorrows, strife, and hell which were taking root in the mind of Cali for her own personal gain.

Piece by piece, memory by memory; Algos savored all of this pain as she started to let loose a laugh akin to their sweet mother Mana from the entrails of her wisps of crimson energy. There was so much anguish awaiting in this vessel which The Danava of Nightmares and Dreams that The Royal Princess could barely contain herself. It is why her blood started to jump for joy, override her actions and soon she felt herself gnawing at the backside of Cali's neck while she dared to reduce the monster ahead of them into dust.

In this way, it was if a storm was raging both internally and externally around Calyspo. There was the sense of foulness which hid itself in the caverns of Algos's heart arising to the surface to feast upon her flesh; while the torrents of chaotic change within herself loosened and gave way to allow the younger kin access to her attributes as a demon who no longer needed to suppress that which she was. And it is in that understanding that aspect of herself could allow for such potent power to cultivate itself in the depths of Cali's soul. For this reason is why Algos couldn't help but continue to gnaw on the oceanic fluid of her sister's blood because it became oh so much more pleasant to consume with this fabulous growth.

So, by the time that shadows all around them had come and gone, the eyes of Cali came to a pass and reverted back to normal as she seemed to have recalled none of this occurring. Fortunately for her the bond in which both she and Algos shared allowed for those visions to remain contained within the heart of Algos. And so, to that end, the elder kin let go of the base of her sister's neck so that she may get a hold of herself, ease her own possessive drive and begin to transmit all that had occurred between them. Everything from the shadow within herself telling Cali that she was going to become another mindless Asthavon, to the acceptance of her shadow self and releasing of such marvelous power and Algos's own selfish desire to consume that pain to fulfill herself and make her whole. All of it was given to Calyspo, bit by bit, when she asked if they were going to start.

"You've accepted all that you are, much like I've accepted I'm still a selfish demon down to my core that follows her lonely and loved lusted instincts."

Even as Cali's blood dripped from the tips of Algos's mouth, the elder sister still remained poised, in control and confident in each of her sorrow-drenched words which she spoke of. As the connection which the two shared made the feelings which the woman held remain all but clear to the dazed sight of Calyspo's inner mind. So while her younger kin may see the depths of this heartwrenching suffering, as to can this entity fueled by torment see into the hole of anguish which lays nestled at the root of Cali's existence.

"There is a delicate balance to maintaining the ego within due to how many voices lurk within yourself. But....that's ok."

No matter if her fellow sibling tried to escape her grasp, Algos would still hold Cali close to her bosom and prevent her means of escape as she hungered to feel her touch, smell her essence and continue to lusting in the glow of her presence. As when she held her kin in her arms, she knew she could feel the utmost of sentiment of her words up close and personal.

"We both may go through hell trying to turn our weaknesses into strengths. However, the blood that flows in your veins from me will prevent you from going insane. I will not let you fall into the shadows, and in return, your love will prevent me from falling into my wicked abyss. We'll guide one another through this darkness we are drowning in until we find the horizon of our release step by step."

Indeed, Algos was speaking rather bold words with each sentence which uttered out of her lips. Yet she believed in them one hundred percent because of the fact that the two of them were going to have to be at one another's side to face the ugliness which lays at the root of their demonic souls. Of course, The Princess has accepted hers, but even that embrace has it's own pain when truly taking into account the depths of her own depravity. It will take quite awhile for her mind to fully accept she has all but seduced her half-kin into giving her this much love to fill that own sorrow and misery which lay at the heart of Algos's soul.

"And it is why if you are willing to suffer for me, I will suffer you and ensure that your claim to the royal throne is recognized in this world. I am the Princess of the Realm, so it is within my power to grant you the power to help others. I saw what your heart desires and it resembles what the old incarnation of myself would have wanted. So by helping you, I will help myself achieve this long-repressed goal of ensuring our savage realm is taken care of."

There was then a pause given after having spoken those truths out into the world. Her blood eyes set their sights on Cali before asking a final closing question to get to the root of things:

"So speak aloud: what is the goal of having this strength, sister? Is it truly to help others? Or is there something else? State it now, make it true and make it your creed to power. This world revolves around symbolism, sentiment and investment. So you'd best speak it aloud to the gods themselves so that they bless you with the needed gifts of strength to see your goals through. Do that for me before I carry on with our training and I will ensure you have the divine prowess to make it through this trial of hardship."

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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:57 pm

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Even if the loving fluid of her sibling's crimson lifeblood coursed through her veins, she still felt the back of her neck burning, even as her flesh was woven back together. Calypso was still a bit dazed and confused; the last few minutes felt like a blank in her mind, that is, until Algos quickly filled her in on what the hell just happened between them and herself. Cali was honestly quite surprised, mostly as to why something like that quickly became a blank, and what the hell she even summoned, or what it did. Emotions between the siblings buzzed around her senses, and thankfully she could assess them more as logical, readable components than simply being forced to experience it. It helped her think about this, an awful lot, mostly the implications of what just happened and what kind of power writhed and scratched within her psyche and body like a caged animal.

"..Yeah, honestly i'm a bit afraid of that,"
She clearly was referring to the amount of voices present within her, "That and other things... Releasing everything all at once could lead to my own ego-death for all we know. I dunno what kind of baggage I have..."

Her head tipped down in some existential worry; normally she was pretty fine with her state of drifting between metaphysical, physical, and subconscious states, but potentially losing the ability to think or assert herself as an individual was.. Unimaginably vexing on the young one's mind. Though her sibling's words, and her calming sweet embrace, head against her preciousness, brought her some mental reassurance. That was right: She needed to be here, for Algos, for everyone who needed a hand, she needed to protect and love them all..

Calypso had negative digits worth of interest in leaving Algos' grasp; even if she wasn't marked she wouldn't want to leave; She knew her sibling needed her, and she'd never back away from someone in genuine need of love and attention. Though as for the pain in her neck, she simply amounted it to Sis getting a bit too excited and left it at that; that was fine, it was an inconsequential loss of matter, even if it hurt.

"..Yeah, we can figure it out.." The girl's voice was a soft murmur against her breasts. She was oh so tempted to act upon her desires, but now wasn't the time for sexual pleasurings.

She then listened to her sibling's words on having to be willing to suffer, in which Calypso was fully conscious of. She was fully aware suffering would be involved with her push to help others from the moment she had her first coherent thought, the moment she laid eyes on their shared mother and sensed the discord within her. She never really put much thought into royalty or any of that; blind starvation for power and control was always the downfall of multitudes of story villains she read about in many stories she spent hours upon hours reading, out of desire to learn or simple entertainment was lost upon her, but their patterns did help her learn many things about life.

She kept catching these references to a past incarnation, though she was curious, more important things were needed to be identified and acted upon at the moment; There was all the time in the world to ask later.

Calypso couldn't help but smirk with her sister's speech about what she wanted this strength for, the young demon releasing a soft breath, "My my Sis, aren't you grandiose with your words~?" She spoke playfully, of course, "Well my response to such a colorful statement... Would be..."

Her head lifted a bit, chin resting on her sibling's soft bosom, throat humming with thought, "Mmm.. I wish to save others from the darkness within themselves, and to protect and cultivate the peace and love I lead them to find... There's so much pain and misery, and with this war coming... I feel I need to do something to protect my kind, and others beyond. I want.. Everyone safe and sane."

Her heart felt like it sank, such a thing clear to Algos to sense, as her head dipped back down, "..Everyone, including Mama.. I want to fix people like Mama, who've become consumed by themselves and unstable..."

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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:46 am

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: grito

"I wouldn't allow you to suffer ego death. That isn't a fear you have to worry about so long as I exist."

Algos did not blink, stutter or hesitate when uttering those words. If they were bonded with one another, then that alone was enough to cement the sentiment that she was anchored to this existence as she was. If Cali started to sink into the abyss, then it is by the will of The Princess that she'd soon be cast out of those murky depths of sheer mental hell. That is how strongly Algos felt about the words in which her younger sibling expressed about being terrified of experiencing ego death from her own powers.

Though, the topic of her internal thought seemed to shift as she observed Cali now beginning to ingest all of the words and emotion which were expressed behind Algos's calls for her to aspire to be something more than she already is. It showed that she was a contemplative thinker and was not going to blindly waltz into whatever path life set before her. And if she could discern a meaning to live behind, then that meaning could give birth to great power. As one without purpose in this life is one who lacks power in this life. For when you understand the steps to take to live for something more than yourself, it is then that the heavens themselves will bless with a power beyond your wildest dreams. That is what Algos believed in and that is how this world of spirits and sentiment worked.

"Grandiose? Is royalty suppose to be anything less?"

That response was to the words in which Cali uttered out when replying to Algos's rich choice of language. She was The Princess of Demon World: everything was always going to be over the top for her. It was something she took great pride in within this life of hers. To be able to articulate herself in such a lavish manner is nothing less than another gift from the gods above.

So, to carry out with that goodwill the gods have bestowed her with, Algos decided to further break down the way in which her power could manifest itself into something of a saving grace for the beings of this world.

"You've expressed the utmost of your heart's yearning to me. And from that desire, I can see that you possess a hunger to use your dreams to form a reality of protection, love, and peace. So you must find yourself consumed by these elements in both your mind, body and spirit for it to be translated into your powers. As our powers are a reflection of what our essence is and we must both be possessed by it and allowed it to possess us once we've realized what it is we stand for in this finite life of ours, sister."

After Algos's extravagant speech was done and over with, the woman seemed to distance herself from Cali by about five feet or so. When she had enough distance between herself and her sibling, she then proceeded to carry on with how the next phase of her training was going to go down.

"Your dream is to use your powers to enrich the lives of others, and we are going to practice on honing in on that sentiment, sister."

Then, just as quickly as she uttered those words did she then rip her own left arm off and threw it into the wind. In that instant, blood started dripping on to the rocky earth below her feet as the elder sister let out an amused laugh at the burning sensation of pain now pulsating in her body. This would provide an apt training exercise for Cali because it would force her to enter her protective state of mind.

"Can you tap into that dream of seeing me well and better by healing or mending me a new arm? How much of your energy and self are you willing to give to the people in this world to bridge the gap between fantasy and reality? Let's see what your heart and mind can do, sister."

And the task was simple: utilize her dream powers with the intent of saving someone else from pain. That is all Algos wanted Cali to do.

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Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  Empty Re: Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:54 am

Guarding Immoral Love [Algos/Cali]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Cali continued to inhale her sibling's scent as she sent her replies, Calypso murmuring under her breath, "I guess i'll have to perpetuate your existence, then.." as her face lied against the safety of her sibling's flesh. She adored the comforting embrace of her sibling, the words she spoke giving her hope, despite any sort of sinister undertones such a relationship between the demon siblings had; All Calypso wanted to do in this moment was have her sibling happy, and to build herself to make others happy, too.

She softly chuckled when Algos commented of her description of her rather rousing speech, "..Hah... Guess i'm not ro- ... Algos?"
First was the feeling of warmth and comfort, then the sensation of being stripped away, cold settling into her consciousness as she sensed the nature of her sibling's intent, watching her back away, revoke her of comfort, the younger child with wide gold eyes as she processed everything far too slow in comparison to reality. Her cherry lips moved, a hand reaching to her arm, and then... To be replaced with a spray of blood. Even if she presently didn't feel her sibling's emotions, even if she could read pleasure from her, the moment was rather shocking. Calypso's body moved without her immediate thought, black tendrils wrapping around the severed arm of her precious elder sister, retracting to her.

"Aaahh.. Aaaahh..!" Calypso was visibly freaking out, even if Algos was merely rolling with the punches with such an injury. Her mind was going a million miles per second as she was hit with overwhelm, staring at the spurting of blood, hearing the sickening splatter of the life fluids hitting the demonic soil, effectively painting the ground red. To Calypso everything felt and looked far more vibrant, some level of.. Something flicking in her mind; colors were far more vibrant to her as she stared at now bright red blood, the sky appearing dark and her senses being heavily assaulted with what to do. Though this all happened in a mere three second, it felt like years to the young demon.


Calypso rushed up to her sibling who was now loose an arm, suddenly and forcefully pressing the limb to it's sever point. If Calypso had sweat glands, she'd be pouring enough to fix an African village's drought problem. She didn't want her sibling to be hurt like this, even if it pleasured her. The sight was harrowing for a pacifist, someone who enjoyed life and the pertinence of it. Her eyes shut, oozing with golden tears, as she uttered a silent prayer.

I want... This arm... To reattach... Please...!

A high stress moment, called for high stress actions. She didn't know what would happen, but something did happen. A dark purple expression of her demonic energy ran along the tendril, appearing almost like her limb appeared coated in flames. It formed tendrils of it's own, which proceeded to 'pierce' the arm, though no wounds made themselves known.

Algos would feel the sensation of large needles prickling her flesh, as if someone had taken her shoulder to a massive sewing machine, carelessly knitting together the severed part to it's host. Though this was highly improper, it only acted as she wished; to reattach the arm. Only the outermost layers of skin and flesh were 'stitched' back together, it was the equivalent of gluing it back into place like some silly toy, no nerves or bone or blood vessels were back to their previous state, the only good this would have done was stop the bleeding.

The girl was bawling as the wish concluded, her body shaking, eyes tightly closed and bountiful with tears, as she hugged her sibling, managing to put together a sentence after constant failed attempts, "..D-did.. I-I fix it..? D-di-did I..? Ar-are you hurt..?"

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