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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]

Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:39 pm

Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Sweet satanic hell, The Queen could break every blood vessel in her body at the amount of thick brainlessness taking place in front of her. Right when she was getting deep into the thrashing that Algos needed to snap the princess out of her bullshit, Cali had thrown herself on top of the miserable pile of flesh of her kin. There was a visible look of disdain as her own offspring started pleading with Mana to not hurt her elder sister anymore.

"What in the demonic fuck is wrong with you? You are more deranged than me to defend that loathsome piece of work that is your sister. "

And truth be told? Mana couldn't act. Both her daughter and Inami were quick to jump to the defense of this detestable creature. As she heard her bratty tirade go on, and on and on all The Queen wanted to do was break her shit.

"Shut the hell up, you mongrel. If you hurt anyone here, I'll break down and devour every drop of your essence for my own. I've created you, and I can just as easily rip you back inside myself. You have no idea of the damage you brought to this family, our kingdom and Shadow Fall alike you braindead imp of a demon."

Those words came off with a sense of deepness to them. It was almost as if her entire voice was distorted and a thick glob of demonic bled in the room. This action was significant as it showed The Queen herself was ready to assault with the power of the stars themselves if none of the other Asthavon had stood in her way. Hence, in that moment, Vanyel, Kokuto, Arianda and Inami alike could feel the presence of Denon Queen slithering around them. It was not filled with malice intent, but rather, was meant to act as a shield in fact Algos did something totally retarded.

With that matter settled, however, Mana did pay attention to the arm she ripped off from Inami. So, with her own demonic magic, she tried to force the regeneration of her own sister. In this way, she could at least make up for protecting that miserable pile of sins which was Algos. Then, when the time was right, she did embrace the fellow Queen in a warm hug; keeping her eye of disdain on Algos in case the freak child decided to get full of herself.

"I figured this day would come someday. It was a wild ride that we had on Earth, but ya' are right. I ain't sure if it's worth it anymore. I've grown dull of it myself even before this."

There was a heavy sigh that exhaled from the mouth of Mana as she started to move her hands through the hair of Inami. Inhaling her scents, feeling her electric touch and taking in her voice; the batty wings of The Demoness twitched as she indulged in this moment of calm after trying to ease her frustration out of the stupidity which kept vomiting out of Algos's mouth. Still, as nice as this time was, a heavy decision needed to be made for the betterment of demonkind. The Queenly persona of The Royal Asthavon could see that fact quite well.

"We need something to stand united by. Perhaps my time has come n' gone, perhaps it ain't. All I can say is we need to unify as a species of sinners, band together as a family and get back to our roots. I've fucked a lot of that up n' I want to lean on the other sisters and brothers who make up this grand family of ours to come back stronger than ever from this."

Tough choices had to be made, but the greater part of the mad Queen still felt pride for her race and wanted to see it thrive again. So, while the taste of defeat was a rather bitter drink to ingest, it still had the flames of potential to allow those who served under her and grew in this generation to develop into something so much more from this loss.

"I'll support ya' all better. Hard times make powerful demons, after all."

With those parting words spoken to Inami, The Queen let go of the embrace as her gem green gaze turned its sight upon Arianda. It took a moment for her to process what had occurred. A sense of emptiness, confusion, guilt, and numbness drenched over The Demoness. There was quite the bitter past between the two, but none of that seemed to matter at this moment. Perhaps it's crisis situations like that this which brings devils together, maybe it's her own chaotic mind trying to find something firm to hold on to; but the hug was rather welcomed as her lone, black tendril gently brushed against the head of the younger demon.

"Action is all that is relevant. We are here now and that's all that matters."

Many different words could be chosen, but The Queen felt those were apt enough.

At least, that was before the sight of her fellow daughter of Eris had come into the picture. Seeing her reform in a new being made The Demon Queen have a sense of relief ooze into her being. A mother's worry is something quite potent. Having this visage unfold before her made Mana smile ever so slightly. By the time that Amphy flowed into her arms, The Demoness beat her to the punch and gave her a long embrace before stating these words:

"Thank goodness you are ok. Mother is happy."

That voice was different. It almost didn't sound like Mana. And, to a degree, it wasn't. The voice of Eris was speaking forth from her. While the intent was The Demon Queen, the essence of her danava blood was pleased one of her own managed to make it out of the thorns of death once more. Hence, some of her aggression soon started to subside before she let go of her daughter, fell back to her throne and closed her eyes.

"We all know this family and kingdom is fucked up, so the only way to move forward from here on out is to stand together and fix what is broken. It's gonna be ugly, but fuck it, what other choice do we have? Even if I have to take that broken daughter of mine with me, so be it."

Then, with one eye opened, she looked at everyone in the room and spoke this last statement:

"As an elder demon, I should give you the tools needed to run this kingdom without me after this is all said and done. That is what my role is from here on out, children. I need a successor."

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Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]

Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:44 pm



Confused. Scared. Uncertain. These were words that could describe the state of being which Ania was in. However, it was somewhat comforting to feel the presence of other Asthavon beginning to enter into the room. So, a sense of relief could be felt oozing into the child as she knew that at least if there were others in here that neither Mana or Algos could get too out of hand. Taking note of Vanyel, Kokuto, Inami, Cali and everyone else in the network of Eris; Ania at least didn't feel alone anymore and that was a great comfort.

So, her tender blood gaze set itself back to Arianda as she had tried to block the visage from her visually. Of course, this child was no ordinary one. With her supernatural senses intact, it wasn't as if she couldn't hear, feel and perceive the hostility in the air. Ergo, Ania shook her head to show how ineffective that was.

Of course, what had worked best was more physical and direct than anything else. The body of the shell did not react much to Resolve Flame, but the hug and embrace she did. As, more than anything else, Ania was a scared child and she gripped on to Arianda for life as she started to shake and let her own nerves get unworked; all the while making grunting noises as she tried to speak but no words seemed to come out.

With nothing left of her voice, the child merely bled out a flow of golden energy; the likes of which flowed sensations of relief, comfort and safety from the actions of being cared for. So, she grew more docile, calm and subdued as the scenes of violence took out. Through the actions of both Inami and Cali, she knew at least that her master was going to make it out. So, all she could do was get out of the way, press her head against the chest of Arianda and try to sleep this horrible nightmare away....

Coding From: [THEFROST]

Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]

Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:20 pm
Calypso gripped her elder sibling's body tightly and closely as her distorted form slowly and exhaustedly reverted to a humanoid shape, moon-shaded locks draping the younger one's shoulders as she slowly, very slowly, inched into a state of unconsciousness. Her body went loose and limp for only a few moments, until the sound of watery, gentle coughing came from the younger sibling. Her eyes had opened once more, however they were pitch black, bleeding with darkness that smelled of nothing but despair, blackened tears rolling down her cheeks and hitting Algos' body, each and every drop feeling like an icy dose of water upon her flesh. Calypso's body barely felt real against the demonic princess's own.


It sounded as if the voice of two spoke at the same time, A man's and a woman's, both clearly meant to be Calypso's own, however it wasn't dripping with the usual sweetness or sass the Asthavon possessed. It was monotonous, and commanding, as it was spoken directly in Algos' mind, so clearly it was as if the voice were in the blood-soaked woman's ears. With that voice, came an overpowering feeling of deafening calm, the pressure of the emotion only to Algos' consciousness. It would feel as if Calypso wished to make good on her desires, attempting to force the older of the two into a state of calm,

'It will all be okay. None will harm you further. I will fix it. I will fix you. I will make it all better. So... Just... SLEEP.'

Exertion of energy followed the assertion of that final word, even in a battered, unaware, mind-broken state, Calypso was trying to assert a hand in the situation, and prevent Algos from doing any more extremes. A weight of despair would follow these words, in Algos' mind, she would sense the emotions Calypso was forced to sense, to feel, to become sick from...


Soon, her dark gaze would stare past any impeding obstacles towards Mana, her intention so uncontrollably intensive due to her current mental state, that the woman likely would feel her youngest's gaze on her. Though Calypso's mouth opened slightly, no words left her mouth, rather, she would speak to her mother in a similar way she had with Algos, however instead of a mix of two voices, it would be one small, child-like voice of Calypso's, speaking softly into the woman's ear,

'It will all be okay, I promise Mama.'

And with that final sentence, the form of Calypso would suddenly go limp, softly falling against her sibling's grounded body as the cries for rest finally took her, the steps for her recovery starting upon her being rendered unconscious.
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Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]

Mon Mar 09, 2020 11:01 am



Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 JCRrxmK

If they were being blunt, neither Vanyel, The Phonoi, Kokuto, or Makhai had anything to do with the forces that were on Earth. They had their own goals and focuses, and the forces on Earth were honestly the last thing on his mind, maybe even beyond that. All they had, resource-wise, were their own Chasm Points, with Vanyel having extremely small resources as a member of Shadow Fall and the Eris Dynasty, and Kokuto only having scarce resources due to his sole status in the Dynasty.

So, it didn't seem right for them to talk about the logistics of the demonic forces on Earth. In all honesty, neither of them really cared. So, both of them remained silent, as did the Eris Children within them. Most of that entire discussion was just in one ear and out of the other. Neither of them paid much attention to what was being said -- or, at least, not until they were directly addressed. Vanyel's ease quickly faded, his bloodlust returning. Algos had the audacity to call him vermin, after what she did, and continued to do? How fucking hypocritical.

He didn't care how powerful she was compared to him. He had stopped caring about his own safety or anything else since he walked in. So, the human's knees bent as he crouched down slightly, claws reforming and shimmering with ocean-blue energy. He took a step forward, beginning to draw an arm back. However, he stopped in his tracks as a voice thundered in his mind, issuing a command to Vanyel, ordering him to stop. Begrudgingly, the Phonoi's host refrained.

Kokuto's expression remained impassive as Algos threatened him, her display of demonic power only causing him to raise an eyebrow in response before he simply sighed, slamming his sword into the ground next to him and crossed his arms over his chest. Instead of his own voice, the Makhai spoke, briefly gesturing to Arianda and Ania as he did.

"Hurt us all you want, sis. But, you're not gonna touch them. Understand that?"

Finishing, Kokuto remained impassive to the magic sigils that loomed around him. He knew that he too paled in comparison to Algos, but he still wouldn't be shaken from what both he and the Makhai were going to do. They would protect their sisters at all costs.

'Christ, you've really turned into a spoiled brat since we've been gone. What the hell happened that turned you into this?'

He felt himself come back to reality as Arianda touched his shoulder, looking over to look at her, sighing softly before facing forward again. The expression in his eyes turned from unconcern to surprise at the sudden change of voice within the Demon Queen -- changing to the voice that both Makhai and the Phonoi recognized instantly. Their mother, Eris, Goddess of Discord. A warm smile came to Kokuto's face underneath the bandages -- one not of his own volition -- as the gruff, yet the gentle voice of Makhai echoed across the Seal of Eris, only two words coming from him.

'Hey, ma.'

As the mental words were exchanged, Kokuto turned around, the colossal figure kneeling down and giving Ania a gentle pat on the head, his voice calm, warm, and gentle to hopefully give the little one a further semblance of comfort.

"It's alright, kid. You didn't do anythin' wrong. Arianda and I'll protect ya, so you don't need to be afraid, a'ight?"

As Vanyel registered it, almost instantly, a wave of calm rushed over the Phonoi in response to hearing Eris' voice. Despite everything that had happened, she -- as well as few other members of their family -- was someone who could induce that kind of comfort in them. They wanted to go up to her, to hug her, be near her, anything. Above everything else, Eris was their mother, and it may have been strange, but there was a deep sense of love for someone such as that, something that Eris would be able to sense and feel immediately.

But, for Vanyel, he hadn't been able to take his eyes off Calypso, watching as she crawled to defend Algos, as much as he hated to see it, and seeing her vocalize her desires before promptly falling unconscious on top of the abusive creature that Vanyel loathed to call their sister. The human's face darkened, not a word came from him as he walked over to Arianda and Ania, sitting down next to them as what felt like a wildfire burned in him.

He didn't understand what he was feeling, or why he was feeling this -- but he knew one thing: Something hurt, he fucking hated it, and there was a strong part of him that wanted to get rid of it.

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Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:11 am
Please play the music for this post. It's important for the setting of inami's mood."

Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: Citizen Soldier - Song: If these scars could speak -

Inami could infact dully feel the rampaging emotions that currently surrounded them. How could she not? The anger from algos, the rage from her family, and the unhelpful cues from members of the eris. Oh how she wished… it could just simply stop. It was.. Crude and unhelpful to the situation. Yes, not her own emotions, for Inami was still beyond coping with those, she had to remain strong. After all, their family was on the brink of ruin, she could not allow that to happen, she would not allow it to happen. As algos’s energy began to once more pervade the very realm around them, Inami’s voice was soft, but the very bulk of her presence resonated as she looked across the room, between Arianda, Vanyel and Algos.

”Stop. All of you.”

Inami’s attention shifted towards Mana now, listening to what she had with her more rational mind. While her words did nothing to alleviate the dullness that blocked out the empathy that had once existed in her heart, her rational self could find the merit behind her words. Which was why when Mana inevitably removed her arms from the Queen of chaya and began walking around the room, Inami’s hands reflexively shifted upwards, her hands gently holding herself for but a moment more as she inhaled slowly. It’d be very easy for such faint actions to be overlooked entirely, for not even a second later, Inami’s hands would drop back to her sides as she turned around to look at the remainder of her family that remained in the room.

”... Still the dreamer. Huh?”

Inami’s mind let the random though echo as she studied her neice for a moment more. The battered emotional tapestry that she had released was… a woeful ballard of despair. The monotoned shades of grey mixing with the underlying tones of fear and sadness were an acrid tang upon Inami’s tongue. They dances and zinged across her tastebuds as the faintest mote of blackened mist billowed and tendriled from the exhalation that left her lips. Compartmentalizing, her eyes finally rested upon Algos. The one who had the face of one who she could have come to love, the spawn of the one who had inadvertantly killed the one who she had cherished above all. The one who had betrayed her far more deeply than any other when her true emotions had finally come to light. While emotionally she felt nothing when she gazed upon Algos, and took in the subtle cues of her tonation that were basically cries for someone, anyone to help her feel okay, Inami’s stomach still did a faint backflip, as if she wished to still vomit.

Inami said nothing initially, but rather lifted the arm that had been regenerated and studied it faintly before finally she allowed her hand to drop. ”Just.. Sorry huh” The thought came to her unbidden as she parted her lips. After all, she couldn’t have algos’s mentality begin to slip and regress. Not now, not when the duty the bore from her fuck-up ranged far beyond the family that surrounded them.

”All is forgiven.”

The perfunctory words left her mouth, and yet, atleast the old neoveta, and her sister would know truly how not okay the queen of chaya truly was. For a being that drew her energy from emotion to show none what so ever, to make her look upon them with indifferent eyes. A feat that mana hadn’t even been capable of achieving when she inadvertantly caused the death of Ciel, or when she had killed neoveta. To cause such a thing to happen? It was clear how close the queen was to tipping over the edge, and yet, the false smile that adorned her lips was a neccisary one.

”Now, we need to put up a front in europe. We cannot allow shadow fall technology to fall in the hands of those who are warring with us. We need to overheat the demi-network on earth to cause a complete meltdown of all critical nodes that relay access into demon world. All fixed portals for now need to be destroyed as soon as evacuation has occured. We should mobilize every single mechanical force we have on earth to stall for time. Every main shadow-fall base should be destroyed in the next 72 hours, we have very little time to work with here. “

Her no-nonsense demeanor showed her decisiveness on what to do. By destroying any chance of regaining a foot-hold, they would keep critical tech from those that could potentially come into demon world to exact revenge.

”Sister, we need to set aside our emotions right now, between me, you and algos, we need to get this done. The time for mending will come, but right now the time for action is upon us. Billions of demons will be persecuted even worse due to this event. It is our duty to help them.”

Inami’s eyes softly shifted to arianda, and then vanyel and a sigh escaped her lips.

”Arianda, Vanyel. Thankyou.”

While her emotional state didn’t allow her to elaborate much on her thanks, it should still have been fairly clear for what it was for. For now though, the queen once more lapsed into silence as she waited for the verdict of her family.

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Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:40 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

If one was to be honest with themselves, like Ari has to be to herself, she was truly puzzled by a lot of what happened. A hug from Mana, an apology from Mana, and how Caly interacted with Algos. At least Ari was able to keep Ania from turning into a mess of negative emotion. As soon as Ari knew the resolve flame had absolutely no effect on Ania, and simple physical affection and reassurance had more effect, the demon immediately shut off whatever limited effect her resolve flame had; instead Arianda continued to embrace Ania closely. She rubbed the girl's back gently; holding her close as she caressed and assured the girl that everything would be okay. It was true that everything would be okay; at least eventually. However, it would be more apparent that Ania was completely safe in the arms that held her close; as Ari would not let her feel more pain than she had already felt this day. Hopefully, she would suffer no more and maybe even be able to enjoy life as her own being and not one bound by the things Algos has done. Regardless of that, Arianda held Ania close and kept her safe while she watched those around the room; whispering words of comfort into Ania's ear even if she could not respond. She just wished the girl to feel safe and comfortable in her arms.

However, Ari soon took her attention to everyone else in the room. Honestly speaking, Arianda would love to join Mana in stomping Algos's throat out of her neck; but that would solve nothing more than give Ari some satisfaction in the situation in which Ari's own daughter was basically mind-raped by Algos. However, being calm would be better instead of throwing fists around and trying to murder Algos. She probably was already fucked enough due to causing Ari to break her seal; at least by proxy. However, soon came words and thinks that caused any words Ari may have to say to halt in her throat. Mana wished for a successor. Frankly speaking, such a thing surprised Ari to the depths of her being. In the end, it did make sense as all rulers did have an end to their rule. Even one like Mana would have an end to her rule. Of course, while Arianda had once fascinated of being a ruler, such thoughts of ruling were not present in her mind or being; she had no desire to rule when someone awaited her back on Earth.

The other thing to surprise her was Inami turning towards the demon and thanking her. Maybe Ari wasn't paying attention enough, but the thanks shocked her almost as much as Mana's desire to be succeeded by someone. She had no idea exactly what Inami was thanking her for. What had she done to deserve thanks from Inami? She peered at the Queen of Chaya and her heart ached; for what reason she could not understand. But, she wished to give Inami a very tight hug right now; if not for looking after Ania, Arianda probably would hug her. But, Arianda also had no idea if her touch would be wanted anyways. So, for the now, Arianda simply kept to herself and tended to Ania; and she also wished to embrace her daughter. However, if that barrier was exceptionally potent, hugging Caly would have to wait for later.

"I... The topic of a successor is a very delicate one. Who would even lead next...? I know it not to be I, as I do not deserve or want such a thing; I just wonder who would."

Arianda turned her gaze towards Mana, and then towards Caly; the option seemed obvious in the end. Technically speaking, Caly was one of the most prominent children of Mana's; possibly even the most fit to rule. But, would she be fit to rule in a time of war? In a time of such pure conflict, such pure chaos; Conflict that was still palpable to Ari even if she no longer possessed her powers over Conflict. Whatever vestiges remained at least allowed her to feel such things. However, Arianda simply continued to wonder. Would her own daughter become the next rule of Shadow Fall or would it be someone else? Sure, the logical decision would be Caly based upon passing the crown down a lineage; however, Mana didn't exactly get passed the crown from what Ari knows. Regardless, Arianda waited to see what would happen; what those gathered would suggest. After all, the last thing Ari wished was to be thrust forward as successor.


Amphilogiai, daughter of Eris, was not entirely expecting what she heard and felt in the moments when Mana hugged her and those immediately after. A hug that was engaged before she could give it, one that she returned heartily; and she loved every moment of it. However, the voice she heard caused her heart to feel like it was going to melt. She heard her mother's voice, her very own mother Eris. Small tears welled up in those blue eyes of her as she held Mana tight in the moment in which she hugged her. Indeed, she had not heard Pseu talk to her directly, which was likely Algos's fault in Amphy's mind, but she knew her sister was alive; which is why Amphy hugged and hugged her dear mother with such love and joy.

"Cmon mom~ I am your kid, it'd take more than that to kill me ya know~"

She grinned at Mana before the hug was broken, and then watched as her dear mother moved to sit upon her throne. Amphy looked around at the assembled Asthavon's; the family in which she and Ari technically belonged to. It was quite interesting to see so much of her family here on such a day; a day in which a lot certainly had gone wrong. And it was this day that Amphy decided to do something; even if it wasn't exactly of huge consequence.

That something was clear when Amphy walked right up to Mana, gave her mother a smile, and then sat upon her lap; sitting on Mana's lap in a way that would not obstruct her sight. Amphy also made sure she was not in the way; but she had desired to sit on her mother's lap for the longest time. And now she was hopefully finally getting to fulfil that desire. She kissed Mana on the cheek, gave her a warm smile, and then leaned against her mother as her tail gently curled around Mana's waist. Simply, she was just enjoying herself in the time she and Ari would be here before returning home. Not to mention, she was still a child of Eris; damn right she was going to sit in her mother's lap.

She turned her gaze towards Mana, her darling mother, and gave her such a warm smile; a smile that gave off how much she had missed her dear mother through all these years. Indeed, she didn't have a lot of time in the past to be with her mother; but she was enjoying this time right now as much as she possibly could. She leaned into Mana and spoke words that were meant to be heard by only her.

"I missed you mom; I missed you so much... I'm really, truly, glad that I'm able to be with you again, mom~"

On Mana's lap Amphy would stay, at least for the time she and Ari were there and if Mana would allow her to do so. She had deeply missed her mother and the little demon would be damned if she couldn't spend this time with her despite the shit that has happened in only one day.

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Thu May 07, 2020 5:19 pm

Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mana's mind was empty for moments at a time during the escalation of this whole crisis. So many swirling emotions danced in the echoes of her manic heart that it was hard to make heads or tails where it all began and ended. Yet, the words of Inami's was one of the few things to prevent her scorn from truly being felt within the depths of this room. Indeed, there was no sense in trying to further breakdown the miserable pile of mess which was Algos. There were still the concerns of the war to consider and it wasn't beneficial to slaughter this impudent fool here and now. Her punishment could be dealt with at a later date.

"You have my executive order as Queen to perform those actions. Begin the decommissioning of those bases as soon as possible."

A stern voice exited the mouth of The Royal Asthavon as her emerald eyes locked sight with Inami. The road ahead was going to be difficult, so hard choices were going to be made and more of her queenly authority was going to have to come out; regardless of whether or not Mana was cheery about any of these developments.

Though, soon enough, that demeanor altered. And, instead a more exhausted Queen observed the sight of her daughter embracing herself in the depths of her cold body. In spite of wanting to give in to that tiredness within herself, The Demoness could crack one of her sly smirks when Amphilogiai mentioned herself as not being one to be killed ever so easily. It made her appreciate the fact that she was able to produce a daughter who could stand on her own and not be slaughtered like a lamb. So, instead, she merely let her offspring speak as much as she needed to as Mana just held her, ran her fingers through her hair, and relaxed in the physical affection of another before her emerald eyes closed.

"I...truly am sorry I took every one of you for granted. Somewhere in my foul heart is love for what we are as a family."

This was spoken for everyone in the room to hear. Algos, Arianda, Inami, Vanyel, Calypso, and even Ania. All of these people meant something to her in this moment of mania not blinding her vision as a Queen. She could see clearly where her demented lust for madness had driven to greatness, yet it equally brought damnation to this family, to her kingdom and the potential future of her people. So, whatever lay ahead, it was her duty and responsibility as a Queen to handle it.

So, as she removed herself from the hug of her daughter, Mana stood up away from everyone and forged a vortex of the darkest shadows ahead of herself. Taking a look at her family and people whom followed her, there was an expression of fondness that eased on to her face. It was a truly beautiful sight for her to behold, and one which could not be seen when in the light of sweet, sweet mania. To see that she had all that she needed in front of her made the woman feel like a fool of a demon. But, it was better late than never to acknowledge that, right?

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me everything a Queen, A Sister, and Mother could ever need. Whatever happens after this, know that I truly love you all."

With a glance toward Calypso, Mana gave a nod of the head. Indeed, if it weren't for her, none of these sentiments would have ushered out in the first place. So, she deserved this acknowledgement if nothing else.

"You made me realize there was still love despite the foul echoes of eternal sin in my heart, little one. There is not a debt I can repay you with for that. You have my deepest love."

Gazing toward the abyss ahead of her, there was no telling where the future of The Queen was heading at this point, but she knew she had to do something. So, after taking a soft exhale, the woman waved at everyone.

"I will make this right. My heart is at ease thanks to you all. So if you should never see me again, my heart will always be with you."

And with that, the woman wasted no time entering into the shadows and heading to an unknown location.

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Fri May 08, 2020 10:03 am

Ebbing Toxicity [ Eris/ Asthavon Family only]  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

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Recovery. That is what Algos needed more than anything else. Wasting any more breath uttering her spite out to those within her family would not serve her well. So, the subtle strings of influence started to weigh heavy on the consciousness of The Princess as her eyes grew weighted and tired. Still, her tiring blood-filled glances at Mana, Inami, Van, and Cali were noted as she was still processing the information which was taking place before her.

"Don't die."

That is all Algos could mutter out to Mana. Even if she was a shit mother, the elder daughter had no desire to see her mom die in the hells of combat. There was a lot that could go wrong with this exit plan and having The Queen spreadhead it. So, there was a rightful amount of concern to be had. It is why The Princess soon shifted her head to Inami and nodded her head at accepting the forgiveness the Chaya Leader had given her.

"Make sure you and her don't die."

With those words utterd out, Algos felt utterly and completely drained from all of the events that had transpired on this day. So, before she could be of any of use in this war to come, she needed to let her body drift off into slumber, consume the love of Cali and allow her body time to restore it's power so that she can come back with a rested mind, a recovered body and the capacity to be an asset again. That is all she ever wanted to be: useful and powerful. And there would be plenty of time to reflect on that in the midst of her dreams....

"I still love you all even if I'm fucked up...."

And with that, Algos put her head down, closed her eyes and let Cali subdue her for the time being.

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Fri May 08, 2020 10:22 am



Ania honestly wasn't sure what to think anymore. Things were happening so quickly that she just seemed shell-shocked more than anything else. However, that dissipated when the violence ceased and the tension in the air vanished. It seemed that the Asthavon Family focused on what was important to them and this caused the girl to seem less sheepish as she turned her crimson stare toward Vanyel as he tried to comfort her about the circumstance. And, at this point, she believed that and could give a more relaxed smile toward him as she patted his hand.

With Mana leaving the scene, and Algos going into her slumber, there wasn't much more for Ania to fear anymore and she just wanted to leave this place, seek some fresh air and try to ponder out what Demon World had to offer her. So, Ania would point toward the window so that she could see the stars, feel the wind against her face and get out of this depressive den of death, woe, and despair.

Hence, regardless of whether Vanyel or Arianda followed, Ania would start to walk toward the window, leap out of the room and take a muted yell as she seemed happy for the new start. Her vocal cords were more than strained, but the intention was still there. She just wanted to see the emerald sky, get that breeze flowing against her body and relax. There was oh-so-much tension in the child's body, but she felt safe with the family for now. So, she'd lean against the window, close her eye and come to peace with things since this nightmare was over with for now...

Coding From: [THEFROST]

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