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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Sun May 10, 2020 4:31 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 TkEpNqt

Airi | Fortune's Favorite

Airi looked up at the armored person standing over her, and studied them carefully. After a moment she began to speak.

"I'm okay, thank you. I just had a bit of an accident.

Having said this, she hoisted herself up off if the ground, brushed herself off, and smiled at this armored individual.

"I'm Airi. Please to meet you! You must be the president of the welcoming committee. Although I'm not sure why you need such fancy armor. But don't get me wrong, you look great in it. Very cool.

All of this was said very quickly, and Airi had a huge smile on her face the entire time. She had always been one ti make friends quickly. She hoped that this new person would be her friend as well.

"You know, you should really put up more signs out in the city. I wandered around for hours, it's a miracle I ever found this place. If I were you I would make a billboard.
Everyone can see billboards, even people who have poor eye sight.

She beamed after having made this remark. She though it to be very clever. Of course, it wasn't her place to suggest such things, but she always enjoyed being helpful.

"And another thing. That tour is way too long! I got bored halfway through, and then I wandered off on my own. It isn't even fun! A tour should always be fun, at least that's what I think. That way everybody has a good time as soon as they get here, and they don't think you're too serious and stuff, y'know?

Airi suddenly realized how much she had been talking, and blushed slightly. She had a bad habit of doing that.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've forgotten my manners. You're the welcoming committee president, you should be the one doing all of the talking, not me. Well, I won't interrupt you anymore, feel free to start talking and I'll just listen, okay?

END POST | To belong is a wonderful feeling.

Last edited by Absentee on Mon May 25, 2020 12:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Mon May 11, 2020 3:12 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Ndl1dWe


Welcoming committee? Well, one could only be so wrong about a person’s designated role. However, it became very clear to Helle that this person is lost. They seem to not understand where they stand which makes sense considering they skimped out on the tour. Boring? Well, Helle would have to agree with that. However, she never thought of the Vandenreich as an exciting organization. Protecting the world is one thing, but in the City of Lights, there are rarely any monsters appearing to excite the day and mostly everyone has paperwork to fill. Maybe the tour could use something to spice it up: demonstrations, workout routines, etc…

Ah. She’s getting away from herself. There is a more pressing matter at hand. She has a lady here who has stumbled into one of the most important buildings for the Reich with little idea of where she actually is. Appearing on the top floor like this is a clear sign of her ignorance. The best course of action would be to escort her back down after a brief explanation.

“Well, you are incorrect on who I am. The current Sub Captain of the Sternritter, Helle Armstrong at your service. Far removed from your initial guess. Also, this is a very important building where the Vandenreich handles an excruciating amount of business, practically our headquarters. It is not a place to simply wander in aimlessly.”

Her head turned slightly in wonder on what Cyrus and Saisei are discussing. Hopefully, Airi will cooperate and take her leave, but Helle has a feeling the woman will just have more words to say.

“Did you have any particular business besides sightseeing?”

The Hybrid King
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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Wed May 13, 2020 11:06 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 CrS9XmO

Saisei | The King's Reincarnation

It wasn't normal for the boy to hear his name spoken so easily let alone by someone so powerful. The gentle tone Cyrus took with each word he directed towards him washed along his mind like a gentle breeze. He was attentive, Cyrus made it clear he heard the boy and wished to reciprocate. As groundbreaking as a moment like this normally would be for Saisei, he was entirely mesmerized by the 'Man'.

"I guess you're right about normal being relative, everyone has their own normal. I can't deny that."

Even Cyrus' facial movements and structure lit a spark in the boy's mind. The gentle smile he held felt as if it were yards long, filling Saisei's vision with ease. It was welcoming in a sense, something akin to that of a mother or father with their newborn. It was... endearing. Saisei squirmed in his seat, shuffling his things about before eventually speaking up once more.

"Nothing in particular, anything you guys find tasty here I guess. I've never been much uh'stickler for my food and drink."

Returning Cyrus' smile, the salmon haired boy found himself wanting to confess to the man. Almost as if he were to speak his sins away, something about Cyrus made him feel safe, that his words would be met with a kind and astute response. Leaning forward in his chair, his excitement once again overflowed for what felt like the thousandth time here in the City of Light.

"You see... I'm not sure how to go about this given I've never really had anyone understand me, so I'll just lay it all out for ya'. I see things, things that aren't there. I guess I'd call'em hallucinations but I'm not so sure that's what they are, y'know? And they always look at me like I'm someone else. Like a little bit of me exists on the inside that they can see but I can't. I figure I don't make any sense, but I figured someone like you after everything I've seen on the news would be able to help a kid out, right?"

Letting it all flow, it felt like Saisei had lifted a literal ton of weight off his shoulders. No one ever truly understood what the boy dealt with, day in and day out, not even himself. The nagging feeling of being someone you aren't could never sit well with anyone, let alone a teenage boy like himself. I twas comical that he survived as long as he has, realistically, any normal person would have eventually succumbed to the mental pain.

Turning away from Cyrus for a brief moment, Saisei took in the sounds from outside the office before speaking up, making a note that their was yet another new voice added to the bunch. Turning back, he gestured towards the double doors with his head and spoke up for the poor soul.

"Not exactly sure who they are, but I figure they 'oughta just come in right? You seemed pretty intent on speakin' to Captain Armstrong, right?

END POST | The Forgotten Soul Speaks

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Sat May 23, 2020 4:03 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Hd0GJlj


Tapping the button on his desk to contact Ninsianna, Cyrus spoke briefly, addressing her as if this were simply any other business request he made of her. Of course, this was at least in part simply due to her own nature, given that he knew she would not respond as well to something more personal, even minor as this was.

"Ms. Kishar, if you would bring a soda for the young man, I would greatly appreciate it. Whatever variety is most expedient for you to acquire."

He doubted that she would be calling upon her immense power just for this, and so he looked back to the young boy before him while they waited. He listened carefully, with all the attention that his divinity was capable of. Normally he would not be one to focus so intently, but he had the most fleeting suspicion that it would be necessary given this boy before him.

"Mm… I see."

Cyrus both did and did not see what Saisei had said. He understood very well the sense of having something else on the inside that others could see, but this was quite clearly not the same situation that Cyrus found himself in. But of course, he would not turn away a young man in need.

"I cannot pretend that I understand your conundrum perfectly, nor that I immediately have an answer as to what may be causing it. But the resources of the Vandenreich are many, and if I cannot help you, one who lives among us certainly may be able to. I have a woman in mind, but she is a bit wary of interaction with others. I will speak with her on your behalf, to see if she believes she might help you."

Noting the racket outside, Cyrus took a moment or two to consider it, and took a moment to consider that, in his human life, he might surely have sighed exasperatedly at what was occurring.

"The matter I wish to discuss with Captain Armstrong is not one I especially intend for any ears but hers, you understand. But I will leave it to her judgement whether or not to bring this girl in."

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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Mon May 25, 2020 2:27 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 TkEpNqt

Airi | Fortune's Favorite

Although Airi had just said that she would pay attention to what the person in said of her had to say now, she found herself once more inexplicably drawn in a different direction. It wasn't necessarily that she wanted to be rude, but she did have a rather short attention span. With that being the case, she only ended up hearing the very first little bit of what was said to her, before she once more wandered off. With little more than a hop, skip, and jump, she found herself outside of the door the other person had exited. She peered inside for a moment and noticed that there were two people seated across from each other, in what she could only imagine was a meeting. She wasn't sure if she should intrude, but a moment later she caught a better glimpse of one of the men in front of her, and hurriedly entered the room.

"Woah, are you Cyrus? The guy in charge of the Vandenreich? Wow, wow, wow. I've heard so much about you. You know, my parents wanted me to join the Vandenreich, but I didn't want to, at least not at first. I wanted to set off on my own and explore the world, so I could find out for myself where I wanted to go. I did that for a while, and was looking into all the good guys, but then I started hearing about everything the Vandenreich was doing, and I started to hear about you. Everyone says you're really cool. I believe em, cuz you sure do look cool."

Airi took a moment to smile after she said this.

"I've never met anybody famous before, I'm not sure what to say. I guess I should say thanks for being cool, and for being a good influence for young people, they definitely need it in this day and age. Uhhh, so, do you think I could join you?"

Airi was a bit nervous after having said this. While it was true that she was naturally a very cheerful person, and her family had always considered her talented, she often doubted her own ability, and felt a strong need to fit it.

END POST | To belong is a wonderful thing
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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Mon May 25, 2020 4:10 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Ndl1dWe


Eh? Eh! Did this gal just walk past her like she didn’t exist? Helle, with the grace of God holding her back, only let out a tired sigh. From one excited person to another. How could someone wander up 30 floors and have no idea where they’re heading? Turning her head towards Airi, her eyes might as well have popped out of her helmet at seeing the other woman usher herself into the room with Saisei and Cyrus, and quickly, Helle followed entering herself and hearing what Airi had to say.

Is Cyrus actually that cool? Helle shouldn’t have thought that. Of course her mind is jeopardized by prejudiced thoughts when it comes to Cyrus. And, with a sigh, she wished she could facepalm herself. Well, it’s a good thing Airi wants to join Helle guesses. It could have been handled properly instead of interrupting a meeting, but what is one supposed to do in a situation like this? Helle doesn’t have the power to reverse time, so that leaves it up to Cyrus to give the final verdict.

“I apologize, my Liege. This is Airi. She seems to be… lost, but I guess things are working out the way they should, huh?”

Helle sighs and decides to move over to the wall and leans against it. To be honest, she has no real room in this conversation besides being the one who brought the two, er, well three, people together into the room. Her job is basically done, but she shall stay to watch over and do whatever is asked of her.


The Hybrid King
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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:30 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 CrS9XmO

Saisei | The King's Reincarnation

Saisei hung on to each and every word the leader of the Vandenreich spoke, he knew all too well the power the being before him held. Despite that, the boy also knew that Cyrus wouldn't find himself understanding him, no one could. Still, his only solution was to hope for change, whether by his own hands or others.

"The fact that you're kind enough to consider my situation at all is all I could ask for. Even if all I can seek is guidance, its the only help I've ever really received. That means everything, y'know?"

The young boy couldn't be any more grateful for what Cyrus and Ms. Armstrong had done for him so far. Being able to stand before a being of true power, one with the ability to change things as he saw fit, was enough to reignite the hope that had slowly faded. It was clear to him that his problems would only exist for as long as he would allow them to. Saisei had to force change himself, no one could do so for him.

"I want to work with the Vand-"

Strong words fell to a whimper, an excited and hurried voice overshadowing any real presence he thought he had. The office that previously felt so empty now filled with emotion to Saisei, the girl blabbing on to Cyrus was clearly one without respect. She had stolen the words right from the boy's mouth, one-upping him without any real attempt. His head arched in tandem with his rolling eyes, a disgruntled huff expressing his displeasure.

"I dunno who she is, but I guess she beat me to the punch."

Straitening his figure, Saisei sat up and pressed his balled fists into his thighs. It was his turn.

"I want to join the Vandenreich too. I might not be a Quincy but I'm human. I can't figure these things out on my own and I want to help defend what's rightfully mine. What's ours. Give me a chance, anything that'll help guide me towards a future without these damned visions. Please."

The troubled child rarely found himself seeking the aid of others, living his life has he was taught by his parents. Nevertheless, he knew all too well what Cyrus and the Vandenreich could do for him. In turn, he would do what he could for them to the best of his abilities. He had to.

END POST | The Forgotten Soul Speaks

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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:52 pm
In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Hd0GJlj


Cyrus had much to say, though his eyes turned first to the young woman who appeared to have barged directly into his office. Offering her only a small smile, which was certainly far from the withering glare he might have offered in other aspects, Cyrus nodded in response to her question.

"You may, yes. However, matters of recruitment paperwork and the like are not my domain, you understand. That is for others to attend to."

Returning his attention to the young man who had certainly caught more of his attention, Cyrus offered him a bit more of a smile, and though he briefly considered holding his hand out to the young man, it occurred to him that the young lady may well have taken this as some gesture toward her, if her inclination to barge in without invitation was any indication. Instead, he simply steepled his fingers on his desk, making a mental note to meet with both of these two at a later date, when he was...less occupied.

"Your race is of no concern to me when speaking in regard to the Vandenguard, young man. Your desire to work for the good of the Earth is all that I ask, and I will gladly offer you whatever I may in return."

The Hybrid King
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In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - Page 3 Empty Re: In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:16 pm
This thread concluded with both Airi and Saisei being accepted as the newest recruits for the Vandenreich. As such, it is ended.

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