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Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Sun Jul 05, 2020 3:30 pm

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

Jaeden smiled she'd done well to avoid his cero. A fine feat for the young woman as she now saw the new goal. She'd likely misheard him, but Jaeden wouldn't use his powers either. It was why he removed his hollow mask. Her strategy to circle him was good, but her footwork needed work. She was thinking and calculating so much about her moves. Jaeden's lips tugged upwards into a smile. He remembered a woman by the name of Mirja with similar problems.

She would think and consider her moves very carefully when she stepped. Jaeden didn't mind teaching her some of what he knew. It was a right of passage in some ways, you passed it on. He decided to mess with her a little bit, just for amusement.

Making a speed clone silently he began moving behind her and following her. Keeping a pace slightly above hers. This wasn't to show off, more to give advice. "You've got the idea, but don't think this is the only angle we can come from." He said before returning to his original position. Jaeden's speed was something he worked long and hard on.

But those days had come and gone, long gone were the days where he considered himself among the Fastest in the Soul Society. He could hold his own against some of the better. But he didn't feel a connection to the Shinigami techniques. They felt distant almost like the past.

"Tell me, how does it feel when you step? Are you fighting and pushing forward, what are you doing when you use Hoho?" Jaeden looked around at the air for a moment now. His eyes judging the clouds now for a moment before that familiar smile returned. One he'd lost some time ago after the events with Iriko.

"I think of clouds, myself when I use Hoho how they move freely and around the area. That's my hint for you, find what makes your Hoho tick. Is Hoho what you want to focus on, does it suit your path the most?"

He'd given Yoriko more advice then Mirja it was true. But part of that came down to spunk and the girl had it. He was also undergoing a metamorphosis as a person. Changing and trying to focus now and not then. Letting his past go from here on out. Though it wasn't easy, the sense of guilt still hung on his shoulders.

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Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:08 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Jaden asked the her a question she never thought about before, she always assumed taking each step was just a simple matter of walking or running. How does it feel Well.. Now that he mention it, feeling the ground beneath her feet whether its gravel or even stone underneath i feel a sense of symbiosis so to speak like and the ground and her were one being.

Taking a few steps back shinigami decided to once again done earth armor, creating a huge boulder that she would hover on . Using a bit ofnthe armor and boulder to create slabs of rock for her to stand on, why didn't she think of this before. However she remember'd that she couldn't use her powers at all. So the earth protecting her body began to crumble beneath her feet. Like Jaden said she couldn't rely on her powers forever, sometimes she needed other ways to defeat opponents.

Yoriko, come on girl. You gotta get those bells. With a single step she would throw shuriken as well as Kunai towards Jaden..then use hoho feeling the earth and her were one. Slowly she would feel every step she made, as echo's of sound would come towards her and back like a bat using echolocation. One single movement would let her know he was bout to move, once she would her it it'd be the chance she needed to obtain those bells. And assuming his speed clone has the bells she'd attempt to grab those as well

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:01 pm

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

He could see the wheels turning in her head now. She'd stopped and thought about what could be done. What could be accomplished when using it. Her attacks aside it was always interesting to see someone emerge. Someone who came with new ideas and introspections on Hoho. Mirja came first now Yoriko daughter of Henrex.

Something special was taking place Jaeden smiled a bit. He decided that this would do just fine. Her technique was going to be the building block of her future. Rather than discourage this development. So he'd make this look as he could. Jaeden would keep this little bit a secret.

His frame moved slightly as he caught the objects in between his fingers. Catching the kunai by its handle. And another projectile tossed at him. She was using diversionary tactics. It was smart to take his attention from her to something else. Jaeden moved finally preparing himself to go.

Inside his world his hollow Vait had noticed it clearly. "You're going to let her have them?" Vait seemed disgusted with the idea but also amused. The hollow didn't care truthfully about the girl or development. Only the power Jaeden and he had.

Inside Jaeden wore a Cheshire smirk along his lips. Bringing a single index finger up he let the shh noise come from his lips. Jaeden wasn't doing this to undermine her development. But to show her she'd chosen wisely. Poorly rushing him wouldn't yield results. Simply moving around without thinking about how it felt.

But now she'd gotten herself into the correct headspace. That was what he wanted even if a little. For that wheel to turn towards the progress of her future. Jaeden zoomed forward, bringing his speed at the regular he'd been using. Not notching it down as he waited for that moment. For her burst to come, as the clone had become one with him again.

His speed clone did in fact not have the bells, but Jaeden had a guess what she'd do. So he let the clone hold them just in case she did go for it. His body tilted forward with the movement, the time was now.

All her growth for one bell he was wearing, that was the point of the exercise.

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Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:48 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Yoriko watched as Jaeden grabbed her kunai easily with one hand. Nothing too surprising, after all he could've spotted it a mile away but it was a step in the right direction. Suddenly she noticed her speed clone had drastically slowed down than before.

Yoriko stopped and stretched her body a bit, perhaps her bones needed a bit of fine fine tuning a bit of an elbow grease one might say. Perhaps a conversation to let his guard was a huge stretch considering she wasn't good at lying but it was improvising at this point.

"Hey Jaeden, i remember saying you prefered hollow over your zanpaktou spirit.? Well tell him,her, or it i said Hi! She smiled, she may not be able to see inside of Jaeden's inner self but it had to have feelings like Ulv said.

And if they respond like a douchebag tell them i said fuck you. a rather playful tone could be heard amongst her person. She walked a bit placing a finger on her chin brown eyes staring at Jaeden for a few moments.

"You know its ironic how you're the nice guy whilst they act like a complete dick to you. Then again i'm only assuming after all. She shrugged, finishing her stretching jumping.

Hǎo de! Ràng wǒmen wánchéng zhège (Okay! Lets finish this! Btw) She said in her native language stepping and moving from side to side and around with her speed now it wasn't as fast as Jaeden's by a long shot but it was a way to handle his own whilst it got to the main target at Jaeden throwing every equipment she had on her person. Kunai's, shurikens, smoke bombs, and even flash bombs and paper explosions.

He couldn't stop them all at once and even if he did the resulting poison, blinding light or even explosion would be enough to distract him. If he was distract even by a millisecond the real Yoriko would focus on the clone and attempt to get him to ground level. Hopefully long enough to catch his clone and to get on ground level to sense him with the echolocation to make it easier to detect his moments. Though the whole thing may be impossible, however his reduced speed be enough to obtain those bells.

His speed clone obviously had to come out at some point and she was ready. Sticking to the ground and closing her eyes, not relying on her sight but rather the ground itself.

If he was caught in her grasp she'd attempt to grab the bells and smile. Finally a difficult task that she achieved. Whilst her clone would head towards Jaeden attempting toceontbe same, she then realized something..she used a fucking technique against him.
"Tā mā de tā mā de tā mā de! Wǒ wéifǎnle guīzé.!"

She pressed her hands together and made a medium sized boulder and chucked it at the ground. Screaming in both anger and dissapointment.

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:28 pm

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

Jaeden and his hollow merely sat bemused at her antics. "Man she's very direct must have dealt with Ulv's hollow at some point." His hollow didn't seem annoyed or bothered by the greeting. Though he did feel a sense of regret inside him. Jaeden merely patted the being on the head inside. "He's surprised but happy for the greeting." Jaeden responded as he knew she was trying to distract him. This was more him playing along with her.

Did his ears deceive him, or did she just speak Mandarin? "Depends on the person, not all inner hollows are that way. My mentor and his had a very close bond, I and Vait are no different in that regard." Jaeden said defending his hollow now.

This did cause a small but mumbled thank you from Vait inside of him. The hollow didn't like moments like this. It was a creature of instinct but had learned to like Jaeden. Vait and Jaeden had fought many battles together. Jaeden's response to her comment about the hollow had followed her speaking.

What she may not have known was Jaeden was bilingual in two languages. The one they spoke now, but also Mandarin. The reason came down to his Clan's lessons and teaching took inspiration from China. Thus it was a requirement that he learned it. Jaeden's clone stood ready to take the abuse and punishment coming to it.

She threw many things, he was sure the kitchen sink may have been in it. Jaeden's lips curled into a smile finally as he watched her. She was improving and ready for any movement. Then she realized it, as Jaeden merely chuckled. Now he decided to reveal his card to her.

"Nin Tōngguò kǎoshì"
(You pass, least I hope so.) Jaeden said softly as he let the speed clone vanish. He wasn't sure if this would surprise the girl or not. But he set his sword down on a bench nearby. Allowing her to process it in her way. Jaeden had seen plenty of techniques blossom over the years. From Mirja to a couple of other special circumstances.

But this one was by far the most interesting to behold. So only right to reward the right answer. Jaeden hadn't planned for her to do so well, some people took a long time to get the idea. To realize that Hoho can be more than just walking or stepping.

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Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:00 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Oh god. I'm sincerely sorry for what i just did. Please forgive me she placed both arms on her body and bowed. She didn't wan't to seem like a douchebag and not apologize, it wasn't in her nature. Even Henrex knew and didn't want to too as being called captain and stuff left a sour taste in his mouth.

Yoriko rebuffled to Jaeden's comment about his inner hollow but not in a rude way. And him speaking Madarian was a surprise but nothing shocking, besides in this world learning multiple languages is a godsend especially in covert missions. Listening to his comment about him and vain's connection to one another got her thinking. "I guess your right. Ulv told me the same thing actually, it might take some time but like an animal you must make it obedient over time. Provided mine doesn't want to kill me right away.."

I pass? Well that doesn't seem fun at all, making it easy for me ain't what i want. I want a challenge, and i can't live my life having others pity me. But considering everything i've done i'll make an exception. she said noticing his speed clone vanishing whilst he set his zanpaktou on a nearby bench.


Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:42 pm

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

Jaeden smiled a bit cracking his shoulders left and right. Well if she wanted it that way, he could help her brush up on somethings. Jaeden heard her say something about hers. His eyes focusing as he pushed the regret inside him down. Still was a rough transition from using his powers to not. Jaeden didn't like relying on his Zanpakuto.

These days he relied on something else. "Alright, let me show you something then. We'll call it the penalty game. We are going to work on the technique you figured out. But first, I'm going to give you the penalty. " His digits came up as he felt the darkness swell inside him. His frame gaining that mask again. Radioactive yellow eyes with black sclera. The typical sign of a vizard, as he spoke his voice came out raspy and different. "Watch, what happens when a Hollow and Vizard work together."

Jaeden shot off using Hoho falling back at a decent speed. But keeping it so the girl could follow his movements. Jaeden stopped where he landed as a gray like aura and second body became visible for a moment. It looked like a grey foot emerged from his body and took a step. Jaeden's frame slammed in front of her in seconds.

Jaeden raised his hand, only a finger gently poking the girl on the forehead. Before backing up, he waved off his mask again. Having shown her the power he and Vait wielded. It was decent for what it was in the long run. Jaeden's power he gained from Vait of recorded time. Allowed him to capture a move of his and perform it again.

Jaeden felt that familiar rush of darkness as he looked down. His body remembering that feeling. Zin's organization was different. "Anyways, we can learn a lot of things from our Hollows. But why don't we refine the technique you just gained?

Jaeden smiled now, he didn't get the gist of her technique yet. But they could refine it a bit here now. Jaeden bent forward now, sensing her progress from before. He touched the ground releasing a kido without incantation. Red smoke plumed around them as Jaeden used his Hoho to create four clones now. "Use it, decipher and use your reflexes, they will only move towards you. The rest is up to you in the obscured Mist."

Jaeden didn't mind teaching, sometimes it let his mind escape. To help train people in a refined manner. Techniques and spells were things of interest. But this was the world as it always had been. Hard work would triumph and this girl much like Mirja would surpass him.

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Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:30 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 JCRrxmK

She looked at Jaeden as he explained a new type of game but moreso another training exercise for her to refine her hoho skills. Listening to the game he proposed wasn't a bad idea, giving a chance to recognize when she used a technique and a way to measure her effectiveness to maintain the amount of penalties she may receive to a minimum. Jaeden's mask formed once again and she was ready to combat another vizard in her lifetime looking closely to see what he'd do first.

She watched as he simple step back was his first move, however she couldn't assume the simplest things. So she attempted to step back to gain some distance, she could hear a loud thump sound and before she could even take her foot off the ground Jaeden was already in front of her feeling a poke atop her head.

sudden kido incantation released a red smoke around her to obscure her vision.
Jaeden's advice of his clones only coming straight towards her was a good start. But assuming they were going at the same speed as before it was time to retaliate.

First she quickly kicked up a bunch of debris into her vicinity, while it may seem like a odd choice of strategy it wasn't that.
Using her earth sensing ability she could sense as the debris contained a bit of rocks which was understandable to say the least. Sensing the clones coming straight at her, so using her flash step she immediately went behind the first clone and pulled using her evasive footwork and to

She stood still and got in the Bao Xing stance (or leopoard style) she began by bending the four fingers under her hands from her joints. Thus bracing them to apply pressure and attack the more vulnerable parts of the clones bodies.
She began delivering a series of attacks at a variety of different angles using variants of the rear cross, hook punch, and rear cross.

If a clone was close enough she'd initiate a knee strike aiming towards their the opponent’s thighs to the solar plexus, or even the face. Attempting to hit vital points. Using her hoho to increase her movement within her feet whilst keeping up with the clones if possible.


Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:23 pm

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

He sat on the sidelines, remaining aware of the situation. Jaeden used speed clones for this training to help her exercise. Two had been taken out by her quick and efficient hakuda. As they fell they vanished leaving the original standing. Refining the technique required time.

As a beginning test, they learned more about her skill set. She could use the earth as a sensory method, detecting incoming attacks. Jaeden thought about dawning his mask to try another thing. He could use Kido here, to test her reaction to danger.

Not every attack would be one that came from a person but a projectile. Jaeden didn't have his sword so he'd have to use small Kido spells. Raising his index finger from his right hand, crackling blue electricity emerged. Firing towards the girl, it was enough to sting.

He moved his last clone in at the same time, testing her reaction to foreign elements. After this, he would spare with her and teach her how to face an enemy. Ninja tactics were good, but sometimes the element of stealth wasn't there.

So one had to deal with things as they came, perhaps it would be best to show her that. Did he want to use his sword for this test? Jaeden wasn't as known as he once was. The Crow family were incredible swordsman once upon a time. Boasting powerful and capable warriors.

But the time had passed only a broken man with little to offer the world remained. He was a remnant of a bygone time. Jaeden's hand lowered as he finished casting that spell. He didn't require incantations for many kids spells, Jaeden was rather skilled in them. But he felt disgusted in using them as a swordsman. But for the purpose of this test, he would deal with it.

Sword techniques were what the Crow favored and the power behind such things was his personal favorite. But for the sake of Yoriko's lesson, such things could be overlooked. For now anyway, as he walked towards a sword now. Jaeden figured he could at the very least begin to show her something else.

He suspected she'd defeat the clone and dodge the Byakurai spell, but that would depend on her largely.

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Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Causes, New Dreams

Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:16 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Broken Causes, New Dreams - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Succesfully Yoriko took out the two clones, only two more to go. Then she can get the bells, hopefully one of them had it as Jaden was sitting away from her. Probably making sure she wasn't using any techniques, she was glad her progress was improving slightly. Well at least in her mind, whatever the case she pulled two kunai's to block whatever attacks the clones dished out. And if she was successful at taking out one she'd get the last one.

"Okay now time to get the- suddenly a bolt of lighting was heading towards her direction. She tried to get out of the way but she so focused on the clones she wasn't able to register the Byakurai spell in time and was hit she may be able to sense from the ground but something like Kido was her greatest weakness. It didn't have anything to sense and as it was also a projectile of pure energy and not an object even if she was able to dodge it the kido would've been too much for her.

Jesus that hurt. she said as it hit her in the forearm, it was like a bee sting but thankfully no poison was involved. While it wasn't devastating as Jaeden was obviously holding back it was still a major disadvantage she'd have to get adjusted to. Besides not everyone is going to be cqc, some may use kido, others are a complete surprise.

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