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Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda) Empty Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda)

Mon Sep 28, 2020 1:02 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Yo! Ari!”

Bang! Bang! The side of her fist hits against the doors of the demon’s mansion with barely any care for subtleness. With bored eyes that stare at nothing in particular, Elyss’ arms would fold over her chest after her assault on the poor house in wait. That damn demon better be here. It’d prove annoying to come all the way here just for no one to be home. Dressed in her Gotei attire, all black and such, the redhead has one thought going through her head. Ah, the memories of old have been rampaging through her mind for a while now: repressed emotions, happy and sad events, and the sort. With the desire to fix her life up and deal with her issues head on, Elyss has one thing she should really deal with, a supremely repressed memory that should be aired out and left to flow away in the strong Autumn breeze.

Autumn. Oh, how the time flies when one is living their life happily or disgracefully. Bwah. It doesn’t matter right now. One thing at a time. She’s going to settle everything eventually, no matter how long it takes, but while she’s here, it’s time to tackle one of her demons head on. Well, if someone would answer the damn door already, that is.


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Mon Sep 28, 2020 1:41 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Banging on the door combined with yelling didn't exactly make things pleasant for a certain Ex-Angel of Conflict. Especially when she had been spending most of her time before someone decided to knock down Ari's door. An exasperated sigh was all that left Ari's lips as she listened to the banging and the voice that shouted for her; a voice that sounded familiar. Surprisingly enough, the demon recognized the voice of Elyss; who was now beating her door down. It was nice to know that Elyss wanted to visit her... but why all of a sudden? After all this time, where she had ample opportunity to visit Ari, why now? Simply put, Arianda just smiled at Kita, assuring her it was fine before standing up; gently reaching for her hand.

"It's a friend of mine, I suppose... Albeit I wish she didn't try to knock my door down. Cmon, I'll introduce you."

Arianda gave Kita a warm smile, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before walking off towards the door; letting Kita take her time to get ready if needed. Meanwhile, Arianda opened the door to a seemingly disgruntled Elyss; arms crossed and in full Shinigami attire. At least it wasn't like last time, where Ulv put her in what could easily be called an interesting outfit. It was also clear that Elyss had improved in that time, while Ari had literally been pulled back due to a certain incident that Elyss likely had no idea about. It wasn't truly for her to know unless asked, Arianda didn't want the pity party after all. So, she simply gave Elyss a smile and stepped aside for the woman to enter.

"Hey Elyss, long time no see~ Come in~ I want to introduce you to someone while you're here."

If Elyss entered without any weird issue, or trying to punch Ari just because she wanted a fight, Arianda would close the door behind Elyss and then move over to Kita; who had likely followed her in the time Arianda opened the door and Elyss came in.

"Elyss, this is Kitarune Astillon~ Sister to Henrex Astillon~"

Arianda smiled at Elyss, wrapping an arm around Kita as she spoke; hoping her darling girlfriend didn't suddenly change to her shifter. After all, everything was fine right now and she had no need to be embarrassed. Hopefully. Not to mention, without saying it, Elyss could probably tell from how fondly Arianda said Kita's name, and the arm that had wrapped around Kita, that Kita was Ari's significant other; her darling girlfriend.

"What brings you here, Elyss~? Aside from trying to murder my poor front door, that is."

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Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:07 pm


Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda) 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

Man, this house was just...suddenly getting really popular, wasn't it? Kitarune sat in the living room, reading a book, Arianda not too far away, opting to watch TV next to her, with the demon leaning against the half-breed. A warm smile came across the mage's face as she felt Arianda's head resting against her shoulder, and she made sure not to move much to keep Ari comfortable. Quietly shutting her book, Kitarune let out a quiet sigh, setting it down next to her and leaning back a little bit, her eyes slowly closing...

Until, all of a sudden, it was all interrupted by a very loud knock at the door, and someone yelling for Arianda. Groaning softly, Kitarune sat up, setting her book on the table, summoning her staff on impulse. She was really hoping it wasn't going to be like that situation with the mystery woman who had just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere and decided to insult her for whatever reason. Even as Ari gave her a smile, reassuring her that everything was ok, she still crept behind her, keeping her staff at the ready.

As the door opened, Kitarune would be peeking out from behind Arianda, her staff obscuring a large amount of her face. If the woman walked in, and if Arianda took any steps backward to give her some room to walk in, Kitarune would immediately shuffle to the side, still keeping a death grip on her staff as kept her eyes focused on the visitor. Apparently, she was a friend of Ari's? Well, that drew at least some of the paranoia and concern off of her.

Slowly lowering her staff and letting it stand next to her, relaxing her grip on it as Arianda introduced her, giving a quiet, awkward wave. Something about her felt familiar, and it made her both uncomfortable and curious. She didn't look familiar, that was for certain. What was it that felt familiar about her, then? Maybe Ari would be able to explain, or she could ask Elyss herself when she could.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yuuto's brother like Ari said, and, yeah, my name's Kitarune. Ari already said that too...god damn it."

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Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda) Empty Re: Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda)

Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:15 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Finally, the door is sliding open. And, of course, there is Arianda, right there. Elyss didn’t bother with any pleasantries just yet, her arms falling to her sides before she entered. Her feet then carry her inside of the large home, onyx eyes flicking here and there in a matter of seconds. Her face is unenthusiastic, a placate expression. Then, she spins on the heel of her left foot, focusing her attention onto Arianda and Arianda’s friend. No. This person is more than just a friend. A lot of information reveals itself just like that. Henrex, sister, Ari’s hold on the other: it all points towards some weird timeline of events that has brought them all here, in this mansion, today.

“Henrex? Yuuto? Kitarune? Arianda? This a soap opera now or something?”

Well, that’s not a hello, pretty far from it. Though, there’s little hostility radiating from Elyss. She just seems her normal, sometimes too structured, self. She was like that for like a few more seconds until her right arm rose, a hand running through her hair on the back of her head as her expression grew even more bored. It’s as if she had tried to process everything but gave up halfway through. Pretty strange for a first meeting, but it is what it is.

“Anyway, I was bored and decided to bother someone I know. You’re the only person I know on this island besides Ulv, so you can put two and two together. Seems I’ve missed a lot or not that much.”


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Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:20 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"I'd say it's far more like you've missed a lot, Elyss~ And no, it isn't any form of soap opera..."

Arianda spoke softly, but could not help but grin as she gently comforted Kita with her presence and her resolve flame juuuuust a little; she didn't want Kita to be too on edge. Especially after Ulv decided to come over and be... Ulv. However, a part of Arianda was having mixed feelings about Elyss's sudden visit. She and Kita were having quite a nice little moment, probably both about to doze off on the couch before Elyss decided to knock and yell for Ari. Frankly speaking, it was a little annoying, but Arianda gave Elyss a gentle nose boop before retreating to Kita and giving her darling girlfriend a big hug; hoping to comfort her a bit more.

"Ah I see~ So you're here to bother little ol' me~? Why how kind of you, Elyss! So, whatcha here to bother me about~? You haven't exactly cared to visit, so you must either be quite bored, or looking for something to cure said boredom. I just have to wonder what you came here for aside from bothering little ol' Ari~!"

The demon hummed pleasantly as she studied Elyss, noting a generous increase in her energy from the last time she saw the woman; something that made Ari smile a bit wider. It was good Elyss had gotten stronger, but it was a little rude that she hadn't even thought of visited Ari until she was bored out of her cranium. However, the demon was still glad to see Elyss was still alive; despite her tendency to get harmed it seemed, which either was luck or some form of skill.

"If you're worried about missing so much, we can spend a bit of time catching up; unless you'd rather get to the why you're here. Some reason to cure your boredom, I would imagine~"

Last edited by darkfunnel on Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:59 pm


Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda) 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

Well, that was a bit of a shocker. Whoever the redhead was, Arianda seemed to know her from somewhere. Despite her crass and rude introduction, it didn't seem like she was looking to start fighting right away. Kitarune slowly loosened her grip on her staff, the extension of her Shinigami power slowly fading away as she stored it away in her inner world. There was still a very high sense of wariness with her, and she was ready to bring the staff back at any moment, but, for now, it seemed like things were calming down.

The woman's cheeks, however, quickly turned a deep shade of red as Arianda slipped over to her after poking the new arrival's nose, giving her a big, tight, hug. Grumbling softly as she reached up to flick Arianda's forehead, giving her a look as she brought her hands to her sides, gently rubbing her arms as she shook her head a little to get rid of her reddening face. The mage took a deep breath as she turned her attention back to Elyss, tilting her head to the side and crossing her arms over her chest.

She wasn't exactly in the best mood, after having some random redhead bang on their door and demand their attention, especially when it seemed to just for her to cure her boredom. Rolling her eyes, Kitarune walked over to the couch, picking up her book, and sitting down on the couch, setting the tome on her lap before resting her head on her palm, her attention once again back on Elyss for a few seconds, before turning her head to Ari.

Scanning the woman up and down, she noticed the Gotei uniform and her grip on the tome in her lap tightening and Kitarune straightened up, a tinge of uncertainty and nervousness coming over her. She didn't really know too much about the Gotei -- only hearsay from Katsuhiko back in the Rukongai -- but she did know what it had done to him and the person that it had turned him into. Was she like him? Slowly loosening her grip on the tome, she kept her eyes on Elyss as she finally spoke up.

" do you know her? From what I'm seeing, she's not too terribly happy to see you, plus, this is the first time I've ever seen her in the months that I've been here, both indoors and outdoors."

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Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:26 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I had prefered to be the main character of my own plot instead of sitting on the side and watching others go through life. I’ve missed a lot, but it is what it is for a bit of character growth.”

Without even a twitch, her dark eyes continued to look around the mansion, noticing anything that may seem different from the last time she had entered this building. However, there’s nothing to notice. She has only been within this building two times, and, neither time, had she attempted to learn its layout. It also doesn’t seem that her presence was well received. Of course, she did assault Arianda’s door without much care for what may be going on. Arianda’s girlfriend, as strange as that sounds in the back of her head, didn’t seem pleased, on edge even.

Watching the interaction between the two felt invasive, but she is an invader. Kitarune made little attempts to hide her desire for solitude. Too bad Elyss lacks the social aptitude or care to satisfy the woman. It’s almost enough to put a small smirk on her face, but she should focus more on her primary objective. Levying her eyes between Arianda and Kitarune, her mouth began to explain a bit of their past and more on why this random event is even occurring.

“It seems I share a bit of Ulv’s tendency to show up randomly and unexpectedly with a bang. Go figure, huh? I haven’t been on this Harbour for a good few months, but whatever. I’ll cut to the chase. I came to fight you, if I’m being honest. I still remember the last we fought and what proceeded afterwards.”

Her eyes would narrow slightly as she focused more on Arianda, a bit crossed suddenly with the demon. Though, it is only for that moment before her eyes moved to Kitarune. A Shinigami, huh? If Kitarune really is related to Henrex, then she is probably a hybrid as well. Suddenly, she scoffed and smirked at the purple haired woman before looking at Arianda once more.

“Arianda tried to help one day. It didn’t really work out though.”


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Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:13 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda's eye twitched gently when Elyss mentioned how Arianda tried to "help" and how it didn't work out at all. Indeed, it didn't work out in the slightest, and Arianda was perfectly okay with that. However, the demon let out a small sigh as she gazed upon Elyss; her gaze narrowing some as she focused on Elyss a bit more intently. Elyss had not visited until now, which seemed quite odd. However, Arianda took to answering Kita's question while also expanding a small bit on what Elyss had said.

"Suffice to say, Elyss is a friend, Kita; even if she seems none to happy to see me. I was attempting to help her control her anger back then; something I am unsure if she achieved since then. Indeed, my methods weren't the greatest; for our minds work quite differently. Regardless of that, it does seem Elyss has made some progress anyways."

The demon looked towards Elyss curiously before she gave Kita a quick, small, smile; right before the demon returned to the task at hand. Arianda crossed her arms, her gaze growing slightly harder as she looked upon Elyss now. It was nothing more than a sign Ari was being a touch bit more serious now that Elyss had gotten past initial "niceties".

"Well, Elyss; if you're here to fight me, I can't say that Minatumi is exactly the best of places for a tussle. After all, if either of us act up too much, I am sure the barrier will activate in response. So, I suggest a change of venue before we fight."

Arianda now looked... different. Serious was a word for it, but the way she did not falter in her withering gaze would likely be odd. Elyss had seen Ari mostly be goofy, and everything but serious. However, recent events, one that cause someone to nearly lose their life, well; such things have a way of causing some people to lose some goofy nature. Not to mention, Elyss scoffing and smirking at Kita definitely rubbed Ari the wrong way; and she felt ready to punch Elyss quite, quite hard.

"The wastelands seems like a perfect spot, Elyss. Open space, nothing in the way. How's that sound~? Kita, would you like to participate or watch, perhaps?"

Arianda turned her gaze on Kitarune, which briefly softened only for her while posing her question to the woman. However, after Kita had answered, Arianda turned her steely gaze back towards Elyss, a small smile gracing the demon's lips as she looked at Elyss.

"If we're all okay with the venue change, shall we be on our way~?"

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Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:43 pm


Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda) 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly as both Arianda and Elyss gave their explanations and reasons for knowing each other, with Elyss also giving a reason as to why she was there in the first place -- to fight. Of course, if she was related to that red-head berserker that barged in on her out of nowhere, why would it be a surprise that she wanted a fight? Rolling her eyes, Kitarune sighed softly, keeping her firm grip on the tome as she slowly got to her feet.

Her eyes went over to Arianda at the invitation, nodding softly.

"Yeah, I'll come with. I could use some training anyway."

She grumbled under her breath as she fixed her gaze back on Elyss. Only one phrase came to her mind, passing between only her, her Zanpakuto, Jugenro, and Arianda.

'I don't like her.'

Calling her Zanpakuto to her, a long polearm that quickly changed appearance into something more akin to a mage's staff, she turned back to Arianda once more.

"Wastelands sound fine, as long as we're not fighting in the house. I'm guessing you're the one who's got the ability to get us there, Ari?"

Dismissing her tome into her Inner World, Kitarune quietly walked over to Arianda, keeping a firm grip on her weapon, and an eye on Elyss.

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Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda) Empty Re: Dungeons, Dragons, and Demons (Elyss/Kitarune/Arianda)

Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:50 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Don’t worry, Arianda. I’m still very much mad.”

Another smile, but this one felt wrong. Emotions on Elyss’ face already proved an abnormal thing for one to see. Her smiles always felt predatory, dangerous to bear witness to. This proves no different. Arianda seems a little peeved. Did the redhead push a button? Was it her little interaction with the demon’s girlfriend? The sudden sharp pain of regret doesn't go unnoticed, but Elyss didn’t come here to better her social skills. She came to better her body by having it mangled over and over.

“Tch. Wastelands it is.”

She has no way of getting to these Wastelands on her own, but hearing that name reminds her of her failed trek through the desert to find the Wastelands. To be honest, going there now just for a spar made her feel a bit bitter. But, as with most of her feelings, her annoyance doesn’t show on her face as her smile fades. Now, it’s just up to Arianda to send them on their way.



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