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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:24 pm



Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt

Somewhere on the outskirts of the demonic realms, lay a grand castle with a overwhelmingly gothic aesthetic. To an observer, it would appear as though it were an edifice taken right out of the works of Edgar Allen Poe. However, if one were to enter the large abode, it was anything but.

The rooms were adorned with gold, there were countless children who dressed in costumes and played with fake weapons and even adults who watched over them to ensure that they were safe. Servants of varying sizes and builds - from humans to animalistic demons - willingly served anyone who possessed good intentions towards their mistress. The decorum, the meals, the bright smiles - it was beautiful. It was grandiose. There were unpleasant emotions to be found in this castle. The Danava of Avarice would not allow it. Hers was a home of paradise, and no one was allowed to harm her or her "family."

Rising from her bed, she gazed at the man who had laid beside her, running her finger through his locks of hair. He was an interesting one. There was chaos of emotions that flickered through his soul but even beneath such torment.. there was still kindness. She wanted to observe him. Court him and perhaps... love him but she would not push her luck. For now, she was simply awaiting a special guest. She exited the room, locking the door behind her as she walked into the living room and sat at the elegantly prepared table of fine oak.

She wore her typical outfit for the occasion. It was one she had favored for as long as she could remember. It was both majestic and seductive. A fine banquet was prepared for her fine guest if she desired to arrive. If not, well, she'd simply persist until she did. Thara wanted to know who she was for a multitude of reasons.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:04 pm

Fallen Angel


Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Receiving a letter, on your doorstep from a "secret admirer", or whatever this was, would be quite odd for any being; no matter who they may be. For a demon who had been in a very nice relationship with a very nice woman by the name of Kitarune Astillon, it was quite unnerving to be contacted like this. However, the invitation seemed nothing more than... elegant. Regardless, Arianda couldn't truly detect anything bad about venturing to demon world to have dinner with this woman; whomever she may be. However, a part of Arianda was refusing to go alone. Not to mention, after Ari had to leave Kita for demon world more than a few times, she had wanted to take the woman with her.

After what was likely a good chunk of convincing, Arianda was able to promise everything would be fine; and to reassure Kita she would never leave her side. Afterwards, Arianda set about preparing herself; making a very easy form change, shifting her body into the resemblance of her release form without the release itself, and taking a set of clothes that would fare rather well for this dinner of theirs. Her attire, in truth, was purposeful. She wasn't trying to look beautiful for anyone but Kita. Indeed, she still looked attractive, but her intention wasn't to draw eyes.

A red skirt, done up hair, a white jacket, and a top piece that appeared to be either mixed materials, or two tops with one on top of the other, and a belt that was more of an accent than to keep anything held up. It looked rather well, especially because Arianda was simply dressing well for a dinner she had basically no time to prepare for. Besides, if it was one where the intent of the person who invited her was lewd, well; at least she had more than one defense at hand. The easiest was, of course, being with Kita.

No matter how attractive their host may be, Arianda would not be swayed away from her determination to stay true to Kita; to not betray the trust the woman had placed in her. Soon, Ari met Kita outside of her room, giving the woman a gentle kiss on the cheek after taking one of her hands into hers; a small nod to assure everything was alright soon followed after. Eventually, the little demon gave her lover a warm smile before she snapped her fingers and a portal appeared a few feet behind Ari; one that probably looked a bit ominous, being made out of shadows and all.

Arianda smiled at her love, gesturing to the portal with a wordless gaze; asking "Shall we~?" without ever moving her lips. When Kita was ready, Arianda would lead her through the portal slowly, and then the demon would make her way to the castle that was their destination. Walking through the streets probably tore gazes of demons towards Arianda and Kita; only because a few demons may still remember the look of one of their old archduchesses before she had changed from the blackworld. An appearance this form vaguely shared; but it was nothing more than slight similarity. However, their trip would be relatively calm, with only random gazes now and then.

Eventually, the pair of women arrived at the Castle they had been invited to. With one more cursory look towards Kita, to see if the woman was ready, Arianda would give the door a sharp knock; likely with her fist or a knocker, if one was present. Afterwards, she would stand and wait with Kita, surveying demon world around them; but not particularly paying attention to the structure they were next to. After all, even if Ari's new home was Earth, it was... difficult not to occasionally become homesick for the place you were born.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

What Ari is Wearing:
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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:38 pm



Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt

With a sharp knock - as if on the cue - the door to the castle had opened on Thara's command. Whenever the Angel of Conflict or the Archmage decided to continue - they would enter a house filled with opulence that stood in stark contrast with its outward appearance. Fine paintings from countless periods of time adorned the walls, handsomely carved statues of mythological characters lined the halls. From fairy tales to mythological lore - these statues gave off a graceful air of royalty yet also - a sense of childhood fantasy.

Through the living room, they would find themselves tempted to gaze at the architecture layered throughout. Golden chairs, treasures of finest make, tables beset with ruby and diamonds. Passing through the living room, they would enter the guest hall where the children and adults convened. The kids would greet them happily while the adults would bow and showed their respect.

The guest hall was a room akin to the images of wonder children often dreamed of. There were countless toys, an array of games, and costumes that shined with a magnificent glow. If toys were not pleasing to the heart, familiars or varying species danced and wowed the children as they spoke of divine tales that filled one's mind with thoughts of glory and bravery, hope and revolution.

In the corner, where the adults watched, they were blessed with an area that was - compared to the children - seemed to lack a similar flare, but hardly left anything to be desired in the form of décor. A finely carved oak table with multiple chairs and savory meals that were ready to be served at a snap of their fingers.

Reaching the room where a Banquet was being prepared, Thara would be found sitting there at a large dining table that resembled those found in the day of medieval times. The servant familiars of varying sizes prepared the tables, offered the benevolent demon and the fiery half-breed chairs to sit in and returned to the kitchen to bring the food.

Across the table, Thara would grin as she playfully tapped her fingers against the wine glass in her hand.

"Welcome, to my humble abode. My name is Thara. I hope I didn't take you lovely ladies out of anything important today. I hoped that we could build bonds for the future - so make yourselves at home. There is much food to be had, many drinks to be consume, and humble servants who will serve you at the snap of your command."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:24 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

A single knock was all it took before the door had opened thanks to Ari's touch; the sharp rapping of knuckles against wood. Frankly speaking, Ari could not help but narrow her gaze as that happened. Indeed, Arianda may be a relatively relaxed demon, but that didn't mean she wouldn't get suspicious at a door opening right when she knocked on it. Sure, the woman who invited her was obviously expecting them; but this level of preparation was certainly something that set part of Ari on edge. Then, Ari turned to see her girlfriend hanging back; trying to find something to hide behind. The demon smiled a small bit, took her girlfriend's hand, and gave her cheek a tiny peck, assuming Kita let her, along with assurance that everything would be fine.

"It'll be fine, Kita~ Don't worry, I'll be right here; by your side."

Arianda gave her that same smile, and then gently guided Kita forward through the entrance to the castle; taking it as slowly as Kita needed to take it. However, if Kita simply refused to enter, well... Arianda would just go home with her. Simply put, Arianda was humoring the woman who sent her that invitation; but she would humor her no more if Kita became reluctant to continue. If Kita was alright with continuing inwards, Arianda would never let go of her hand; unless Kita wished her to. Frankly put, she was doing her best to comfort Kita with her presence.

While Arianda walked through the castle with Kita, making her way to the dining hall, the demon silently remarked upon, and took in, every detail. It was quite... gaudy really. Ari certainly had her share of riches and decorum back at her own palace in Flow City; but she never really took in so many humans and demons. Not to mention, the place was filled with children; or so it felt. The demon gave those that came up to her a warm smile and just as warm of a greeting. Meanwhile, Arianda would give a small nod, and a small smile, to the adults and servants who greeted her along the way. However, it was nigh impossible for Ari to notice an odd and familiar... scent. However, it was such a small thing that she pushed it out of the way. It was demon world after all, the familiar scent could simply be a reminder of home.

Eventually, Arianda arrived with Kita, hopefully, at the room in which the banquet was to be held. Arianda blinked at the woman that she saw. In a word, she was certainly beautiful; and was dressed in a way that was purposefully meant to draw eyes towards her exposed cleavage and other such seductive curves of her body. It was a gesture that caused Arianda's eyebrow to rise ever so slightly before she turned her gaze towards the woman's face; quite purposefully. The demon gave Thara a warm smile and a slight bow; one that was purposefully small thanks to her short skirt.

"And humble it is, Thara; it's nice to meet you. I am Arianda Vael, and this is my girlfriend; Kitarune. Might I ask what you wish these bonds to be~? Your invitation was quite, hm, vague; but I'm sure you wanted to reserve the nitty gritty details for in person conversation~"

Arianda gave Thara a smile once more, her eyes feeling warm and calm; but through that all, Arianda was purposefully examining the woman and her surroundings. Just in case... She had no idea how anything would go, and she wished to know where her exits were in case this little meeting went sour. After speaking, and when Kita had finished speaking if she wished to, Arianda moved towards a seat on the longer side of the table; gesturing for Kita to sit first. Afterwards, the demon took a seat next to her girlfriend; sitting on Kita's left or right, which depended on which side Thara was on. It wasn't much of a gesture, simply that Arianda wished to sit there. However, when Ari sat down, she did relax a small bit; allowing herself to be served by servants if they wished to. For now, she wasn't too worried about eating food or drinking. Simply put, she was now extremely curious just what Thara wanted from them; and why.

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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:06 pm

Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt


Artist: Sun Lu - Song: Moonlit Sky

Something didn't feel right about this. She couldn't put her finger on it, but this entire situation, Arianda going to the Demon World to meet this woman, even if it was for the sake of building bonds for the future. As she stepped through the portal, she found herself sticking close to Arianda, keeping a firm grip on her hand as the doors opened, Kitarune found herself raising an eyebrow, before simply staring in utmost shock at the castle.

She almost couldn't believe something like this existed as she slowly followed Arianda, staring at the architecture in an almost hypnotic fashion. Golden chairs, tables with some of the finest and most beautiful gems to exist in the world, statues of various fictional, mythological characters, and servants that seemed to be around every corner. The more steps she took into the castle, the more uneasy she felt -- the more scared, and concerned she felt.

But, she held her tongue, sitting down next to Arianda and placing her hands in her lap, glancing around at the architecture once more. Was this it? Was this really the place? She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes as the demoness called this castle, something that was possibly worth enough to end poverty and homelessness in a single night, as "humble".

It was impressive and nice, but it sure as hell wasn't humble! But, still, she remained silent, only nodding wordlessly along with Arianda. She could shake that feeling that something was very, very wrong here.

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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:05 am



Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt

When the two prized guests sat at the elegant table, the servants immediately returned with two glasses, offering them drinks that hardly resemble anything that could be found on earth. The liquid they had poured in particular was delectably sweet and reminded one of soda.

If they desired to drink, the servants had prepared a line of alternate cups they could choose from. With a bow, they left the room and returned with a banquet of food. Of course, it was clear that this entire meal was not only for them but for the guests and children. There was no wastefulness in terms of recipes. There was the cuisine of varying cultures to be found. Thara wanted to account for what any one of them enjoyed while satisfying her family as well.

With a small giggle at her compliment, Thara took a sip of wine as she gazed at the two women sitting across from her. She couldn't properly read Kitarune's mood but something seemed... off about her. Arianda seemed as if she desired to be cordial and be a willing guest. Thara wanted to make them both feel comforted in her castle. The future bonds she mentioned counted on such a balance.

"The bonds I speak of - with utmost confidence - are those of sisterhood, Ari. For you see, there is a special someone who resides here who shares a bond with the two of you. For his sake and his peace of mind, I aim to make you every bit of my family as the people you met along the way."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:09 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It was impossible for Ari to not notice how uneased Kita was by this trip of theirs; visiting a woman that neither of them knew. Upon sitting down at the table, Arianda quietly slipped her hand on top of one of Kita's hands; doing her best to comfort the woman with such a simple gesture. Ari squeezed Kita's hand ever so gently, attempting to assure her that everything would be okay. Meanwhile, Arianda still took the place of a welcome guest; however, she was... reluctant to touch her food. However, instead of making it look like she didn't like the meal, Arianda decided to make it look more like she was too interested in speaking to even bother touching the food. After all, it was quite rude to speak with a full mouth. Meanwhile, she used her figure to hide Kita; seemingly on accident.

As Arianda listened, and watched, she took note of how the servants seemed to move at Thara's whim without so much as a word. Well trained, or something of that sort, servants was the only reason such people could much as such; unless Thara was using alternate methods. After all, Arianda was a royal of Shadow Fall in her past; she knew quite well how many proceedings worked. Not to mention, she was the basic "face" of shadowfall for a long while. It was difficult for her not to know how such things went. However, the now was more concerning than the present.

Soon enough, Thara spoke of those bonds she wished to gain; ones of sisterhood. Ones that are due to a man, it seemed, that both Ari and Kita knew; one who resides in this very same castle. On such words, Ari's eyes grew sharper; more calculating. A gentle sniff of the air, the hint of a relation, and how this man was special to both Kita and Ari. Her gaze narrowed a tiny bit. Arianda knew he hadn't been around terribly recently; but for such a reason...? Arianda simply raised an eyebrow at the woman and straightened up a small bit; radiating the aura she once held as Archduchess Arianda Vael.

"Is that so, Thara...? I do have to wonder, if you are doing this for him, without his knowledge, or if you are doing it at his request~? Because, if this man is who I think he is; I just can't help but wonder..."

Arianda stopped speaking for a few moments to gaze upon her girlfriend, who likely knew who Thara was talking about right now. There was only one man in their lives who they shared such a bond with; Arianda could only wonder if Kita had come to the same conclusion as Ari herself did. Regardless, Arianda gave Kita a loving smile before she looked back at Thara.

"So then, what does all of this "family" entail~?"

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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:05 pm

Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt


Artist: Sun Lu - Song: Moonlit Sky

Sisterhood? Just that word alone made her uneasy. This woman was someone they didn't know, she had a gaudy castle with servants and other guests, and she also wanted to make her and Arianda family? However, her eye twitched at the mention of someone special that was residing at this castle. She knew that he hadn't been around, but whenever she reached out, he had always calmed her down and told her that he was fine.

Something felt wrong about the way she was saying that. As Arianda spoke, she too wanted to know what this "family" entailed. Remaining silent, Kitarune quietly removed her hairpin, holding the small accessory in her hand as it radiated a small, almost invisible, and undetectable aura of magic and power. Keeping the item close at hand, the woman was ready to transform her concealed Zanpakuto back to its original form and unleash a spell, should the situation call for it.

Until then, Kitarune's eyes remained fixated on Thara, a burning glare of contempt as she kept the hairpin in a firm grasp.

"I, too, would like to know what that entails as well. I also want to know what it is that you're not telling us. No place in existence could ever be this irritatingly perfect."

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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:04 pm



Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt

"You know, for as much as I know you are truly of his blood - both physically and spiritually - I don't quite welcome you glaring at me like that, Kitarune... was it?" Thara consumed another mouthful of wine before she leaned back in her chair, her own expression a mixture of discomfort and impatience. She had certainly acknowledged Ari's question and preferred if she had been the only one who came along. Kitarune, on the other hand, had caused her to be worried that her best-laid plans might be compromised. Sibling or no sibling, there was a particular goal she had in mind, and heavens be damned would she allow Kitarune to impose on those plans.

As if sensing her discomfort, one of the children had snuck into the room, hopping into her lap. It was a little girl no older than eight years old. The child gazed at Ari and Kitarune curiously.

"Are they causing you any discomfort, big sis?"

"No, no it's fine," the covetous danava replied with an exasperated chuckle. Running her fingers through the child's hair, Thara regained her composure as her gaze returned to Arianda, ignoring Kita altogether.

"As for your earlier inquiry, it is the former. Yes, I am doing it without his knowledge but let it be known when I brought him here, there was hardly any foul play involved. There was no resistance. Thus, I believe he considers me to be trustworthy. Of course, I did not speak to him when I decided to host this meeting. I can't make a proper judgment of what he'd say but I feel there is a mutual interest here. Concerning what family entails..."

Thara would set her glass of wine down as she ruffled the little girl's hair, holding her gently within her arms.

"That ought to be self-explanatory. Family is a collection of bonds, of caring over and nurturing your children, your mothers, your aunts, your uncles, grandfathers, and grandmothers. I value the idea of a family, of the brotherhood or sisterhood, and the compassion they share for one another. You see, someone like Emma here," Thara would reach down and tickle the little girl's belly, as she gazed at Arianda and Kitarune.

"For someone like Emma, she was homeless on earth. Abandoned by mother and father, regarded as a "problem child." An orphanage was the best she could've hoped for if someone had even bothered but fate would have it that we happened to meet one another and I've loved her ever since. You know, it's odd. Demons have such a porous reputation because of the Queen of Demons that I thought she might well be afraid of me but no... this one has been my most genuine supporter."

Thara would turn her head to the others in the room, continuing to speak till her heart's content.

"That said, I suppose if I'm being honest, some of the adults and other children brought here weren't particularly as accepting as she was but neither did they despise me either. I suppose the greed or hunger in their hearts and my natural charisma had made our union a match made in heaven but still, they've experienced nothing but paradise. A comfortable bed, a wonderful meal, sharing humor and compassion alike. Nothing like earth, where their life is not promised to them."

Thara would set Emma down, prompting her to return to the playroom. Raising her wine glass, she took another sip and smiled.

"Family for you entails how family would be when two people who love each other and get married. For you see, this covetous demon intends on marrying the man sleeping in my bedroom. If married, you would be my sisters by default. It's something that's a foregone conclusion to me but I saw fit to make sure the two people who genuinely care for his wellbeing knew of my intent. A surprise wedding is no fun, now, is it?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  Empty Re: Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)

Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:21 pm

Goddess of the Underworld


Greedy Obsessions (Thara/Ari)  6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Everything hadn't exactly gone well. However, given the unease that both Arianda and Kita had felt, it was quite obvious that Thara had begun to completely ignore Kitarune's presence. The demon's eyes twitched, such a small movement that she concealed by blinking a few moments later. Not to mention, the demon perfectly hid her annoyance by crossing her legs quietly as Thara spoke; her right hand gently squeezing Kita's hand. As Thara continued to speak, silently imploring Kita, between their link, to try and remain calm; for now. She knew that Thara ignoring her would absolutely piss her off. However, there was little Arianda could do if Kita fell to her anger. However, the demon knew all too well how easy it was to be drawn in by anger.

However, Arianda continued to listen to Thara; shaking her head a tiny bit. This all seemed quite off. The man upstairs, a certain bird-brain, had no idea Thara was doing any of this for him; which left a bad taste in Ari's mouth. Not to mention, the fact that Thara had started to ignore Kita was rubbing the demon the wrong way. Any moment now, she was certain Kita was going to lose it and break something and then some. A few explosions... that would be the last thing they needed. Especially if this house was basically filled with beings who were loyal to Thara and probably down-right innocent. Either way, the demon was still wary; especially when that little girl entered the way she did. It was good Thara had a young lady like that who supported her so; but, Arianda was still unnerved.

As Thara went on, the demon examined their surroundings again. Clearly, he was here of his own accord; likely not brainwashed. Albeit, if Thara did genuinely care for and love him, Arianda was glad he had someone; which made her not want this meeting to go sour. However, Thara had already made a very large mistake. It was quite odd that Kita's input was not had in this matter. Such a small detail, since Kita was quite important to the current situation, would not go over well likely. At all. It made her even more uneasy; however, the demon remained composed, like royalty, as her red-orange gaze seemed to pierce Thara's being with the sheer intensity of her gaze alone.

"I would have much preferred that you told him of this; that you talked with him. I would have also preferred it if He was even cognizant of this happening in general. As things stand... I am not sure if your proposal is coming off well."

Arianda let out a small sigh, as she took stock of the area again; at least before her eyes focused on Thara intensely.

"Tell me, Thara; you are a Danava, yes? Those of us demons who embody a certain aspect. If I may ask, what aspect do you embody?"

This was a pivotal question for Ari, one that could likely help reveal the intentions of the woman before them. The way her castle looked, the men, women, and children she had at her beck and call, and, especially, how Arianda had a bad feeling, in the back of her mind, that Thara was treating this exchange like she was trying to invite Ari and Kita into a family in which they would be possessions instead of family. Regardless of such reasons, Arianda was intent to find out what everything boiled down to. At least, if Kita could keep calm enough. If not, Arianda would be opposed to a few explosions. However, she may try to not let Kita run wild. There were innocent bystanders in the castle after all.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by darkfunnel on Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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