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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:58 am



Welcome back(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

It was a rather quiet day in the Seiretei, especially so within each of the Gotei's respective division barracks. There was your simple everyday activity with each captain working on their paperwork or taking a break to gain some peace of mind.

Hime was simply resting within her room until she woke up and prepared herself for the day. Her morning routine was simple. Wake up, clean her body and face, prepare her makeup and go onto her duties of being a bodyguard or in her case, a secretary of sorts. Even so, there wasn't much work to be done in that regard either.

Thus, Hime had decided to act on an impulse. A curious one. She wrote a letter that would be sent to Elyss if she chose to receive it. She had wondered what caused her to come back and why she left in the first place. If she accepted it, they could talk. If not, she'd simply go about her day and find another way to pass the time.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:18 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

A day off? Well, she had earned it, yeah? She’s a hard worker, despite the lack of reason for it. Some would just say she enjoys what she does. Others think she’s just trying to butter up the bosses. Few know about her little episode that had caused her to disappear and return so unexpectedly. Eventually, she had known that those that actually favored her would begin to question such. So, when she had received a letter from Hime asking to meet, the redhead already knew just what they’d be discussing. Now, Elyss is known for her emotional indifference to most things. It’s rare for her to show physical emotions, but that doesn’t mean she’s that way inside of her head at all. Right now, she is plagued with thoughts, most pertaining to why Hime had asked for her presence. A part of her knows why, a part of her wishes she didn’t know why.

Though, also being one to never shy away from a challenge, a knock against Hime’s office door could be heard. Whether there was a vocal signal to come in or not, Elyss would try the door and enter. Her eyes didn’t find Hime immediately. They instead just trailed along the walls, floor, and ceiling. Ah, the place feels different without it being filled with tables and random Shinigami. But, she can’t spend too long lost in thought, so her gaze would finally settle on Hime.

“I got your letter.”



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Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:37 am



Welcome back(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

Hime smiled gracefully as Elyss unceremoniously entered her room. It wasn't anything unexpected, however. To take action without tact - that's Elyss for you. She wouldn't have it any other way. Hime rose up and bowed before directing her towards a table. As she did with any guest that entered her room, she prepared a meal. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

A well-prepared breakfast based on what she thought Elyss might enjoy. If she didn't eat it, she'd package it and give it to a fledgling member who needed to eat something in a hurry. If Elyss bothered to notice, her backup dish of choice was in, fact, cake.

Like someone trying to observe an animal, Hime curiously wondered what Elyss would take to first before they initiated their conversation.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:14 am; edited 2 times in total
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Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:01 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Is she supposed to bow too? Some people are just too formal for the redhead. Though, maybe learning to show a bit more tack would benefit Elyss. Probably not. She doesn’t have the knack for it. Anyway, it seems they’re not going to get straight into why she was asked to come. As much as Elyss would like to get to the point, she also doesn’t want to be rude, not to Hime anyway. The woman has done nothing to the redhead. In fact, the woman has provided nothing but tasty food and comforting words.

Speaking of food, there’s a table that has a lot on it. Is it just for her? Well, Hime did direct her attention to it, so it must be for her. Finding herself hungry suddenly, she’d make her way over and take a seat. Of course, she reached for the cake. Though, she doesn’t start eating immediately and look over at Hime, her eyes narrowing.

“So. You wanted to speak?”



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Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:52 am



Welcome back(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

"Of course," Hime would reply softly as she sat down. There was no trepidation in the eyes of Elyss. She was always ready to get down to business in a hurry. Hime had admired that about her more than anything else. It stood in stark contrast to her own soft spoken nature where she only spoke when asked and acted according to etiquette.

"I invited you so that I could properly welcome you on your return, I suppose? I'm not sure that is exactly why I brought you here, though. I don't even know what prompted you to come back but... I'm happy that you came back."

Hime gently clicked her fingers on the table as she gazed at the crimson-haired woman.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:30 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始


So, that is what this is about. Unfortunately, the details pertaining Elyss’ departure and return prove sensitive, too private for simply anyone to hear. That begs the question though. Is Hime someone that the redhead can talk to about her situation? That’s not for anyone else but her to decide. In fact, this dilemma has the younger woman sitting back in her seat, arms folding over her chest. For a moment, her stoic gaze had faltered, clouded by her own indecision. Yet, she would quickly hide her moment of frailty by closing her eyes, a soft “hmm” slipping from out her tight-lipped mouth. Time would tick by for what felt like minutes to Elyss, but were really just measly seconds.

“Thanks, Hime, but…”

Slowly, her eyelids rose, her dark orbs focused on the wall beside the two. Conflicted thoughts weigh heavily in her mind, her face scrunched with indecision. She already knows that Hime would not push if she didn’t care for sharing what’s currently bothering her, but that fact just makes her want to share it more. The other woman is trustworthy, right? Out of everyone, Hime is someone that Elyss can trust, right? Besides, the redhead has little friends as it is, barely anyone to really rely on. Would it be wrong to hope that those she has come to call more than just simple acquaintances would keep her secret just what it is: a secret?

“I was sort of on medical leave.”



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Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:40 am



Welcome back(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

Hime silently read Elyss's expression as she observed her from her position across the table. The repeated tapping of her fingers were merely actions used to read the mood of the room before engaging in any conversation. There was something in Elyss's expression that felt uncharacteristically pensive. She was never one to really mince words so her momentary silence was cause for concern.

This subject of her whereabouts had always been one of curiosity for the graceful shinigami. She had disappeared without a trace. Hime knew that the crimson-haired shinigami held ties with Ulv so perhaps that was where her time had been spent? She recalled meeting her once and challenging her to an old-fashioned spar. Was she traveling the world? Well, it appears that Elyss trusts her enough to reveal the answers as she finally speaks of her whereabouts.

"I see. Considering that you belonged to a division for a time, no one properly notified me of this nor did it really make the rounds of the squad barracks. Was there an injury you had suffered or was this something else? If you don't wish to speak, I will not impose or inquire any further than you allow me to. "

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:16 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

An injury? Something like that. Her mind goes back to that day and the days following it, her broken body, her Zanpakuto’s mischief, her departure. None of it leaves a particularly good taste in her mouth. And, that is what prompted her to take a piece of cake and chew on it idly. It should help her feel a bit better, despite her lack of hunger. Thinking about your mistakes is a good way to lose your appetite. Anyway, where to begin? It’d be unfair to not share something, even if not all, of what had happened with her. She’s a blunt woman after all, always to the point and such. Still, she has her moments of insecurities. So one best prepare for things to come out a bit sparse.

“Well… I had… a little incident. My Zanpakuto kind of… uh… got out of control. I had gotten hurt, had hurt a few others… I left the Gotei… Went out on my own… Needed a mental break to just… I don’t know. I didn’t really find anything out there besides a few new friends, I guess. And you.”

If Hime remembers the spar between them, she would recall that Elyss did not have her Zanpakuto with her. Even now, the redhead is without it. Though, one could have mistook that for Elyss simply leaving it behind, because who would bring a weapon to a little get together such as this? However, with a clearer picture painted by her words, it’s now clear that that is not simply the case. The redhead’s words were disorienting though. They gave only the barest of details that one would call abstract if it was drawn. Yet, that seems like all she is willing to share, for her attention would move back to the cake, eating it not to fill her stomach but to keep her mouth from having to speak any further.



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Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:31 am



Welcome back(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

Hime had indeed recalled meeting Elyss on earth. She was, as the princess of grace remembered, traveling towards the continent of Vastime. Hime was more than familiar with Vastime, having done her due diligence to learn of Abalia's ties to other organizations.

Before her ascent to captain commander, she had a history with Vastime, to say nothing of her marriage to Hayden. The spar had been a fun distraction from the trip but one thing that stood out among their clash was the lack of a zanpakuto.

Hime had noted that before she had crossed paths with Elyss, she defeated a hollow with her bare hands. Even as they fought and Hime pushed Elyss to the edge, she still didn't utilize her weapon. In hindsight, Hime felt foolish for believing that Elyss had something that had clearly been taken away.

"I see. Well, here we are again. I only wished to know of what led to you leaving so abruptly after we met and spent time together in the past. I will not inquire any further. Your explanation has provided me with more than enough and I feel asking any other questions about this subject would only create an awkward atmosphere for the two of us."

Hime softly picked up a spoon and waved it around playfully, displaying a soft smile befitting her graceful countenance. She only wished to ease Elyss's troubled mine. She had no permission to interfere with the decisions concerning her Zanpakuto. She believed that those things would right themselves in the end.

"All that matters now is what you wish to do moving forward. As much as I've tried to convince myself otherwise, the past is not indicative of what the future can bring. "

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:21 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I guess you’re right.” She’d mutter, finding her cake less appealing by the second. Maybe she should try eating something else that isn’t full of sugar. The bottle of wine placed near the middle of the table is suddenly quite appealing, and, without much afterthought, she reaches for the bottle, grabbing it by its neck and pops its top off easily. Drink it from the bottle or pour herself a glass? That’s her current dilemma, but her decision is made quickly as the bottle is tipped over towards her lips, a quick gulp of its contents before she places it back onto the tabletop.

“Sorry.” With a wry smile, she’d shrug. “Just need something to, ya know, dull the mind.” Though, her smile would leave just as quickly as it came before she lost her voice. It seems they’ve already dealt with the main focus of this meeting. Everything else after is just an add on, so what does she want to add on to this? She’s not the best with coming up with conversation topics, but there are a few things that are quite simple to talk about. Luckily, they’re not anything complicated, but before she starts, she takes another sip from the bottle to calm her nerves a bit more.

“So, Hime. Been up to anything? Beat up somebody? Found love? I don’t know.” Yeah, that’s a simple thing to talk about. She probably could have left out that other stuff about fighting and love, but that just came out like it was nothing. She doesn’t cringe or anything at her own weirdness, but there is a slight twitch of her lips as her eyes flick away and back to the other woman.



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