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Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:23 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

'Inhale. Exhale.'

These two words seemed to dominate the thoughts of the shirtless tattoo'd young man training within the Seventh division barracks. His eyes closed he slowly moved his body, his arms following practiced movements which could only be acquainted to Katas. Moving in a perfect circle he would thrust his arms out in jabs, counter rotations, and the occasional kick performed at a slow manner. The saying often went practice makes perfect, but in truth it was perfect practice makes perfection. In his months away Solhammond had learned much from the Suika people, growing not only stronger physically but mentally.

The hazy cloud which seemed to dominate his thoughts where instead replaced with a defined purpose. To flow through life like water, act and bid as he saw fit. He had died, but not by any mistake of his own. He had been granted the blessing of children, two beautiful kids whom he could see himself in. He was a shinigami now, and a father, and in order to provide a good life for those he loved he would need to pursue a path of martial excellence. Once he fought for survival, now he lives to fight.

His grey-green irises opened as a small smile came upon his lips, the long hair he possessed had been secured by a band near his neck. As it moved against the wind he brought his feet together, placing his fist within a straight fingered hand. Once more he took a deep breath standing tall, before exhaling. His tattooed arms moving apart as a wide smile adorned his face. Up until now, no one had disturbed the new recruit of the Seventh- but then again he was always good at minimizing his presence.


Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] JfH75kA
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] H8Tyk70
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Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:49 am
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Tomoe-header


The Seventh Division, overall it was on the newer side of things. Relative to the long history of the Gotei Thirteen. Although that point was kind of moot when the while Gotei United was relatively new. It still baffled her while the division still had yet to have proper barracks and housing, what was the upper echelons of the Gotei doing she had to wonder?

Makoto, being the reliable and dutiful workaholic that she was had been delivering orders from Abalia to Murasaki. She was still a little unsure of why she was giving such important infomation to the unseated redhead, normally she handed them to the vice-captains at least but maybe the seventh division captain liked to make it look less important.

This process though was just the catalyst for being here. The finer details or accuracy of it was less important; only that Makoto was here and took a break to fetch a drink. Watching the odd diligent member of the division do their training. One in particular stood out to her who seemed like he was trying to remain out of the way. She'd just watch for now though.


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Morph OTY
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Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:47 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Solhammond took a step forward as a palm was thrusted towards an imaginary opponent, which would have struck their jaw forcing them back. Before making a quick pivot, carrying with him all the agility and dexterity expected of a fighter, where the side of his body would smash against them. His stance widening into a powerful bent knee stance, before extending the arm out to his side. Such a blow would have easily launched a opponent of similar power flying backwards, every bit of his kinetic energy focused into his strikes. His natural athleticism, paired with his recent training, seemed to yield good results.

As for an onlooker they would see a small puff of smoke rise up, a bit of dust from the reasonably powerful moves. However Sol would steady himself bringing a hand to his wrist, rubbing it slightly with a frown. It was nearly perfect, but not quite. Mentally picking apart every moment of lagged movement, he sighed. An tattoo'd elbow came up to wipe his forehead, before beginning to walk towards the area where the water was. As he removed his arm from his eyes, he saw the woman next to the water, giving a very small nod and brief: "Hi."

As he did that he'd immediately go to pour himself some water, drinking it steadily. The brief introduction of the woman seemed more out of politeness than anything else, being still new here he just assumed she was a member about to train as well. He'd just be finishing his water, lowing his cup.


Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] JfH75kA
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] H8Tyk70
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Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:31 am
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Tomoe-header


Makoto was quite keen, analysing his fighting technique and picking it apart. It wasn't something typical or standard that she was witnessing but a mixture of experience and personality into his fighting style. She liked that. Building upon your foundation was incredibly core to your character and abilities. It didn't escape her eyes that he didn't appear to have a zanpakuto on him but with how fresh he seemed it didn't get dismissed that he might be a new recruit and not bring it to focus on Hakuda.

"You have nice technique."

Her words were a lot more direct and to the point. Her tone conveyed a little of her impression but definitely weren't said in a manner that suggested she didn't see his flaws or inexperience showing. Alternatively, regardless if he was doing it right for someone like Makoto she would never give someone a 10/10. To her, giving someone a full score detered further improvement for the workaholic and at the same time it made someone suffer which was a lot more personal for her.

"I'm Makoto. Nice to meet you."


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Morph OTY
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Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Empty Re: Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?]

Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:40 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Thanks. It could be better."

Sol replied off-handedly thinking about already what to do to improve his technique. The fact of the matter was that as much as he enjoyed the therapeutic aspect of training, but there was a practical purpose to it all. He used to be a prize fighter after all. But now among the Gotei his style of fighting was slowly evolving to incorporate what he liked of Hakada and what he did not. Such things where natural in the course of his improvement. But before he could get too deep into his thoughts the woman spoke to him once more introducing herself.

He racked his brain for but a moment to see if he knew someone of that name, but he didn't. Figuring she was just another shmuck like himself he'd offer a smile once more, extending a tattoo'd arm towards her, for a hand shake. "Solhammond. You can call me Sol." He'd introduce himself and provided she shook it, he'd make himself another glass of water downing it. Holding the edge of the paper cup to his lips, biting on it thoughtfully looking towards the training field. He looked to be in deep thought, before turning to look at her again.

"You here to train?" He'd inquire inquisitively.


Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] JfH75kA
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] H8Tyk70
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Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:56 am
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Tomoe-header


Having finished her drink, Makoto's hands returned into the sleeves of her shihakusho. A moment before he offerred his hand out for a handshake. She could tell he was from a distinctly different part of the world than she was. She only gave him a small smile and a polite bow. She wasn't the most fond of touching people when it wasn't with intent to hurt them for one and she had just grown up where it was normal to greet customers with bows rather than shaking their hands.

"I am not. I was just here to make a delivery to Captain Kageyaku."

She was much more inclined to train alone. It was better that way in her head, dancing around an impulsive action or reaction was something she was very consciousness of and even if he was as strong or even stronger than her possibily she had no doubt the intent would be clear if she did slip up.

"I tend to run errands for my division. It spares the trouble onto others."


Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Gamma_Signature
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Morph OTY
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Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Empty Re: Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?]

Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:31 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Sol saw her bow instead of take his hand, and figured that was appropriate for around here. He was an outsider and even with what he picked up, it all felt a little foreign to the former prize fighter. He offered a small, almost apologetic, smile at her after she spoke. She seemed to just be doing a favor for the division, or being a go-getter. Not that he minded he had seen work initiatives like that back home. He was sure that if she lived back where he did, she'd be getting hearty praise for what she did.

He'd lean back against a pillar, being next to a building, and he'd gaze out towards the training field. He was just finishing up for the day, so was probably about to head out. "I guess you dropped off whatever you needed?" He'd inquire looking at her, his face showcasing something of a concerned nature. If only because he would hate for someone to get lost around here. Provided she was able to drop it off he'd just nod turning his attention back towards the training area.

"Need to work on my technique more, but suppose I should call it. Haven't got lunch yet." He'd point out more so for his own benefit. A sigh escaping the fighter's lip as he got off the pillar, seemingly trying to figure out his next move here.


Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] JfH75kA
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] H8Tyk70
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Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:17 pm
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Tomoe-header


"Yes. I have, I was on my way out."

She answered, her eyes narrowed at him ever slightly. Makoto seemed thoughtful as she considered where he was going with this. Was the mention of lunch directed at her? Was that smart though. There was a creeping silence before she realised it was probably her place to speak in the situation. Right?

"Aha. You should get food, it would be a shame if you collapsed from exhaustion."


Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Gamma_Signature
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] CHARACTER_LISTBreathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] GRAPHICS_THREADBreathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Morph OTY
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Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Empty Re: Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?]

Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:46 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Sol didn't say anything towards her as his eyes was already on the ring again, his arms crossed as a hand was brought to his mouth. He seemed to have already thrown himself once more into thinking about his technique, about the next thing to do. His body rocking slightly with the musings of an experienced fighter whom despite better guidance couldn't walk away from an unsolved martial problem.

His greyish-green irises would for the briefest of moments ignite into a reddish color. A soft subtle glow to them as the distinct pull of spiritual energy could be felt. As muscles and bones seemed to tighten over his frame, he began to walk towards the field once more. "I better not collapse then. Don't wanna look bad, in front of a comrade." He'd remark with almost tongue-in-cheek reply. It's clear he wasn't aiming to show off, but rather truly dedicated to his craft.

As he stepped into the circle once more, and began to play with his style of fighting, his movements where precise and crisp. Where perhaps he was lacking once he now seemed to execute with purpose, and lethality, that was impressive for someone like himself. As a palm was thrusted towards an imaginary opponent, he side stepped sweeping up dirt, before throwing an elbow with enough force to easily shatter the jaw of someone of equal skill level.

In these brief few seconds he seemed to be sweating, but he looked focused. A smile was on his lips. It was the looks of a man whom was entirely assured in his action.


Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] JfH75kA
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] H8Tyk70
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Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:33 am
Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] Tomoe-header


"Exactly. In that case, I best be continuing with my errands and sparing you the pressure of mistakes in front of your peers."

She finished, adding a little bit of finality to their small exchange in the process as she bowed again. Makoto wasn't the type to like prolonged interaction, especially not on a whim or unprepared. She much preferred having time to psych herself up and be prepared for an extended discussion. It made her feel a lot more at ease.

"Until next time."


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