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Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:08 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Finally she had time to run again. The last days had been rather demanding on her. Not only was she still in her learning phase and trying to figure out what it meant to be a Lieutenant and how to best tackle her administrative duties, but she was more or less running the show alone with a skeleton crew at the moment. The Captain, the Third Seat and the majority of their forces had left for earth because of some natural disaster that probably wasn’t very natural at all. And Hanako was stuck here, temporarily picking up the workload of the other seats with only a handful of people to help her. It was definitely a downside of this position and the worst thing about it was that she couldn’t even really blame Yoshitsune for it. Someone needed to stay back, and this time she had simply drawn the short straw. However, she would make sure that she was on board on the next mission and Laskt or someone else could stay back and push papers around.

When she finally left the compound of the 4th it felt like it had been years, although it had only been days. She was simply not used to going even one day without some form of training.

Hanako ran and ran, this way and that, without any goal, through the Seireitei. Usually she would have just started right from the doorstep of wherever her assignment of the day had been, like she was in Shihakusho and all. Since her “posting” for this day had been her office adjacent to her quarters she could quickly change into something more comfortable and sporty: A crop-top and hotpants. She didn’t even put on shoes and just ran barefoot, enjoyed the sweat building up on her skin and the air flowing over it and cooling her. She enjoyed the floor beneath her and the sky above her and all the structures on her sides moving and not standing still. Finally she could just switch off her brain and let her muscles work.

Thus it was a while until Hanako stopped for the first time, fell from a jog to a brisk walk and allowed herself a little rest-interval. She could have gone on running for days with all her built up energy…

With a look about her she tried to determine where she was. On a building where some symbols...the 7th. Interesting. She couldn’t recall ever coming through here.

She noticed some sounds and movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned around and saw a tattooed man training alone, practising some sort of kata. Hanako stood and watched him for a few moments. The view stirred some memories of another training area, another Shinigami but a similar situation.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:42 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Solhammond gave a brief goodbye to Makoto, wondering if he'd see her again. But he didn't pay her any real attention as he set to task. For even in his moment of slight tiredness, he seemed to be ready and willing to commit himself to his combatives. A former prize fighter had to have some level of grit and endurance, and with the life he lived it was clear that he had that in spades. He continued onwards building in ferocity and momentum. While he may have started his kata again, he was on a new level entirely. For while he looked to have no formal shinigami training, his technique and general physical abilities where heads and shoulders above the typical member of the Gotei.

As he took a step forward, his eyes closing slipping under an imaginary blow, his hand extended with power and percision which only came from years of discipline. A quick jab which would have targetted the liver of his enemy, easily collapsing the false image. A singular leg raising nearly vertically displaying flexibility and power as he dropped it down onto the dirt training ground, causing a soft cracking of earth. Lethality, and ability, merged into one.

As he let out a sigh, tucking his elbows inward, he felt steam rising from his body in the mid day sun. The tension in his muscles protesting the intensive training session, but ultimately brought to hill by his singular resolve. His eyes opening blinking slightly, revealing greyish-green irises to greet the new arrival within the training area. He looked under himself to see the small crack in the earth, before a look of 'oh shit' arrived on his face. In an almost comical manner he'd bring his feet together, standing up straight as he spoke.

"You uh' planning to use this space?"


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Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:46 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The man had noticed her presence and halted his exercise. He seemed to be under the impression that she was waiting for him to finish so she could take over the space. For a moment she wondered how he could think that she would try to claim a training space of another company, until she remembered that she wasn't wearing her Shihakusho or badge and thus had no insignia on her. So she quickly held up her hands, palms outward and shook her head.

"No, don't worry. I was running and came through here by chance." She said and then bowed to properly introduce herself.

"I am Hanako Yamada, Fourth Division."

She came a few steps closer and a slight grin made it's way onto her face.

"So that means I can't get you into trouble for...damaging Gotei property…"

She folded her hands behind her back, which would have looked almost innocent, if she wasn't wearing the tight and skimpy sports clothes she was wearing. And of course if she wasn't an almost 2 meter tall and muscular amazon.

"I was just watching you doing your kata. What's it called?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:58 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Damaging property? No idea what you mean."

Solhammond allowed an easy smile to come onto his lips. The tattoo'd male would begin to step out of the ring, bringing an arm to his forehead wiping the sweat. In but a few movements he'd stride past her, seeking to grab another cup of water. If he was off put by her figure or clothing, he didn't show it. In truth he had been around far crazier things with his time spent with the Suika.

He'd turn around his greyish-green eyes going to meet her own as he spoke. "It's nothing formal, I practiced a lot of fighting styles back when I was a prize fighter. But that was just some boxing, missed with a little Muay Thai. With my own personal flair." He'd explain with a soft smile, despite his almost relaxed nature just looking at him one could tell he was coiled tight. Over his lithe frame was skin pulled tight over muscle, sharpened by an excellent regime and diet.

"I'm lacking, in a lot of the formal shinigami training. But I'm trying to bridge the gap."


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Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:11 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Muay Thai…" Hanako mused. "Is that from the same country on earth those delicious curries come from?"

She grazed his body with her eyes when he went past her, examined the tattoos for a moment. Funnily enough Hanako didn't really think about her own attire or the effect it might have on others. To her it was simply clothes that were comfortable and practical for her sports. The thought that this skimpy outfit could be considered something else didn't really occur to her.

"I incorporate some earth martial art into my Hakuda, too. It is called Aikido and is from Japan, I think. I'm not sure, I haven't been to the mortal realm a lot."

'Or at least, as far as I know.' she added in her mind. Everything she had recovered of her past so far was bits and pieces, nothing more. She didn't even know how the idea to train Aikido had even come to her.

"So you didn't go through the academy?" She asked, but her tone made clear that she didn't judge. It was simply a question. When she went to the academy it was all she had and the academy taught her most of what she knew. But that was only her. To her it made no difference if someone went through the academy or not. Skill, determination and dedication was more important.

"But I know what you mean with the feeling of lacking behind. Like my hand-to-hand skills. But my duties always keep interfering with my training." She said and grinned her usual crooked grin. She shot a glance at Sol that asked if he was already done or if he still had some energy left.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:03 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

In no time the shinigami would down his drink with a deep sigh of contentment, his head tilted upwards basking in the sun for a bit. His long black hair reaching his lower back, as he brought his hand upwards to place it behind his back adjusting the hair binding which kept it mostly out of the way. As he placed the cup down and listened to her, he couldn't help but notice some of the challenge in her voice. Friendly of course, but that didn't seem to stop him from grinning at her.

He was already ready for a small bout to practice his technique, and the fact she looked to be a fairly durable opponent was even all the better. "I'm going through it right now, but am in a weird provisional capacity in seventh. I have a unique circumstance." He'd laugh lightly, figuring she wouldn't want to hear his life story. Instead he'd gesture towards the field, where they could spar a t.

"Perhaps you'd want to go for a tumble or two?"

He'd inquire as he already was walking, well more like jogging with a skip or two, as he got into the ring. His hands raising above his head stretching muscle and tendon, before throwing a few quick jabs with impressive speed as he warmed up. However his body already had a light coat of sweat from the intensive training he had been going through today, so there's no telling how good he might fair.

"Oh and probably? I don't know much about the country Thailand. Grew up in Africa."

A wide grin adorned his lips.


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Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:27 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Hm, never mind about Thailand." Hanako said and waved the matter aside.
"It was just a random thought. And I'd love a round or two."

She followed him to the ring but didn't enter yet.

"I don't judge, about the academy I mean. I was just curious. If you serve the Gotei well, what does it matter?"

Indeed in that very moment Hanako thought about one Shinigami skill she had lacked for a long time, even after graduating. Communication with her Zanpakuto...she had struggled so long. Hell, she wasn't even convinced the blasted thing was an actual Zanpakuto, back then. Now of course things were different. But she remembered.

She performed some quick stretching exercises. Her muscles and tendons were already nicely warmed up, so it was going easy. She had not really any idea how long she had been running, because like usual she didn't bother to check it at any point. But since her skin, too, was glittering with a thin film of moisture, just like Sol's, it must have been quite a while.

Usually she preferred to kneel down for a short meditation, only a couple of seconds, maybe a minute, before she began training. This time, however, the running had been her meditation and her mind felt wonderfully light and clear. So she just closed her eyes for one...two deep breaths, followed the feeling of air into and out of her lungs and listened to her body if something might be wrong. It wasn't. So she opened her eyes again and stepped into the ring. She had noticed the speed of his jabs and it was a cause for concern. This man was probably a good deal ahead in terms of hand-to-hand combat. She would have to be careful to not get overwhelmed. Punching a hole in a wall or levelling a whole building with physical strength and spiritual problem. Defeating an enemy with bare hands...working on it.

She assumed her stance. She placed her left foot forward and her right foot a bit back and to the side to gain a very stable stand. Her arms were on her side, only slightly raised, so that her hands were in front of her center of gravity. Her body was straight, hip and chest facing Sol, but gave the impression of being oddly relaxed and not as tense as one would expect.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:31 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

In his homeland, the great measure of a man was that which he overcame.

When confronted by another fighter an old familiar feeling washed over him, like a warmth which spread from his rapidly beating heart outward. His limbs feeling light, his eyes opening widely for a moment before focusing on her. Despite her relaxed nature, he seemed to be lowering his guard for but a moment. His arms slowly lowering slightly, and before most would expect it, he kicked off his back foot towards her. His left arm extending out with viper like speed, his reach surprisingly long, as he aimed right for her face as a propping strike.

Before he could close the distance to be a proper in fighter, he'd attempt to pivot to his right otherwise known as her left. In the blink of an eye the image of his left hand extending would appear, aimed directly for her throat. However, this would merely be a feint for the most part. The real strike would be a low kick aimed to smash against her right calf, aimed to cripple and disable her. Every movement was performed with a sharp precise nature of an experienced fighter, whom's speed and strength where currently being held back.

Meanwhile, his right arm tucked inward prepared to play the defense.


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Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:29 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. [Sol/Open?] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

When he moved, he moved fast. Hanako had gotten at least some idea of his speed and strength from the few seconds she had observed him. She knew it would be a challenge, although the real scope of that challenge remained a mystery. Until now.

Hanako had chosen her opening stance with good care. It was one that would allow her to react to most attacks. Most physical ones, at least. While her stand was solid enough to be possibly able to withstand a direct hit without losing balance, the idea was not to take that hit, but to turn and pivot away.

When Sol’s arm shot forward, her own arms shot upward. In the same moment she pivoted, almost on the spot to her left, to follow his movement and out of the way of his arm. The movements was very small, covered very little distance. No grand moves, no flamboyant show of skill, nothing unnecessary, the shortest way possible, and thus the possibility of performing it quickly.

Hanako would grab Sol’s outstretched arm, continue her pivoting movement, add force to his own movement by pulling him along on his arm, and throw him off balance.

However, she realised two crucial mistakes, almost at the same time. The first was that she had chosen the wrong direction. She should have made a small gliding step to her left and turn to the right. This would have placed her on his outside, out of reach of his right arm.
The second mistake was concentrating on his arms while forgetting the legs.

These insights, as well as the kick, hit her hard and suddenly. From a second to the next she felt her leg swept from under her and she fell.
In a quick move, which she had to practice far too often for her taste, she rolled away from him and pushed herself off the ground, out of his reach for the moment. Standing up she realised that her leg didn’t obey her as she would. Damn it. With an effort she fought back the frustration. It was only sparring, nothing more.

“Hah, did I mention that I haven’t trained my hand-to-hand like I wanted to?” she said, trying to suppress upwelling emotions with humor. Too bad humor wasn’t really her forte.

Without waiting she pushed of with her left leg, in a wide motion to his left, deked with her right hand, but really swing her left arm for a blow, diving against his ribcage.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Feb 16, 2021 7:18 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

It seemed his experience made it's self known in a way which showed the gap between the two. He was an experienced hand-to-hand combatant, in fact it was his primary method of fighting. In the pursuit of perfection, of greatness, people would often find their limits in unsuspecting places. For his opponent, she would learn that this lithe male held an instinct that transcended his death.

As he watched her roll away he took this time to collect himself, his body coiling tight as he waited. There was no need to chase her to seek the finishing blow. She would lead herself into it, as despite his sudden attack, now he would manipulate the battlefield to his advantage. His guard dropped slightly his arms lowering as a hot breath left his mouth, grey-green irises focused on her as she got upwards. It seemed he was opening himself up for her to attack, for whatever reason.

By the time she was ready to engage from the distance she created, everything would come together. His hunched position would make it awkward for her to attack his body, but he didn't intend that. It merely worked into his favor, as he moved with quickness back stepping as she extended for the body shot. In but the blink of an eye, his knee would raise up. The sharp knee aimed for her chin, intended to rattle her. Between his back step, and her charge forward, the force it would possess if it connected would be devasting for most people.

But that wasn't the real reason his guard was lowered, as with lower arms it would make it all that much easier to slip his arms under her own. To gain a double-hook under her shoulders, and with that drop his weight on her while snapping her body downwards towards the hard ground, provided he was able to. All excused with percision, and that of a trained mixed-martial artist.


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