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The Hybrid King
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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:01 pm
The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting 3RcZfCm

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

The repetitive ticking of a truck's tires kicking up debris echoed in the bed Saisei occupied, the early morning sun cresting silently along the horizon. Earlier than any normal person would want to be up, the day had just begun for a slew of Vandenreich members across America. Fighting back his everlasting sleepiness, both the driver and Saisei found themselves trying their best to stay awake with the forming morning dew.

As his second official visit to the country, the boy found himself on his way to answer a very forward summons from Helle Armstrong on the status of America and the rampant hollow threat spread across the land. He knew that it was his job, Saisei couldn't help but be surprised receiving an invite to such an important meeting. He'd be there of course, it was his job after all.

The slick black truck came to a screeching halt almost immediately, the boy's frame rocking to and fro as it did so. Climbing from its bed, Saisei dusted his clothing gently and went on with his day. With the sun climbing quickly across the sky, the boy and many others funneled into the Vandenreich Base of Operations, located directly outside of the ruins of The White House. Being the previous government's base of operations made it the perfect location for a makeshift, temporary headquarters for agents located in America. That being said, Saisei couldn't help but notice the rubble and destruction that it underwent.

'War does have its casualties, after all.' he thought. Shuffling himself through the light crowd, Saisei took careful steps to follow what could only be considered blunt instructions to the room hosting their meeting today. Eventually, through sheer effort, the boy ducked in to the depths of a nearby tent and quickly stationed himself in the far corner. He knew little of the formalities he should have when around so many people of higher ranking so he felt at ease staying out of the way for the most part.

A quick glance led him to learn very little of the room, it was best to continue his wait. Helle knew exactly what she'd want from the boy, accepting that he stood with not a word to speak. That was his job.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:25 am

The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Yes. Take three field agents with you to Oregon. Our scouts have reported a rise in Hollow activity there. Meet up with them and run a double full sweep of the state, wiping out any threat to the populace. Here is their report.”

“You. I am sending you to Cleveland, Ohio. Reports tell of a demonic presence bothering the city. A higher officer is waiting for you outside. I trust you two shall prove enough to remedy the situation.”

“Hmm? Yes. Please take these reconstruction reports to the Daten stationed near the remains of the Pentagon and relate to them the increase in their funding towards the reconstruction effort.”

Tired: that’s one word to describe the steadfast head of the Sternritter. Not just that either. Due to the bond between Cyrus and her, Helle had been entrusted with much of the load with securing America. That includes successfully moving around available units for max proficiency, watching over the reconstruction efforts, and keeping up with her own Sternritter duties. In all, the woman has only had a total of 4 hours of sleep in about a week. Yet, she does not let her weariness show, especially thanks to wearing her helmet to hide the bags under her eyes.

America is a mess. Despite running out the demons’ influence over the landmass, there exists a sudden influx of Hollow and Demon activity. Mana may have proved a tyrant during the war, but she did not let what she controlled go to ruins. With her sudden disappearance, demons and hollows, only kept in check by her presence, have begun to rampage across the lands. This has required quick deployment of soldiers to battle these opposing forces. Not to mention that certain areas of America proved a cesspool of negative energy. Jefferson City, as an example, is plagued with frequent Gargantas from hungry Hollow that wish to feed on the tormented souls that may still persist on its ruined land. The Gotei have proved a minor issue as well. As per their job, sightings of Shinigami have been noted. However, conflict has yet been avoided.

Normally, there would have been a meeting being held to give everyone their instructions and place them in their correct positions, but it seems that will not be the case. People are steadily streaming in and out of her tent, Saisei proving no different. He would see the many papers strewn on a long table with empty chairs placed around it. He will find himself waiting for a dreadfully long time as Helle processed every new person that approached her, his decision to stay in a corner proving probably the wrong choice. Though, a small pause would make itself known as a few minutes of respite is left for the woman. Her demanding for a few minutes to herself had helped.

Heading towards the entrance of the tent, she would notice him standing in the corner. She did not recognize him at first, thinking him another soldier as any other coming to recieve orders which, in a sense, that is exactly what he is. However, due to her personal respect for him, he is seen as something slightly more than dispensable.

“Saisei. Yes. I have been waiting for you to arrive. Come. Walk with me. I will relate with you your assignment outside near the cafeteria.”

She did not wait for him to follow, knowing he would undoubtedly.

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The Hybrid King
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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:31 pm
The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting 3RcZfCm

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

The seconds turned to minutes before quickly turning to nearly half an hour. Saisei stood in his little corner for far longer than anyone with a mild attention span should be able to. Despite that, there he was, wasting his time away without a single thought in the world. As one of the newest recruits, he thought it was only right to wait for him to be directed. That was proven wrong almost immediately as members came and went from Helle's little office. He continued his station and held steadfast.

"I do look a little silly, don't I?"

Muttering out loud, Saisei quickly realized that this was a sad sight to endure. As people came and went they were clearly confused why the boy had found himself so quiet in his little corner. Normally, this wouldn't bother him. Of course, that was until Helle had finally caught a reprieve. Of course, her first instinct was to address him and move on. With a wave her hand and a request, Saisei was uprooted from his corner and quickly chased after his commander.

"Sorry. I figured you'd be busy and I couldn't see you through all the people. I wasn't really sure what to do.."

A wave of embarrassment rushed through the boy as he followed her towards the makeshift cafeteria. The Vandenreich could do just about anything given the time and resources, it seemed.

"It seems like a lot is going on around America right now. You said you had an assignment for me, Ma'am? I'm here to do my job and do it right so anything you ask I'll get done."

While cheesy, Saisei's words would ring true no matter who he spoke to. As a member of The Vandenreich and a citizen of the City of Lights, he dedicated his entire life to the cause. That was expected of course, why wouldn't it be?

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:31 pm

The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Do not feel that you cannot approach me, Saisei. If it proves the incorrect time, I shall relate such to you.”

That topic proves a mute point quickly enough. Simple correction is all that is needed for her associate. His work ethics will have it that he shows a bit more pride in his duties. Even as a grunt, his role proves just as important as every other. Though, Helle feels as if Saisei would argue against that fact. Yes. He does not have the responsibility to change the world with just one order, but he does have the power to do much. He just has to realize his potential.

Her thoughts are straying far from the important manner at hand however. She did not call for him just to catch up. She has a special task for him. Though, she first enters the large carnival tent that is being used to shield the patrons inside from the cold winter breeze, the inside being composed of tables and seats strewn about with one side dedicated to preparing food. Instantly, everyone within pays heed to her presence, but a quick rise of her hand dismisses them.

Still, she keeps her voice to herself, moving towards one of the cooks and ordering a strong cup of coffee. Saisei is allowed to order something for himself before she moves over to a vacant table located near one of the corners of the tent. Taking her seat, the chair under her groans from the weight of her armor which forces her to reinforce the chair with Reishi. Her cup on the table, she removes her helmet, providing Saisei with a good look at the wear and tear that working constantly has caused her. Ah, she couldn’t help but yawn as the cold air about them finally tickled her cheeks. A quick sip of her coffee and a sigh, and she’s finally ready to relate her concerns.

“Have thou heard of Jefferson City?”

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The Hybrid King
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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:35 pm
The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting 3RcZfCm

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Stupid was only a single thing on the long list of problems with Saisei's absentminded standing. Shaking off the ridiculous notion that Helle was angry, he continued in stride with his commander. The two of them shuffled quickly into the tent granting protection from the icy breeze sweeping the east coast. Saisei was used to the chill of the air from his time in Karakura so it had very little effect on him.

As they walked, Saisei couldn't help but stare in awe as each and every member of The Vandenreich paid mind to Helle. Her steps led her and the boy through the rows of chairs with ease, members moving left and right to accommodate her and her guest. It grew so apparent that Helle had to force the patrons of the tent to ease their minds, a fact Saisei found to be far funnier than he should have.

"Man. Can't catch a break with all the charades at times huh?"

The comment was in jest, a small chuckle escaping his lips before returning to his stoic pose. Better to make light of the tense situations than be all quiet and rigid, it was a terrible look for someone so young. Quietly tagging along, Saisei simply parroted whatever Helle had asked for as they moved through the sea of bodies. Anything would do to help him shake the sleepiness of the early ride he had to endure.

Taking note if the chair and its disturbing squeaks,, Saisei smiled and sat across from her, coffee in hand.

"I've heard, yeah. With how much is goin' on around America its hard not to hear about all the hoopla. What about it? Got somethin' for me to do there?"

Taking a sip, Saisei sat his cup back on the table and nodded to himself.

"Anything you need, I'm the man."

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:32 pm

The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Yes, actually. And, not just you, Saisei.”

Her coffee is placed down onto the table as she adjusts herself slightly in her seat. Her eyes would flick away from him, a sudden urgency to them as they narrowed ever so slightly. She seemed a bit hesitant to relay any information just yet, but quickly enough, her demeanor would soften.

“There have been reports of strange activity around the destroyed city. However, our agents have not been able to successfully investigate due to Hollow interference. Of course, Jefferson City is an area encumbered with the tormented souls of those who had lost their lives, but it has always been kept at bay by The Gotei. In fact, there shouldn’t be that many Plus left. This directly conflicts with recent readings of an increase in Hollow activity and the increase in spiritual readings. Not to mention a worrisome report written in demon language that we encountered.”

Her hands would come together, her elbows on the table as her upper body leaned in, resting her chin against her fingers. Her emerald eyes, tired and wary, closed as a sigh slipped past her lips. She would not speak for a bit, as if attempting to refocus her thoughts, maybe even reconsider this whole assignment. However, soon enough, her eyes would reopen, dead focused on him.

“I am assigning you to join the Sternritter and Jagdarmee, a joint task force assigned to infiltrate the remains of Jefferson City and discover what is going on there. The officer over this assignment shall relay to you more of the required information in your meeting. Prepare thyself, Saisei. I feel this shall not prove an easy task. However, I feel it only fair to ask if you think yourself capable of handling it.”

She knows he has not been a member of the Vandenreich for too long, nor has he experienced much combat as of yet. Yet, she feels this would prove impactful for him. One must start somewhere, and despite the dangers this assignment may have, she has faith that the people chosen for this shall prosper with barely an issue.

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The Hybrid King
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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:11 pm
The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting 3RcZfCm

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Saisei watched as the Commander before him seemed unsettled. It was clear that whatever was going on was taking a toll on the majority of America. Jefferson City wasn't the only location riddled with issues. If that were the case, it wouldn't take The Vandenreich stationing across the country to keep things in check. Before he could get a word in, Helle finally spoke her peace.

"Right. That doesn't sound good at all. Can't imagine why somewhere normally kept in check would be filled to the brim with hollow sightings and whatever this demon language we found. I get why you'd want some help from anyone and everyone at this point."

The boy could tell Helle was far from at ease. She was clearly frustrated and maybe even concerned in a way. It wasn't just Saisei's life in danger, it was anyone who she assigned this type of work to. It was as simple as that, conflict would always breed a chance for casualty. He couldn't lie, Saisei was pained even thinking about such problems. It pained him even more to see his commander in such a state of worry.

Taking another sip of his coffee, all Saisei could do was sit and wait for her words once more. There was no beating around the bush on this kinda thing. She was ready when she was ready.

"It doesn't matter if I'm ready. I gotta do what I gotta do. A job is a job and I know my place. I'll take part in the operation without fail, don't worry about the outcome. With me on the job, there's no way we could have any issues come up. Piece of cake."

The final line sputtered from his lips with little confidence. Saying that he was worried would be an understatement. Saisei joined The Vandenreich for this reason alone. He wanted to help others and quell the threats that plagued earth so strongly. Why, even if scared, would he give up at the most pivotal time for himself?

"Wherever I'm needed I'll go. I joined up with The Vandenreich for a reason. I won't let something like this spook. Just say the word and I'll take on anything you ask of me. Promise."

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:47 pm

The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Enthusiasm is a strong personality trait, Saisei. Do not lose that fire, but please also practice caution and self preservation. As you said, you can handle anything, but what would happen if thou were to fall? Who would fill that void? There exists only one Saisei, afterall.”

With her piece said, Helle could not help but let a little smile tug at the corner of her lips. His readiness to serve is admirable to say the least. Helle, herself, would have preferred tagging along for this dangerous assignment, but she is forced to remain within the confines of their handmade camp to ensure that operations resume. It is a mentally taxing job. As much as she desires to be out there with her men, she cannot. Her cup is pulled up to her lips as the tiring weight of her duties remind her of her lack of sleep. She is not allowed much respite, not until she is satisfied with their progress.

“Your squad leader has the apprehended letter and will relate its contents with you and the rest of the squad before you are mobilized. There is a chance that you may encounter Shinigami. Please pay heed to not dent our current relations with the Gotei. They have allowed us to continue our operations here without issue, afterall.”

They are nearing the end of their conversation, for there was not much to discuss in the first place. As much as she would enjoy sitting here, idly chatting, she must return to her duties soon.

“If you have any questions that you deem appropriate, do ask. Our time is nearing its end, and you may have something that your squad leader may not have the answer to.”

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The Hybrid King
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The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting Empty Re: The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting

Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:41 pm
The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting 3RcZfCm

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

"I'll be sure to keep hold of my enthusiasm, Helle. I've learned well enough from you and fellow members that I'm a bit of a quirky individual. I take pride in my pride for the Vandenreich, thank you for seeing that."

Saisei's face couldn't help but light up in a cheeky smile. He couldn't help but be filled with joy at the thought of someone caring about his existence on this earth. Helle's concern and interest in him reaffirmed his thoughts on the Vandenreich, he had found his home.

Letting his joy quickly turn back to focus, Saisei watched as Helle tried her best to speak. She was clearly taken aback with the issues that America faced. The commander clearly had her hands full despite the lack of conflict on earth with Shadowfall removing themselves from the equation. Nevertheless, he continued to listen.

"Right, gotcha. Make sure I talk to the mission lead put in place, make sure not to mess with anything Shinigami related. That shouldn't be too hard, I can get the rest of the details from whoever you appointed for the mission. Given it was your choice, I'm sure they have more than enough info for me."

The boy was clearly understanding of the weight Helle carried as of late as he tapped away at the table between the two Vandenreich members. Commander and grunt sharing space as if neighbors, it felt good to be appreciated for who he was. Standing, he slapped his hands against the table and gave the commander yet another cheeky grin.

"No questions from me. The boss in charge is surely smart enough to get me caught up to speed. I guess this is my chance to say thanks. Without the Vandenreich, I'm not sure what I'd be doing today. Thank you for letting me help others the way I've always wanted to."

That said, the boy neatly tucked his chair in and went about is day. Helle gave him orders, it was all he could do to simply follow.

"Try to take it easy, Ms. Armstrong. The world can be a bit heavy at times on the shoulders, might as well try to live a little right?"

With a quick wave,, Saisei was off. After all, America was in need of saving.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting FXpoQxJ
The Vandenreich's Call | America's Meeting 2Y9rqGk

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