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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hybrid King
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Wed Feb 17, 2021 11:34 am
Swallowed Whole OPv3wcV

Saisei | The King's Reawakening

Wiping blood from his cheek, Saisei sighed and stared his opponent down. Normally a spar wouldn't be taken so seriously. It was Helle's choice to treat the battle like one for blood, it made sense given the type of woman she was. Saisei knew his commander well enough to know she would never back down from a spar. He appreciated that, many refuse to shed blood and cause injuries when it came to training. For Saisei, that was the entire point wasn't it? To get stronger one has to find themselves in a dangerous situation. That simple, right?

"Alright, lets start over here."

The battered child shook the sweat from his hair, pointing at the woman he stood around ten meters away from now. Saisei wasn't playing before, it took it as serious as he really could. Despite that, it was clear that his instructor was on another level. She wasn't completely out of his league but it was all too clear where her strengths lied.

"I don't think its fair that I'm the one constantly comin' at you, Ma'am. I think its my turn to take the defensive."

The boy's bloodied hands raised, his body shifting gently into a far more defensive stance. His hands looked like they were mangled by a lion, his strength and Helle's onslaught leaving his skin torn and near melted off. It was time for him to use this training to his advantage. If Helle wouldn't oblige him then he could deal the blows to himself using her thick armor. Testing one's durability was rather easy when you had such a strong opponent in front of you.

With a playful kick of his feet, Saisei smiled and spoke freely with his commander.

"Beat me until I'm black and blue. I've got a lot to learn and a lot of places to go from here. If I can't take a beating from my commander then who could I ever plan to beat? There are a lot big baddies out there, you're gonna get to be my first today it seems Ma'am."

A little on the nose, his words rang true to his hearts wants and needs. If Helle could engage him with all her strength he'd gladly accept. After all, if he could grow from this he could become an even greater asset to the Vandenreich.

Taking his defensive stance once more, Saisei stood in the center of the torn to bits marble arena. He was ready for whatever his teacher planned to throw at him, be it marble or her own fists. The boy knew what he had to do.

END POST | The Coming Of An Era

Swallowed Whole FXpoQxJ
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Wed Feb 17, 2021 12:25 pm

Swallowed Whole ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Do note, death is a possibility, Saisei, but if you insist on understanding the strength of your Captain and those above even herself...”

However, her words are cut off. This is not the place for such a display. They are still within a building of the city. Needless environmental damage would simply leave them both in a heap of trouble with Cyrus. Yet, she does desire to give Saisei her all. It is only fair that she shapes him into what he desires to be with her own hands, by his request of course. How to go about such, however. How shall she shape her arsenal in a way that his body shall sweat, break, bleed, and suffer? Ah, if his fighting style. She still remembers his attacks that left her skin tingling despite them connecting with her armor. A frontal assault would prove to teach him nothing but to better his martial arts. However, to coerce despair into his mind, she must place him against something nigh improbable to overcome with anything he is currently capable of.

“Fare thee well, Saisei.”

Her only words for him as her emerald eyes began to shine, an outline of Reishi emerging around her form splintering off like malnourished serpents from her person, wrapping themselves around the air, ribbons of blue dancing among the still winds. Saisei would feel its presence before he would see it, a fist of blue to his right aiming for his face, the blow strong enough to leave a nasty bruise on his cheek. Even if dodged or blocked, from his left, a kick to his gut would follow, the color of the assailant the same as the fist. He would be sent flying from the raw strength of the kick, whether he reacted or not. Yet, it would not end there as the tendrils about Helle coerced into one solid form, whipping itself forward to lash down upon Saisei. This technique is strong enough to cut straight through the floor beneath him, rising slowly if he had not been caught underneath it, rumble falling from its shimmering form.

All about Helle, Reishi doppelgangers of Saisei would form, similar to the two that had materialized and battered him. Why fight simply her, when he could learn of his fighting styles uselessness against an amassed force? Ten Saisei against one. Now, that hardly felt fair, but there is no fair in love and war.

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The Hybrid King
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Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:29 pm
Swallowed Whole OPv3wcV

Saisei | The King's Reawakening

Though he wasn't at his full strength, Saisei knew his capabilities as well as anyone. Fast and close was the name of the game, his real strength was backing his fists and feet with as much energy as possible. It was always the main focus of his combat with others, his strength being well above the average human helped him keep his head above the rest. Helle was a different breed though, she made that clear with her words, soon after with her fists.

She was fast. After she made it clear the boy could die from her full strength, she was across the room faster than he had ever seen her go before. Helle's energy appearing beside him before her raw image had, her fist making full contact with the side of his cheek. The only thing Saisei could do to lessen the blow was move with the momentum. Not that that really did anything, frankly.

The blow left him concussed, his mouth filling with blood as he anticipated her movements. Saisei deliberately took the blow to his head, he asked for everything she had. If he was silly enough to think she wouldn't continue her assault, well, he didn't have a right to the training in the first place. As her leg flashed in his field of view, the boy brought both of his arms down and began to channel his energy once more. This time, he wouldn't be so easily caught off guard.

The blow connected against his forearms, the energy backing it rattling him to his core as he tried to maintain composure. While neither arm was broken, he could feel the impact of the blow as if it struck him to his core. The wind had been knocked out of him alongside any built up blood that sat in his mouth. Nevertheless, front loaded his stomach just enough to ease any fatal damage to his being.

It wasn't over, clearly. The energy that previously swirled around her had token over, a large single mass looming above. In the blink of an eye, it rocketed towards his shoulder without question. It connected, as every blow had. The energy that previously filled Saisei's arms had now shifted throughout him, dampening the blow to his shoulder blade.

His shirt became tattered, blood began to ooze from the abrasions on his back. Helle sure wasn't holding back, Saisei wasn't entirely sure if he could take such a beating. The energy that had left him bruised and bloodied now pooled into ten separate versions of himself. Everything about the boy looked similar, his spiritual makeup and appearance could not be more well thought out by the woman. Helle was clever, maybe too clever for her own good.

"Gonna take a lot more to get me down and out than that, Ma'am."

Clearing his mouth of fluid, Saisei moved away from the group and dropped himself into yet another defensive stance. This time however, the boy's energy began to seep from his pores and surround him in a gentle orange light. He was prepared for whatever she decided to send his way.

"Have at'em. I'll fight every last one of these kids."

END POST | The Coming Of An Era

Swallowed Whole FXpoQxJ
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Swallowed Whole Empty Re: Swallowed Whole

Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:48 pm

Swallowed Whole ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“I do not normally condone child abuse…”

Her words end there as one of the Reishi clones charged forwards. It’s interesting, his way of going about this. He took her first attack without hesitation, never flinching as the rest of her assault came. Honestly, it was not her full power, for she had yet to display the true horrifics of her abilities. It would prove unhelpful to murder the boy without him learning anything beyond fear of things yet unconquerable. There’s no point in beating a dead horse. It won’t learn any further, unconscious or dead.

The clone would move towards the boy, its feet in a flurry as it spun and began to launch a barrage of kicks, aimed right for Saisei’s upper body. Each kick is precise, targeting vitals: his liver, heart, throat, teeth, eyes, and the sides of his head. Distracted, as he should be, the shadow of another appears around him, giving but a minute warning of a falling foot that would send his brain splattered against the floor. Backing away would prove just as disadvantageous, another clone placed to blindside him by grabbing underneath the pit of his arms and lock behind his head with its fingers melding into one another.

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The Hybrid King
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Swallowed Whole Empty Re: Swallowed Whole

Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:39 pm
Swallowed Whole OPv3wcV

Saisei | The King's Reawakening

Saisei had to stay on the move, the introduction of ten different foes made this quite the fight for him. That wouldn't keep him from what he did best, however. While Helle quietly chirped at him, the battle began once more. The first of the clones charged him, flying feet first to land as many kicks as possible. Saisei's previous choice of moving backward allowed him to move with the momentum, locking the spirit clone's legs in a tizzy with each blow it threw.

When the barrage finished, the moment the clone's foot began to drop he grabbed its leg. Bringing it further in, the boy sent his palm flying through the clone's chest, dispersing it with ease. Normally, many would struggle to rid themselves of a spiritual foe. Thankfully, Saisei was an avid user of generating his own energy through his blows.

Soon after his hand flew through the clone, Saisei was met with yet another clone's assault. Attempting to strike through his skull, the falling foot was far more dangerous than some may consider. With only the slightest of movements, he shifted to the side enough to allow the impact to grind into his shoulder. The thick, trained muscle along with his dispersed energy allowed him to soak some of the impact. Sadly, this was the same shoulder he had previously thrown in harms way.

"That ain't very fair, Ma'am."

Reaching up, the boy mimicked his earlier actions by bringing the second clone tumbling down into the marble flooring below. A single kick to its chin sent it to the afterlife, the energy dispersing. The third and what seemed to be the final clone to attack him was as strong as the previous two, placing the boy into a headlock with ease.

"Man this really ain't fair..."

Saisei's already bruised and beaten body wasn't going to give in just yet. The boy did the only thing he knew would help in this moment. He gave himself a single kick off the ground, slamming his back into the marble flooring. His hopes were that he'd crush the clone before it could do any real damage. If he succeeded, it was likely many shards of marble flooring would be embedded into the boy's back from the sheer force of the slam. It was only a hope at this point, after all.

"At the cost of bein' a bit broken, that's three for three right? Keep them comin'."

Saisei was clearly worse for wear yet he continued on. Crawling to his feet and taking yet another stance, his energy began to swirl wildly. He wouldn't die here, that much he could guarantee.

END POST | The Coming Of An Era

Swallowed Whole FXpoQxJ
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Swallowed Whole Empty Re: Swallowed Whole

Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:21 am

Swallowed Whole ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

The clones are strong, but they are simple Reishi constructs, objects not meant to last. However, as the three are destroyed, that only proves to empower the remaining seven. In fact, without having to focus her attention on all ten, it allows for Helle to make things even more complicated for Saisei. He has his words for her, but she has none for him, her left hand opening, Reishi gathering into her palm. A small bow would form, its form wavering and flickering in and out. Normally, Helle would diverge from using common Quincy methods, but Saisei’s talk of fairness has peeved her somewhat. Fair and unfair does not belong on the battlefield. Would Helle prefer her opponents fight honorably? Yes. But, she is not that daft to impose her morals onto her enemies. It would prove best for her protege to become aware of the same.

Gripping the limb of her small bow, two of the clones charge forward. Saisei is, once again, pulled into a bout of flying fists and kicks, the clones mimicking his own Muay Thai in a sloppy but oppressive manner. Their perfection is not the lesson here. Saisei would most likely fight back, but he would find the clones more resilient than the last three, their bodies capable of taking more punishment. He had best watch his head. Mere moments after he is assaulted, an arrow of Reishi would find itself soaring past him, his only warning before multiple more begin to rain all about. The clones would prove capable of moving in perfect harmony with each arrow, moving just to allow one to barely scratch their form but easily pierce through Saisei’s if he is not careful. Of course, this is training, so the arrows are dulled to an extent to where only their heads would enter through his skin and dissipate. It would do no good to leave the poor boy riddled with holes. She does not know of his ability to withhold death itself, but being saved from it once is no good if death knocked on his door at a steady rate.

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The Hybrid King
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Swallowed Whole Empty Re: Swallowed Whole

Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:37 pm
Swallowed Whole OPv3wcV

Saisei | The King's Reawakening

Bloodied and bruised, Saisei knew every bone in his body would ache after this day. He enjoyed that, the thrill of the fight and honor of standing before his commander in such a state. He talked so casually about being assaulted yet continued to only take the defensive. The boy was tired of standing idly still, his eyes shifting from left to right as her surveyed the battlefield.

By his count, seven of the ten reishi clones remained, his efforts to limit their numbers succeeding. Saisei knew better, the clones were simply a distraction for his commander to attack him with her full attention. It would take a lot more to confuse the mind of a boy that refused to let himself down. not just that, his royal heritage made it clear that he'd be taught combat tactics from a relatively young age.

"Let's go, then."

Straight and to the point, Saisei bolted forward. As two clones swooped down on him he knew to be careful of his surroundings. The slightest misstep would give his quincy leader the upperhand, more so than she already had. Their technique wasn't terrible but it was severely lacking. Matching blow for blow, Saisei sent the two clones flying. While they remained alive he had kept them from his being for a short while at the least. Soon after, yet another clone replaced the two with ease.

"Y'all don't have to come at me so f-"

The words fell short of their mark, Saisei's eyes flickering as he adjusted his stand ever so slightly. The movement mattered far more than one could imagine, the first arrow of Helle's barrage scrapping along his left cheek. If he hadn't been mindful prior, the boy's head would be lopped off entirely.

"I kinda asked for this, didn't I?"

Fair enough, Saisei had no right to complain as he watched the barrage begin. Stepping off, Saisei lured the clones that previously engaged him to assault him further. While they moved with unison with Helle's arrows, Saisei could deliberately place himself in harms way to keep the clones entirely focused on him. With that, as long as he could retain his movements properly the barrage could be entirely avoided.

Sadly, that wouldn't be the case. Attempting to fend the three clones meant his movement was severely limited. Starting off strong, Saisei continued to bully his way through the clone's lacking techniques with his own practiced and perfected movements. Muay thai was his forte, they wouldn't overpower him with his own technique unless they held their own skill wise.

The arrows continued to fly, the clone's erratic movement being both a blessing and curse. For every few arrows dodged by using the clone's to his advantage, the boy took a hit to his body square on. Distancing himself from what he hoped would be a nearly defeated set of three clones, Saisei intended on staying relatively close to Helle's position. The last thing he should be doing is creating distance for a ranged opponent. The disipated energy from the inflicted blows left his bones rattling, several gashes appearing along both legs and his right arm. He was taking a beating, he was sure of that.

"Got a soft spot for me, Ma'am?"

Saisei started his way towards her position, being cognizant of his surroundings as he did so. He would hope she continued her assault. Surrounding himself with his orange hue once more, Saisei smiled. The attempt to get under his commander's skin was clear. After all, egging her on would lead to greater success. He was sure of that as well as he was sure of his inevitable beating.

END POST | The Coming Of An Era

Swallowed Whole FXpoQxJ
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Swallowed Whole Empty Re: Swallowed Whole

Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:11 pm

Swallowed Whole ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Thinking her gullible? His attempts to near her are all too perfectly choreographed. Yet, it may prove a ploy, no? It is impossible to decipher how complicated Saisei’s mind is. There is only one possible route for her in this situation however. She shall not stray from her path, much like him. It only proves fair. If he is going to rely solely on his martial arts, then she shall commit to her strategy. Unfortunately for him, as an archer, she values her personal space. And, as a fighter, he wants nothing more than to invade it. She has yet to showcase her full arsenal.

Now, she shall allow him a more fulfilling taste. Suddenly, there are no clones inhibiting his path, the onslaught of arrows ending as suddenly. The Reishi, all about, simply returned to its dormant state. Though, stepping any closer to Helle would prove insurmountable. For, as quickly as the Reishi had settled, yet again, it stirred. All around her, that Reishi from earlier began to spin, her personally space a vortex in the blink of an eye. Blue and dazzling in color, the Reishi danced a wondrous ballet. One touch would find Saisei’s skin torn to shreds as if it had been cast into a shredder. If only it ended there. This is no longer a bout to showcase his capabilities, an arrow soaring from the vortex, undisturbed by its rapid motion, past Saisei’s person. It is now a game of survival. One knows what is to come next, the warning made clear before the volley of arrows began to soar, anew, renewed vigor blessing each shot. Saisei’s only grace came in the form that these arrows flew erratically, painting the arena in dissonant symphony.

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The Hybrid King
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Swallowed Whole Empty Re: Swallowed Whole

Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:12 am
Swallowed Whole OPv3wcV

Saisei | The King's Reawakening

Saisei was clear with his convictions, staring his foe down. This wasn't the first time the boy would look potential death in it's face, nor would it be the last. As the training facility began to stir with an eerie silence, the clones of the boy quickly dissipated. Finally, the moment Saisei had been waiting for. Helle would begin to take him as serious as he truly wished. For him, that meant he had won. No matter how things turned out, Saisei would be happy with the result.

"Looks like I've won, Ma'am."

Helle refused to speak to the boy. Despite that, he was clear of his intentions. Why would he silence his words now that he had come so far? The brisk walk he previously had continued, the reishi around the two becoming near vacuum like. Helle really wasn't playing around, Saisei may have egged on the woman a bit too far. Oh well, things happen he thought.

The reishi vortex that began to swirl around the two was but an afterthought, as long as Saisei let it graze his very being he would survive until the moment that mattered most. The arrows that began to fly however, those were quite the problem.

The distance had been quartered, his journey only one fourth of the way done. Sadly, Saisei believed he'd never truly make it the entire way. That was the price one would pay for actions they could no escape. As he took step after step, an arrow connected with his left arm. The grazed arrow felt as if his entire arm had been removed from it's socket. Blood flowed freely, leaking along his dust ridden clothing as he continued his assault.

"You're gonna have to send me in a body bag to get rid of me, Ma'am. I don't know whatcha've learned at this point. You think I'm not ready to die for my convictions? I die for my people, even in the face of an ally."

Saisei walked the path of destruction despite how simple a training session could be. Helle Armstrong would have to intend on dealing a far too heavy blow to the boy to put him down at this point. He was sure that she wouldn't want to. Sucks for her, Saisei wasn't going down without a metaphorical bullet to the head.

Yet another arrow connected with his right leg, stretching his skin completely open as blood actively gushed from his thigh. Helle had done quite the number on Saisei, leaving blood all across the marble floor. Bringing his good arm up, he pointed at Helle with the strength of a thousand men. As he pointed, the previous orange huge began to swirl and brighten with each pass. With just a few passes, the look upon the boy's face mirrored that of a man who had seen death and fought against it's very will. Though he knew not what he was experiencing, the will of Azure Iramasha would shine through with clear intention. Helle could even note that the energy around him could remind her of an ocean of people standing behind a singular force.

"What're you gonna do, huh? I stand for those who cannot stand. I fight for those who cannot fight. Earth is for it's people, not for the demons or the hollows or the shinigami. Ally or foe, I refuse to bend my knee to those who would take from what we have. Earth is for each and every human and quincy on it's surface. I live by these people and die by these very people!"

With his final words, the orange energy expanded its influence across the entire arena. Though it refused to do any real damage it made sure that its will would be known. After all, the will of Azure Iramasha lived on with Saisei and the people of Earth. Standing, pointing at the blonde, the young recruit had declared his war. It was up to Helle now to put him under as he had requested.

END POST | The Coming Of An Era

Swallowed Whole FXpoQxJ
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Swallowed Whole Empty Re: Swallowed Whole

Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:39 am

Swallowed Whole ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“And what if the Earth rejects you?”

Downplaying one’s convictions is not something Helle is known for, but this enthusiasm that Saisei is portraying proves to move even her soul. Even if he is far spent and but a young lad in the face of insurmountable mountains, who would dare look such a person in the eyes and not respond with their own ideals? What if the Earth rejects you? Such a question only exists to question his strength, his will, and his spirit. What if the world rejected his claims: the Shinigami, the Demons, the Hollows, the many spirits that walk these plains? Such a brash attitude. The woman is only capable of letting a grim smile toy with the corner of her lips.

“Saisei. Show me. Let me see you face the world…”

The air about her became nigh unbreathable, the world’s breath lost as it felt as if even it could not move the atmosphere about the two. His energy painted the arena that they called a training room, but it is but a mockery of true masterpieces. Her emerald eyes shifted from their beautiful lushness into a world conquered by the Earth, their greens exploding from her visage like beacons to the afterlife. Her armor flared with her Reiryoku as the Reishi ramping about roared faster and twisted violently, the cape attached to Helle’s armor risen by the extreme winds. Then, it would change color, exploding from her back without a word. The world became silent, only her voice capable of breaking it.

“You are not allowed to die, and that’s an order, Saisei.”


Her cape became a tapestry of her life, the vibrant colors that exploded from her back painting the area in a scene of tragic, yet majestic, beauty. Greens, reds, oranges, purples, violets, white, azure… The air became thick with her Reiryoku, her presence melding with the Reishi all around. Helle became more than just Saisei’s superior at this moment as her Vollständig. She became the very essence of energy, her presence melding with the world until it became unclear if she even existed as a mere mortal any longer. The city of lights shined the brightest on this day, the crystalline buildings reflecting her Vollständig for all to see, the colors of her soul engorged by the eyes of the citizens who would die for their home.

However, there exists little time for any to see what could only be related to a natural wonder of the world. As her presence became known to the whole city, in the next moment, all Reishi in the area became vacant, a memory. The Vortex, gone in the blink of an eye, all energy relegated to her palm. The sudden weight of her right hand became known to the man at that moment, one might even consider the amount of power that Helle holds a singularity, an impossibility. Saisei shall recognize it as assured death. There is no dodging, there is no hope.

In the blink of an eye, Helle is standing before Saisei, her presence a true unclimbable mountain, her order for him to live thrown away by her own hands. Her right palm would press against his chest, as easy as that. Yet, if not for her own control, there is no doubt that half the city, and even the oceans around, would have been left as nothing but an afterthought. Saisei would feel all of it on his own, the Reishi unleashed into his body providing enough to simply eradicate his existence right then and there, leaving him not even a stain on the ground. For some strange reason, Helle could feel that it would not kill him but forever impart on him a valuable lesson.

Helle is pretty strong, yeah?

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