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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Empty I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:21 am

The North God

It was, what, almost a full year now? Maybe a little less since she separated with the Misfits Dojo:tm: and gone her own way. They separated with no hard feelings, of course; it was just that Micaiah was a woman of her own pace. She truly enjoyed her time with them and wouldn't at all mind adventuring around as a group again, but only for a few rounds. A full chapter of her life couldn't be dedicated to being tied down by a group, not right now at least. Maybe not ever, to be honest, but those were considerations for the far future.

The considerations for the near future was which tomatoes were more delicious. Hard to tell from the just looking at them; these weren't tamataar tomatoes, after all. Those, native to demon world, were top of the line. Aristotle would say it was the tomato all tomatoes aspired to be. Tamataars, you could tell at a glance. It glowed with a tantalising mystique, tempting the mouth to draw closer and salivate. And then--you'd die. Tastebuds were ruined, you couldn't eat a damn thing else afterwards.

That's why Micaiah never ate them. Wild and risky? Sure. Stupid? Sure. But dumb? You couldn't ever pin that statement on Micaiah. Miss her with that dumb shit. Just by looking at a few friends, lost to their desires of gluttony--as demons do--she could tell tamataars weren't with the trouble. Damn druggies.

These tomatoes though? Totally mediocre. In fact, some a little less than mediocre, but what would you expect from a war-torn world. The United States were in shambles in a lot of places, and it ruined the travel of some products. Made things more expensive, some commodities scarce or even unavailable, and the overall bar of quality dropped on several items, tomatoes included apparently. It also made a lot of items waaay more common to be sold, as their use and value plummeted in favour of products with practical use like blankets or tupperware.

That's why this whole lot outside an old commercial store in Texas was occupied with people bartering goods rather than spending currency. Like a flee market, people were going around with their items of value looking for food to eat, appliances to secure, and for prey to steal from. Not that Micaiah cared much either which way; though she was an innocent woman herself, in no way was she an arbiter of justice. No matter what happened around her, provided her own items stayed on her person, she just continued weaving through the crowds, looking for a goddamn good tomato. Is it seriously that hard? Does the world really expect her to make and eat a proper burger without a tomato? What the fuck did she come to America for if not this?


I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] 8Bvy1N8


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Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:20 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


How'd they end up spending so much time in America? It was such a different culture than what she was used to. Soul Society seemed like a time capsule of an older era in Japan from what she had figured out. This was completely different, especially when it had so much influence from Shadow Fall. Demons might not have left a lot in the sense of ruins of their stuff but they left a lot of impact on the people.

She occasionally helped out, a bunch of people would be beating on a demon. A couple of demons might be beating on a human. It felt like it was still full of turmoil and anger. The demons that had owned this place for so long had this idea of still possessing it.

"Hey. Break it up you idiots!"

Another such fight seemed to be started and she interjected, sending one guy flying with a kick while sighing. She shouldn't be helping these people, it wasn't her business but she didn't like watching it happen in front of her. She just saw people being hurt and used it as an excuse to break up a fight. She didn't want to try and complicate it too much with noble ideals.

Then she saw the familiar face. She couldn't forget the bombastic blonde which filled her with anger at seeing. She could go her entire life and not be upset about never seeing her but it was not the case. She saw Micaiah and her angry glare just got stuck on her face while she focused on her.


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

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Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:29 am

The North God

Maybe not on the level of killing intent, but closing in on the cusp. Micaiah felt this glare prickling on her back, but in the moment she chalked it up to a random feller looking to get a good steal or do some other criminal thing to her. Wouldn't be the first time; spiritually unaware people always were an audacious bunch, totally unaware of what big boys and girls are above them. Either way, it was probably someone well below a threat level, someone she could shrug off if they came at her sideways.

"You shouldn't ignore this one. You might get a flying kick coming your way, straight to your face."

Maujuda's warning was outta nowhere. Was she the one who didn't know the big boys and girls above her? Was this prickling gaze from someone actually totally above her league? If true, why the hell were they focused on her? Micaiah turned around and met eyes with the person focused on her. Dark skinned, short light hair, pretty but otherwise totally unknown. Or wait, actually, she was getting some familiar vibes from this lady. Something about the way the eyes were looking at her. Almost animistic, and feline. Huh.

Well, as long as she steered clear and careful, it'd be alright? Then again, Maujuda wouldn't speak up about something so mundane unless it was to either: fuck with her, or a show of concern. The valid responses were to either humour him, or stick to her guns, and to be honest there was one clear answer she preferred.

There was no hesitation. Micaiah kept walking onwards.


I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] 8Bvy1N8


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Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:40 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


She bit her lip. The anger really was boiling, Micaiah met her eyes and seemed to just shrug it off. Hey, didn't she see Yugiri's anger. The dark-skinned woman wanted to really give this blonde a piece of her mind, going forward and approaching her. Menacingly at that.

"Hey you! Don't you run away!"

Of course she looked different but her spiritual energy was the same. Unless Micaiah didn't care to remember that either. Someone in the crowd mumbled something, giving Micaiah a little bit of her name to work with but only a fragment. It was pretty clear that the stranger had a bone to pick with the blonde and it wasn't a nice one. It was a personal gripe after the insufferable time they spent together.


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

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Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:08 am

The North God

What the fuck. Don't run? Who the hell was this person? Either they were absurdly out of line with this aggression--and Micaiah had absolutely no problems facing that head first--or they were some sort of resident judiciary or ruler of this area who didn't like the cut of Micaiah's jib. Either way, that's not something she'd take lying down. Worst come to worst, this opponent was someone far beyond her means to confront, and Maujuda would bail her out. Right? How crazy would it be if the dumb sword said, Nah, fuck it.[i] That'd be [i]hilarious.

The blonde turned around to lock eyes back with the lady. On second look, she was sure that the vibes were of someone she already knew. Maybe they were a relative of a person she picked a bone with. To be fair, that's totally plausible. To her recollection though, there was no one in America that had some backers big enough to give Micaiah some of that double trouble.

"Sorry, who the fuck are you?"

The Animal Aspect gave her some boons to her senses on pretty much every level. Enough that she acutely recognised the similarities of the vibes she was getting from the woman and someone she vaguely recalled in her memories. You'd think the mention of "Yugiri" by a bystander would ring any bells, but honestly she came up short. Familiar? Yes. It was reaching a point of painful deja vu. The kind that flooded her mind and inspired a person to obsessively try and sort through their memories to find the link. A person who was concerned enough about that sort of thing, to be specific. Not Micaiah. That was the kinda mental gymnastics reserved for someone else with more time on their hands.

Still, someone saying her name meant she was known around here. The local head honcho theory was in first place for explaining who this Yugiri was. And if that was the case, the truly didn't know who they were messing around with. Micaiah flared her presence in response. Not the strongest in the world, but as far as this block was concerned, she was out of their league.

The crowds around them parted. America was hit pretty hard--everyone here knew the sort of outcome that followed two powers colliding together, and none of them wanted a part of that. With the people split like the Red Sea, Micaiah walked forward with a swagger, putting on a rugged expression.

"I got no clue who you think you are, but I'm just here to buy some tomatoes. You got a problem with that? You a tomatoe kinda gal, or what?"


I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] 8Bvy1N8


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Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:20 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


"Yeah, you do seem like the airheaded type that scorns people and then forgets it. Bet you don't even remember bullying the weird kid too."

Yugiri didn't care about anything he might've sufferred from Micaiah though but she never really did get a chance to beat the smug little brat up over exposing her to some toxic gas, she wanted to really beat the hell out of her at that moment but had restraint. Now she didn't need to use that restraint.

"I don't care about tomatoes but I did say if I ever saw your stupid face again I'd beat you up. Cat or not. So get ready or I'll smash those tomatoes all in your face."

She made it clear that she wasn't here to be nice. She loathed this little smug brat. Beating her up was a guitly pleasure of a dream for a while. Sending her on the way with a black eye and some squashed tomatoes really did appeal to her.


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

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Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:28 pm

The North God

What the fuck was this woman talking about? Is this just the good ol'fashioned demon-influenced American culture coming into play? Micaiah coulda sworn this bitch was provoking her, and that it wasn't just a manner of speech from the area.

"I ain't no bully, but you're really pushin' me to change that."

One last warning. Micaiah brought her fist into her palm and cracked her neck, both to look cool intimidate and to prepare herself. Even the mention of a cat prompted no memories. She was already well under the assumption that this lady was messed up in the head; the reference only shifted her perceptions to labeling them as "messed up in the head weird cat-lady".

"Alright. I still don't know who the hell you are, and I don't know if you got me confused for someone else, but if you're lookin' for a fight I'll oblige."

The words alone were enough to let people around them get a clue. With haste, several shops in their immediate vicinity started packing up and scurrying away; a normal street brawl might've drawn attention and cameras onto the fight, but in with the political and social climate of this past year or so, the resident weren't taking any chances. Given some 30 seconds or so, the market around them cleared out; a few more minutes and the fleeing would ripple out to effect the rest of the lot.


I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] 8Bvy1N8


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Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:35 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


She accepted the fight and that was enough for Yugiri, launching herself at the brat in front of her. Yugiri focused her energy, trying to get close and punch Micaiah with enough force to spend her a few metres away after the crowd had dispersed. The girl would make sure that her adversary didn't damage too much on her flight path.

"Yeah. Fight back if you think you can manage it. Try me jerk."

Yugiri would be the hero that defeated the mighty demon lord before her, the one that terrorises animals everywhere. How many more cats since their last encounter had sufferred at Micaiah's grasp? To many probably.


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:47 am

The North God

As soon as the woman launched herself, Micaiah entered Asura Aspect. She raised her arms to swipe away at the punch and push it to the side with enough speed and strength to propel a whole truck across a street, in tandem bringing her knee up towards the opponent's midsection. Honestly, this bitch was fast. Micaiah couldn't even really see the movement of the punch specifically; she just saw enough of the general movement to get an idea what was coming through battle sense and intuition.

"Damn, you're pretty strong for a midget."

Meanwhile, Micaiah brought her knee up rapidly and aimed for their midsection.


I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] 8Bvy1N8


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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:57 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


"You're pretty good for a punk."

She said while her energy gathered behind her and blowed the jacket off her body into tatters. The tank top she wore underneath in full view while the energy came off from her back in bolts. She had no idea what Micaiah actually did or could do and that made her a little concerned. Shunko got rid of her jacket though and more comfortable in a fight.

It sure did make it look pretty cool. That was probably the biggest reason she had done it while launching herself backwards and giving some space between them.

"Don't call me small. You stupid idiot, I'll break you over my knee."


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