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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue74095/100000I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:05 am

The North God

The explosion caught her off guard, regardless of her reaction speeds. Just wasn't the sort of thing you'd expect coming out of a foot during a kick. The spell did hurt, though; the Maujuda Kavacha didn't do too well against stuff like that, and Micaiah actually had to back off rather than trucking on.

She made a leap backwards for some distance and shook her head to reorient herself. The explosion felt like it rattle her brain some, but she fought through the initial dizziness to focus once more. She looked back at the woman and smiled to herself--as much as her jaw allowed, at least. Well, lookit the little puss-puss. Looks like she knows her place. Wait, puss-puss?

For a moment, Micaiah paused. Did she actually know this lady? She racked her head for a minute to remember, and it felt like it was on the tip of her tongue.

Whatever, as was the original plan, she'd just beat it out of her. Once more, Micaiah went forward, a new sword in hand. This one, Agneyasta's Edge, looked significantly more menacing than the first one. It practically oozed an aura steeped in malice and bloodthirst. It channeled how pissed off Micaiah was feeling, and the weight of the sword increased to match her indignation.

The tradeoff for this was returning to her Human Aspect. While the sword and armour empowered her, the Asura Aspect's physical boosts were lost. It was worth the switch as far as she was concerned; Agneyastra felt much more suited to the situation.

Once again, Micaiah ran forward, noticeably slower than before, but this time more measured, her sword held in front of her in a guarded position. Once she closed enough distance that she figured Yugiri would counteract, Micaiah swung the blade forward to meet whatever opposition came her way, be it body, weapon, or spell.


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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:14 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


New sword, something feeling different about her. Okay, okay. Yugiri was following. Did she only have access to certain things in certain headspaces? She seemed way more orientated this time around rather than attacking so wildly. In a way that was much more appealing, she just had to not get hit by the sword.

"Back off. Yugiridō #3 - Chōdan Bakugeki"

She raised her hand as her shunko exploded backwards and created butterfly-like wings behind her. The kido spell being slightly different when all the kido energy was flowing out from her back like this compared to her base form. When Micaiah got close she took off, launching herself to the side and dancing around her in a strafing step motion while bombarding the armoured girl with explosion after explosion.

Just don't let her get close and that sword was irrelevant, right?


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:30 am

The North God

Damn. More explosions, huh? Well, that's a shame. Or at least, it would've been if it wasn't for the fact that Agneyastra was the weapon of choice here. This lady wanted explosions? She'll get some explosions.

With every explosion thrown out into her, Micaiah drew Agneyastra's blade to meet them. Not in full on swings, but more conserved movements that pulled the weapon in front of the explosions rather than batting at them. Each time, Agneyastra's meeting with the offensive just offered another explosion, sending them back each time bigger and better. She stayed on the defensive for the moment since the target was kiting too quickly to close much distance.


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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:44 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


What a pain, it was ineffective and so she dropped it. Giving up the attempt to bombard her with kido but not stopping her actions of running circles in her. She had to somehow divert the attention of Micaiah, get her confused. Something like running circles around her.

Images. The speed of her motion began to leave afterimages in conjunction with her stepping techniques, eventually it appearing as if there was an entire group of her just running circles around Micaiah. All of those intended on keeping her distracted and then came the sound...


The air was full off the sound that seemed reminscent of a horde of crickets. Obnoxiously loud and the switching of Shunko to Shikko made the speed that much harder to keep track off with the technique being Yugiri's own attempt to unite her Hoho and Kido. The sound would be disorientating hopefully and the images would be hard to follow as they ran circles around her and that's when she'd attack from above and silently come down before her foot gave her head a firm axe kick augmented with an attempt to mimick Hadō #1 - Sho to add even more explosive force to the high-velocity kick.

It all came together as a very elaborate way of saying, fuck you.


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:14 am

The North God

If she was still in her Asura Aspect, these noises would've driven her absolutely crazy. Micaiah would've started flailing Agneyastra around like a madwoman until something hit, or the whole damn city was disintegrated. Fortunately, she maintained her composure. Yeah, it was annoying, and the sounds made it even more difficult to discern what she was seeing and how it was matching up audibly, but she kept her actionable cool. For a little while, at least.

Jesus Khala, this woman didn't tire out. The more circles she ran the more frustrated Micaiah got, until rather than waiting for something special to happen, the girl just brought Agneyastra up high and smashed it into the ground. The weight along cratered everything around them in a hundred metres, but the natural effect of Agneyastra's explosiveness added to thing, rippling out in every crack and crevice with a monstrous force rising out of them torrentially.

It was a move done in the same timing as the woman's axe kick. Indefensible from above in this motion, Micaiah's head connected with their heel, and she followed her blade towards the ground, face planting away. The actual damage to Micaiah inside wasn't too much, but that didn't mean the sheer force of the kick could be contested.

After hitting the ground, it took a moment to act onward. Expecting a follow-up, Micaiah rolled to her side to have her front face the sky, and she immediately swung Agneyastra outward and forward.


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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:20 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


Micaiah expected followup, but it didn't come. Yugiri's single attack was instead done and she tried to get more distance while the sound followed her. It took all her determination to not whimper in pain, Shikko's vibrations that made the sounds did risk hairline fractures along her bones. Normally this took longer to develop but the leg that she used to axe kick the pain in her ass was the same one which had been headbutt and already made her question whether or not she had got damage to her bones.

"Ugh. I don't need full usage of it anyway."

She kept most of her weight to the better side and Shikko vanished, the sound of crickets going back to the crackling of lightning while Yugiri stared at Micaiah. Maybe if she could just try and apply a kaido spell to her leg and stall for a bit. The energy flowed through her shin and foot as a result while trying to repair the damage. Durability wasn't something she was known for.

"Got you listening now, Micaiah? You big fool. You sure are stronger though than I thought when you tagged along with us. So much for being some nobody with nothing up your sleeve."


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:45 am

The North God

With us? Micaiah tried recalling what group she'd tagged along with in recent memory. Maybe the group with Erchanhardt and Saisei? She tried remembering who else was with them, but all she could recall was a few Iramasha they found in Atlantis, and maybe a cat.


Oh. That's the puss-puss she was thinking of! Micaiah got up, fast and perky, and she even had all her armour fall off, back into cards and into her gourd.

"Shiguri! Is that you?!"

Micaiah held a gleeful smile, clearly representative of the absolute void of recollection when it came to any sort of indecencies she subjected the cat too. Micaiah did a little trot over, totally uncautious, to greet an old companion.

"How've you been? I haven't seen you in a hot-ass minute, girl! I remember you smaller, and darker, but now you're just not as small and not as dark!"


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Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:53 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3



What was this? Was she playing games? No, she just completely forgot about how much of a thorn in the back of Yugiri's side the blonde was or she didn't care. There was a bemused look on her face while she waltzed over. The audacity, but the fact that Micaiah had dropped all her aggression kind of made it hard to justify beating her up anymore.

"..It's Yugiri."

The first thing she had to clarify while sighing with a bunch of exaggerated spunk to her and shrugging.

"I guess me not looking like a cat doesn't bother a demondweller like you."

She sighed with a stretch, or Micaiah was just that much of an idiot that she didn't care about the shocking revelation of girl coming out of a cat.

"I've been busy... you?"


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:51 pm

The North God

"Oh, that's right; haha, my bad, my bad. Yugiri. Man, that's kinda wild that you can turn into a human, though. How'd you manage that? Or are you, like, a demon-cat sorta thing?"

Considering Micaiah met her as a cat, she assumed being a cat was her natural form. Like Yugiri said, Micaiah lived amongst demons; either which way was of no strangeness to her whatsoever. In fact, if Yugiri was a cat around her for as long as they traveled together, it'd be natural to assume that was her innate form, no?

"Personally, I've been roaming around America at my own pace and leisure. Going around, camping in mountains, fighting occasional hollows, munching on some native cuisines. Did you know, American-style chinese food uses these things called tortillas a lot? Shit's wild. Tastes nothing like chinese food, to be honest, but who am I to judge their take on foreign foods, right?"

The girl even tapped her gourd to bring some of the foods out. American-chinese styled meals like "burritos", and "quesadillas". Americans really had a terrible understanding of the chinese writing system, considering how outlandishly far these fusion dishes were in name and composition.

Micaiah offered some to Yugiri, and it most certainly smelled delish.


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I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Empty Re: I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 06, 2021 1:39 am
I Don't Even Know Who You Are! [Private/Micaiah, Yugiri] - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


"Don't worry about it.."

This girl was dumb. Ugh, she didn't even want to explain herself to Micaiah who seemed to think she was actually a cat. Which was a fair assessment but she got called a demon-cat. How offensive. This little- No. She'd cool it. Regain her composure and not beat her up again.

"Me too, well. I guess and I don't want any food."

She didn't trust this girl not to drug her and leave her with nothing. No way was she going to trust anything from Micaiah. Yugiri would find her own food.


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