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The Hybrid King
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue10015/100000I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna

Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:08 am
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

The loud shuffling of papers filled Cyrus' office building, Saisei kicked his feet to and fro as he awaited his trial. His recent actions as a recruit have left people with... well, a rather nasty taste in their mouths. He had been doing his best to help out across the City but a majority of his efforts were fruitless. As of late, he's accrued a rather large list of complaints in regards to his behavior.

Firstly, the latest recruit Loukas Holt was seen with the boy. As expected, Loukas was feeding on a bloodpack due to his status as Sueki. Unexpected however were Saisei's ridiculously looking actions. Recruits had seen him taking a swig of a secondary bloodpack at the same time, swallowing and then drowning his mouth out in the nearby decorative fountain. In Saisei's defense, he believed it was the right thing to do to help Loukas feel at home.

Secondly, he had destroyed the entirety of one of their training arenas during a spar with Helle Armstrong. In the spar, he had caused Helle to release a full power attack in her Volstandig. Again, in Saisei's defense, he was simply trying to grow in strength. If that wasn't allowed, someone would have surely let him know in advance before the spar had occurred.

Finally, the recruit has been seen all over the city making obscene gestures at fellow organization members. These gestures range from flexing his muscles without thought, invading personal space and personally intervening in their organizational work. Saisei was proving to be quite the handful in regards to controlling the boy.

He sighed, placing his hands in his face as he tried to understand what he'd gotten himself into. He sat himself in a nearby chair, awaiting instructions from Ninsianna. The secretary had requested his appearance at Cyrus' office in hopes of talking to the boy about recent complaints.

Saisei couldn't tell if he should be excited or down right terrified. Nevertheless, he'd be finding out soon enough.

"I'm begging you, don't remove me from the Vandenreich. Please please please please please please please..."

He muttered to himself, almost crying at the thought of losing his place among his people. What a mistake this was.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna FXpoQxJ
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue16000/1I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:21 am
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna N45YBc3


Heels clicking across the tile floors as she made her way to where Saisei sat, Ninsianna ran through the reports sent to her regarding his recent...behavior, for lack of any better categorization. She could tell even without needing much analysis that he hadn't had any malice in his choices, but the fact that he'd done it at all still reflected poorly on the Vandenreich overall.


As she arrived in front of Saisei, Ninsianna began forming copies of the various reports on her clipboard, just in case he needed to look over any of the specifics. Names had already been blacked out to protect privacy, of course. Looking the young man over, she noted his obvious concern with his situation, and found it commendable, in a sense. She might have thought to put him at ease, but that was not especially her forte.


The Hybrid King
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue10015/100000I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

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Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:44 am
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

This was it, the boy's final words to the secretary. There would never be another time he'd get to interact with Ninsianna, especially after his apparent mistakes. It was now or never. He stood, staring the woman down with his very soul. Saisei's will spoke for him. He crossed his arms and began to defend himself.

"Alright. Hear me out. I may or may not have done some things to people that may or may not have been consensual. I'm not saying I did anything suspicious, I'm not saying I did anything illegal. I want to make it explicitly clear I did everything in good faith and refuse to lose my job over trying to help people out. Trust me, I'm begging you."

He dropped to one knee before the Secretary, bowing his head without a second thought. Though he rarely apologized in such a way, Saisei couldn't help but believe he was in the wrong. He couldn't leave the Vandenreich now, he'd lose everything he worked for, Looking up from his groveling position, he winced at the thought of leaving the City of Light. He'd be beside himself...

"Please, Ma'am. I'll do anything."

Despite her clearly high rise skirt, Saisei took very little interest in her womanly figure. The boy was far too wrapped up in the possibility of losing absolutely everything at the flick of the wrist.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna FXpoQxJ
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue16000/1I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:14 am
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna N45YBc3


To be perfectly frank, Ninsianna had not fully expected Saisei to apologize so completely, or even so immediately. She didn't have any particular intention of firing him. She hadn't even intended to give him a particularly severe reprimand. It had mostly been a matter of informing him of the responses to his recent behavior.

"I'm rather glad to hear that you had no ill intent, but you don't need to apologize so intensely, you know. I'm not here to bring your position in the Vandenreich into question. Despite the complaints filed, you've done very well in your time here. Do not feel as though you need to kneel, either. That's rather unbecoming, you know."

If she were the more comforting sort, Ninsianna probably would have given him a pat on the head or something similar, but that wasn't really the sort of physical intimacy that she generally sought out. So, instead, she simply waited for Saisei to stand before she started back to her office.

"Come with me, if you would."


The Hybrid King
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue10015/100000I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty Re: I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna

Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:48 pm
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

"O-Of course, Ma'am."

A sigh of relief escaped the boy's chest, he couldn't be more fond of the Secretary's response as he climbed back to a standing position. Ninsianna was rarely one Saisei ever find himself interacting with. Not because interaction was awkward, rather that he had very little reason to ever visit Cyrus or her's office. As one of the most active members in the Vandenreich, he spent very little time within the City when he wasn't required to be. Nevertheless, it reassured him that she hadn't planned any truly severe punishment for his actions.

Straightening himself and dusting the ground from his pant legs, Saisei readjusted to followed the Secretary without another thought. If Cyrus' Secretary asked something of you the only action is to comply. It was pretty clear that her intentions were to at least talk about recent behavior given the long list of problems people seem to be having with him. Reassured but still defeated, the boy silently followed behind her, closing the door to her office after they both entered it's recesses.

"The last time I was here was when I first joined the Vandenreich ranks. Gotta say, I'm glad this is only my second visit. I'm not tryna' cause any problems for Cyrus or Helle. Hopefully I can keep that true enough outside of recent issues..."

Preparing to be admonished, Saisei's look of defeat was one filled with genuine concern. Making Cyrus or Helle look bad was the last thing he'd ever want to do. After all, the two people that brought him into this wonderful world of Quincy deserved every ounce of his respect. That meant both in and out of person.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna FXpoQxJ
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue16000/1I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty Re: I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna

Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:38 pm
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna N45YBc3


"I don't believe you've caused any issues quite so pressing as that, Saisei. While there certainly have been complaints regarding your behavior, they are far from damning enough to require the attention of Cyrus or Helle. And, between you and I, I don't believe either of them are quite as suited to these sorts of conversations."

Ninsianna's tone seemed to lighten ever so slightly with her last sentence, though it was so subtle that one might easily chalk it up to their imagination, if they even noticed it to begin with. Taking a seat at her desk, Ninsianna looked through some of her papers, gesturing to the chair opposite her as she gave Saisei a few moments to settle in.

The office itself was, in a word, plain. Every wall was hidden by bookshelves, and the only break in said shelves came with the single window directly behind Ninsianna. It had an exceptionally lovely view of the sea, though she rarely took much time to admire it. Most notably, however, was that every book on the shelves seemed nearly identical. A plain black cover, with not so much as a word on the spin. Were it not for their varying sizes, they would surely have just looked like props.

"In short, I would simply wish to remind you that the City of Lights is intended to serve as a place of refuge for those seeking a more orderly world than what lays outside. While I understand that you mean well, you must also realize that the often surprising nature of some of your behavior might cause some discomfort to those who have come here."


The Hybrid King
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue10015/100000I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty Re: I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna

Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:20 pm
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Watching as Ninsianna walked to her desk, Saisei couldn't help but recognize that she really was a woman. Not that he had any sexual interest, he simply forgot that it wasn't just women like Helle that found themselves within the fortress. Armor-clad women were, frankly, one in a million. Just because women like Helle were often about didn't mean your traditional, albeit a demon, women weren't still around. Gesturing towards the chair opposite of her, he responded in kind and sat. As awkward as it was, he continued to feel reassured on his position here in the Vandenreich.

"I could never imagine talking to Helle about my recent behavior. Could you imagine? 'Saisei, why would you drink an entire packet of blood?' Well Ma'am I just thought I could reassure Loukas of his position as a Sueki. Y'know? 'As I can see that your heart was in the correct place, Saisei, I must condemn such foolish behavior. I am certain that most Sueki would find such a display as a poor mimicry and an insult to their trials and tribulations that come with being abnormal. I recommend comforting Loukas through more mundane methods: lunch, training, maybe a spa.' Right? Somethin' like that."

Saisei wasn't trying to be funny but it couldn't helped, his tone shifted from his own voice to a poor impression of the very Ms. Armstrong they spoke of. He chuckled to himself, looking about the room. As odd as it was, the plainly designed office felt comforting in a sense. It was brass tacks here in Ninsianna's office. He liked that.

"I can pull back a little, I apologize. I'm just tryna' make it so everyone can enjoy themselves. I would say my behavior really has been least than ideal, hasn't it?"

He smiled, that same infectious smile he gave everyone. Glancing past the secretary's figure, he looked to the bright blue sea behind her. It reminded him of his favorite place in the City, a little seaside railing that let him take the sky and sea in all at once. It was a beautiful sight, something he couldn't help but fawn over every time he saw it.

"Aside from my recent behavior, am I doin' mostly alright? I feel like I've been doin' my part as best I can, introducing new recruits to the city and help citizens whenever I can. Oh, right. Another thing, the dormitories."

Before he could continue, his words came to an abrupt stop. He thought long and hard before he continued.

"Any chance we could get one moved...?"

His infectious smile twitched, resembling a nervous one now that he worried about his request.

"O-Or maybe a special one for me? I really love how the sea looks from the edge of the City.."

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna FXpoQxJ
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue16000/1I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty Re: I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna

Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:38 pm
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna N45YBc3


Ninsianna didn't exactly laugh at Saisei's impression of Miss Armstrong, but she did find it to be fairly accurate, if in demeanor and mannerism far moreso than in voice. Simply smiling the slightest touch more, she took down a few notes as he spoke, considering the whole situation.

"Yes, that does sound correct. I should say that I generally agree with this hypothetical Miss Armstrong's assessment, that it could in theory insult the Sueki who live here. That said, it is ultimately a question of the individual, and the act itself is not particularly the problem. Moreso the public nature of it."

Setting her pen down for a moment and studying Saisei more carefully, it was a little difficult to even really read her, if only because her whole demeanor seemed unflinching. The glasses, even being clear, almost seemed like a wall to prevent any clear read on her thoughts.

"Apart from your more recent...outbursts, shall we say, I believe you've done quite well, yes. For the complaints we've received regarding you, we have also had several reports as to your generally helpful nature. Your heart is certainly in the right place, I would think."

Considering his last question, Ninsianna took a moment to run through the diagrams of the City of Lights she'd committed to memory long ago, thinking about what could feasibly be moved where.

"It would likely not be practical for any of the dormitories to be relocated at present, given we are still working to handle incoming refugees at present, and more will almost assuredly be on the way. A room for yourself may be a touch more possible, though I make no promises as to it being particularly ideal in terms of location beyond having a view of the ocean."


The Hybrid King
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Left_bar_bleue10015/100000I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty Re: I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna

Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:44 pm
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

He understood, it wasn't the best impression. Of course Ninsianna would struggle to laugh, who would laugh at such a thing? Though he may have thought that way, that didn't keep Saisei from being unable to acknowledge that he did in fact laugh. It wasn't the first or last thing Saisei would notice either. Ninsianna felt like a statue, something that only existed to do as it was designed to. If she were to show any emotion or outward thought, he'd fail to see it entirely. It was odd yet interesting, his eyes flickering from her face to her pen over and over.

Ninsianna had quite the fast set of fingers, her pen filing down whatever it may be with ease. Notes, maybe? He couldn't quite tell what she wrote in however he could try his best to discern it by their surroundings. Though he may be wrong, maybe the books surrounding them were just her notes over the years. As she spoke, he stood from his chair and waddled around the room, his inquisitive nature taking over.

"I figure it wouldn't be practical, I've got to admit though."

Running his fingers along a nearby shelf, Saisei studied the spine of each book he passed. Silent as the night, their leather bound territory seemed barren. How odd.

"I can't help but be cheerful at the chance to see the sea so easily every morning."

It returned, the disease-like smile he carried around so often. Even the slightest hint of being able to get a personal room for stay was enough to send him jumping for joy, metaphorically of course. Saisei would never find himself acting so poorly in front of Ninsianna. Now, Helle on the other hand, he'd feel far too comfortable expressing himself in front of his commander. After all, such a beating would do that to a man.

"I would live in a shack if it meant I could wake up every day and see that beautiful sea. It reminds me nothing of home. Home only had green fields, I could live the rest of my life without seeing green."

He chuckled again, tapping the side of a book. He felt inclined to take it from the shelf. He knew better, however. Turning back to the secretary, nodded his head towards the shelving.

"I like it here. I'm able to be myself, I'll just try to reign the whole self thing in a tad bit. You mentioned more reports, right? Anything I should know? I would love to know what I can do more of so I stay on everyone's good side."

Saisei felt that, while it may be rude of him to ask, the nature of reports mattered quite a lot. If he could continue this streak of good behavior, maybe he'd be in for a promotion. Maybe more.

"Right, uh, also... The shelves. W-What exactly is all this? These books, can I take one?"

Hesitantly, he placed his hand on the spine of the book from before, rubbing it from top to bottom as he awaited her response. His thirst for knowledge left him almost yearning for what lay within their pages. Knowledge was power, after all.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna FXpoQxJ
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna Empty Re: I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna

Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:11 am
I'd Like To File An Official Complaint - Saisei/ Ninsianna N45YBc3


"The ocean does tend to have rather therapeutic effects when one sees it regularly. I also was raised rather away from the ocean, though it has been quite a long time since then. I would not be especially bothered to see the sands again."

Ninsianna spoke rather casually about her past with Saisei, but in general it was rather rare that she bothered to talk much about herself at all. Not necessarily because she wished to hide much about herself, of course. Lying to her compatriots of the Vandenreich would only be counterproductive, after all. She simply rarely saw need to talk about her life.

"There is nothing which especially stands out, apart from your general demeanor. I have already addressed that, however, so I don't feel it merits any further attention."

Setting aside the paperwork regarding Saisei, Ninsianna watched as he examined her bookshelves, not particularly bothered if he touched them or what have you.

"Assorted documents I find personally interesting. If you wish to take any, I can simply create a copy for your own use."


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