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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) Empty Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako)

Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:14 am



Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

It had been perhaps a few months since Hime hosted her celebration to welcome in the new year. Truth be told, that event was hardly anything but eventful. And yet, neither was it a lost cause. She was blessed with the opportunity to see Elyss again and to learn more about Hanako Yamada.

The graceful shinigami was fond of Hanako, admiring her striving spirit and a commendable work ethic. She didn't possess many answers but made up for it with commitment and enthusiasm. In truth, Hime was fascinated by the mystery of Hanako's personality, of how she was always so tightly-wound even in a group of peers. Could she help her work through her self-doubts? It was worth a try, right?

Indeed, Hime would work towards helping her step outside of that shell of hers no matter how hard she tries to push her away. Sitting within her office, it had just dawned on Hime that Hanako had been promoted to the vice-captain of the combat division.

Hime tilted her head and chuckled as she tapped at the desk. Had Hanako caught wind that the two were sharing a division? Did she know of her familiarity with Yoshitsune? Mystery... ah, she had to get to the bottom of all this!

Hime rose from her seat in her office, exiting the door as she made her way towards Hanako's workplace. Knocking at the door, Hime had decided that the best way to catch up on lost time would be through...

Shopping in the Rukongai.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Ame no ko
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Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) Empty Re: Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako)

Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:57 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

", we can't….yes...yes, I did hear they're a man short."

Hanako stood in her office, looking out of the window and speaking via her implants to one of the lower seats. Absentmindedly she ran her fingers through her hair. Gods, she could use a hot bath about now.

"Yeah...there's no use in repeating yourself. It just won't, listen, once again: If I pull Shinigami from the main forces to strengthen the rear guard then they will be one or more men short. know that the Vanguard is out of the question. Laskt had some casualties on the last mission and they are still in recovery, he can't spare anyone. Listen, I know...I know. But we're short on all ends. I am looking for new recruits, but with the academy graduations this year still four months away there's little anyone can do. What?...if you can manage that, sure. But if I hear that you start to woo people away from other division I'll strip you of rank, clear? ...good."

A mental command closed the comm-line and Hanako sighed. What a brickhead. As if Shinigami grew on trees. Well, some of them did, but still, she couldn't snap her fingers and new recruits would magically appear. If someone of another division wished to transfer on their own accord, fine. Wooing people away that were needed and didn't really want to transfer...definitely not okay. Hanako just hoped nothing would happen in the next few months, until their shortage of personnel could be remedied.

She was just about to take a sip of tea when there was a knock on her door. What now?

“Come…” she said, somewhat distracted. When she saw who entered the room her expression brightened visibly.


It was an exclamation of surprise. She hadn’t seen her since...oh, since that one party, when Hanako grossly misinterpreted Hime’s intentions.

“What brings you here?”

With a gesture she offered one of the chairs in front of her desk and began to pour a fresh mug of tea for her guest. There were some things that had become a constant around Hanako: There was practically always a fresh pot of tea there, since she had developed a deep love for the hot beverage. Some members of the Division even claimed they could tell if the Lieutenant was in on that day, without opening her door, simply by the smell of fresh tea on the corridor.
Also Hanako didn’t bother with small cups. Pretty soon she became annoyed with how little liquid a normal cup could hold and swapped them all for nice, big mugs.
Today it was a black tea, a strong and refreshing citrus fragrance identifying it as an Earl Grey of some sort. Even a devoted jasmine tea lover like Hanako had to alternate every now and then.

“We haven’t seen each other for quite a while.”

Hanako felt a sting of guilt that she hadn’t even called or texted Hime. Sure, it had taken a lot of time to grow into her job and only recently she felt the workload either lighten or her coping with it better. Still, a few lines of text shouldn’t have been too much. Once again she felt like just slipping out of the door, taking the afternoon off and visiting the bathhouse, prying her thoughts away from work. On the other hand, Hime was maybe an unexpected, but a very welcomed guest and Hanako was curious about what had brought her here.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) Empty Re: Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako)

Tue Apr 13, 2021 9:23 am



Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

Hime displayed a graceful smile as she bowed before Hanako, sitting within the chair the tall woman offered. A solemn sense of joy fills her spirits - she takes note of how surprised Hanako is to see her again. She wrapped her fingers around the handle of the mug before taking a small sip of the warm liquid. As someone who worked within a restaurant in her spare time, there was much to be appreciated in the earl grey tea. The citrus fragrance was undoubtedly pleasant. She set the tea down as she smiled at Hanako, prepared to clarify her reasoning for coming here.

It had indeed been some time since the two had seen one another but that was to be expected when you had duties within the Soul Society. Hime's duties would always take precedence over rest and relaxation. In addition, there was the recent of events of being welcomed into the Kobayashi as one of its matriarchs, as well as joining Yoshitsune's division. However, with no duty to account for today, there was hardly any harm in enjoying time with someone she possessed an admiration for.

"Indeed, we have not seen one another in quite some time. I apologize for that. I had always wanted to meet up with you again on proper terms and speak with you but my duties have increased. Recently, I've been welcomed into the Kobayashi clan under your captain's request. In addition, I have been welcomed into his division as well. If my research proves sufficient, you are vice-captain now, yes~?"

She had yet to reveal why she came but curiosity led her to ask this particular question. She wanted to know what her peer had been up to since they went their separate ways at the new year's celebration she hosted.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) Empty Re: Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako)

Wed Apr 14, 2021 7:10 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

Hanako nodded into her own tea when Hime began to talk. Yes, she knew the feeling very well, about increased duties and decreased spare time. Everything had more than one side to it. It was the price of advancing in ranks.
With the words that followed, however, Hanako’s eyes went wide. What was that? Hime was a member of the Fighting Fourth now? Hana jumped to her feet and around the table, her face showing honest joy over those news.

“Really? You and I are in the same Division again?” Hanako smiled. “That’s good news.”

She stopped and a thoughtful expression took hold of her face when another information began seeping through.

“Wait a moment, the Kobayashi family? So...that’re nobility now? Oh, wow...congratulations. I have to address you in a special manner, now?” she asked, while in her mind she wondered if this meant another trench that had been dug out between her and someone she had considered a friend. It was something different with the Captain, because he was...well, the Captain. She had to address him in a certain manner anyway, at least when others were present. Him being nobility didn’t really make that much of a difference in a professional environment. But Hime...not only was she, presumably, her equal, but also someone she even knew socially. Was that out of the question, now?

“ means you’re kinda related to the Captain, now, doesn’t it?”

Hanako leaned against her desk and the thoughts in her head raced a bit as she tried to figure out what these new informations meant. So, it wasn't Hime Tatsumiya anymore, but Hime Kobayashi? Or did she change her first name, too? And what did it mean, that Captain Kobayashi requested Hime’s assimilation into the clan?
This was the second time that the Fourth had surprised her, caught her unprepared. But whatever else this meant, it meant that the two women were colleagues again.

Hanako relaxed a bit and drank a sip of tea. A small part of her wondered why she had come around the desk. For a second she wanted to hug Hime to congratulate her. But it didn’t really seem appropriate, did it?

“Oh, yes, Captain Kobayashi has asked me to join him as his Vice-Captain. I am greatly honored by that and work hard to prove my worth and help him. What seat do you hold? Will you also be a vice-captain? The Captain said he wanted to apply for a second spot.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) Empty Re: Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako)

Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:51 pm
<Center><center><div style="color: white;text-align:center;font-family: housegothic-lightfourregular; font-size:53px; background-color: #51789F; color: white; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #fefefe; padding:10px 0px 10px 0px; width: 490px; height: 40px; border-radius: 0.3em; box-shadow: black 0px 0px 5px; border: 3px solid white; line-height: 14px; opacity: 0.9;">
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Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

Hime was somewhat taken aback by Hanako's reaction, considering the news avalanche she left at Hanako's table. Her eyes blinked as she observed the woman standing up in joy at the revelation that they would once again be working together. A warm smile dominated her graceful features as she nodded her head.

There were a series of questions that followed as a thoughtful look crossed Hanako's beautiful features.

"I suppose you could say that me being welcomed into his clan signifies a bond or relation of some kind - whether he intends for that to be familial or business-related is beyond my knowledge. As far as how you address me, feel free to greet me as you did before. Even if I was born of noble blood, I wouldn't want you to refer to me in any other way than you do now."

Hime would return to consuming her tea as she gazed at Hanako, tapping at her chin with a thoughtful glint in her eye. What was her position in his division? It was food for thought because they had never officially spoke on the matter. She welcomed the idea of any position, truth be told.

"I cannot provide an answer for what Yoshitsune's plans are concerning my position in this division. We spoke about the Kobayashi but I do not recall a conversation where we solidified a position. That said, I am very proud of you for becoming a vice-captain. Yoshitsune will regret that decision. He truly picked a fine individual for the task."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) Empty Re: Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako)

Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:18 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Shopping with Grace(Hime/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

Hanako stayed silent for a few moments and both women sipped from their mugs. After the silence had filled the room almost in its entirety, Hanako spoke again. Her voice was still thoughtful and soft.

“I am happy about your transfer to the Fourth. The Lieutenant in me is thrilled to have someone so dedicated in the Division. The rest of me, however, feels like there’s a part of the First here with you. I felt at home there. I do here, too. Now at least. But I feel like I owe a lot to the First, and people like Magnolia...and you. Also...seeing you here and now I realise that I really regret that we haven’t seen each other for so long.”

There was another pause. Hanako looked into her mug. Empty already.

“I’m happy you’re here.” she said once again.

Hanako set down her mug. She suddenly had to think about the dress she had bought for the party. The flowery hung in her wardrobe and she hadn't worn it since. But she often looked at and touched it. She didn't know herself why she hadn't worn it since then. She liked it, it was comfortable and it was exciting wearing it. Strange, but good. The memory painted her cheeks with a faint blush, barely visible.

"Thank you." She said finally. "As I said, I am deeply honored. I see ot as a chance to make a change for the better. That's actually the reason Captain Kobayashi asked me to join him as his Lieutenant. Restore the Division to it's former glory. I believed in his vision. Still do."

The memories made her smile a little. Even ten minutes before the Captain had asked, she had never thought about rejoining the Fourth Division. Following a sudden impulse she said:

"Say...whas there anything special why you came to me? I had planned to go off duty now. Had about enough of this room for today. And if you have time...maybe you'd like to join me…"

Hanako broke off when she realised she was just about to suggest going to a bathhouse together. Maybe that really was a bit inappropriate, to casually suggest to get naked together. She decided to leave the sentence unfinished…

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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