Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:21 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

The Gotei is a confusing place to traverse. The horrifyingly similar walls and paths help little. Each turn feels like the last one he just made. Everybody looks the same. The only helpful locations are those that are drastically different from one another, and they’re usually sparse in between. However, with a bit of time and dedication, and a bit of asking around, he soon finds himself at where the Seventh Division is supposed to be. So, they really weren’t joking when they said the buildings are actually yurts. Guess reconstruction on actual barracks are going slow. How long ago was it since the demon invasion? The Rukongai construction is probably going to be finished before this place gets upgraded.

He came here with a purpose though. It was only a week since he last saw Miss Kuchiki personally. They did not leave each other on the best of terms, but today’s a new day. He’s not going to make a fool of himself twice, hopefully. He actually digs the whole black getup. It helps him blend in with everyone else, but it also means that he’s officially a member of the Gotei, for now. It is just an internship, but he’s going to be here and taking classes for the next three years. Luckily, he’s getting paid too. He doubts he could hold a job down while doing all of this stuff. Anyway, that’s besides the point. Where the Hell is he supposed to go to find Miss Kuchiki. He should look around. It’d be good to get a personal look at the layout of the land before getting into a conversation. He works better when left to his own thoughts.


God of Love
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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:26 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) MCXlQyO


Well, today was supposed to be the first one with Shiro around. Was Rukia excited about that? No, not really. It probably would have been better to give him another year or two in the Academy before he was out in the field, but oh well. A deal was a deal, and besides, her Captain had already gotten so excited about a new member and had all the paperwork handled. A real go-getter, that one.

...Hm. He should've been here by now, actually. Did he oversleep? Nah, there was no way. He wasn't that stupid, right? He might've gotten lost, though. With a small sigh, Rukia stood to go look for him. If she was lucky, he'd be right around the corner when she went to go look, but when had she ever been especially lucky?


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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:24 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Oh. Is this the Captain’s Yurk? It’s bigger than all the others around. He wonders how it looks inside. However, it’s not his destination, so he probably shouldn’t let his curiosity win. He’s been walking around for a while too. Miss Kuchiki’s probably wondering where he is. He’s doing that thing again where he gets lost in his own thoughts. No doubt she’s going to be a bit peeved with him. He should hurry and get over to her, but there’s a problem with that. Where is he supposed to go again? He sort of lost the layout of the place while walking around. Whelp. That just means he’s going to have to improvise. And, by improvise, he meant just asking someone.

It didn’t take long for him to find someone who knew where Rukia was last seen, so he’d make his way over to her. Unsurprisingly, he does spot her exiting from another of the Yurts. He was right too. She doesn’t look too happy, and it’s probably his fault.

“Aye, Miss Kuchiki.” He called out. “Uh… Looking for someone?” The ‘oops’ look on his face is pretty much all she needs to see to know that he knows he screwed up again.


God of Love
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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:45 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) MCXlQyO


"Not anymore, unfortunately."

The dry tone of Rukia's voice ultimately did well to hide the fact that she was, frankly, glad to see that he'd actually showed up. Less because she was necessarily happy to see him, and more because it would probably make her look like a complete idiot if she made the Captain get that excited, and do all that paperwork, for no real reason. Sighing to herself as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, Rukia looked once more to Shiro before gesturing for him to follow her.

"You haven't ever been down to Earth before, have you? It's a little more advanced than things up here, though if you've kept up with the Captain Commander's modernization efforts in the Rukongai then you'll have a decent idea of what things are like."


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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:57 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

She sounds happy to see him, or is exasperated a better way to describe her looks? Either way, what’s done is done. It’s only one mistake. He has the rest of the day to not waste her time. Now that’s thinking positive. However…

“Unfortunately? Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”

Of course, that was a rhetorical question, but he wouldn’t mind an answer if she gave one. Man. One day she’s going to be happy to see him. Well, he might be a whole different person that day. Ah, whatever. It sounds like they’re heading to Earth. He’s never been there, of course. Despite his time in the Academy, due to all the chaos, field trips weren’t allowed, so he has no idea what to expect. He does have his Ausachi and Bokutō at his side incase this is going to devolve into a little bout, but if she’s bringing up the Rukongai, then they’re probably not hunting Hollows.

“Earth? Sounds like fun, I guess. Miss Kuchiki and I out in the field, partners in crime or something like that, I don’t know.”


God of Love
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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:20 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) MCXlQyO


"Oh, nothing at all."

Rukia rolled her eyes at his description of their patrol. That wasn't exactly right, now was it? She wouldn't really bother correcting him on that one, if just because she didn't quite want to start a back and forth with him over something as ridiculous as whether or not they're partners in crime.

"Since this is your first time down there, we've got an easy patrol. Metropolitan, just a small part of Switzerland. Most of central Europe is fairly calm right now, no major conflicts or anything, so it'll be a good opportunity for you to get learning. Hope you brought your homework."


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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:35 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Ooh. Is that an eye roll? Maybe he should start taking this a bit more seriously. He did request to work with her out of everyone else. Out of everyone he could have been assigned to, picking a person that he at least knows just sounded the best. He did tell himself to not disappoint. Alright. Time to get cut out all the jokes unless the opportunity is just too good to pass up. It’s easy to tell he’s psyching himself up because his face changed a bit, that earlier lazy expression replaced by a bit more grit.

“Metropolitan? That’s a mouth full, but I’ll do my best, Teach… And, I guess I brought a book or two.”

Dammit. Well, at least he brought a bit of something to. It’s stashed in his outfit, and he was hoping he wasn’t going to be called out on his homework, but Miss Kuchiki is too smart not to. Well, at least that means he won’t have to do it when they get back. That’s a plus, at least.


God of Love
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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:50 am
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) MCXlQyO


Honestly, Rukia had started formulating a quip about his vocabulary, but she realized that one might have been a little too much of a low blow. She was fine with giving someone a hard time about things they should have known, but the idea of a major city was probably entirely foreign to someone like Shiro.

"Good to hear. On the bright side, city patrol means your first outing should be pretty easy. Camping out isn't an option, so odds are we'll just set up in some hotel or another. Of course, we didn't actually used to stay down there for long enough to need anything like that, but the Captain's methods get pretty good results, so I'm not going to complain."

It was still incredibly strange to Rukia that the 7th Division just stayed down on Earth for such long stretches of time. She was used to that getting you in more hot water than you'd ever want. But, that was just part of getting old, huh?


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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:52 am
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“A hotel? Never been in one of them before. Heard they’re more expensive than taverns.”

Scratching the back of his head, it’s pretty hard for him to imagine an assignment like this. This sounds really different from what he did back in the day. It sounds too casual, but Miss Kuchiki did say it’s an easy assignment. He wonders what kind of assignments she normally goes on. However, he’s not that curious. As time goes by, he’ll get to experience some hardcore stuff himself. Why ruin the surprise?

“I did read that people would be assigned for months at a time to a single area, but I guess this is fundamentally different from that. With all the changes in the world and all that, I guess a lot of things that worked in the past would be a bit weird today, but I guess I shouldn’t let my guard down. It’d be lame to end up dead or something.”

Lax as always, he just shrugs at the thought of screwing up and something killing him. Thinking too hard about messing up doesn’t help much anyway. He’s more focused on the positives, like making Miss Kuchiki proud or sleeping on a soft bed in a nice hotel. If he finishes his homework quick enough, he might even get out of the room for a bit of exploring of his own. As if he’d miss the chance to have a look around an Earth city without someone watching over his every move.


God of Love
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A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) Empty Re: A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia)

Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:21 pm
A One and a Two (Shiro/Rukia) MCXlQyO


"Depends on the hotel. Some of them are pretty cheap, but we'll be in one of the wealthier parts of Europe, so it should be fairly nice. You're lucky, these Europe assignments used to be a lot less relaxed a few years ago."

Rukia almost laughed at the simplicity of his assessment, but the fact that he was honestly right did make her stifle that down to a quiet chuckle. It would be pretty lame to just die, especially on an assignment like this. His lackadaisical attitude honestly might do him well in the field.

"Anyway, we shouldn't be down there more than two weeks, I don't think. It's not a super populated area, and a lot of the bigger threats are taken care of by now."


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