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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:11 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Header


"Alright but if they start the fight, you'll finish it. Right?"

Teasing him through another sip, it never occurred to her to consider how strong these drinks she had been getting were and it was most certainly the hard stuff. Eri wasn't scared to come in and swing hard on her first go though it did kind of weigh on her a little bit. Hard drinking wasn't something she was experienced in.

"Sure. Why not? Um.."

What next? Eri didn't know if there was any protocols with socialising over drinks with strangers. There were lots of those social cues in the noble world but public drinking was not something she learned a lot about. Just give him a cute smile and laugh, that's how she tackled the issue of trying to figure it out. Guys liked it when girls laughed at their jokes, even if no such joke had been made.


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:40 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Finish it? Finish it how? Shit. That almost triggered him, but he’s not letting it get to him. Nope. He’s not finishing anyone off. No one’s starting anything, and she better not try to start anything. Ugh. His drink is starting to grow stale. He’s probably just losing his appetite a bit or maybe some food is exactly what he needs. Her laugh just reminded him how fake women can be at times. He’d rather her just say she has nothing to talk about then try to boost up his ego or something.

“You hungry?”

He asked her, but he’s already ordering something for himself. She can jump in if she likes. Beef ramen’s his order. Some noodles and beef should go nicely with his sake. Whether she gets something or not, the orders were taken to the back where they prepared the food. You know, Shiro just realized Eri is the second rich gal he’s eating with. First was Miss Kuchiki, and that went not so great. Ugh. Is she going to expect him to pay? Ah, whatever. It won’t cost him too much.

“Anyway, trying to become a Shinigami, huh? Got a reason?”

Might as well strike up some small talk, too, while they’re waiting on their food. He doesn’t like the topic, particularly, but what else are they going to talk about besides school stuff. It’s not like his day-to-day life is anything spectacular.


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:07 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Header


"Not really."

Having already eaten, Eri definitely didn't want to eat too much. Imagine if she got fat? She put a lot of work into her appearance to try and look her best after all, it wasn't hard when she did have good genetics for the looks department but maintaining it all was hard. Either way, she thought it was a bit weird to go for some ramen. Not what she expected for someone to eat when they were out being social and drinking.

"Reason? Um, I guess I can help people as a shinigami. That's about it."

There was a lot she could say but she didn't like talking a lot about herself, at least not the stuff like that. Too deep, too personal. You know?


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:55 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Ramen is a poor man’s dish, and Shiro is poor. Luckily, he’s ordering for just one person too. Guess he won’t go broke tonight after all. Lucky him. He’ll never get women and turning down free meals so easily. What? Trying to protect some weird image? If you’re trying to become a Shinigami, pigging out one night isn’t going to ruin anything. They train enough as is.

“Helping people? Yeah. I guess that’s a good reason. A bit bland, but sometimes it doesn’t take that much to get someplace in life.”

He wishes he had more of a bland reason for doing all he’s doing. He wants to help people too, but he also has a lot of weight on his shoulders to keep on a straight and narrow path. Serving or jail. Yeah. He’d rather serve than be with criminals, even if he is one.

“What’s your favorite subject. I sort of like the Kido class.”

Well, he likes the teacher at least. Miss Rukia is pretty alright. It’s probably because they’re working with one another and all that. What is it called? Forming a bit of a bond or something outside the classroom? Guess that doesn’t really make her his favorite teacher. Just a friend or something.


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Sat May 01, 2021 6:25 am
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Header


Did he just call her response bland? It made her want to ask him what his reason was just so that she could pick it apart and return the gesture. Oh whatever. It didn't matter anyway, she didn't like to do unnecessary work. Eri was not the kind of person that did anymore than what was required of her or pick arguments that she didn't care to finish. It's like all those projects she started and dropped midway, it required patience that she didn't have.

Weird, she thought kido wasn't very fun. It was too hard and required so much thought than the others. It was far easier to just do the zanjutsu classes and pretend she was doing jinzen when she was actually just thinking about random things that weren't related.

"Why kido? What's your favourite spell? I like zanjutsu myself."

That zanjutsu didn't include the actual part where she had to practice with the sword itself. Eri was a pathological energy conservationist when she wasn't interested in the specific subject. Just what she needed to do. Nothing more or less. That was her motto.


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Sat May 01, 2021 7:07 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“I don’t have a particular spell. I just like the class’ atmosphere.”

It’s a pretty mediocre reasoning, but after connecting a bit with his teacher, the class just has a more relaxing vibe about it. Of course, he gets in trouble now and then, but he’s just unable to view Miss Kuchiki as critically as he views his other teachers. Bonding with your higher ups actually proves beneficial. Who knew? Now, Zanjutsu? He doesn’t hate the topic, but he wasn’t allowed an Ausachi when he first joined the Academy. It was to keep others safe because of his background, but that also meant he never took the class. Now that he has an Ausachi, he’s doing catch up. It’s annoying, but it is what it is.

“So, do you have a Zanpakuto or are you still in the process of connecting with it? I prefer the actual sword training over the spiritual connection part.”

His bowl of ramen was placed before him as he asked her, but he didn’t move to eat of it. He is in the middle of a conversation, and despite seeming disinterested, he’s not going to be that rude to her. She deserves some of his attention at least since she didn’t run off immediately at the first sign of trouble.


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Sat May 01, 2021 9:19 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Header


Her face contorted into confusion, what did that mean? It was so weird the way that he explained it. What was the atmosphere? What did he mean? Eri didn't get it. Maybe there was someone he liked in there, that made total sense. Eri kind of got like that when there was a crush in a class and that class became way more fun as a result of it. The class itself still sucked though.

"I have one. Still imprinting on it though."

Another sip went down while she thoughtfully looked at Shiro. The image of the small red light flickering in her hand came back to mind from the odd time she saw her spirit from jinzen. It kind of looked incomplete however, immature. It needed to grow like her or something.

"Are you any good at kido? If its your favourite class, you know?"


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Sun May 02, 2021 7:04 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“That’s a good question. I think I’m pretty alright. It’s not my preferred fighting style, so it’s whatever.”

It’s starting to sound like there’s a reason beyond Kido that has him choosing that class as his favorite. It definitely has to do with the atmosphere. He can see Miss Kuchiki teaching, and he can see himself betting against her about if he’ll pass a test or not. It’s a bit strange. Normally, he doesn’t care about putting in that much effort, but whenever he gets taunted, he feels a sudden drive to work over the top. His competitiveness from his younger days hasn’t left him completely.

“It’s a bit perplexing, huh? All this Shinigami stuff is something else.”


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Mon May 03, 2021 11:57 am
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Header


I don't like a particular spell. It's my favourite class. It's not my preferred fighting style. It's got a nice atmosphere. This guy was so confusing! It just made it so hard to wrap her head around, he didn't care about kido at all but he liked the class was all she was getting. Why? There must be some specific factor about this class that he liked, it wasn't even an easy class to bludge. Zanjutsu was the easiest, everyone knew that.

"I think it's pretty easy to be honest, I just don't do the work."

Leaning over the counter and giving him a wink while sticking out her tongue to be playful, maybe she was getting a bit tipsy to be doing these kind of over the top gestures to compliment her dialogue. Oh well. At least he was going up the hot guy scale.


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It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: It's No Fun When Alone [Eri, Shiro]

Mon May 03, 2021 12:42 pm
It's No Fun When Alone  [Eri, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Well, she’s drinking a bit much. She’s acting different from earlier, a bit more loose. He doesn’t care particularly, but he hopes she’s not the type who gets rowdy after a few drinks. Bwah. Just enjoy the conversation. No reason to start overthinking what’s happening to her. If she starts acting up, he can just slip away. Drunk people aren’t that aware of things when everything turns fuzzy.

“I didn’t say it’s hard. Just… a really different lifestyle from the streets.”

It’s still a bit of a wonder to remember where he came from. Everything’s so different now. Not only is living a calmer life, he’s working towards something life changing. His short time in the Gotei has already proven rather eye-opening. It’s like a chaotic order that somehow works because the basics are there. You just get to do with it as you please. He didn’t expect for it to be fun, but it is.

“...You know, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to apply a bit more effort. Someone told me I won’t get too far by just doing the bare minimum.”

Him telling someone to actually try? Well, guess he is being affected by something out there. His words just contrasted his earlier actions by a lot.


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