Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Left_bar_bleue0/0Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Thu Jun 03, 2021 8:57 pm
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Whatever they're after knows how to blend in with its surroundings. Its hard to really point out anything specific because of the crowd, so Elyss relied on Julian to lead the way. They ended up at a small hotel. It doesn't look much, but it was enough for whoever or whatever they're after. It seems unlikely a monster would stay in a hotel unless it knows how to disguise itself adequately. Elyss jas her doubts due tohow easily Julian is tracking its energy signature.

"I have no opinions eitherway."

She doesn't care if they make a mess or not. She's okay with either option and feels that whatever they do will end with the same results. Why? Because she'll make sure it does.


God of Love
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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:41 am
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 H0DcuiC


"I certainly don't have as much of a focus on it as I would like, but I can at least narrow it to the floor by now. Makoto, if you're able to provide an opportunity for entry, I will take Elyss and find more specific. If you are able to join us, do so, but do not compromise the operation simply for that. Meet us outside if that is the only alternative."

Julian continued to focus in, but he knew there was ultimately very little that he could do until they'd made entry. That was fine by him, however. Despite his own capabilities, he knew that this was not a solo operation. There was a reason that Abalia had chosen all three of them, rather than simply himself.

"Whenever you are ready, I will follow your lead. Keep a low profile if you are able to, but success is more important."


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Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:03 am
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Header-makoto-casual



Makoto took the words as them being ready, she took a few more looks at the building, the stairs at least didn't appear to be in the open. They were tucked away to the side which made it easy, all she had to do was keep their eyes peeled to the other end of the hotel and the guy should be easy enough to keep his attention peeled on her. Elyss might be a distraction though but it just meant she had to try a bit harder.

"Go whenever you feel your best opening presents itself. I'd prefer not to improvise so try not to get caught."

It lacked any signs of aggression or mockery towards them when she said it. She just didn't want to have to do something rash, you know, like knock him out with a clunk over the head because someone attracted too much attention. With that though, she was off.

"Hi! What does I do for ah room?"

Makoto purposely used the fact that English was not her native language, backed up by her accent to exaggerate the naive tourist energy. Her body creating a curtain between the man working the counter and the door, and the duo, to make sure that her sweet features were dominating the majority of his sights.

"Is dis right? Ahum. How mooch money? Ahaha, allright, thi, yes? Where from?"

Steadily they sank into a small talk, her stupid attempt to struggle to put on whatever accent this was supposed to be seemed to work but he didn't look very travelled and she was cute so it probably wasn't that hard to pull a veil over his eyes. All she needed to do was wait until the two were up there and then try and find what floor they had gone up to.


Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Gamma_Signature
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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:18 am
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

A simple plan. She has no objections. All she has to do is get up to the right floor with Julian. With a simple nod of her head, she had no comments for Makoto, nor does she have any particular thoughts about how they’re handling this. Her eyes are startlingly focused. Without much of a word, she waited for Makoto to do her thing, dragging the man up front into a conversation using bad English and a weird accent. Well, Elyss had thought Makoto’s accent a quirky part about the woman, but now? It’s a bit grating, but that’s the point.

Moving without much thought as soon as she saw an opportunity, Elyss would take Julian’s hand and, practically, yank the man along. It didn’t prove hard to get inside thanks to Makoto. The woman plays the lost tourist well, probably because Makoto is actually a lost tourist, in a way. Heh. Anyway, once inside, Elyss kept moving towards the stairs. Julian knows the right floor, so he knows how high they have to climb. Why the stairs? Well, it’d be annoying if they get stuck on the elevator with someone and that person starts asking questions. Besides, the stairs have a door to them which allows for them to discuss a bit as they went up.

“Which floor?” Not even sparring a man a glance as she spat out her question in a hushed tone of voice.


God of Love
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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:11 pm
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 H0DcuiC


Impressive. Julian had expected something a bit less subtle in its ability to distract, but he supposed that failing to respect her capabilities was his own problem. Making his way to the stairs with Elyss in tow, Julian focused in on the fourth story, his gaze now serious and lacking any efforts to blend into a crowd. Energy flowed relatively freely from his hands as he continued to focus on the kido, and as he stepped onto the floor they'd been seeking, his attention quickly snapped to the left.

"That way. Be ready to break down a door. If someone is in the room, we'll need to incapacitate them."

It took a bit more walking for him to discern the exact room they were seeking, but that quickly ceased to be an issue, his stride halting as they reached Room 409. This was it, certainly. Ending the kido, seeing as it was no longer necessary, Julian turned his attention to Elyss.

"I believe you are more physically capable than I. Please enter before me."


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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:20 pm
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Header-makoto-casual


"Bai bai!"

She gave a wave with a cheery grin before taking her room key and trying to ascend the stairs, the moment she was out of sight the veil of her deceit vanished and she scowled. Why'd she have to be the one to make herself look like an idiot? She could've done it anyway other way. After a couple of seconds though to regard the situation in her mind, she concluded that she had made the right option for the mission to avoid beating the hell out of him and creating a scene but also avoiding to use spiritual means.

Even if it did get tied back to her, no one saw she was conspiring with two others. It seemed fool proof.

"Whatever I guess. Now where did they go?"

She'd take a few extra minutes of looking through the second and third floors before finding them on the fourth floor, if they hadn't invaded the place already without her.


Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Gamma_Signature
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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:00 pm
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Whatever. Should she exit her disguise or not? She’s not entirely sure, so she makes sure she’s ready to jump out of it if necessary. There isn’t any reason to use too much force in a situation that may not require it. Besides, if this doesn’t go anywhere, blowing their cover would do no good. That didn’t stop her from raising her foot and kicking open the door effortlessly. She may not be at full power, but the bit she’s allowed is enough for something like this. Whatever is on the other side is in for a rude awakening because she’s jumping through the doorway and into whatever is waiting, trap or not.


Last edited by Siegharty on Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
God of Love
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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:21 pm
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 H0DcuiC


To Julian's pleasant surprise, it seemed there was no one on the other side of the door that Elyss had kicked open. Of course, he assumed that there would presumably be someone arriving relatively soon to investigate this, but he was willing to take responsibility for that particular eventuality. He had, after all, been the one to say it.

"This was certainly the room. It seems unlikely that our quarry was here for terribly long, but it was consistent enough to leave some degree of signature."

Focusing once more, Julian began incanting other kido, removing any particular signatures which did not align with what he had been seeking out. This was all rather complex, discerning the slow collapse of spiritual identity, and he supposed that he ought to be thankful for his own research into the soul. This may well have proven far more difficult, otherwise.

"I've narrowed things down to a small handful. Give me a moment and I'll copy them, and then we ought to be on our way."

Replication of spiritual signature was something that was, of course, not typically seen in much of a positive light, but it was something he had looked into quite early on in his time studying in the Gotei. Taking a record of every signature within the appropriate age as Abalia's, he then stood and made his way for the door.

"I doubt we'll be finding much else in the way of evidence after such a length of time. Let's be off."


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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:34 pm
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Header-makoto-casual


So much for waiting, she was on the floor below when she heard the small bang from the door being kicked in. Well that wasn't subtle but she hastily ascended the last floor and hoped that the guy she spent so much time to distract him and give them this opportunity.

"How did it go?"

She took a look around while Julian worked his magic, maybe there'd be some physical evidence although from her quick glance it seemed surprisingly sterile in terms of left over evidence.

"Alright. Did your assessment at least tell us anything of note?"


Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Gamma_Signature
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Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Empty Re: Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian]

Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:25 pm
Transform, and Roll Out [Makoto, Elyss, Julian] - Page 7 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Nothing? Well, that’s a bummer. With the way they’ve been talking, finding someone this soon would have been a godsend anyway. All the planning just for it to end by kicking down someone’s door? Nah. Of course, it wasn’t going to be that easy. What’s also going to be not easy? Explaining that loud noise that sounded like someone kicked a door open. That’s because someone did kick a door open. Guilty as charge. They should get out of here. Julian did something that she’s not even going to attempt to understand, and Makoto is poking her head in.

“Nothing’s here but dust. Let’s go out the window. The room has a window that goes right into the alley.”

Lucky them there’s a fire escape, yeah? She had scoped it out while Julian was busy doing some energy extraction or whatever. It’ll be hard to exit out the door and explain to everyone who’re getting curious what had happened. They can share information as they go. She’s already prying the window open and taking her step out, lowering the ladder and getting down to ground level.


Last edited by Siegharty on Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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