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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:46 pm
Tsurugi Toru

"..Ah, I didn't mean it that way.."

Tsurugi's wavering voice spoke out to the much smaller, female shinigami whom he had tried to speak to. However, his advances had appeared to be a lot more uncomfortable than he intended, already shrinking away from her as he bit his lip in guilt, the younger woman seeming closer to slapping him than up to have a conversation,

"...Sorry to bother."

He took off in the opposite direction of his comrade, rubbing the back of his head and sighing, closing his eyes. At this rate the whole division may be upset with his presence...

He had just offered to walk her home to open an opportunity to form a connection, but she took it a completely different way, possibly with the worst implications in mind. He felt a little ill anyone would feel that way towards him, but then again.. He was a beast.

Perhaps alone he'd stay, even here.

As he was walking off, he'd notice he was feeling.. A lot more depressed than normal. That was odd, usually he was just frustrated, not down all together... He'd look around, confused, before realizing it wasn't simply him having an off feeling - something was emanating this sensation nearby. Getting his bearings together, he'd walk to the source, deciding investigating whatever it was, was better than potentially freaking out someone else.

He swore, he felt this sensation before, ever so often when he was walking by someplace...

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:49 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Sitting in the lotus position, a pale-skinned woman let the shimmering reflection of the moonlight's gentle glow engulf her body. All around this half-blooded shinigami were glistening sparkles of silver, plum, aqua, and blackened specks of energy. Each of these shades of color represented an aspect of her power, so just by stepping close to this long-haired maiden would the male shinigami then feel as if he were lost in an entire continent of woe, dread, and vicious demonic energy that would seek to rip him apart.

Yet -- none of these violent forces would touch a hair on his body. As at the center of this storm did the woman whose own power sought to gain control remain in control. With the soft exhale of breath, a pair of sparkling oceanic eyes opened and the atmosphere altered back to normal. It was a small glance into what was occurring in her soul, but despite having such monstrous power, the woman before Tsurugi decided to tame her demonic blood, mold herself into an asset and work on the mental training required to keep a handle on her powers to prevent them from modifying how she acted.

Still -- everything was totally quiet before this shinigami came back to reality, recognized the male was there, and held a ginger gaze toward him before her tender voice spoke out.

"Ah, I'm sorry you got sucked into that. Not many people venture out here, so I was meditating to control my powers."

After speaking, the woman gave a gentle wave toward Tsurugi before speaking further.

"My name is Saiko Mori, what's yours?"

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] WVMWLOu
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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:06 pm
Tsurugi Toru

Tsurugi certainly didn't expect to walk in on a light show as he had rounded a corner and found the source of these depressive sensations. Despite the air itself giving him the sense to just lay down and sob, he was filled with a sense of interest and wonderment - he had never seen one of his peers so casually doing something such at this. Even with the nature of the energy it was rather... Beautiful, in a way.

His eyes would soon draw to the source of this swirling of power, a young woman he didn't recognize at all, in a state of deep meditation. A sense of awe quieted him, even as the woman came back down to reality, the two staring at each other in relative silence until she moved to break it, apologizing for sucking him in,

"...No need to apologize. I should be the one doing so - for interrupting you... Mori-san."

For such a tall, scarred man, his voice was deep, yet rather soft, a polite tone to him as his eyes graced the ground,

"...My name is Tsurugi Toru. Apologizes for interrupting you, I can leave..."

With a small apologetic bow, he was intent on going with the first say to do so.

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 11:50 am


Enter Saiko's Post

"It's Saiko. And I don't mind if you stay."

Despite being more direct in her wording, there was a gingerness in her voice due to the fact that she herself knew how awkward it may be to slip into someone's own training session like that; especially with a complete stranger to boot. Nevertheless, from her own social gripes from the past, the woman assumed she could build a bridge from that.

"You are new to the division so perhaps it is best if people from the same squad get to know each other."

The Old Saiko would have definitely pulled herself more inward, but if she were to move forward with the future, she had to push herself even if it did feel unfamiliar and unknown to connect with others. So, in light of that, the half-breed closed her eyes and basked at the moment before asking a question out loud to the male.

"I know this is all weird, but why did you join here to begin with? You look like you've seen a few things, so I can only imagine what your life has been like."

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] WVMWLOu
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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:26 pm
Tsurugi Toru

He seemed a little surprised to her allowance for him to stay, but he went with it, "..Okay, Saiko."

He pulled out of his bow, however didn't get any closer to the woman, rather admiring her from afar as she would then speak to him again, noticing the fact he was new, something he figured anyone with any eye for analysis could tell from him. Though the sentiment she spoke, of it being best that people from the same squad got to know each other, made him seem a bit wistful for a moment, before dismissing the feeling.

"Why did I join?"

He blinked, as if the question was unexpected. Honestly, he hadn't really had anyone come around to him enough to be curious of why he came here, so to hear someone actually take interest in his motivation to be here was...

"..I suppose, I wanted to get away from my old life. I did not feel fulfilled where I used to be, and someone... Gave me a choice."

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:39 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

From the mannerisms of his body, it was simple for her to tell that no one had truly engaged Tsurugi on this level before. This seemed important to the woman's heart because if others were part of a community, they needed to feel like they belonged to it as well. Saiko pondered if she was looking too heavily into things, but as her mind oozed over reflections of her time in Shadow Fall; she always felt so disposable there and she didn't want the same for her new start here. So, she'd try to act out those desires in whatever awkward manner she deemed fit.

"So that makes us a pair then."

There was a nod of the head given by the woman as she overhead his desires to escape an old life. Flashbacks of the hellscape of Earth during the 4th world war flowed in her mind. If Murasaki hadn't been the one who had arrived to give her that choice to escape that life of suffering, Saiko honestly wasn't sure where she'd be now. So to hear him say that made the woman connect that much more.

"Why did you want to get away from your old life? What was the choice that you were given and what do you feel will make you fulfilled in the Gotei that your old life couldn't?"

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] WVMWLOu
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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:57 pm
Tsurugi Toru

"..A pair?"

He blinked in interest as she took that as a thing to relate to, wondering where the woman's roots lied himself, especially with all of those scars on her body... She surely was much older than him, and had been in far more than street brawls or gang wars. Despite such curiosity, he held his tongue - it wasn't up to him for whether or not she wanted to share information like that.

Rather, he let her following question lead the conversation, letting out a soft 'hmm', looking to the side as he thought back to those few years ago as a teenager,

"My old life.. Was just going about as a street rat doing jobs, roughing up anyone I was pointed to.. Mother sometimes pulled me aside for training after..."

His voice trailed off for a moment, before picking up again, "... Mother had been slain during one of her trips, I believe. The only notification of this I got was in a letter from her. She was opposed to letting the Gotei have me, but she just told me to do whatever I felt like doing. I decided to come here... I suppose.. I was sick of what I had to be back there."

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:04 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Perhaps Saiko would elaborate more on her circumstance if he was curious, but for the moment her eyes were focused solely on the male as he began to speak of his old life. One which was filled with mundane upbringings until his mother passed away. It brought familiar pangs of hurt as she recalled her own family being slaughtered by her foes and being left with a difficult decision to make in the wake of it. So, she never averted her gaze and spoke clearly.

"I'm sorry to hear that. My own family was slaughtered in the wake of earth's 3rd world war."

After pausing for a moment, the woman let everything he spoke settle in. She kept thinking hard on it before deciding to keep moving forward with the conversation to begin peering deeper into the male since they seemed rather similar in some aspects.

"If what you are telling me is right, you were tired of feeling small and wanted to make something of yourself in the Gotei? Apologies if my read is off, but without that anchor of your mother there was nothing left attaching you there and you wanted to seek greener pastures."

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] WVMWLOu
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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 3:47 pm
Tsurugi Toru

His eyes widened in surprise with the woman's own story - World War 3... It was a nightmare for so many, but not him. He was so extraordinarily removed from an event that happened so long ago, even the fourth war wasn't a burden in his mind - he simply did not get around to being there. But he did see the people it did affect. He wished to express condolences as well, but it went across on silent lips, the only thing the woman being given was a sympathetic look.

However, when the woman was going in to further dissect his motives, his expression became unreadable as the old habit to not appear weak or soft came creeping back up. The word 'small' was what truly tipped him, his mind quickly trying to find a way to divert the conversation. The woman's words held some truth, and that truth was what unsettled the man,

"She was not my real mother. She told me to call her that, and I obliged. She was my conditional caretaker at most."

His tone had a lot more monotony than previous, the interested look in his eyes having vanished as he looked to the side,

"..World War Three... What was that like?"

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] Empty Re: An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:22 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Foster mothers still were considered family to Saiko provided they gave a warm love which was befitting someone of paternal semblance. So judging from his tone perhaps there was a lack of that affection in his life. However, it could be a shallow guess as well and the mistress of glum was seeing whatever she wanted out of the circumstance. Her mind was weary of that fact, but it didn't last for long when he brought up the notion of what World War Three was like for her.

Saiko had nothing to say for a few moments, but the woman gazed up the visage of the shimmering moon as blackened thoughts of fire, death, corruption, and heartache bled into her memories like an ugly stain of her mental mindscape. Losing her comfortable life, that child-like innocence, those happy days; it definitely hurt her heart.


That was the only word that came to mind as she tried to think back on her process of her soul transforming from life to death. All of those researchers, people toying with her body, and even demons themselves altering her soul's essence -- it was a lot to take in. Yet, even in spite of these foul memories, the woman's breath eased into a serene sigh as she tried to let those feelings go. That was one or two lifetimes ago, wasn't it? That pain had to stop at some point.

"I'm doubtful I can explain everything in detail to someone I just met, but I know I suffered in my human life and even into my new life as a half-blooded shinigami."

The woman's eyes opened as a slight shade of plum fire left her right eye. Even if there was a sense of melancholy to be found within herself, it was worth accepting it and not fighting against it. The mental aspect of not running away from her own hurt was key to taming these powers. To sit with it and allow it to coexist as she moves forward was everything.

"The world I was born into was a dead one. By then the hype of the war had died down, but there were still many unsteady regions. My parents tried their best to give me a happy childhood, and it did for a time, but I excelled too quickly in my strength."

Visuals of her parents, friends, child self, The Demon Queen, and an essence known as Haniel Asthavon all bled into her mind. These people, these experiences, these places; they all made her what she was today for better or worse. So how could their essence not bleed in the woman's mind?

"Bad humans took notice of this, abducted me to create some hybrid weapon of destruction infused with demon blood and my parents killed them. By then, the damage was done. I was hardened, corrupted, and changed. I was unstable for a few years, but my body adjusted, I got cocky, went on and we all got killed..."

A buzzing noise entered her head as the woman gently tapped her hair to lower it as the process of moving from living to dead -- wasn't fun. The terror, uncertainty, pain, and trying to hold to her essence as a human as both the death gods and demonic blood dared to rip the youth in two. The woman honestly wanted to cruel up into a ball, so she would move things further along but she did not deter from her path.

"...but I still retained my memories even as my family forgot theirs. I took care of them, I became a tool for the Soul Society and then I betrayed everyone because Shadow Fall took it all away. They killed them when I tried so hard to protect them..."

For a slight moment, the woman choked up as she tried to recall everything at once. Her throat felt as if iron was being poured into it as it tightened. Swallowing this feeling was worse than being pierced straight in the heart. Yet, it didn't consume her. It was a lot to process, so she stayed quiet for a few seconds before moving on.

"...and it's because I had that Demon Queen's blood that she spared me and gave me a choice of dying or betraying my kind to save my family. I chose my family...and became a murderer and betrayer because she promised them eternal life."

Then, she stopped. Realized how much she said, and looked away from the male.

"I'm sorry, I may have spoken too much. I'm just in Squad Seven myself because Murasaki saved me from that hell, at least. If nothing else, the circumstances around me being a former agent of Shadow Fall was out of my control, but there is so much blood on my hands I just want to do what I can to repent...."

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An Ill-Fitted Puzzle [Tsurugi/Saiko] WVMWLOu
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