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Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:17 pm
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Santa paused for a moment at that, then staring up into the sky. "It's..... a rock? Tht's a pretty big rock. All the same..... even if it's not alive. Looking up at it makes me feel lonely. So I assumed thats what it felt I suppose." She murmured thoughfully, rubbing her neck a little as she tried to parse this new information. So distracted was she that when Tier reached down and gently grabbed that wrist, she JOLTED! Startled when the woman touched the growth, and the hand twitched in surprise!

She paused, glancing at Tier in response to the grip and pausing for a moment to stare. What was she doing? She wiggled the fingers, and then it lightly reciprocated the grip on the woman's wrist, but the limb didn't grow much further, only sliding up out of the sand to grow up to the bicep before it stopped once again. "Ah uhm.... did you want something?" She asked, the skin only now growing in on the new section, clearly surprised by the woman's actions. The notion that her garden was something of interest not even registering with how acclimated to it she was.
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Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:21 pm
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“Placing emotions on inanimate objects? Of course, you feel lonely when you ask the moon how it feels, and it does not respond.”

There was no further point to her words. They just existed without Tier knowing, herself, why. Maybe it’s the same as muttering to oneself. What’s the correct term? Rhetorical? The tanned woman’s attention is fully on the hand that had grown itself an arm. Watching the process of skin forming intrigued her. Is this the other Arrancar’s power? Is this the garden? A garden of limbs?

“You have an interesting ability, if this is it. Do you feel this? How many limbs can you grow? Have you ever grew yourself fully? Are they useful in combat?”

The Ex-Espada exploded with question, refraining herself after a few to not overload her, already discombobulated, companion. Her thoughts are already frenzied with the applications of such a unique ability in day to day life or in combat.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:38 pm
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Santa was tensed up, ALSO finding it fairly hard to concentrate on all the moon talk when the other arrancar was still presumably fiddling around with her garden, her shoulders tensing up just a little as the limb continued growing and she huffed. She focused and the growth suddenly sped up, surging up and out of the ground. Blonde hair forming before a skull with muscle already sewing itself across the surface emerged from the ground, Santa closing her eyes as slowly, a body was grown from the ground, ligaments slithering into place alongside muscles, the organs and eyes filling in before finally fkin crawled along it's form. Of course she couldn't make clothing, not in her unreleased form, but there it was. A naked, bloody, but undeniable replica of Santa herself.

"Of course I can feel it. You're touching me. Well, technically my garden, but it's.... me. It's a little hard to explain. Like.....sweating a bit? The voices inside. They leave and seed the ground, and then grow. And then later theyre taken back in. So its ...ME." She attempted to explain. Difficult given that she herself still didn't fully understand ALL of the intricacies. She was only able to explain this well because she had had the damn thing for several thousand years.

She paused, rubbing her temple slightly at the deluge of questions, but not seeming too bothered. Her Garden smiled, promptly hugging the limb that Tier was using to inspect it, Santa so distracted by the questions that she wasn't aware that her subconscious was starting to spill out. "As for how many? Uhhhh, I have never really counted. If I'm not focusing on it NOT happening, they just sortof..... fill in whatever space is available. It's more limited by range than number. And uhhh, well yea. They're my primary means of fighting actually. In case you haven't noticed I'm no gangsta, so I generally rely on this, or my resureccion."" She murmured lightly, a faint pink about her face. Nobody had actually been all that interested in her ability before. The general response was screams or alarm. While she herself repressed this, her Garden was already fluttering it's eyelashes and posing, giving a few flexes with it's free arm here and there, clearly pleased with the interest.
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Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:35 am
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Absurd. That’s the only way Tier felt in this situation. Normally, she is neutral about these sorts of things, aiming to look at it from a logical viewpoint rather than emotional. This ability, despite its simplicity, seemed largely intrinsic and detailed. Creating copies of oneself is not entirely impressive, but the details that grew before her eyes into a whole new Arrancar is not something done lightly. Santa says this isn’t controllable unless she thinks about it. Well then. How does it function? Is it based on stimuli? Emotional? Physical? There is obviously a required condition if it occurs without Santa’s prior consent. What makes it uncontrollable at time?

Tier did not care for the naked woman before her, finding it only odd that it insisted on hugging her arm and showcasing itself off. No. Tier is interested in its combat capabilities. Is this clone just as strong as the original? Do all things she creates function perfectly as would a normal limb? Questions and more questions. None of them are answerable without voicing her concerns. However, she is content on simply examining. The fact she shares receptors with her creations is fascinating as well. She can feel, see, hear, possibly taste and speak through everything she creates?

“An interesting power. With training, an army of powerful beings all at your command would be frightening. Why have you delayed in perfecting this ability?”

Ignoring the clone, Tier’s eyes moved to Santa. They held no resent or curiosity. As stoic as always, Tier is just sating her mind’s desires by questioning the flustered Arrancar.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:02 am
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Santa paused when she noticed the sheer curiosity in the ex-espada’s peering scrutiny. The garden was more than pleased with the situation, smiling from ear to ear as the woman scanned her.

”Perfect? I mean it’s a long process. It took me a few thousand years to even figure out ehat I know about it now and I still don’t understand it entirely. And.... er... well also I... perhaps am not very good at figuring these things out......” That last bit trailed. Sortof glazing over the fact. Not that the rest of what she said wouldn’t tell tier exactly what she needed to know: even basic hollows with bare instincts usually understood their powers to a deep degree. A woman who had spent THIS long and still knew next to nothing?

She was fucking dumb. There were very few other explanations. ”B-but why do I even need to!? I have even more control when I release! Besides its not like I ever even need to usually go full strength anyway!” She insisted as the area around them turned a deep crimson. Dozens of more limbs reached out of the sand and began pulling themselves out of the ground rapidly as they formed. It would be at this point that Tier would likely notice the difference. Distinction. It was slight, but the scent of the soul was DIFFERENT between the individuals in the garden. Even if they looked identical once fully formed, the smell was more like that of a crowd. As if dozens of individual souls of Santa’s calibur were filling the area. A scent that would cause distant pings off the woman’s pesquisa as deep below, the gillian in the forest reacted, slow as they were.
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Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:35 pm
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

[color:b306=#CCCC00“Density is a rather hard limitation to overcome, at times.”

She did not mean to call Santa an idiot, but if that is what the other Arrancar believes, then Tier has little room to dispute the words of another she barely knows. However, density is not an accurate word for this situation. Tier doesn’t care. It was a bit quirky, even if a bit demeaning. What does Santa think of her doppelgänger acting in such a bizarre fashion while she is exaggerated? Tier finds it amusing only for that fact that is shows the personality of Santa’s ability. It reminds her of Starrk. Even the multitudes of hands limbs sprouting about did little more than make her wonder.

“It is not a matter of whether you want to or not, sadly. It is a matter of life and death in Hueco Mundo, unless you plan on escaping these ever spanning sands. Requiring your full strength is the issue.”

She can feel the distinct nature of each limb, but that’s unimportant. Tier found nothing important besides this conversation. What is there for her to feel interested in but this? The movement of weaker Hollow is but a natural inconvenience, especially those that are beneath her, literally.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:52 pm
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Santa paused for just a moment, her brows raising as she took a moment to register what Tier was saying. She .....fell silent, even as her Garden shamelessly peered up and moved around Tier, trying to get a better look at what was under that large collar of hers. Santa did think it over. Tier ....did have a point. Even if she didn't NEED to grow stronger, why didn't she? After all, one of the biggest limiting factors to visiting the world of the living was having to fight off hollows. But if she were stronger, wouldn't that issue resolve itself?

"I.....I see." She paused, looking back up to the woman with .... an uncertain stare. Why ..... was this woman still speaking with her? She was beneath her, in so many ways. And here she was, taking the time to try and learn about her, talking to her about her powers, about what she wanted out of her abilities. Not only that but... she had to admit. The woman was.....stimulating. She was used to fear and disgust. Recently she had discovered some individuals pitied her situation and wanted to help her control her ability.

But only Tier had been intrigued with it. Asked about it out of curiosity, rather than like it was some disease they were trying to diagnose. She even said that the ability had tremendous potential. Rather than try to cure Santa of it, the woman was thinking about how she could improve it. "And..... how should ...." She hesitated. Briefly unsure about just.....asking the woman for all of the answers. She felt like a lot of that responsibility fell on her own shoulders. She to the shorter woman and gently lowered herself, bowing her head slightly. "I understand what you mean. And I DO want to grow stronger. I've already been up in your grill, but if there is anything I can do to ask your help in becoming stronger. Whatever I need do, whatever trials I must face. Please be my Usher." She asked firmly, despite her slightly deranged manner of speaking, it was clear she meant what she said.
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:09 am
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Eh? How annoying. Tier may be given the other more attention than one normally expects, but that doesn’t mean her limbs get to mess with her clothing willy-nilly. Swatting at each limb, she wonders if they move mainly using their own consciousness or if Santa influences them, and, if the latter, does the woman wish to peek under her clothing that badly? However, it is but a minute annoyance, muddied by the respect Tier felt towards the other. Not only did Santa understand that complacency would do her no good, she dared hang her head and ask for Tier to hold out a hand of comradery.

“You ask me to assist you, but I am afraid I would not be able to help you mature this power. However, I can help you mature. Only you can develop such a unique power, but, maybe through training your body, it will make your burden somewhat lighter.”

She would reach up, finding the limbs annoying once more. If they are so curious, she shall relieve them of their burning desires. Grabbing her zipper, she would pull it down, revealing underneath, not lips and the perfect visage of a mature woman. Instead, she reveals the skeletal horror of what remind of her Hollow mask, the bony structure covering her jaw and cheeks in a gruesome smirk of long sharp teeth. Santa and her share somewhat grotesque attributes, but that’s enough of that. Zipping her collar, she turned and began to walk.

“You remind me of someone… Or someones… Come. I will help you grow stronger, but you will help me on my search.”

It has been a while since she’s allowed herself a companion, but as she left behind Santa’s garden, and the woman, herself, if she did not follow, she found herself reliving her past life. Has it been that long? She does not enjoy the fact that she has moved on, somewhat, since then, but Santa had piqued her interest enough to bring back a carnal desire in the shark Arrancar. Ah, yes. It has been a while since Tier has felt like sacrificing anything…

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:28 am
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The garden seemed to react, pausing as Tier pulled at it, the swell of limbs promptly shifting as one of them promptly held the hand that was shooing them. Though when Tier actually peeled the zipper down, immediately the garden seemed to shift! The faces that had formed all now properly blushing and leaning up to inspect the grisly mask! Only seeming all the more fascinated.

Meanwhile Santa paused, her brows raising as she felt a brief pang of anxiousness as the woman started to speak, pointing out how much Santa was asking for. There was a brief pang as she was seemingly rejected, and then Tier specified that she could only help build her up, unable to help with her power. Was......was that a ...yes?! She perked up, immediately surprised but smiling as excitement coursed through her! She caught sight of those sharp teeth and briefly joined her garden in that slight pink shade before it was zipped back up, ignoring the pounding in her chest as she scurried after the woman. "O-of course ma'am!" She chimed, smiling from ear to ear as she hurriedly followed after the woman, excitement practically boiling out of her as she did.

In just a few skips, she was walking alongside the woman, a smile still on her face as she grinned from ear to ear, clear and present joy practically radiating from her as they left her garden behind. "Thank you so much! I promise you won't regret this! Santa ain't NEVER been raised ta let down a milf!" She promptly chirped, dipping into slang again before she settled herself down again.
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:14 pm
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Having her face admired is troubling. She does not mind, but admiration of any kind has always made her feel awkward. Only her Fraccion praised her in obnoxious ways that she didn’t mind, but, even then, they knew not to go overboard. After so long without them around, Santa’s apparent fixation with the remnants of her mask proved compromising. At least it is a positive reaction and not one that most non-hollow beings tend to have when viewing her full visage. Tier knows she is in for an interesting time.

“I better not regret this, Santa, and, please… Cut down on your strange speaking habits.”

Milf? Tier feels that is far from an acceptable term to use with her. Still, she has accepted the other Arrancar despite her quirks. Now, they are stuck together for the moment, roaming through these sands and beyond. Tier will see if she can mend this old idiot into something commendable.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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