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Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:22 pm
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She was still alive. All the same she cleared her throat and gave a light nod in response to her advice. "Claro que si, thank you for your advice." She managed to stooge her way through an apology as internally she screamed at herself for such a piss poor first impression for.......uh..... She didn't actually remember what the tall guy called her. Well hopefully the woman seemed kinda.... unwilling to suffer her annoyance further. Hopefully her name wouldn't come up.

But all the same, she DID start.....inching her way off to the side. Putting some more distance between herself and Calatra. And know.... lowering her chances of getting caught in a cero aimed in his direction. She was very good at regenerating, but she wasn't gonna go rolling those dice around a woman this strong. She also promptly gave up on trying to mentor the man's apparent lack of ....... well she wouldn't even call it social skills. More like..... situational awareness? She wasn't an expert on that shit.

All the same her eyes darted back and forth between the two, especially as the woman seemed to grow more and more irritated. Just gonna .... add another few feet between her and tall boi. After a moment she shifted from foot to foot, and kinda fell back a bit, hands growing up from the sand and supporting her bottom forming a makeshift seat as she watched the two, cutting off the sensory input from them so that she didn't have to feel her own butt the whole time she was using the seat.

Truth be told, her reasoning for approaching the woman had already been addressed. Well... sortof. She had actually been curious what all that ruckus had been about. But she would wait until ...... this.... was sorted out before she piped up about it. Perhaps killing this guy would leave her in a better mood.

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Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:26 pm

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Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

The information checked out, he was cynical about everything he heard. Multiple sources were needed, she confirmed the rumors. But this left a problem that had him careful. His eyes hardened as he tried to think about wording this properly. She'd seen through his conversation-starter, his rest had missed some events. He brought a dark hand up to his jaw. Thinking for a moment as he listened, it was about time he brought it up. He closed both eyes bringing his hands up in the air. Both of them, as though admitting to something.

"I'll be frank with you, the main purpose of my knowledge and visit to you was to confirm some information, rumors aren't things I trust. " He said calmly, conveying this as best he could through his stoic nature. But he had more to say as of this moment, so he would do just that.

"I saw Las Vegas, the idea had merit in my mind. But something bothered me about it. It didn't address this place, or form a connection here with any of those who pretended to be Gods and Kings." He narrowed his gaze, he'd give her the full reason. Even though the idea itself was in the virgin stages and wouldn't be something he could execute.

"I believe a place similar to Las Vegas must be constructed here, providing pseudo souls. For them to eat instead of normal human or hollow ones, that is the reason I've come to you. I will not ask you to partake in something from a stranger, but I will lay my goal bare at your feet. "`

She was the dominant force in Hueco Mundo, this visit was to tell her his plan. While he had no way of executing it yet. He was working towards the goal, visiting places and gaining knowledge. Slowly constructing something, a way to co-exist among those outside. While their goals and endeavors wouldn't always line up. The very least they could try to accomplish was a City. He had no desire for power, not as a King nor an Emperor. He merely wanted to help people, human beings were like that.

He hadn't lost that piece that made him who he was once upon a time.

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Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:03 pm
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

What? Las Vegas was a fool’s dream, the constructions of one Hollow’s unhinged desires to be something beyond what he is: a Hollow. Tier despises their way of life, but creating fake souls just to appease their race’s predatory and cannibalistic desires bordered to insanity. It is playing God, and as history shows, living creatures are known to take things too far. She trusts Yaksha as much as she trusts Nagoto. She did not shed even a thought when they both went missing, her mind still aggravated by the reappearance of the former. However, she did not take up an aggressive stance. In fact, she replaced her Zanpakuto back into its sheathe as her eyes closed.

“I have no interest in building anything like Las Vegas. If you wish to, I will not stand in your way, but I have only promised to protect these sands from destruction. What happens to its denizens are not of my concern.”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:20 pm
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She was, quite frankly, surprised that he didn't get cero'd. All the more, she sounded ....TIRED when she finally replied. She had no idea what these places were, but she had an idea of perhaps what went into them. She could already tell it was like some sort of haven. A sanctuary. Or ....something? Feeding artificial souls already seemed like a bad idea. "Not to uh.... rain on your parade. But not all hollows even get anything out of eating after a certain point. And .....I mean, I only got my own experience to go on. But I never got like.....full. There was never a time I was like... 'oh I'll not eat for a while'. I dunno what it was like for you. But you might wanna like..... observe normal hollows a little before you go like .... accidentally making a Rapture City." She reasoned lightly. She liked hanging around game shops.

She managed to suppress a smile when Tier talked about protecting the sands when it practically looked like she was taking her anger out on them before. All the same, she had, throughout the conversation, slowly positioned herself to be standing, with a respectable distance of course, beside Tier facing Calatravos, as if to subconsciously establish herself to be on Tier's side and that they were both scrutinizing the man. Leaning to the side, a good meter and a half from the woman, she talked out the side of her mouth.

"Maybe we should give the guy some space. Clearly I think he's got some things to sort through, boss." She confided in the ex espada, arms folded sentencingly across her chest as she gave the man a judging look.

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Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:06 pm

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Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

So both of them were right, was Las Vegas something that deserved to be destroyed? She called it an abomination, something that shouldn't be. From the information he gathered, a city wasn't desired, and even if he could build one. Who would occupy it, if the leader of the lands didn't care. So that would require a reexamination of the details. The finer details required a closer examination, sometimes meditating at the details. He brought his hand towards his chin, the situation was frankly strange. Had he not read the room correctly, he was bad at that after all.

He offered a nod to them both, curt as he turned walking away. Walking away as a Cero came through the desert, he raised a hand still lost in thought. The red orb began to get sucked inside of his body. It had flown in from some hollows likely bickering. A missed shot, it was a small snack. Slowly his body glowed as it went down into his stomach. Eaten by the male as he considered what to do next. The situation would require a drastic overhaul of his entire perspective.

Should he care what Tier Harribel thinks? It required some consideration, as she did hold strength here in Hueco Mundo. If anything her power was overwhelming in a way. She had the resources and reputation, but it wouldn't do. Poking a bear and making the fake souls. He'd eaten some energy now having absorbed the runaway Cero. But many questions and thoughts clouded his mind. The female he'd run into prior was right. He needed to rethink and consider his situations again.

Plans would need to be otherwise redeveloped for anything. His frame stopped a moment, twenty yards from them. Bending down he scooped some sand into his palm. Running his fingers across the coarse sand. His fingers felt that density again as he let it slide through. Finally vanishing from their vision as he'd leave the two ladies to their discourse.

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Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:01 pm
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Boss? Her Zanpakuto is raised again, this time, dangerously close to Santa’s throat, between her chin and collarbone. Turning her head, Tier gave a warning look before lowering her blade back down. In only a few moments, Santa could have become nothing more than a mere memory. However, Tier is not the type to mindless slaughter just because a simple phrase or word irked her. Anger is one thing. Enacting on that anger is a whole different substance. She is unsure what to make of the other Arrancar, but, hopefully, he does not become another Nagato. When will they learn that these sands are impossible to unite? Even with fear tactics or promises of fortune, the creatures that lurk in this world care little but for their own future. Nothing created will last for long in this day and age.

“I only accept for three to call me by such terms.”

By three, she means her Fraccion. Her eyes closed for a second as their visage appeared behind closed lids, but it is inhospitable to let her thoughts leave the current conversation. It is not like there is anything specific going on between the two women. If anything, Tier has no reason to continue conversing, but she will leave the space open for the other woman to respond and, possibly, continue running her strange mouth. Turning her head away, her eyes would focus on the horizon, wondering what exactly is going on from places she cannot see.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:15 pm
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AGAIN WITH THE SWORD?! She tensed up and held very still, but with that lowering of the blade she let out a shudder as she almost slumped to the ground in relief. "Rightgotitpromiseitwon'thappenagain!" She blurted out, taking a moment to check her throat for any nicks, of course if there were any they would have been closed up by now, but still, it was an instinct that was hard to ignore.

She paused, glancing toward the ex espada as they seemed to suddenly grow .....wistful. She'd mentioned that only three were allowed to call her that, and now she was looking off into the distance. HAd she reminded her of those three? She followed the espada's gaze toward the horizon. Though she was a little...perplexed. "So.... where are they now? The three you mentioned." She asked curiously. Honestly she couldnt imagine being on this woman's side and not sticking to her like glue when around hueco mundo or anywhere similarly dangerous. "And what were you doin earlier? Blowin up the sand and everything?" She added, now remembering the primary reason she'd gone to investigate them in the first place.

No point in leaving the conversation empty handed what with the woman looking like she wanted to leave. Which..... well. She looked off to the horizon and felt a slow sink down her spine. "But. .... you don't really gotta answer if you don't want. And you don't have to stick around either. You don't really seem like you enjoy bein.... like....bothered." She admitted to herself, taking a moment to reanalyze the entire situation. She'd demanded to know why she'd even approached her. Maybe this woman ....LIKED solitude? She took a step back and lightly sat on the nearest dune, looking out to the horizon and suppressing a sigh, glancing up at the moon as her power managed to leak it's way out. And a hand slowly grew out of the ground, to gently hold her own.
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Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:49 pm
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“I have no problems with being bothered. I simply want nothing to do with the hypothetical paradise that others wish for Hueco Mundo to be. Someone as squeamish as you should understand being cautionary.”

Company usually leads to altercations. Avoiding such is just how she desires to go about her days. Santa isn’t annoying. She is just perplexing. It does remind Tier of the past a bit. It makes her long for the constant back and forth between her Faccion. However, ruminating on such things will only make her mood drop. Turning her attention back to Santa, she smiled sadly. Well, it’s not like anyone could tell. The collar around her face doesn’t hide her mouth, per se.

“I have friends that I have not seen in a long time, if they even live. I spend my days looking around for them while training.”

Mentioning training should be enough for Santa to understand everything earlier. It is far from a serious regime, but practicing against sand bodes little growth. There are few that are available for Tier to grow from, so her training is only to keep her wits sharp.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:01 pm
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Her brows raised just a little as she looked toward the woman as they gave their explanation as to what was irking them. Sooooo it was residual irritation from that guy? She glanced in the direction the man had vanished and she felt curiosity welling up inside of her but..... she pushed it back down. The woman clearly didn't want to talk about the past, so she'd have to restrain herself from asking. "Y-yea I can understand that." She murmured.

The explanation that came after caused Santa to nod slowly at that, rubbing her chin thoughtfully as she looked around. "I see.... I guess that makes sense. Hueco mundo has always been a lonely place. Hard to make friends, and harder to keep track of them. Not even the moon has a partner in the sky.." She noted softly, glancing up to that pale celestial body. She then turned her attention back to the ex espada and nodded. "Against the sand? I guess it makes sense haviung to make do. I never really had to what with my garden and all." She chuckled sheepishly, gently gripping the hand a bit more firmly from where it was grown out of the ground, a tactile stimulus to try and keep herself calm around the .....jumpy woman.
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Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:59 pm
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Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“The moon isn’t alive, though. It does not feel loneliness, joy, or whatever emotion you desire to convey. It is but a rock in the sky, probably.”

What is their moon? It would be easy to call it nothing more than a rock, but what if there’s more to the lone object in the sky that never moves. She doesn’t care to find out, or attempt to. What is more interesting to her is the hand that finds itself sprouting from the sands. A garden? Is this what Santa means by such? An interesting ability. Finding herself keen on understanding it a bit more, she knelt and moved to grab the wrist of this growing hand.

“Do you not train? It is important to do so. The next day could be your last without proper training.”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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