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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:31 pm
Land Shark (Open Thread) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“Ola Azul.”

With one rapid slash, energy gathered within the hollowed aspect of her Zanpakuto exploded outward into the barren sands beneath her. Landing immediately afterward, raining sand cascading down her form. However, the woman hardly cared. Again, energy gathered within the emptiness of her sword, yellow Reiryoku sparking to life and coating the blade with its vile signature. Without even announcing herself this time, she released a volley of bala-like attacks into the falling sand, spreading it further around the area. Then, following up on the attack, utilizing Sonido, she charged forward, her sword going through the particles of sand, targeting specific clouds. Bouncing around the area, each swing caused the clumps of sand to explode before the woman found herself standing back on top of the sandy world, surrounded by an environment that barely seemed disturbed.

Tier Harribel is a woman who trains herself on a regular basis. It does her no good for her skills to diminish for no other reason but laziness. Fortunately, she is rarely disturbed whilst conditioning her own body. The Arrancar is rarely disturbed, actually. Her cold demeanor and straightforward personality proves too much for many to approach. Releasing large quantities of her energy also wards off others, clearing the area based around the fear of founding oneself accidentally deleted. It is lonely, but she is not a character that looks for company, even if she adored the loudness of her Fraccion. Only Nelliel and her partner proved capable of easing her mind of all her worries.

Replacing her Zanpakuto back in its sheath, she sat down, her legs crossed. With her hands coming together, her knuckles pressed against one another as she meditated, her Perquisa shot outwards searching once more for any signature that is familiar. Thinking about her family has tempted her to try and search for them again. What will she find this time, anyone of interest, a lost soul, possibly a new enemy? Who dared to traverse her current domain.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:00 pm
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The power she felt clashing and roiling whenever she wandered was always a distant echoing thing. The far-off course and crackle of combat was something regular but unless she was directly involved it wasn't something she was used to being so close by. It was for this very reason that the sudden crashing boom of energy nearby that she reacted to the stimulus. Her walk through the sands halted as her attention shifted in the direction, and off in that distance she could see the plumes of sand. Without even thinking the sands turned red around her in splotches. Few and far between, but in that massive radius, the space between her and that woman was slowly populated with a trach of eyes. Bare, unblinking things that grew from the dunes and peered about before she stopped herself and those lumps of flesh swiveled and shut. But it was hard for her to restrain herself still, and more still grew, even some heads slowly crept up from the sands before eyes peeked open and watched whatever being was letting loose.

Just as suddenly as she'd sensed it, it suddenly stopped as well, and that nagging curiosity bubbled up in her gut for just a moment before she bit it down, her will smothering the curiosity. But not enough that she didn't start walking toward that source. Better to sate her curiosity than ignore it. She wasn't giving in, she was just going to get a bit ....closer. But not too close. A calm and careful distance to see....whatever it was that had been making such a racket. All the while straddling that line between intrigue and apathy, to keep that power of hers in check.

WHY the sudden output? She didn't sense any other hollows around that direction. Surely if a creature of that strength were fighting, their enemy would be strong enough to sense from this distance as well? What else could they possibly be doing?

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Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:53 am

Land Shark (Open Thread) 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

His footsteps made their way across the desert, his consideration continuing. Before stopping for a moment, his gaze faltering now. His dark hair shifting as his frame turned. Sensing someone strong in that direction. They outclassed him in power, that was plain from the moment he sensed them. Turning his figure in that direction, he needed to discern if they were a threat. Could it be the one he'd heard some talk of? Rose perhaps, or was this Tier Harriibel. The only choice ahead was to investigate that power.

Not a choice he would make on his prior occasions. It was a dangerous and risky choice in this place. Some were likely to try and eat you. Devour you entirely from the ground up. He moved closer, his eyes catching a glimpse of the female's figure. She trained here, the sands didn't lie. They were like a detecter of the truths that existed. He'd trained himself, but nowhere near that level, she'd obtained. Inhaling he felt the hairs on his neck stand up. His eyes resembling the constant night sky of Hueco Mundo. Feeling the shifting sands move beneath his toes as he stood looking at her.

His expression was calm and even, he'd been looking for her. She wasn't hiding or anything. He'd merely been looking in the wrong places. Was this luck or his unfortunate finding? He sensed a presence, it felt close as well. He'd have to be wary of that. Was it a trap perhaps, to lure in those unexpecting and strike them from two ends? That was possible, he'd have to be prepared for a fight. His own Zanpakuto was on his person. But nobody would find a blade on him, its position was around his neck. With the bones that lingered from his mask.

He didn't speak right away, figuring out if this was a trap or a safe place came first.

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Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:02 am
Land Shark (Open Thread) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Two. Her skill in detection isn’t as capable as her combat prowess, but two individuals who spared not a second to hide their presence proved child’s play to detect. Neither of them are a threat to her. There exist few in Hueco Mundo that are. What brings them closer? Did her energy not scare them off? Are they simply curious? Such curiosity in these deserts prove fatal for many. They are lucky she is not one for picking on easy meals. However, this area will not be safe for long. Even with her power, eventually, something that believes itself capable of challenging her will appear, and if those incapable of protecting themselves stick around, it will be nothing but a hassle for her.

Rising from her spot, she began walking towards the female Arrancar. She had sensed a strange growth of energy in the woman’s direction, an invasion of personal space one might say. Why not commit the same? Moving quickly, she’d appear before this woman, and, without a word, reach with a hand to snatch her from her spot. Then, the next moment, she is before the man, throwing the woman at him. Barely a second would pass before her Zanpakuto is unsheathed from her back, energy sprouting from it. With her blade, coated with energy, pointed at the two, her cold green eyes would look on at the two of them lazily. Seeing them closely, she knows that they have only survived so long by chance and chance alone.

“Don’t you know it is dangerous to approach unknown objects. They may appear closer than they seem.”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:46 pm
Land Shark (Open Thread) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Ah, she was being noticed. She perked up slightly when she noticed that the arrancar was moving toward her, and not very quickly at that. Well at least that seemed to bode well. And then, quite suddenly with that burst of speed, the blonde was very suddenly in front of her. Startled, she certainly was. But she kept her cool, opening her mouth and gently bowing at the waist in what she hoped was a neutral greeting. "He-"

She got no further as the world suddenly blurred around her, and her greeting dragged through the air, suddenly rising up into a startled scream! Her body suddenly flung in the man's direction! Luckily she was too startled to have an actual WILL for what to do, she hugged herself, and the area around her did nothing as there was hardly much to do that she already wasn't. "AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaello." She managed to lower her volume when the world stopped spinning, twisting that startled yell into the rest of her greeting. Even after having bounced off of the big brick house that was the other arrancar and falling to the floor, as he was NO DOUBT the far sturdier object.

She remained entirely on the floor, her shoulders hunched slightly as sheeeeeeeeee decided to stay on the floor. The sword mainly pointed at Cala as a result. Who WAS this aggressive woman? Usually aggression came with violence. Of course, she paused, turning her attention back to Tier from her downward angle. From her vantage point she could only barely even see the actual top the woman was wearing. Though admittedly her attention was mostly on the blade. A threat.

Her mind searched frantically for experience in the department. Should she say something to disarm the woman? Conversation wasn't something she observed often, most of the time she eavesdropped in the world of the living. So she decided to try something from there. Raising her hand up from her prone and still floored position, she made a dist, and then extended her thumb and pinky. "Y...yolo." She blurted out. Recalling the word that seemed to always be something uttered in light situations.

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Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:22 pm

Land Shark (Open Thread) 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

His eyes widened a bit, the first sign of expression on his face. He reached his hand, grabbing the flying female. She wasn't too heavy, but the throw was impressive. Had he not been more durable it would have been a problem. His eyes scanned over, seeing the woman who threw the girl. He'd had a number of things thrown at him over the years. People wasn't a new one, if anything people flying or being thrown at him. That was a constant here in this place. Closer, than they seemed was an understatement. She came out with fire and speed, his eyes glanced down. Seeing how the thrown person was, she didn't seem worse for wear.

"Are you Tier Harribel?" His question came out as he remained stoic. The situation while alarming in some ways. Wasn't one that made him jump or run around in his skin. He wasn't one for loud reactions, he'd have to protect this one. From the female, if she proved threatening. A difficult endeavor, but nothing worth doing was easy. He had thought that she fit the description of her. The question was to confirm that, he would need to wait and see. Obviously, it wasn't a trap, not involving the other. Unless this was a new strategy.

"Are you unharmed?" He said commenting to the one to his side. When he caught her and sit her down, diverting some of his power to help land her solidly. He'd not deflected her but caught her with a hand like one would a baseball. But slide her down slowly to the ground.

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Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:59 pm
Land Shark (Open Thread) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco


Her composure broken by one silly word and action, Tier’s eyes rose with confusion, but, she also seemed to understand Santa, for all it's worth. It’s like something sparked inside her mind, a moment of relief as the scent of the sea filled her nose. Instantly, her guard fell as her sword arm lowered. However, the sudden gentleness of her actions were quickly restructured with an aggressive air, her Riatsu flaring around her for but a moment as her attention moved to the other unknown Arrancar. It is not strange for someone unknown to her to know her name, but his presence strikes her as odd. There is something incorrect about him, but she can’t quite place it. No matter. As long as they both mean to cause her no harm, then this will all go over quickly.

“State your purpose for approaching me. I don’t have time for idle chitchat.”

That is a lie, of course. They live in a dessert with nothing to fill their time but fighting to the death and exploration. Her reasoning is simple though. No one enjoys having their time, no matter how limitless, wasted by pointless conversation. Do pray that they do not disappoint her, or they might just become prey.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:16 pm
Land Shark (Open Thread) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa felt the faintest bit of relief. RECOGNITION! Yes she saw it in the woman's eyes, or well, what little she could see of the woman's eyes around other bits of her, but still that body language said that she'd used the right reaction! She glanced at the one who had caught her... sortof. She had still managed to stagger and fall down regardless of his gentle knightery what with being thrown likely FAR faster than her body was used to moving. All the same, she was now frantically thinking of a way out of this situation without being killed. Ah yes, the cold, solemn look she'd had moments ago as now quite absent.

"Yes! Lamayo!" She added, having mistaken the woman's confusion for understanding. She let her eyes dart to the man and she reaches out to THWACK him in the chest.

Bad idea, now her knuckles, even through her hierro, are throbbing. Ow. "Dude, you need to relax." She says through the side of her mouth, VERY different from the mysterious woman he'd had a conversation with not that long ago. As often was the case when people were faced down a metaphorical barrel.

"I wasn't looking for anything....uh....specific! I felt you checking out my reiatsu. So I came closer to look. .... and uhhh, technically, you approached me for that last bit. Very fun by the way, Miss. You have very strong hands. Not that....they're mannish or anything. Very feminine actually! Like, piano hands! Not that they're weak,'re very womanly! Very nice breasts! Have you considered modelling?" A slurry of words came out as she looked for a line of dialog that wasn't paving the road for her own immanent death.

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Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:29 pm

Land Shark (Open Thread) 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

He felt the smack against his bare chest, he was cut very muscular and that would be what she felt. He seemed to have trained his physical body extremely hard. His eyes glanced at her, he'd been relaxed since they arrived. But he believed introductions were in order. Yolo, the word went through his mind slowly. A new age term perhaps, he couldn't recall such phrasing from his time period. Perhaps a secret code, that only these two were aware of? It made as much sense as anything else in this desert. He knew her name and she didn't know him, that was a rough timeframe.

"I am Calatravo Clopin, I've recently awoken from a long rest. I understand you are well informed, so I sought you out." He said offering an explanation of his reason for being here. His gaze shifted, the girl looked familiar to him. His being likely would seem off, to Harribel and even Santa if she examined him closer. Having one soul comprise his entire being, left him without any other effects. He'd never consumed a single hollow, not in four thousand years. He didn't believe in cannibalism, to begin with. The act was repulsive to him, but he did nothing when others partook of that ritual.

They weren't him, they couldn't satisfy their hunger with energy like Ceros. He'd imagined Harriebl's energy blasts were quite filling. But that was all he knew, there were names he was familiar with. Others were as alien to him as they were to others.

"When I fell into my slumber, the only name I'd heard of was Baraggan, I'm unfamiliar with this Sosuke Aizen, Nagato Tengen, or these groups such as the Gotei. They weren't present when I was last awake, could I beg your enlightenment on these subjects?" His brow furrowed as he puzzled at those things. Rumors and talk around small gatherings were all he'd gained.

He'd disliked Baraggan rather immensely, the over-dramatic skeleton was noisy.

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Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:08 pm
Land Shark (Open Thread) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco


Each time she opened her mouth, the Arrancar achieved nothing but confusing Tier further. Even curiosity about the unknown proves fatal in Hueco Mundo. Whether Tier initialized their interaction or not, it was not her who first dared step towards what could have been death. Wouldn’t have been better to cut the process in between? Regardless, that does not excuse the casual manner of speaking. Strong hands? Breasts? Modeling? What does her appearance have to do with the current situation? Flattery only works against those with insecurities, and Tier knows she has none pertaining to her physical appearance. Why would she? Her looks are as meaningless as counting the grains of Hueco Mundo.

“Worry about your own body if a simple punch leaves you encumbered.”

Now, moving to the next man who referred to her by her name. He’s rather daft for his age, is he not? Such information is as annoyingly easy to acquire that being asked such things riled her up. She prefers to not have thoughts revolve around those three particular things. Not one out of the three left a lasting positive impression on her. However, she shall humor him simply because he traveled so far just to find her. His motives may be ridiculous, but he stepped into her waters.

“The Gotei are an organization that exist to kill us. Nagato and Aizen are unimportant. One was a tyrant who was felled for his ways. The other was a man who defied God and was struck down for it. You did not honestly appear before me to learn about trivial history, no?”

Curt and sharp, her green eyes did not care to remember his appearance. Her brain did not care to remember his name. For all intents and purposes, he is wasting her time. Hopefully, he has more to bother her with than that. Despite the female Arrancar’s mannerisms, Tier would take her over a trip down memory lane.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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