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God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sat Sep 18, 2021 8:17 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] QBAyyTL


Busy. That was the only way to adequately describe Shishiyuki recently, though any of the more astute Koizumi might have noted that there was nothing of particular significance that merited this heightened work ethic. The Koizumi family head simply seemed to be keeping herself rather impressively busy, teaching more classes than typical atthe Academy or treaining for especially lengthy stretches. Few could discern any reason for this beyond simply some flight of fancy, but the truth of it was nothing especially compelling.

Shishiyuki was simply rather restless of late.

It did not especially surprise her that none had seemed to even briefly question the red ribbon she had taken to wearing in place of her typical white hairband. She was not a woman known for her exceptional taste in fashion, this much was true. But few would question the head of the household on something so incredibly mundane as that, and even if they wondered after it, there was little to actually be said.

Today was no different than any other of late for her. Shishiyuki had all but lived in the family dojo, traning herself quite well, her thoughts only on each kata, each movement. A wandering mind was not something a woman of her stature could afford.


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:55 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Header2


"You're focusing a lot on the honing of your body lately."

Kasha said from the door, being in the fifth division had made him try to keep an eye on various people's behaviour a lot more. Just small details, especially of more prolific people within his family such as the Head and Main Family. That was his way of practicing. She had been doing a lot more lately than she would normally be doing, she was spending a lot more time at the academy, her hair accessory had changed and training Kasha thought some people used as an outlet to distract themselves.

"I'd like to play a game, if you're available. Your mind can get atrophied if you spend all your time doing mindless katas."

Shogi or some other game would be nice. It wasn't like he was close or anything with her but if he wanted to fulfill this little game he played with himself then spending time would be a lot better. It was all just training to him.


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God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:59 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] QBAyyTL


It did not particularly surprise Shishiyuki to hear Kasha speak to her, if only because a part of her focus demanded that she keep a keen attention on the world around her. Slowly relaxing her stance and releasing a slow breath, she turned her attention to her younger cousin. She could not say that she knew Kasha on a deeply personal level, but of course she knew who he was, as she knew all of her family.

"I would welcome the opportunity, Kasha, thank you. Give me a moment to refresh myself, and I will be right with you."

Indeed, Shishiyuki's departure was swift, but it took very little time in the bath for her to feel suitably clean. After all, there was no one to accompany her and hold a pleasant conversation, now was there, so it was not as if this took too terribly much time. Se returned with a small, pleasant smile, and gestured out of the dojo.

"Please, do lead the way. How has your time at the Academy been progressing? I understand you were recently assigned to your division, have you been enjoying your time there?"


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:14 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Header2


"Of course, Lady Shishiyuki."

He left her to her own devices, waiting for her to come back before leaving with her. A thoughtful expression on his face while tilting his head to the side when she prompted him about his Academy time. Lying wasn't something he liked to do, may as well be honest then?

"Slowly. I am wasting their time and resources in pretending to be less proficient than I really am. I suppose the benefit of being in the fifth division though is that I don't feel homesick."

Kasha wasn't passive aggressive or anything but there was a level of admonishment towards the Koizumi ways regardless. His teacher was also being a bother, the old hag and her temper at the fact that he had taken the fifth division over something like the combat division. Her and her no shortage of desire to fight for no reason. Like fire and ice the two people that bore the name Kasha were.


Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Gamma_Signature
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] CHARACTER_LISTTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] GRAPHICS_THREADTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:19 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] QBAyyTL


"Yes, I understand how that would cause you some discontent. If you wish to display more competency, do feel free to make some small indication that you have been studying under me. I will of course support those claims should anyone ask."

Shishiyuki followed after Kasha confidently, perfectly willing to let him lead the way, and considered more what he'd said. She supposed the fifth division was the most similar to their family, though she had to concede that she did not especially care for that notion. After all, even she had served in the Combat Squad all those years ago, unwilling to operate in the shadows. Then again, that had been just as much for her own gratification as it had been for the sake of any duty.

"Gotei service can be a welcome opportunity to branch out, I believe. Do not feel compelled to serve in a division simply because it seems most appropriate. Our role as Koizumi is to be that which the other Great Noble Houses are not, but, if I may speak candidly, I think those other houses have proven remarkably lacking in their service of late. If some of the Koizumi were to be noteworthy servicemen of exceptional talent, then I suspect we would continue to be wholly forgettable compared to our counterparts."

Of course, she hardly needed to ask her junior whether she might be frank in such a way, but Shishiyuki knew all too well that the vast majority of their family would not consider that sort of approach preferable. She was, however, not the vast majority of her family. If she wished to give the young man a bit of advice with not especially much subtlety, then that is what she would do.

"Ah, and do not feel the need to address me so formally. We are at family, and we are at home. Simply Shishiyuki is sufficient."


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:14 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Header2


"I see. I will consider doing so then."

It was a little late for that though, he was so close to graduating that to try and show some kind of levels of talent to warrant getting anywhere that he wasn't already there. Regardless, Kasha had grown used to it so getting so caught up on little details and then feeling sorry for himself was not the kind of person he was. Self-pity was really ugly after all.

"You seem awfully different lately... Shishiyuki."

He mused after they got to their destination and he began to set up a shogi board. Not just in appearances either, it was just like a lot of different things seemed to be going on and there were all these effects but no discernable cause.


Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Gamma_Signature
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] CHARACTER_LISTTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] GRAPHICS_THREADTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:02 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] QBAyyTL


Ah, that did confirm Shishiyuki's suspicions, then, that others had certainly noticed her shift of late. Not that it particularly mattered, of course, but she did rather admire that Kasha had so directly asked the question. That was certainly an uncommon trait in their household.

"Do I? I suppose you are not wrong, yes."

Well, if he was being so forthcoming with her, then Shishiyuki had no reason why she should not return the gesture. After all, such honesty was a rare blessing when Shishiyuki was home, even if their typical secrecy was a matter of tradition.

"Would you say that it is a negative sort of difference? Or do you ask merely out of curiosity? Please do not think I have taken any sort of offense, I rather appreciate your observation."


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:14 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Header2


"I'm sure that depends on the reason behind it. It's not really negatively affecting those around you. It just looks like your trying keep your mind distracted and avoiding things by flooding your life in as much as you can."

He explained while content that he had set up the board sufficiently. He stared at it while letting her respond, he wondered if her mind was running circles around what observations and thoughts on them he provided whereas he was looking at the board thinking about the tactics he could employ.

Well, he could do two things at once he supposed.


Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Gamma_Signature
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] CHARACTER_LISTTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] GRAPHICS_THREADTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 6:13 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] QBAyyTL


"Flooding, hm? That is an interesting way to word it, though I would not say you are incorrect. A student and friend of mine is presently on assignment, and I have found myself restless in her absence. I think that is not so unusual, would you disagree?"

Shishiyuki was of course aware that this was, if nothing else, somewhat unusual for her. It was quite rare that she took any students beyond those in her academy classes, and certainly no less uncommon for her to refer to anyone as a friend. Yet, she said it with rather little reservation, if only because Kasha had been so honest with her.

Of course, her focus on the shogi board was still thoroughly firm, unshaken even by something such as this conversation. Shishiyuki made her first move confidently, studying both the board and her opponent.


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:01 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] Header2


There was a small hesitation while he began to set up his Ishida formation on the board as his priority. He was well aware that she might try to counter it with a climbing strategy but for the moment he was content to try in case she would try to set up a bear-in-the-hole static rook, he was not exactly sure of how she would act though given that he was concentrating on both the board and her own explanation.

"I suppose it would make sense if it is a dangerous assignment. Though, would you not have faith in your student to be able to perform well and ensure its success? To that end it is quite peculiar because either you don't have confidence in her abilities or that you worry regardless of whether she is capable or not."

Kasha stated matter of factly while content with his move. Eyeing the senior keenly for her reaction to his assessment.


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] CHARACTER_LISTTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] GRAPHICS_THREADTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] TIMELINE_THREAD
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