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God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:57 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 QBAyyTL


Even the slightest hesitation from Kasha was certainly something that Shishiyuki could notice, and while there were any number of advanced strategies that she might employ, she simply chose to engage in a wholly different manner. Opening with spearing the sparrow, which provided no particular strength toward the Ishida, was something that would typically only ever be done by one with no awareness of shogi. Yet none in the Koizumi were ever so uncultured as that. It was, then, a rather brazen claim on Shishiyuki's behalf.

She would not abide by the maneuverings of others.

"I have every confidence in her, yes. She has taken well to what I have taught her. In many ways, I think she is likely more competent than some of those within this estate. But, despite this, I still worry after her. It is indeed, peculiar, isn't it? Why might that be the case, Kasha?"

Moving her right lance, her eyes never leaving Kasha's, Shishiyuki waited for a response. She was not only interested in his answer, but also in seeing if he would meet her declaration with one of his own.


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:14 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Header2


The moves grew slower until he came to a halt. Thinking about what was going on with her and this student of her's. It wasn't like it was his business for one, it didn't change the fact that he was entertaining it regardless.

"Well. That does sound peculiar. Sounds like you're in love."

He said without any regard for the fact that it was implying that she was interested in a woman despite her position or personal nature. His eyes looking to the side to avoid her gaze while he moved his piece to respond to her own not because he was at all afraid but because there was just that superstition that she'd glimpse his intent from just staring at his eyes.


Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:51 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 QBAyyTL


There it was. The answer Shishiyuki had hoped to hear. Not because she particularly agreed or disagreed, but simply because it was such an honest answer that she doubted any would have given it to her in normal circumstances.

"I think it would certainly be within reason to say that she is dear to me. But to say that I am in love? I am far less certain of that. I am not a young woman, you know, and never in my thousand years have I fallen in love. I think, whether or not my heart did feel such, I would hardly know it."

Her own movement of her pieces had slowed to match Kasha's, her attention rather more on the conversation than the game now. It was often that Shishiyuki spoke about herself, but rare in the extreme that she could do so genuinely. The tone of her next words remained even, bordering on the dispassionate, but it was undeniable that they were genuine.

"Tell me, Kasha. What does it feel like? To fall in love, to be licked by the flame of passion?"


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:37 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Header2


"That sounds awfully rigid, don't people often speak of love creeping up unexpectedly? Not that I can really speak of love really, appreciation of aesthetics and actual romance are two very different things but this woman is clearly someone you're fascinated with. It would probably be more appropriate to ask another what love is like."

He almost said that she should be the one telling him how it felt to be in love. With the exception that it was putting words in her mouth. Maybe he was reading to into it but he also liked to think he was somewhat perceptive and knew the gist of love to put two and two together where the old lady in front of him didn't.

"Then again, only you really know the answer to that question. I cannot tell you whether you like women or not. Well, a woman in this particular case I suppose."


Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:59 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 QBAyyTL


"People speak of love in many forms. I do not wish to compare my situation to mere poetry, no matter the importance our family may place upon the art. If I am indeed so in love with her, then I will accept that. But I think to resign myself to it based only on worry over her is irresponsible. To be in love with her is not the same as simply to love her."

Another piece was moved forward on the board, but it was clear at this point that Shishiyuki's focus was more on the conversation. She was not indignant, not irritated. If anything, she continued to welcome Kasha's honesty. She had no particular issue with the notion that she might find herself attracted to Makoto, but it was not something she wished to assume incorrectly.

"I love you, Kasha. I would certainly worry after your well being if you were assigned to something which demanded lengthy periods away with no contact. But that is a matter of you and I being family. I do not think either of us would presume this to be a romantic inclination."


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:30 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Header2


"I do concede that there's merit to that. However, despite the fact you'd be worried. I don't think I've ever seen you trying to preoccupy with other things even when other members of the family are going about matters similar. We're hardly so close that I would expect you to worry increase the load of your schedule as a method of taking your mind off every time a relative, myself included, had a possibly dangerous assignment."

He said while moving his own piece in response which made no real sense. Kasha's movements seemed to be like they were unnecessarily bold that you'd expect from an amateur but he knew how this game worked so the most logical conclusion would be to ascertain that he had no started this game with the intention of winning it. It wasn't like the Ishida formation was particularly successful historically speaking.

"So why don't you talk about your student and what she means to you? How does she make you feel, how you met."

This was alien too. Kasha didn't care too much for gossip but he was admittedly vaguely curious as to how this woman who was an outsider had garnered so much attention from Shishiyuki, how often was a person who wasn't a Koizumi get invited into the estate that wasn't another noble for example.


Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 CHARACTER_LISTTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 GRAPHICS_THREADTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:34 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 QBAyyTL


"I will concede to you that I have not acted in this way in many years now, but in less peaceful times I have certainly acted in this way. After all, it has been a rather loing while since any in our family was given an assignment so sensitive that even I could not be told of it."

While it had not occurred to her when simply thinking about the situatioin, vocalizing it made that particular facet of it feel drastically more obvious. She had been in control of functionally all aspects of her life for an exceptionally long time, but Makoto was someone she had no authority over. It was, by its very nature, offputting to her.

"She and I see eye to eye on personal matters. Outlooks on the nature of life that I think would be a betrayal of her trust to share with you. But I am able to be honest with her in a manner which I am rather unused to. I think you would understand quite well how welcome it can be to find even the briefest opportunity to speak frankly."


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:48 am
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Header2


"To be fair, the noble families haven't given much reason to receive trust from the newer management of the Soul Society. In the past you were privy to all those details but those times will not likely remain as we proceed forward and noble names and blue blood will become nothing more than a special title to denote someone with good heritage."

That was a tangent though. Kasha reached up to fiddle with one of his bangs, twirling it around his unmarred finger which so starkly contrasted his teacher and her scarred hands from a lifetime of not being afraid to burn herself for the sake of doing more viscious moves with the Phoenix Crown Fist.

"I do but ultimately, I suppose only you can really decide that for yourself then. You're old and with a long life of experiences, I am sure that the wisdom that comes with it favours you in matters such as these compared to my own handful of time in comparison. Though, I like to think we're in fairly peaceful times right about now."

Kasha said while moving a piece, not even bothering to look at the board to verify if it was a good move or not but he did hide the desire to smile quite well at pointing out the discrepency between a time of great strife and a time of peace to her and this other woman. It was a little fun, he felt like he was playing two battles here with Shishiyuki. The one that was their conversation and the second between the pieces on the board. This was awfully shrewd and he knew he'd be irritated at himself later for this view he had on the situation now.


Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 CHARACTER_LISTTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 GRAPHICS_THREADTrembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:35 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 QBAyyTL


"You are rather correct. I think that separation will prove to be a boon for both the Gotei and we of the noble families, even if I suspect few among us will come to realize that any time soon."

Shishiyuki found it rather amusing, if not outright endearing, that Kasha simply called such direct attention to her age. Most would not dare to do so, considering how rude it would certainly be. His honesty was, frankly, quite precious.

"I think it is quite important to take into account the advice of the young, as well. Very few are willing to do so, but it is foolish, I think, to deny worthwhile advice simply on account of the source. These are peaceful times indeed, and to be quite honest, I would not trade them for any others."

That was not a lie, despite Shishiyuki's desire to express herself through violence. It was a selfish desire, one she could not dare to enforce upon others. Ah, but now she was letting her mind wander quite too far.


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Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:47 pm
Trembling of the Gong [Shishiyuki, Kasha] - Page 2 Header2


There was a faint shrug from him and the twirling of his bang, Kasha lacked a big ego but he also wasn't modest either. So to be praised for youthful wisdom did perk him up a little.

"Well, regardless of your feelings for this student. I suppose you can still be subject to examination. For example, you don't seem concerned about who you find attractive. It's good to be confident though even if you are romantically inclined towards just her or women in general is a matter for you to figure out."

Kasha was mostly just analysing her at this point and speaking his thoughts outloud, though he did leave it open for his senior to weigh in at her own discretion.


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