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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:15 pm
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  GJVUdSJ


"Do not seek aesthetics in waging war.

Do not seek virtue in death.

Do not think your life is your own.

If you wish to protect the things that are worth protecting, then cut down the enemy you ought to defeat from behind.”

Walking through the halls of the Shinigami academy, Hiroe continued to ruminate on a particular section of the Shino Academy's textbook she had glanced over ever since she settled in to the academy. Words that still remained with her even though she had become accustomed to her time spent here. What future awaits her when she graduates from here? She wonders. She ruminates. It's a thought she doesn't have to pay too much attention to, being a first year.

The woman who mentored her from a young age had always told her to take her dream of becoming a seated member seriously. Do not look at it as if it was the highlight of your life but a career you had to embrace wholeheartedly. It wasn't some type of trophy you showed off to your friends but a lifestyle that demanded training and endless refinement of technique.

Compared to those who truly wished to change the scales of the world or bring a sense of order to their respective districts in the Rukongai, Hiroe had felt somewhat intimidated by what it meant to fight for something, to surrender her destiny to the unknown. If step one of her dream was a success, she would be fighting and purging hollows or, worse, other unknown entities she had no prior knowledge of.

At that point, it could certainly be said her life would no longer be promised to her, compared to the simplistic life she could have chosen as a tailor in a warm and loving home. Rumination complete, Hiroe decided she would continue to explore this path and learn what she desired to fight for beyond achieving the initial dream.

Walking towards the training hall, a place where a blossoming Shinigami could train as freely as they desired without an instructor, Hiroe set her bag down as she placed her hand at the hilt of her Asauchi. She could train with her practice sword but Hiroe desired to become bonded with her blade and explore the connection anytime an opportunity decided to present itself.

This scene felt somewhat familiar to her as she recalled the last person she met when she was here before. It made her feel good to make a habit out of training. With practice and dedication, she'd be where she neeed to be in no time. Lofty thoughts, to be certain, but there no was o shame in dreaming, right?


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:29 am; edited 2 times in total
The Hybrid King
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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:34 pm
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  MxkDyEH

Emelie Anderson | Daddy's Little Girl

Though Shin'o was lively as ever, Emelie found herself doing the one thing she always had time for. As per usual, the weekday afternoon was spent further honing her talents in the school's training hall, a location made specifically for the students to further test themselves outside of their basic classes. Today, Emelie's intent was to meditate on a recent test they had regarding their ability to speak with their Zanpakuto spirit and, in turn, their ability to relay information that it provided. Given the class was advanced nearly everyone shared some modicum of information, Emelie doing so in turn. The meditation she was so interested in would allow her to explore the conversation that she and Ai had previously had during the class.

Breathing in and then out, Emelie silently sat amongst the crowd of students and faculty going about their business. The huff and puff of students slapping away at one another, the grunting of those training their physical forms and the rather loud footsteps of the faculty left the room far too loud for your average person. Despite that, Emelie found herself at peace, the sounds leaving her with a sense of companionship with the very few friends she had here at the academy. It was comforting knowing that others wanted to better themselves just as much as she did.

Of course, plans never went the way one would expect. Emelie wasn't exactly the type to focus on one thing at once if she found herself interested in more than the task at hand. The fast pitter patter of nearby feet, ones far closer than the rest, left her wanting for more. One eye jutted open, peaking at whatever it was that found its way towards her nesting ground.

A woman of a rather petite nature had placed her belongings right next to Emelie, likely not thinking about it and began to fiddle with her own asauchi. As a fellow student, Emelie couldn't just leave her be, no. If this woman had any intention of getting better than surely she'd accept an invitation of sorts from a fellow student. As rude as that assumption may be, Emelie felt it was just fine for a social setting. Most would disagree.

"Does it have a name?"

Her bright, cheeky smile lit up as the young woman bolted from her crossed leg sitting position and began to tower over the tiny little woman in her vicinity. Standing at 5'8 didn't make Emelie the tallest but it sure left her at quite the advantage to this little girl.

"Emelie. 3rd year."

Blunt and forward, as always. Emelie wasn't exactly known as the friendliest person around, usually she tended to rub people the wrong way. It was whatever, friends were far and few between. If anything, she didn't need the company that most people yearned for. Looking her up and down, that same cheeky smile left quite an impression on the little lass.

"I bet its a cool one. I don't usually brag but, between you and me, Ai and I get along maybe too well."

She chucked a thumb towards the claymore laying next to where she previously sat, its golden runes shining in the training hall's lights. If Emelie knew better she would have took the conversation a little slower, a more mundane pace. She didn't though, that was what made her so... her. Good or bad, she didn't care.

END POST | The Anderson Pride

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  FXpoQxJ
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  2Y9rqGk

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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:27 am
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  GJVUdSJ


Among the hustle and bustle of her fellow students, Hiroe didn't particularly notice Emilie but the crimson-haired woman hardly wasted anytime in making her presence known. Hiroe turned to face her as she gazed down at the vibrant woman, somewhat left at a loss of words. Her confidence nature coupled with her energetic posture was something Hiroe wasn't commonly use to among most students. There were some who were friendly, of course, yet many others who were always focused on their own status quo. It made the forging of bonds quite a tricky venture, even for a young woman like HIroe who always a dreamer at heart, a student with a heart of gold.

Emilie was both a breathe of fresh air, yet also a symbol of potential envy! The moment she rose up to face her and tower over her, her self-consciousness about her size came racing to the forefront of her mind. Goddamit. Why did she always have to feel like a midget around every person she met? First it was Kaito, then it was Shiro, then it was Lerna... Gah! Why did fate curse her so!? Just one growth spurt. Was that so hard to ask? Hiroe hid her pouty expression as her eyes wandered from side to side thinking of how to reply only to be hit with the question of the name of her sword. Ah!?

Another sword to strike her in her poor dreamer's heart. "No... I'm still... um... in the Asauchi phase. My Zanpakuto hasn't revealed it's name to me yet." Hiroe turned her face towards the ground with a pout as she rolled her eyes. Of all the people to approach her, she had to be the victim of a student flexing on her. Perhaps the intent wasn't so, but she sure felt like it!

She was hit with the third year and then this woman talking about how great her bond was with Ai - the name of her Zanpakuto. Some people were just born with skill, huh? Hiroe comically held back a few tears before she composed herself and came up with a reply.

"H-Hiroe. First year. Pleasure to meet you, Emilie" Yeah, she was kind of lying through her teeth. "


Last edited by Iori on Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:46 am
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  MxkDyEH

Emelie Anderson | Daddy's Little Girl

Emelie wasn't exactly the type you'd find reflecting on her actions when it came to a social situation. Her words were blunt, calculated and without any ill intent. Even with the squirmy nature that Hiroe held it wasn't enough to make her think maybe things were going awry already. Her ears peaked up as soon as the word Asauchi escaped the little woman's mouth, however. Bright eyes and excitement filled Emelie's face before she started circling Hiroe with a passionate gaze.

"That's okay, Ai and I aren't exactly what you'd call normal. I'm without a shikai unlike most accelerated students at my stage. Everyone has their pace, it's a matter of sticking to it that keeps you in the race. Right?"

She giggled, eyeing Hiroe up and down before growing even more excited at the prospect of a first year being right in front of her. The first years rarely ever spoke to her, the fact that she attended the accelerated Class #1 courses and was near graduation made it so she was far more intimidating than she liked. Hunching over to close the gap between their two heights, she pressed on.

"First year? You already have an idea of swordsmanship coming into the Academy? That's impressive."

Emelie was being as honest as a woman could be, despite their small age gap that she happened to just assume existed despite the height difference, being able to enter Shin'o with a goal in mind was something admirable and she herself did. If someone shared the same qualities she did then it was rare that she wouldn't take an interest.

"Is there something you excel in? What are your classes like? Are all the first years the same?"

Ah, the joy of being able to speak to someone without worry. Hiroe's clear timid personality was no match for Emelie's on blunt nature, surely she'd refuse to go without answering. After all, Emelie couldn't have come off more excited even if she wanted to.

END POST | The Anderson Pride

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  FXpoQxJ
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  2Y9rqGk

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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:25 am
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  GJVUdSJ


The initial introduction may have felt shaky, to say nothing of forcing Hiroe into a position she wasn't quite familiar with, but the silver-haired woman recovered enough to maintain some form of composure. Hiroe was typically the one who was upbeat and energetic, who would ask the questions and tease or prod but this crimson-haired woman circling and analyzing her? Leagues above her on a scale she couldn't quite compare. Even so, her attitude didn't seem to be one where she was flaunting to make her feel bad. That line of thought allowed Hiroe to feel a sense of relief as a comfortable smiled formed on her lips, her emerald gaze following the woman.

"You know your zanpakuto's name but have no shikai? That's... kinda cool, honestly. Like, I know it sounds peculiar but I have yet to ever hear about something like that."

Hiroe's gaze would remain on the woman as she gazed at her blade before stroking her chin thoughtfully. Admittedly, Hiroe had something of a teacher before she even reached the academy - a mentor who had trained her in the art of swordsmanship. It was the aspect of her repertoire she took pride in the most. If she was being genuinely honest, it was the only skill she held so far. Even so, she aimed to grow stronger in other areas. She owe it to herself to grow stronger. There was no turning back now.

"I'll be honest, I got a bit of a helping hand years before I even entered the academy. A seated member of the Gotei showed me how to wield and train with a sword properly, and that inspired me to apply as a first year. Can't say all the first years are the same. They vary in terms of overall skill. As for me? Naturally, I excel in the swordsmanship classes. I'm gaining a slight grasp of kido. I think I'm terrible at Hakuda. I'd say I'm pretty balanced, though?"


Last edited by Iori on Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:03 am; edited 1 time in total
The Hybrid King
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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:37 am
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  MxkDyEH

Emelie Anderson | Daddy's Little Girl

"Most people think its weird. I, on the other hand, was dealt a set of cards I gotta deal with. You know what I mean? Ai and I until the end."

Emelie couldn't help giggle at herself, the quiet little pun left her frenzied with the giggles. Eventually she calmed herself, this Hiroe woman was interesting. If anything, she could at the very least give Emelie some kind of insight in the life she'd been missing here at the academy. That life being the one that was filled with far more social settings and a ton more friends. Before long, she stopped in place with a bit of a dumbfounded look on her face, the note that she had previous help before entering the academy seemed to throw her off a bit.

"Nothin' wrong with that. My dad was the one who helped me growing up. He always talked about being a big wig in the Combat Division and taught me a lot about myself as a Shinigami."

Truer words couldn't have been said. If not for Peter Anderson, Emelie would likely have never found her way to Shin'o, let alone interacting with one of its students. A light shrugged followed her comment, it didn't matter if you had help or not. Gifts were gifts, surely if Hiroe put her mind to it she'd continue to grow just as Emelie did. That was the whole point of the academy. Come, grow, learn, excel.

"Ms. Unohana tells me all the time that I should be more adamant about my studies in Kido but, if I'm bein' honest..."

Emelie kicked at the ground, rubbing at her left wrist. "I'm what you'd consider a waste of space in that regard, haha..."

The mention of Hiroe struggling with Hakuda, however, lit a fire in Emelie yet again. The one thing she felt that she stood above the rest in was, of course,, her specialized training in Hakuda with her father before coming to the academy. Surely, this was her chance at finally making another friend.

"You can't be that bad, it just takes practice. What's stoppin' ya from growin' otherwise huh?"

That same cheeky smile filled her face once more. "If you need a teacher I'm more than happy to help. Sort of. I guess we should become friends first or somethin' like that but there isn't much room for waitin', you know what I mean?"

END POST | The Anderson Pride

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  FXpoQxJ
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  2Y9rqGk

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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:18 am
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  GJVUdSJ


Hiroe could certainly relate to the notion of feeling utterly useless as it pertained to the subject of Kido. It wasn't as if the young woman believed she'd never attain a proper understanding but compared to the type of spellcasters she heard tales of?

The feeling of being outclassed always weighed heavily on her mind. Be that as it may, she felt that if she put her mind to it, if she embraced it with as much passion as she did wielding a sword, that such skills would never be too far out of reach.

Gazing at Emilie, she felt a sense of kinship wash over her. That initial sense of shame she felt was no longer present. Emilie was boisterous but in a fashion that didn't feel as if she was mocking anyone. She seemingly desired to see others succeed as much as herself. To be certain, Hiroe didn't feel as though her Hakuda would lead her anywhere. She was such a small woman that the idea of trying to layer a series of strikes on anyone's body seemed somewhat comical at best.

On the other hand, she recalled reading texts detailing past exploits of prior members of each division. Female soul reapers like Soifon or Rukia danced through her mind - women who weren't the tallest by any measure of the word, yet still succeeded in emerging victorious through several conflicts.

Emilie was right. There was nothing to stop her from evolving and getting better. Why stay in her own head about it?

"You're right. I guess I'm downplaying myself too much. Anyway, I'm more than happy to let you teach me! I'm not prideful about that type of stuff. I'm actually flattered more than anything else," Hiroe extended her hand towards Emilie as she tilted her head to the side with a joyous expression.

"Hey, if you want to be my friends, I'm totes game. It'd be an honor, even. "


Last edited by Iori on Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:09 am; edited 1 time in total
The Hybrid King
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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:53 pm
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  MxkDyEH

Emelie Anderson | Daddy's Little Girl

"It'd be no problem, I'm not exactly what you'd called a master but I am what'd you call a studied practitioner. Hakuda is my thing, if it weren't for my dad I'm sure I'd be nothin' compared to what I am now."

That cheeky little grin grew wider as Hiroe made an attempt at cementing what you'd called a friendship, her hand extending in a clear show of interest. That cute little smile that followed the request for a handshake made Emelie giddy with excitement as she rushed to take Hiroe's hand in one swift motion. Shaking it violently up and down, she smiled and exclaimed to the girl.

"I don't know about it bein' an honor. If you ask the only other person who cares to notice I exist, Sol would say I'm a bit of a handful. That doesn't matter though, that guy gave me a coupon for five percent off at a ramen shop in the Rukongai. What a penny pincher..."

Emelie shook her head before attempting to pull Hiroe into her. The goal, if she didn't immediately just run from the sudden yank, was to have her hand placed against her chest. Her palm resting above her breasts, the young woman pointed at the location it covered, her heart.

"First rule of fighting with your fists, make sure whatever happens that this little guy doesn't end up completely obliterated."

She grinned, her eyes leaving very little to the imagination in regards to what she thought of the petite woman. Emelie wasn't exactly the smartest when it came to physical contact, it wasn't weird in her eyes to have another person pull you this way or that when it came to training. Frankly, her father spent a majority of his time with her refining her movement by making clear where the mistakes lied in making said movements. It was what she considered a great way to train.

Sliding her other hand down the length of Hiroe's extended arm, Emelie pointed back to her chest and then her head.

"Second rule? Fighting without your brain leads you down a path of ignorance. Never fight without thinking of your next two moves. One after the other."

Emelie let go of Hiroe's hand and turned away from her. Quietly picking up her Zanpakuto, she turned back to Hiroe and attached the blade to her waist once more.

"Do you usually get instruction from seniors?"

END POST | The Anderson Pride

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  FXpoQxJ
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  2Y9rqGk

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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:15 am
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  GJVUdSJ


Hiroe couldn't help but chuckle at her comment about this Sol fellow and how he only offered her a five percent off coupon at a Ramen Shop. She wasn't one to judge, considering her own roots. Hiroe was but a meager tailor in a shop until she decided to choose the path of becoming a member of the Gotei. Everyone had their roots somewhere. She just hoped hers would bear fruit. She couldn't bear returning home to her parents empty-handed.

Her next action had caused the silver-haired Shinigami to blush as Emelie pulled Hiroe towards her, placing her hand against her chest, her palm positioned above her breast. She was not familiar with this form of hands-on contact and her natural reaction was to merely turn red as she gazed up at the woman, listening to her words.

Sheesh, this woman was a different type of energy Hiroe had to be prepared for. Emilie was a breathe of fresh air compared to some soul reapers who chose to ignore her in the Academy, but she was also an energetic flame that might burn the tailor if she wasn't careful.

As Emelie let go of her hand and went to pick up her sword, she turned back to Hiroe, inquiring about the woman's instruction. Hiroe tilted her head in curiosity before shaking her head. She didn't receive any instruction outside of what was offered by the academy.

"Not to my knowledge, no. Most of my instruction comes from the teachers, though I certainly wouldn't mind receiving instruction and lessons from those on a higher grade level than my own," she would remark with a smile, gazing back at Emilie.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  Empty Re: Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)

Thu Mar 31, 2022 2:30 pm
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  MxkDyEH

Emelie Anderson | Daddy's Little Girl

Emelie flipped Ai from her left to right hand, gently watching as Hiroe spoke. She was a bit tired of the day to day of Shin'o, graduation was quickly coming and she felt that she hadn't exactly reached the potential she should have. Even if accelerated courses left her squarely above the rest, Emelie felt like her time in Shin'o wasn't exactly handled the best. Surely there was more she could do from here.

"That's fair. I haven't really gotten anything from anyone above me either. Or, well, anyone that was previously above me. I don't exactly have what you'd call seniors since the plan is to graduate in the next few months."

The young woman's excited smile brightened up the room with ease, her slender fingers gently playing along her Zanpakuto's edge. Tracing the runes near the base of the hilt with care, she spoke aloud to Hiroe from a place that some would consider personal. Frankly, she just enjoyed speaking truths to whoever would listen.

"I'd be glad to help out if you need it. I think I have a lot more to learn here at Shin'o, even if the plan is to graduate. Sol taught me a lot about being able to rely on more than just myself. A coupon is a coupon."

She chuckled, flipping her blade from one hand to the next before gently resting the point directly in the ground below the two of them. She was the ideal image of a feminine fighter, a spitting image of her father really. Dropping her smile, Emelie looked at Hiroe with a sense of urgency, a thirst for knowledge washing over her.

"Do you stay here at the dorms?"

END POST | The Anderson Pride

Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  FXpoQxJ
Dream on, Dreamer(Hiroe/Emelie)  2Y9rqGk

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