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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:27 am
Carrying Calypso within in his arms was short-lived. She would shake her head as she hopped off of him and moved into a confident direction. Kenichi would stretch his arms as he took a deep breath, taking the time to listen to her. Her advice was sound, though he was well aware of his limits to some extent. He simply supposed he found it difficult to complain about something. Perhaps that was bravado, perhaps he lacked that function. Admittedly, some part of him was not excited about the walk but he couldn't quite say it was enough to dishearten him... he was simply happy to share her company. Still, it was a nice piece of conversation and Kenichi offered his insight.
"If I'm being honest, Calypso... I wear will and passion on my sleeves but I do genuinely believe there are things beyond me. I listen to the stories of Hvit, of the feats of Ulv or Mirja... and only look at those tales in awe, knowing I'm not even an ounce close to that realm of skill. I recall the times when I was a child and the days I'd doubt if it was worth it all. When I sparred with Ulv, I found myself humbled and knew that was what I yearned to reach, yet I felt so far out of her realm that it haunted me."
Kenichi would stride beside her as he continued, ruminating on his thoughts.
"I look at the world and though I take great pride in my abilities, I feel there are still things I've yet to learn, you know? Understanding that there are other things to life than merely raising one's fist. Learning to lead, learning to help, learning to do right by others... building a family, genuinely loving someone and coexisting. I think a lot of my confidence is somewhat rooted in the bravado most confident men wear on their sleeves but... I believe there are things even I can't overcome."
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Fri Apr 08, 2022 5:54 am
Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang
Slowing, and then finally stopping as Kenichi poured out his heart, Calypso would reach up, and lightly chop his head.
"Stop looking at Legends and feeling disappointed. Mirja, was over five hundred years old. Ulv had the entire life of Mirja and the entire life of another legendary martial artist called Cyng, on top of being literally born for this. Hvit lived through Mirja's entire progress and then Ulv's entire progress. That's the thing with stories, they don't tell you the gritty bits, the years it took them to master what they do so effortlessly. The pain and sorrow that they went through getting where they are.
The world is filled with people of extreme capabilities. Feeling doubt or worry because they exist helps nobody. If you keep progressing in this direction, you've hundreds of years to achieve your goals. Alavazi was old during the Third World War, four hundred years ago. So you've plenty of time. Accepting your current level of power doesn't mean you can't grow. It doesn't mean that because you can't do something now, you can never do something.
That's the key to life. Accepting some doors are shut now, but doors are designed to be opened, so it won't stay shut forever. If you fixate on the others who are older and more experienced than you, then you'll burst your head open trying to break through the door before you are ready"
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:54 pm
A warm smile would line Kenichi's lips as he allowed Calypso's words to sink in. She was correct. He always put others so high on a pedestal that he himself sometimes doubted if it was feasible to elevate himself into the realms of those he admired or those he wished to surpass. Even so, there were many years to reach that precipice he desired - the proverbial mountain peak that defines his ambitions. To be so young, Calypso was always capable of giving him wise advice to ponder own and draw conclusions in a way his mind could understand. He would pat her shoulders and nod his head. No need to think of the particulars now. Accept his limits and know that he can overcome them in the future.
"You're right. It's silly to look at things without understanding the journey and what it took to rise towards their respective realms of power. Accepting my limits will do me some good. Allow me to look at things from a more focused point of view. Wise advice as always, Calypso. Our journey to the festival is still a ways to go but I am thankful we can converse like this. Thank you. "
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Sat Apr 09, 2022 3:20 am
Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang
With him accepting the point, Calypso would carry on, at a higher pace to make up for lost time.
"The trouble with life is there is a limit to tenacity-driven progress. Push yourself too hard, and you'll get hurt, losing progress towards your goals. It is our infinite fortune that we live in a world where you can never be hurt so much you'll never be able to carry on, but you can be broken temporary. Slowing down, goes faster" Calypso advised, gesturing to the current situation of not just belting it towards Everest madly.
"So take it easy. When you hit Black Gold, you can bugger off for twenty years and raise a child without missing out on anything. Or just singlemindedly pursue Cultivation till you get to the realm of Gods, but do it sensibly"
Dragon-Snake | END POST
- IoriVeteran Member
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Sat Apr 09, 2022 5:13 am
Kenichi would smile excitedly as he nodded towards the woman, taking her advice in stride as she picked up the pace, speeding ahead of him. It reminded of him the conversation he held with Hvit. Learning to temper one's passions and aims without stepping too far beyond their station. Calypso was right. Obsessing over the future would be counterintuitive to his future aspirations. Why not take things at a measured pace and see where the path led him? He chuckled at the comment about having a child, though.
It made him wonder how a son of Kenichi Murata would be and what he'd teach him, yet that was a vision shrouded in mystery. He had to find a woman that made his heart burn with uncontainable passion. So far, he had yet to do so. Far be it from him to be close-minded, but Kenichi desired a woman whom was his equal. Even if not in strength, the spirit itself.
A heart of courage. A will forged in iron. A fire so invigorating that it could set the man with unbridled passion aflame. As such, his options would always be fated on a scale of his own choosing.. He had to admit that the woman who held most of his admiration so far was right ahead of him, though he wondered if she'd be receptive. Well, he could think of that later. He had to keep up with her right now.
Kicking off with his feet, he'd move in stride with the woman, matching her pace until they reached their destination. Curiosity compelled him to ask an interesting question.
"You talked about Noctis and the 137 suitors who failed to overcome him... but it makes me wonder. What is your ideal mate? Like not in terms of looks or appearances but the spirit, their nature, what makes them... them? You talked about marriage, so it made me curious..."
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:42 am
Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang
Calypso would look to Kenichi as he asked about what she looked for in a person, what her ideal mate was.
"I'm eighteen. Why would I be thinking about that so soon? Whoever beats Noctis gets to date me, so I will see if I like them then. Until then, life is mine, so I am not going to waste it thinking about marriage and sex and all that gross stuff. Bleh" She'd shake her head at the prospect, not particularly looking forward to it, but would do it if she needed to. Duty to one's family was important.
Dragon-Snake | END POST
- IoriVeteran Member
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:21 am
Kenichi found himself chuckling heartily at Calypso's reply. A man of lesser mettle would've likely found themselves dissuaded by the young woman's words but Kenichi didn't possess that function. He respected her desire to live her life first before settling down and marrying anyone. He was a few years older than her and even he didn't humor that thought quite yet.
He was open to it but even if he ended up with a woman, he'd likely court and date her first. Let all the other things be for the future. Stretching his arms out, he'd maintain the pace alongside her. For the first time, he didn't quite know what to use to keep the conversation going. He had expected a festival but welcomed the trek and the questions and conversations that came along with it. She was free to ask him a question, of course.
"I don't blame you. I don't find marriage or sex gross but I can respect wanting to live one's life to the fullest before worrying about romance or marriage. Sharing your life with another can be a slippery slope."
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Tue Apr 12, 2022 12:14 pm
Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang
"That's not really what I was going for. It's less wanting to live life and all that, more I've just never met a person I want to do those kind of things with. It's not just physically messy, it's emotionally messy. I've seen enough people ruined by their heart to just avoid it, really. The mess of it all just makes it easier to avoid. I'll do it when I have to and love my child, but the other person is just fodder for an inevitable break up. So I'll not"
Calypso would carry on, seemingly ignorant of the extremely cynical world view she had. Or, maybe she knew and just didn't care. Either way.
Dragon-Snake | END POST
- IoriVeteran Member
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:58 am
Kenichi stroked his chin softly as he ruminated on Calypso's words. Each word that exited her lips ran counter to Kenichi's determined point of view. An outlook that felt so cynical, inherently lacking any optimism towards the future. Kenichi had never truly recalled a time where he ever scoffed at the prospect of pursuing a relationship. He had never dated a woman to begin with so perhaps Calypso's words held merit. On the other hand, she hadn't experienced it, either. He recalled the words Hvit uttered that day and only now did it dawn on him how pertinent they felt towards the situation.
Calypso is a woman who puts up a strong front because it is expected of her, but her heart is pretty fragile deep down. Don't play with it. Treat it with care.
The Rising Dragon envisioned a future where someone else happened to defeat Noctis and earned the woman's hand in marriage. How would they treat her? Would it play out precisely the way she talked about? To accept something merely because it was a means of carrying on one's lineage, to appease her clan?
To shoulder the weight of accepting a marriage, believing that nothing but ruin awaited them at the end. He was in no position to question the Gandr but could part of him truly accept seeing the woman live a life like that merely because she had to? He wanted to brighten her world.
He had always admired her zeal, admired that she never held her tongue for anyone. The thought of her experiencing a life wherein she did things merely because they were asked of her rather than her own joy, her own happiness... He couldn't accept that. There was more value, more meaning to her than that. Her life ought to be one colored with the joy of following her own path. That's how Ulv lived. That's how Hvit lived. Why not, Calypso?
Kenichi would find himself moving into Calypso's pathway, holding his hands out so as to cause her to stop her stride without bumping into her. He took a measured breath, to set a heartfelt atmosphere between them. He felt that needed to be addressed, regardless of how their day went or any festival plans.
At first, Kenichi thought Calypso was speaking from a place of bravado. No one entertained relationships at the cost of their own personal freedom. However, this felt markedly different, as if he gleamed a glimpse of the woman's views towards being vulnerable, towards letting someone in.
"What about your happiness, Calypso? If you've witnessed how it affects others and it's something you choose to avoid... why suffer through that pain to begin with? Your heart ought to be something to be cherished, to experience all the joy the world has to offer. I respect and honor one's duty to their family. Who am I to question that? You have every right to brush my words off if I'm speaking out of line..."
He would walk up to her and gently embrace the woman, with the compassion of a friend who wanted nothing but to see their companion living a life they felt the other deserved.
"Even so, I cannot say I'd welcome the thought of you living your days with someone chosen simply because of your duty towards family, because that's what's asked of you. It's not what you want. As you said, you are eighteen and have your entire life ahead of you. I'd rather you find the person you find contentment in than let it be decided by anyone else."
He would pull his arms away as he smiled sheepishly, gazing at her with a genuine brightness in his eyes. Perhaps, he was stubborn. Perhaps, he was a fool. He always wore his heart on his sleeves. His heart was his greatest attribute, the source behind his willpower.
"Therefore, I'll be the one to beat Noctis. I don't care about marriage and I've never had sex before. I care about you, I care about your future. I care about Calypso Gandr. If you found me worthy of your approval, of your affections... I'd aim to shatter the perception that all relationships inevitably end in pain. I'd want to stand at your side as an equal or even witness you soar so far above me as I cheer you on. Rather than leave things to chance, I desire to make my intent known here and now. I wish to court you, Calypso. To prove my worth in your eyes."
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: Clear Heart, Clear Mind, Festival Time!(Calypso/Kenichi)
Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:58 am
Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang
The man was so cute, Calypso couldn't crush his whole thing by reiterating that beating Noctis was merely the first step, merely allowed a person to start dating her. That there was no guarantee she'd actually hit it off with them.
"I'm not so much of a Hentai Protagonist to miss the obvious clues, Kenichi" Calypso commented, with a broad grin. Though, she would step up to him and take his hands. "Nor am I so dense as to miss your personality. It's a brash and vigorous one that does, immediately. But that's as much a flaw as it is a boon.
I don't dismiss your feelings here and now, in this moment, but you have been known to act without thinking, to barrel into, say...someone's estate and kidnap a guest, and then totally misjudge their capabilities and put far too much into an attack. I am not against love, or romance, and if it really happens then I will enjoy it. But I am against sudden exclamations of love and marriage.
Let that build up. Let it come naturally, organically, between a man and a woman who hosts a spirit of unfathomable power and pride. Please, don't take this for me refusing you, but you are kind of like a chipmunk, and you might get distracted or desire something or someone else down the line. Don't tell me you won't, because neither of us can see the future. So I will accept your words, but not hold you to them, and you should not hold yourself to them. If it happens then there are a lot worse men to be with than someone like you"
Dragon-Snake | END POST
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