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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Tue Apr 12, 2022 8:13 am


A snap, crackle, POP into existence. Where was she now? Yuel took a look at her wrist gadget--thankfully it came along with her this time around. This place was... uh, Italy? Sicily? Interesting. It's been a long time since she was here, but for quite a long time Italy was under Shadow Fall. Actually, far as she recalled, the Sicilian Mafia used to be a thing here, before Shadow Fall came along. They were pretty notorious and wealthy back then, before it all came crashing down. What was the reigning presence here now? It would've been... a corporation. The Duvalier Family? No, the Duvalier Group! Oh, she recognised the name, they were active during the war. In somewhat distasteful ways, actually.

Anyways, rambling thoughts aside, Yuel had to take a moment to remember. What was it that she was doing just moments before appearing here?

OH! The Toba! Before here, she was in North Sumatra studying the volcano. From her studies, she figured that an eruption might've been due prematurely, prompted by the conflict a few years ago.

Okay, so she probably had to get back. Or at least, get to some sort of terminal to contact somebody, research it, whatever. How? Who could she go to in Italy, which was generally out of the reach of her usual contacts and friends?

Of course, the locals! Yuel's Italian was a little rusty, but it was enough to communicate accurately. She walked on over to a nearby square, the kind that had a fountain in the middle and checkered panels of concrete on the ground.

Right on over to a man who... who....

"A... Azure?"


Last edited by Sage on Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Tue Apr 12, 2022 8:39 am
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] HkjGwl6

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Enna was as it always was, busy. Saisei found himself in the square doing as he always did, helping folks left and right when he had the free time. The Vanetti had recently had him pick up collections and, with the greater weather they were having as of late, it felt like it'd be appropriate to keep idle hands busy. The rainy days had quietly left with a storm and brought bright skies filled with white clouds.

"Ah man.." he muttered to himself, standing beside the town square's fountain. Fiddling around with his cell, Saisei couldn't help but notice that he had way more messages than he had time to deal with. It was frustrating, even if he meant to stay busy he didn't mean to lack any chance to rest. Everyone needed their rest at some point in another.

Flicking through the cell, he thought to himself. His time with Hayden and the Vastimian forces during his recovery left him with more answers than he had questions for a change, it didn't change much for him at his core unfortunately however. He was still a bit lost on what to do about the whole Azure thing, as far as doing was concerned. It'd come eventually, just left him with a busy mind and worried thoughts. It was exhausting at times.

"Alright, that's enough of that."

Saisei pocketed his phone before yanking out coin from his pocket. He flipped the euro cent from left to right in his hands, staring at the crystal clear water gently wading back and forth in the fountain. A wish for hope quietly escaping his mind, the young man tossed the coin without a second thought.


He turned abruptly, the plop of the cent ringing aloud as it matched tone with a nearby bystander. They called out to him, or well, him being Azure. The blonde that called for Azure was someone he had no connection with, at least in his eyes. That was par for the course when it came to this sort of stuff, though. He was confused for the man pretty often. Came with the territory unfortunately.

Passing his hands through his hair,, Saisei tightened his jacket just enough to feel a bit more comfortable in his own self.

"I wouldn't use that name nowadays, I imagine the dead aren't exactly the best at speaking up for themselves. I'd know, trust me."

He smiled, the same smile that a young Azure Iramasha would have before he had fell so far into his own hellhole of a mind. Giving a slight wave, Yuel would note that Saisei was the spitting image, both in appearance and voice. Even spiritually, he was Azure at his core. It was jarring.

END POST | Memories Of A Forgotten Past

The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Tue Apr 12, 2022 11:54 am


"I-, I..."

Yuel was... speechless.

Confused. Unaware of what she was looking at. Unaware of what, precisely, she was feeling.


Nothing... She stood still, feeling timeless, and every moment felt eternal. It was an unfamiliar sensation. All she could do was pull her hand up and reach out to him, then pull it back.

Was it fear? Azure was dead. Most certainly. Yuel knew of the soul cycle, of reincarnation, but Azure was an Iramasha. An Iramasha, typically, would simply reincarnate again into an Iramasha. This man was, to the best that Yuel could discern, human, thoroughly.

But he was also definitely Azure.

Yuel could never feel Azure's soul. By the time she ever had the capacity to sense spirits, Azure had already passed. This was just a feeling. But, the feeling was so absolutely certain.

She couldn't talk. Rare, for her. Yuel's voice simply couldn't escape her, not that she had anything to say.


The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Tue Apr 12, 2022 12:12 pm
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] HkjGwl6

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized


He blinked, stepping forward to close the distance between himself and the woman. It was a bit jarring for him, having them stare at him. Not just stare, it was obsessive almost. A bit weird, really. Saisei dealt with weird types all the time, though. This was par for the course for him, easy solutions for situations like this.

"I take it you knew him too? I'm probably a bit more intimate than you were with him but that's a bit of a given. Hehe"

Saisei chuckled, his eyes quietly gazing away from her figure. She was a bit too quiet for his liking, Chifuyu and Hayden dealt with these revelations a lot easier. Actually, he couldn't help but think this was the worst reaction he'd gotten so far over this Azure stuff. Dumbfounded, he put his hand out to offer the woman a handshake.

"Let's start from the beginning. Saisei, Saisei Sato. In the flesh. Nice to meet you."

His pearly whites were almost bright enough to reflect the sun's gentle rays, the tone of his words mimicking that of the girl's adoptive father. Spitting image wasn't really a fair description for Saisei, Yuel would probably find it hard to not hear her 'Dad's' words filter through the air from Saisei.

"Sorry for the disappointment."

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:24 pm


His voice was different. His words were... distant.

But that was definitely him. His mannerisms. The kindness in his voice. His reaching out to greet her, his... this really was him, wasn't it?

Yuel approached him, raised her hand to hold his, and.... no. Yuel didn't reciprocate. She walked forward, past his arm, and hugged him by the waist. Hard. She squeezed with all her might, burying her face into his chest. It was forward of her, maybe it made him uncomfortable, and it wouldn't at all be wrong or surprising if he pushed her away. But, Yuel couldn't help herself.

"I-...I'm sorry. I wasn't there, and I... I just wish I was there."

Her sobs weren't very loud, but the tears ran without reserve. It likely stained his shirt relentlessly.

It took her some time, hopefully time that he would give her. It was most certainly a crossing of boundaries, to act this way towards a stranger. For him, at least, since this man was no stranger to her. Not yet. Not until she could finally face the truth, until she could properly let go.

Azure died years ago, but because she was never there--maybe, in her heart somewhere, she never really processed it. Yuel never really let go, and Azure, in her subconscious, lived on in some memory.

Now that Saisei was in front of her, she knew. Azure was really gone. This was him, most certainly, and in so many ways, but the fact remained: Saisei must be his own person. Nothing could be a more sure, definitive end to Azure's life, than to simply have become another person.

In time, Yuel's tears ran dry. She pushed herself away from the man and straightened herself up. Finally, she faced him, properly looking him straight in the eyes, though her own were still a bit foggy.

"Sorry... for, well, all of that. If, uh, if you're fine with it, can we restart? Hi. I'm Yuel Duulheim.

It's nice to meet you, Saisei Sato."

As dead do not speak
Zealous are those who remain
Unknown to those who still live
Renewed and onward
Ebbed in memory now lost


The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:19 am
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] HkjGwl6

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized


Saisei croaked aloud, his words being cut off immediately by the warm embrace by a stranger's arms. It was comforting in a way, sad in another. Of course, he couldn't understand the feeling she felt, or any feeling anyone felt in regards to his situation. It was something akin to reincarnation, he couldn't expect them to simply forget what they knew. Right?

Instinctively, as if led by an invisible force, the young man accepted her embrace whole heartedly. As she embraced him he couldn't help but wrap his own arms around her figure, gently patting away at her blonde locks. Though he didn't know who she was, or what she meant to Azure Iramasha, Saisei knew that they were close. Close enough that his own mind pushed him to comfort her. A sense of comfort that, frankly, he wasn't normally capable of feeling.

"These things happen. People die, come and go, leave legacies that can't be fulfilled. I'm sure whoever you are you meant more than you can imagine to that man. I only have memories of a past filled with pain, but you? Well."

Her continued sobs left him filled with worry, the same worry a father would have for his daughter. Saisei couldn't exactly pinpoint why he felt this way, he just knew. This girl was... hm.

"It's alright. No complaints from me. Take your time. All the time you need. The world isn't going anywhere, not any time soon at least. I'm sorry I can't offer you more than this, more than the embrace of a man long forgotten by time itself. I'm sorry."

The somber tone in his voice left Saisei at a loss for words, his hands continuing to instinctively brush away at Yuel's hair. It was a frustrating meeting, yet another part of his past left up in the air. Saisei couldn't help but be angry, more and more people found themselves entering his life just to show frustrating and desperation for a man long lost to this world. He didn't want this to keep happening. It hurt.

Letting her push away, the young man couldn't help but notice the dried tears making a mess of her face as she spoke. It was over the boundaries he would normally cross but, given he felt something he couldn't exactly describe for this woman, Saisei reached out and brushed a thumb across her cheek to wipe away what little was left from the tears.

"No need to apologize. I can tell I'm out of the loop here. It's nice to meet you, Yuel. I imagine this might come as a shock to you."

Pointing at himself, that same little cheeky smile escaped his lips.

"Anything I can do for you?"

Short and sweet, let her take her time to process everything that was happening. It was the least he could do to honor Azure.


The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:40 am


It tinged with pain to receive these kind pleasantries. The coddling comfort and attention that Azure would give in her moments of vulnerability. To know that, despite this man in some fashion having been him, was not. Yet, perhaps it was also something to be optimistic about?

Yuel recalled on her conversation with Chifuyu, in front of Azure's grave. His body still lied there, so it was funny to think about Azure occupying two places on the Earth simultaneously. Not unlike Yuel herself, huh? Anyways, in that conversation, Yuel made sure to convey how Azure being dead, did not mean he was in all manners gone. It was their actions, done in his honour, which meant that he was still here. Saisei being here, in a way, meant Azure was still here. Gone, most certainly, but not all of him.

Still, Yuel rationalised that Saisei was still his own person. Probably. The nature of the spirit, even for Yuel, still held deep mysteries. It wouldn't do to simply treat him as Azure. Which was funny, cause Yuel was in a similar boat. Azure passed away before she had the opportunity to explore this, so he wouldn't know, but Yuel went through a bit of reincarnation herself. Not too long ago--maybe in the future, maybe in the past, the memories were uncertain--Yuel reunited with her family from a past life she did not truly know.

Was she the same person as the Yuel of that life? Maybe Saisei felt the same. They weren't, not really and not totally, but they weren't a different person. Perhaps, at the least and most appropriately, both of them could merely inherit the will and the relationships of their past selves. But, in her eyes, it was preferrable that she wouldn't exclusively occupy her loved ones' minds as a shell that occupied who she once was. To that extent, she wanted to make sure that the same beliefs were extended to him.

"Thank you, and sorry, again, for all that. Uhm... what can you do... Nothing much, really. Uh, can we... How about we have some espresso? I-if you want. Just, I dunno... talk."

Odd, that Yuel felt shy in this moment.


The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:16 am
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] HkjGwl6

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"You seem to be feeling a bit better huh?"

Saisei couldn't help but let that same smile he'd been wearing this entire time grow wider and wider. Yuel's abrupt shift from sadness to being content left him, well, content. It was nice to see that she wasn't going to sit there for hours on end wallowing in the self-pity surrounding a dead man like he had so many times before. It was his worst habit really, in the past at the very least. Saisei remembered his times with these incessant memories like it was yesterday.

Giving her a short nod, the young man jerked his thumb behind him towards a lineup of shops. The strip was filled with family run businesses from left to right, a majority of them selling some type of good. The direction he so elegantly pointed towards was the corner that he and Ira had spent time at, a small family ran coffee shop that sold just about everything in the world of your average barista.

"Sure. I'll show you my favorite spot, nothin' but a few steps away really."

He turned, expecting the woman to follow without question. Though it was quite a short walk, there was one thing eating away at Saisei's brain. He knew she was important, but why? Rounding the corner and stepping closer to the veranda of the shop, her looked over his shoulder and let curiosity get the better of him.

"Who was he to you? Azure."


The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:45 am


She followed along as Saisei moved and took her up on the suggestion. That was nice. It still felt awkward for her, though that was more of a her thing than a him thing. That usually was the case with feeling awkward, wasn't it?

"Mmm, Azure, to me, was... a lot of things. At a certain point in my life, he was my whole world. I was a mundane person back then, and he kinda brought me into the whole world of, well, everything? I chased after him to Karakura to meet him again--actually, I had a huuuge crush on him back then. He was my first love, but later he became my father by adoption and that sort of affection faded out. I still loved him, of course, but I loved him as family. Still do, and forevermore.

What about you? Even if you never knew him, I'm sure with someone like me coming to you--and how you seem to already be aware of being Azure once upon a time, you've run into someone like me before? How have you lived, I guess carrying that sort of weight of past relationships behind you, or on your shoulders? How does it make you feel, when someone talks about him, or talks to you as if they were talking to him?"


The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
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The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] Empty Re: The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei]

Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:14 pm
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] HkjGwl6

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

It didn't take long for Saisei to discern that their conversation would be far more important than he imagined it to be at first. Peaking over his shoulder again, he stepped over the curb towards the corner café and smiled. It was pleasant, it seemed everyone he met held the man in high regard. That left him with a sense of purpose. After all, legacies were a fickle thing to hold up after one's death.

"I see. I can't say I'm surprised, he seemed like the type to take care of those in need. Who could have imagined he had a kid, huh? I wish I was surprised." His words came with a chuckle. When it came to matters of the heart, Saisei was as true to Azure Iramasha as he could be. It was in both of the men's natures to be this way. Was this an effect of being reborn? He didn't know, nor did he care. Saisei felt as strongly as his predecessor did when it came to matters of the heart.

"I'm glad to see I haven't done him a disservice. I try my best, after all. As for what I've experienced, or how I feel, I guess that would be a bit of an awkward thing to explain, wouldn't it?"

Gesturing his hand forward, Saisei pulled out a nearby chair at a table for Yuel before walking towards the opposite side. Sitting just shy from the curb, the young man pulled his own chair and sat across from her. Again, he gestured towards the menu before putting his hands together and letting out a gentle sigh. What a ride he had been on at this point, he thought. What a mess.

"Chifuyu Yuudeshi, Desmond Hayden, just to name a few. Accompanied by the many voices in my head. I guess you could say I knew of him before I even knew of myself. Hard to explain, even harder to really understand. I know of him, who he was, his own memories. I knew he was a good man, one of solid heart and a vision for the future I wish to continue myself. Of course, things go astray from time to time, don't they?

I don't mind talking about him anymore. Before, it was hard. Painful, almost. Visions of women I've never met and the voice of a man who wants to tear me away at my core. It took quite a bit to understand it all, as I said. Even now, I'm a bit lost. It's a pleasant type of worry, though. I have a purpose compared to before. If, that makes sense."

He waved his hand for a nearby waitress, pointing towards the menu and then back at Yuel.

"Lemon Tea, please. Order whatever you like, Yuel. Ask whatever you like, I'm an open book."

With a gentle smile he stared the woman down with a passion only few people in Saisei's life had ever been met with. He was at a loss for words, after all. His supposed adopted daughter was right before his eyes and he was left with no feeling whatsoever.

Life was cruel.


The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
The Living Don't Remember [Yuel/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

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