Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Mon May 30, 2022 12:26 pm
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Will you bend a knee, Ichigo Kurasaki?"

The world is screaming; Hueco Mundo is screaming. Blades would clash, ideals would stifle one another, motives sing and dance like a ballad of weapons polished with each other's own edge. This is the song of those who travels these vast deserts, for nothing is given and everything is earned.

Her question is aimed at him, the man before her who she has come to respect, fear, and understand. That is but the only reason she exists before him at this very moment, standing against everything that he is. And why does she? Her question came as clear as day. He knows what she said. He would understand why her sword is brandished against him. Her flaying energy, like a maddened typhoon, threatens to drown him the second he dared blink. She is after only one thing with.

His servitude.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Left_bar_bleue16000/1To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Mon May 30, 2022 1:29 pm
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG



No other words needed to be given to Tier, at least not as Ichigo saw it. He would be the first to admit that he'd come to respect her more than most, maybe even like her in some small fashion from their time traveling together. But that didn't change that Ichigo had his own ambitions, his own aims. If she'd decided to get in his way, then he'd just cut her down. What was one more loss along the way? Especially after only such a short time.

Drawing his zanpakuto and leveling it toward Tier to match her hostility, his eyes remained cold, empty. Hollow. There was certainly camaraderie to be found, but it would not stand in the way of what was far more important to him.

"If I kneel, I can't walk forward. And nothing will stop me from moving now. You should know that."


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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Tue May 31, 2022 4:38 pm
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

His answer's predictable. That is why she hated it. That is why she adored it. It is a testament of his character that he is so predictable, and it is that predictability that makes him Ichigo Kurosaki. She had witnessed what was left of the man not too long ago, his broken state a mirror of her own cracked visage. Now, they both stand before one another, already knowing each other, understanding what was, what is here, and what is coming. They are both immovable walls and unstoppable forces, but contradictory existences exist for only one thing-

With a sigh, her blade screeched as she ripped it free from its home beside her waist, her whole person gone, reality seemingly warped with a single sound. Her presence gone one second and revived the next, her hollowed Zanpakuto lulling Ichigo to a quick death as the air gave way to its honed edge, moments before he would feel it remove his head from his shoulders, muscles, veins, and bone sliced clean and true. Though, it would be a sorrowful day if this man could not survive a simple attack from behind as Tier committed. Besides, it is not that simple for them to carry out their existences one true goal.

-To break one another.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Fri Jun 03, 2022 8:23 pm
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


She's fast, certainly, but Ichigo is faster. Even after all this time, after all the decades since he'd put any meaningful effort into it, he could feel his body move away from the incoming blade at speeds far beyond what most would call the pinnacle. He was, even now, a straightforward man, and his blade met Tier's with a resounding 'clang' that echoed through the sands.

In truth, Ichigo had thought better of Tier. He felt faintly betrayed, and he wasn't sure how justified that really was. Was this all her ambition? Was she willing to cut herself away that quickly?

Then again, the only thing that had ever held it together to begin with had been his own wishes.

Part of him wanted to ask her what the point of this even was, but most of him couldn't be bothered to care. Stepping backward for only the briefest of moments, Ichigo moved to Tier's side, toward her left and away from her sword hand, and cut upward with his zanpakuto. He doubted that would do much to her, but he also knew he was far too fast for most to keep up with in the heat of battle.

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:00 am
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"You're rather predictable," Tier muttered, her eyes seemingly tracking Ichigo despite his speed. Recognizing her own weaknesses at the moment of assault, it only stood to reason that the man would target where she could not. That is why her left side proved even dangerous than her right, because she had already thought of how to react seconds before he had thought to react. Was Ichigo ever known as the tactical type? She could only ponder as she moved to make use of his commitment.

Of course, he speed's still troublesome. Her only real way to react was to simply take her left side and step back herself, turning her body towards him as she did. However, he would hear another clang, followed by the difficulty of recalling his Zanpakuto. One look, and he'd see his sword captured within the empty space of hers, her last second decision to stick her Zanpakuto out in such a way. However, focusing too much on that little detail would find him missing the energy charging in Tier's left hand, her palm facing upwards at him.

The next second, a yellow cero exploded from her left upwards for his face. How he decides to dodge is his own answer, but she's already thinking what he could do: pull his blade free, match her own cero with his own, take it to the face and pray. Options and options, but never a truly correct answer.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

God of Love
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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:21 pm
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


So she wanted to catch him, then? Face him head on? Fine. Ichigo was confident in his strength, if nothing else, and as Tier aimed a cero upward toward him, he fired a blood red cero right back. Once upon a time, it had come from between the two horns of his mask, but now it simply floated where those had met.

At the same time, he used all his strength to simply wrench his sword away, fully intent on either breaking or tossing Tier's zanpakuto to the side. He was confident that, in sheer physical might, he was stronger than she was. Even if he wasn't, he would manage just fine.

"I'm not here to outsmart you. If you want to fight me, then I'll fight you head on."

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:31 am
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

A battle of strength instead of wits. So be it. Their ceros collided, the force strong enough to create a sizeable torrent of energy and wind all around them. However, neither seemed perturbed by the clashing of energy so close by. However, Tier understood that simply accepting this amount of energy would prove to leave her in an unviable situation. That's why she chose to let her Zanpakuto be smacked away.

Her presence disappeared at that time as the apex of their attacks finally exploded, leaving the area a sizable dune of cascading sand. Immediately, she appeared in the sky, her hand pointing down at the ground. If one wasn't good enough, then she shall test his speed with multiple. One after another, she fired cero after cero at the ground below, blowing up the area with her barrage of blasts.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

God of Love
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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:55 am
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


Trying to overwhelm him? A barrage of cero wasn't nearly enough to give Ichigo even the slightest pause. Those cero he couldn't match with his own, he simply avoided, his speed more than enough to make evasive action a relative breeze. He could certainly feel the impact of those few he had to face with his own, but it wasn't enough to faze him. Not yet.

With one step, his sonido combined with his sheer speed, Ichigo moved up to meet Tier once more, and as he came closer, he swung his zanpakuto in a wide arc, black and blood red energy swelling around the blade before flying from it in an arc. His voice came out empty, a hollow growl rather than the proud declaration which had once accompanied that technique:

"Getsuga Tensho."

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:56 pm
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

She simply required some time and space. Her ceros provided her such. Of course, his speed afforded him the agility to dodge most of her assault, but it also allowed her to recall her Zanpakuto back to herself. It would not prove that easy to separate the two, for it is a part of her energy and easy to control. However, even she knew the urgency of the situation and understood that she has no time to react accordingly. It is but a classic of his, isn't it? His aim is to kill her. Excellent.

The moment of impact would not mean her demise, for as she flew back to the ground, crashing with an explosive might, she found herself taking a knee, her Zanpakuto's edge buried into the sands. At the last second, it had saved her, returning to her hand right before she took his blow head-on. Yet, here she kneeled, wounded by the close proximity. Her head bowed for but a second, the space within her blade began to glow yellow with energy. Her thoughts cleared, and she knew her next move, bringing her sword up, energy brandished upwards like a whip, its large surface rising directly at the man. However, hitting him didn't seem to matter as she immediately followed it up by moving towards his location with nigh teleportation, only a ripping sound accompanying her as she wished to trade blows with him further.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

God of Love
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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:29 am
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


If Tier wanted to continue trading blows, then Ichigo would keep up. Maybe he didn't have any right to, and he felt every action draining on his soul itself. But that didn't matter much to him at all right now. No matter what, he couldn't afford to kneel, couldn't afford to give up. What mattered to him above everything else was getting her back.

Seeing her smile again.

It wasn't easy to dodge Tier's attack, but it wasn't impossible, either, and as she approached once more he again lashed out with his blade. He wasn't one for finesse, for technique, and that had only become more and more true with every year that passed here in Hueco Mundo. His attacks were unrefined, raw strikes that aimed only to destroy what was in front of him. Did he like that idea? No, not really. Tier had traveled with him, even if it was only briefly. He'd never admit it to any of them, and maybe not even to himself, but he'd warmed to the little band that had formed around him.

But just because he'd warmed to them, that didn't mean anything if Tier wanted to stand in his way. He had a goal, and that was all that mattered at the end of the day. His blows were ones ready to kill, to cut Tier down without mercy.

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