Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:36 pm
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"I remember when we met last, Ichigo. I even remember when I first witnessed your soul."

They traded blows, the skies darkening above them. He attacked her with a ferocity related to a Hollow's. He has truly succumbed to the monster he's become. That is fine. That is not where her thoughts truly are. She can see the young man from so long ago, running into Hell to save his friend. She can see the ancient ruins of the past, wasting away in this endless desert. The difference between now, then, and yesterday is so blatantly clear.

"Kurosaki, Ichigo..."

She broke away, parrying him with ease, his savagery proving his weakness as she read his every move like an open book. She is a Hollow, much like him. She understands the way her kind fights. She can see the need in each of his strikes, the desperation to fill that hole rotting his soul.

"I will tell you now. We've both experienced Hell, and I understand the impossibility of it. However, I cannot allow it to consume you as it is. Doing whatever it takes, even if it means losing what you're chasing? Don't be stupid."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Sun Sep 11, 2022 9:44 am
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 NNa7nnG


"I already lost her. It doesn't matter what happens if I can see her again. Weren't you the one that said I shouldn't wallow in despair?"

Ichigo stopped in his assault, simply watching Tier, waiting. Even if he was willing to cut down any opposition, he didn't have the drive to chase the fight. He only had one goal in mind that mattered, and it wasn't fighting Tier Harribel.

"So here I am. I'll chase her to the end, no matter how long it takes, no matter what I have to do."

There was only the bare minimum of conviction in Ichigo's voice, the faintest degree of drive. But it was something. It was more than he had ever shown to this point in his time since negativity had consumed the entirety of his being. The thought that he might see her again was enough. And the people that had come with him on this journey...

"I would rather you came with me."

He didn't want to leave them behind. Not if he could avoid it.

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Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:58 pm
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Is that truly the end of your goal? Her? I once thought my Fraccion to be everything."

She looked up as a single drop of water fell down, its wet surface rolling down her cheek. Her mind, invaded by the past, lived through a fantasy that only she knew. Watching it slowly erode until nothing remained but her own vindication, Tier felt as if everything before her was nothing but a means to return to once was. Curse her luck to have run into people who broke her and made her realize that she may never return to that life. Yet, that made her rethink everything; her reason for creating her group to her reason for joining Aizen.

"Was she the only person you cared for in the end, Ichigo? Were all your other friends just grains of sand compared to her monument?"

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Thu Sep 15, 2022 5:39 pm
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 NNa7nnG


Tier's words were perhaps far more of an impact than any blow she might have thrown at him, and for all of his fury, Ichigo found that he couldn't bring himself to swing at her. He'd already pushed himself quite far, after all, and for everything he wanted, he knew he was still just a fraction of what he'd once been. His hands fell to his sides in a defeated, empty gesture, and he looked down toward the sands he'd idled in for decades.

"They weren't. But all of them could take care of themselves. They didn't fall like she did. Doesn't she deserve to be here just as much as anyone else?"

That was really the long and short of it, after all. He hadn't watched the rest of them die. They meant so much to him, it was true. His friends. But Orihime had been more than that, and she was the only one who hadn't made it out.

"They'd understand."

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:24 am
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"They won't understand. You know they won't."

It's raining now. She can feel the water on her skin, drenching her soul. Her muscles loosened. She can breathe better. The sands below darkened as they absorbed the liquid, the atmosphere draining of color. Her emerald eyes pierced through the grey, giving her advisory a look that called him out on his bullshit.

"They probably miss her too but look at what it's led you to. Having someone like you on my side is a true blessing, Kurosaki. But, am I to believe you'd not betray me like them when it benefits your goal?"

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:44 am
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 NNa7nnG


She was right.

Ichigo knew all too well that she was right.

Tier's eyes may have pierced through the rain, but Ichigo's own were downcast, unfocused and unable to face reality. That wasn't anything new. He may have had his drive to bring her back, but ultimately, he'd still been holding back. Still kept from sending them anywhere dangerous.

Because he was afraid to lose again.

"I wouldn't. I could have sent you to find a ring already. I could have used you as a distraction while I went to get it myself. I know where it is. But..."

His voice trailed off, hollow and empty as Ichigo himself. Even in this one goal, he couldn't push himself forward.

"I didn't want to. I don't want to lose anyone again. Not when you've put your trust in me."

He didn't have it in him to lie about it anymore, to try and pretend that this little ragtag band he'd put together was just some group working for a common goal. They were all he had. They trusted him.

"I can't go back to how things were. You're right, that they won't understand. That they'd hate what I'm doing. But I didn't betray them. What happened then wasn't my decision. I'd do anything to bring her back, Tier, but I'll never betray a friend."

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:01 pm
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Then, you have not truly descended, Ichigo. You are stuck, your ambition and morals waging war with one another. Accept that you've already betrayed your friends, Ichigo, just like I have mine."

Without another word, Tier moved, her body faster than before, the rain increasing her speed as she neared Ichigo. Her blade came crashing down, but she expected him to at least catch it with his own. That's what she wanted after all as her energy spiked.

"Hunt, Tiburon."

Water exploded from around her, crashing against anything near her, a torrent of waves compressed and raging forming a shell of water about her body. She wished for him to feel her intent, to feel her compassion. No matter how he ended up, she would simply burst from her bubble, dressed entirely different with her large shell-like blade held around her right arm.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:17 pm
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 NNa7nnG


Ichigo didn't have anything more to say, and he raised his blade to meet Tier's exactly as she'd expected. As she entered into her Resurreccion, so too did he, without so much as a word of warning. But even in doing that, he was pushed back, closer to the ground and with his sword still leveled toward her.

"So what if I did? Do you think I'd do it again? On purpose?"

He couldn't simply let it go. Tier was certainly more composed, more willing to handle the matter with severity, but Ichigo was simply a shell of who he once was. He'd never quite realized the sheer truth of the word Hollow, until having become one himself. He couldn't pull up the will he'd always carried himself with, couldn't put any force into his words. Even in this imposing state, he still spoke in a weak, quiet tone.

"I don't want to cut you down."

Most would surely say that Ichigo hadn't known Tier for all that long. It was true, he hadn't. But how long had he known Rukia before he'd risked his life to save her? Those bonds were never decided by simple time.

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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:49 pm
(‘To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Stop being a baby, Ichigo. Decide, now. There is no going back after today. Are you an enemy of the world or are you not?!"

Suddenly annoyed by his weak threat, Tier actually scowled, her now exposed face showing obvious dissatisfaction. She remembers him from before again, the determination in his eyes to save his friend, to save her. Now, there's nothing there but hollow resignation. He's still chasing after her, but this time, there's nothing there but regret and sorriness. Why would anyone dare grab hold of his coat tail and allow him to lead? It is beyond her.

However, talk is cheap. If he intends to cut her down, then he very well needs to, or he'll find himself lost in the shark's jaws. 'Trident' Her sword comes up, energy coating it again, this time larger and far more concentrated than before. She then slashes, sending waves of energy towards him, the speed of which seemed considerably faster than before.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
God of Love
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To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 Empty Re: To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo)

Sun Sep 18, 2022 5:21 pm
To Drown a Strawberry (Tier/Ichigo) - Page 2 NNa7nnG


Ichigo's fingers tightened around the hilt of his zanpakuto, his energy rolling out from his fingertips and leaking into the desert sands like blood. If there wasn't any going back, then what would he do? How far was he willing to go in pursuit of this one goal?

If he had to be an enemy of the world, then so be it. He'd done that before, hadn't he? Challenged far greater than himself, just for a friend. Being the enemy of the world didn't mean you were leaving the people important to you behind. Right?

There was only one way to find out. And either way, he knew that he couldn't do it by simply hoping things worked out. Lowering Zangetsu as he readied to swing, his grip tightened, his stance straightened out. As he looked upward at Tier, even in his Resurreccion, where his face was nothing more than red and white bone, there was certainly a faint spark in his eyes.


For the briefest of moments, it looked as if he were still that same young man he'd once been.


Upward his blade scythed, and with it, the full force of that technique flew toward Tier. A wide arc, filled with all the energy that Ichigo could draw upon, cutting directly toward Tier. Few beings alive could stand up to something like that, and he knew that was true. He didn't want to cut Tier down. He wanted her to live.

But he had to cut her down if she wanted to stand in his way.

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