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Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Empty Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna)

Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:36 pm
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) MkZ52R7


Ding Dong.

That's the doorbell. Its main purpose is to alert whoever's home that someone is outside at their front door. Some are personalized and some are plain. Ninsianna's doorbell being the default sound makes sense, considering the woman's knack for professionalism and care for keeping things clean and orderly. Though, the want to listen to it again due to its plainness is a bit enticing, but a strong restraint will keep one's hand steady. Besides, she'd not want to annoy her friend so early in the morning.

Helle knows better than to do that. Today, the Director had decided to come visit her friend for a chance. It is always Ninsianna gracing her. Maybe she's being unnecessary, especially in her condition, but a few minutes using her cane wouldn't hurt. Her legs did need the exercise. Ninsianna did cause for her to rethink the amount of exercise she's been getting lately. Now, the damn Danava needs to open the door, for Helle's legs have grown tired.

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Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Empty Re: Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna)

Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:43 pm
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Header4



She groaned at the sound of that doorbell. Inanna instinctively reached up to try and fold her ears down and make it go away, the thunderstorm that definitely happened the night before had made her crawl into her mother's bed for that extra layer of security but it was also the reason why she was able to perk up and notice that the bigger her had disappeared. That meant two things but the most immediate thing was that she crawled out in her pajamas to go answer the door and rub her eyes a little bit.

The little Ninsianna looking up at Helle when she'd rubbed the sleep out of them to give a puzzled look.

"What do you want? It's really early right now."

The kid mumbled with a yawn. Grownups were always up so early, there should be a law against that... hang on a second, she was definitely tired. She'd never think something so crazy and mum-like as that!

Wings of Friendship | END POST

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Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:14 pm
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) MkZ52R7


This isn't Ninsianna.

"You must be Inanna. Is your mother in per chance?"

It is, supposedly, their day off after all. However, Ninsianna would be the sort to be called in for something, important or trivial. If so, then that leaves Helle no other options in this situation. Though, she does take the time to look at the daughter of her friend. It's sort of interesting to see a smaller Ninsianna. One would definitely call the two related if they knew not the relationship.

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Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:21 pm
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Header4


"No, she's at work."

Inanna answered while looking at Helle, her ears had perked up a little bit at the strange new variable in what had been a pretty mundane routine she had fallen into. She'd probably have said sorry and told her that she'd pass on a message before sending her off, if it even common for people to show up at her doorstep - it wasn't. This woman though knew her name which was weird, did her mum talk about her a lot?

"Do you want to come in and wait for a bit? I can get you something to eat too."

Strangers shouldn't be invited in immediately but Inanna was also looking at her cane and standing situation. It didn't look very nice and if she did mean her harm for whatever reason then surely she'd have done it now and just entered if she wanted?

Oh well.

Wings of Friendship | END POST

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Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:45 pm
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) MkZ52R7


"That would be nice, but I am unsure if Ninsianna would appreciate if her daughter allowed a stranger into her home."

If Inanna would not show caution, Helle would. It's only appropriate to not take advantage of a youth's willingness. Ninsianna may not find this particular situation bad, but that would open the door to Inanna pulling foolish stunts in the future. It is a shame, however, that Ninsianna did not share any details of Helle to her daughter. Maybe it is Helle's fault for never seeming capable of creation a situation similar to this. Ah, but that is why this would prove a pleasant surprise. Now it is more of an inconvenience.

"If you do not mind, I only require a chair of any form, and we can sit out here and talk while waiting."

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Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Empty Re: Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna)

Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:54 pm
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Header4


"I'm Inanna. Now what's your name? Then we're not strangers."

The expression showed that she was still waking up and the answer from Helle frustrated her. She didn't want to sit out here, she wanted to sit on the couch inside at least. Going off the time she'd still be in bed until midday but she was up now.

Actually, Helle hadn't even said her name yet. Were they even strangers, this could be any number of people that her mother told her about when she insisted on hearing all about her mother's day and all the fine details.

Wings of Friendship | END POST

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Wed Sep 07, 2022 4:22 am
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) MkZ52R7


Helle had a fundamental hiccup. At this very moment, she came to realize that she is actually a true nobody in the world, and she found that fact stinging. Then, she came to the realization that not even Ninsianna's own daughter could recognize her, not like it would have made any sense that she would. For some odd reason, Helle had expected to be known on the spot, not because of her merits or worth, but because Inanna is Ninsianna's daughter. Did the Danava not share details about her? Her hair color? Eye color? General looks? That thought then made Helle realize how egotistical she's being, expecting Ninsianna to treat their relationship with a certain importance that Helle deemed... Well, what does she deem it? Necessary? Vital? Crucial? Maybe the blonde had learned nothing at all from her trials.

"My name is Helle Armstrong."

Ah... She's a silly woman, truly a silly woman.

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Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Empty Re: Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna)

Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:52 am
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Header4


"Oh, you're Helle."

She gave another look of Helle while trying to get her messy bedhair out of her face. It kind of checked out the more she thought about it, she was blonde and had green eyes and struggled to walk. If this wasn't the Helle that her mum spoke of then she was lost.

"Well, now I know your name and Mum's talked about you and stuff. You can come in."

Inanna insisted, sitting out here. Pfft, not a chance did she want to sit out here. Now she just had to wait for Helle to come in while the danava that was getting more and more alert as she stood up kept up her critical thoughts about Helle. Why was she here? Was it work related? She didn't really get visitors all that often so there was an air of mystery to this golden haired woman.

Wings of Friendship | END POST

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Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Empty Re: Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna)

Thu Sep 08, 2022 4:22 am
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) MkZ52R7


Oh. She is Helle.

The crushing thoughts crowding her psyche recoiled, a sudden understanding of the self-loathing being inflicted acting as a bit of clairvoyance. Helle couldn't help but tell herself that she's being obsessively paranoid about a child not knowing who she is. It was this same obsessive behavior that ended up leaving her a crippled mess of a woman. Why does she desire attention so? Almost like she is but as childish as the one letting her inside.

It is best to let crushing thoughts weigh on you in privacy, however. Is this truly fine? As it stands, there is only one way to know, and that is to enter. Though, as Helle did such, she came to find the inside almost as plain as her own home. Expected? Kinda? She did not think Ninsianna the type to have an overly decorative interior, but she also wouldn't have been surprised to see one. it would not be wrong if the Danava had displayed all she has gained in her long life.

"Lovely home."

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Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Empty Re: Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna)

Thu Sep 08, 2022 6:07 am
Liberation and Joy (Helle/Inanna) Header4


"Thank you."

She answered, a little confused while she answered the compliment as though it was her own. It wasn't but it wasn't like her mum was here to tell her that so Inanna did it for her. While Helle got inside and took a spot for herself the teenager disappeared into the kitchen and grabbed some cookies to bring out and offer Helle.

"You can have these if you want."

Once she had handed off the cookies, the little Ninsianna took a seat on her spot and picked up the book that she was reading but the girl was flipping her way back and forth the same three pages of it.

Wings of Friendship | END POST

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