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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 6:18 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 H52_sample-ebc5a39131ec7f739e9b94d1be1851a8

Rio smiled at Moe's reaction, almost expecting it would come sooner or later. To be sure, it had become a recurrent theme with each person she met. Rio walks out into the Seiretei, socialize with someone, and they react in shock at her surname. Pretty standard at this point. Yet the novelty of humor it left in her spirits always remained fresh. It never got old. One wouldn't be wrong to claim she got a kick out of it nowadays.

"I've been discovered yet again. Nothing escapes your eyes, Moe," she spoke with a jest in her tone, a warm smile lined across her caramel features. "Yes. I am a Shihoin. That said, you needn't worry yourself over it. I wasn't doing anything of particular note today. Common misconception about nobles is that people expect most of us to be quite busy, but lately, I've been anything but."

Rio would turn towards one of the employees of the shop, raising two fingers as she pointed to the menu. She placed in Moe's order for ramen and one of her own for a pork bowl. Something nice to satisfy their pallets. Turning towards Moe, Rio would gaze at her, curiosity gleaming in her golden eyes.

"How about you, Moe? Did I keep you from anything? Gotei duty? Academy study?"

Last edited by Iori on Sun Oct 23, 2022 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:12 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 MKua247

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Well yeah, that's fair, I guess. But Shihoins ain't exactly typical nobles, you're a cut above the rest with all the hierarchy and stuff. Still, I'm glad I wasn't keeping ya."

Moe began to sit up at last as the food order was placed, still wincing a little as she tried to sit properly and instead contenting herself with tucking her feet up and beneath her as a stopgap between the rest of her and the chair. She didn't know all that much about the nobility, but everyone knew that the great houses were a big deal. Even bigger before the old Captain Commander did away with a lot of their powers and stuff, but that didn't seem like a good conversation to have with anyone on the receiving end of such.

"Oh, me? Nah, I didn't have any duties today. I was probably going to swing by the barracks later and get some training in, but I wasn't racing there. I'm a member of the Fourth Division, by the way."

She blushed a little at the question of whether she was a Gotei member or still in the academy, puffing her chest out a little as she proudly announced her position in the Combat Division. Certainly an odd thing to brag about after having just got knocked down by accident on the street, but she was not one to lose heart so easily.

Something to Prove | END POST
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:03 am
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 H52_sample-ebc5a39131ec7f739e9b94d1be1851a8

"True, we can certainly agree on that much. I will admit I was quite the busy body in the past once."

Rio saw the merit in Moe's point of view. The Shihoin weren't exactly considered small house nobles. Their lineage encompassed many generations, with a few notable names that reside in history books to this day. She once took great pride in that, and to some degree, she certainly still did. It wasn't as if she had relaxed on her duties, but there truly was little to be done concerning the family at this moment.

None of the noble families possessed as much weight or power as they did before, and a lot of her own close relatives and siblings were living their own lives. She viewed her newfound freedom as something of a commodity, and dared not to waste it trying to tend to things that, quite simply, didn't require her attention at the moment. Listening to Moe as they waited for their orders, the Shihoin's woman eyes would perk up a little when she revealed her division.

Combat division, eh? Rio inwardly admitted that made her a little curious. She wouldn't dare voice it, but Moe's appearance didn't exactly invoke combat division in her mind. Then again, perhaps that might make her a hypocrite. No one expects a noble to typically and casually wander Seireitei to sate their curious mind. The waitress would arrive at the table, ramen and pork bowl in hand, setting down each respective dish before returning towards her station. Rio would lean forward and pose another question, carrying the conversation forward.

"Combat division? Ah, so you're a fighter, I see. If it weren't for the pain in your back, I'd certainly like to see what you're capable of in a spar. Apart from that, how have you enjoyed the division? Is it something you'd recommend for someone like me?"

Rio would smile playfully, pulling her chopsticks apart as she pulled a piece of pork towards her mouth. It was both a playful and serious question. She had humored the idea for some time, and it never hurt to get an opinion from those who work closely to the divisions she found worthy of her skills and talents.

Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:25 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 MKua247

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

The arrival of their food did bring a wide smile to Moe's face again, as she could feel her stomach already beginning to complain. It wasn't that she hadn't eaten, but her lifestyle simply demanded a lot of energy from her and the way she got that was by chowing down on plenty of good food. As an added plus, maybe it would help her grow a few more inches in all the right places but she was losing hope on that front with every passing day.

"Hey, you just took me by surprise is all. And you're really tough too! So yeah, I'm a fighter. I only graduated a few months ago, but this is just the start of my journey to the top."

If anything, it could be said that Moe was definitely a peppy girl. She did give Rio a look up and down as she asked whether Moe would recommend the Fourth Division to her. It wasn't exactly an easy thing to gauge when she barely knew anything about her, though she had at least offered to fight.

"I mean, I don't think it's for everyone. Pretty intense with all the training and the fighting, but if that's what you enjoy then I'm sure you could fit in. I'm sure I'll be fit as a fiddle in an hour or so, once I've let this settle. So, if you still wanted to, I'd gladly take you up on that offer of a spar. Fighting strong people is why I joined the Gotei, after all."

Something to Prove | END POST
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:37 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 H52_sample-ebc5a39131ec7f739e9b94d1be1851a8

A journey to the top, huh? Rio certainly admired the determination in Moe's tone. It was a trait any aspiring shinigami ought to have, and she definitely seemed to possess it in leaps and bounds. A tinge of competition fluctuated in her soul at Moe's next sequence of words, a childish confidence burned with excitement at the thought of impressing the woman across the table. Rio couldn't confirm if she was a huge fan of the combat division at this moment, but she knew she would adapt well if that is where things led her.

Moe seemed more than welcome to the idea of sparring with her after her injury passed over. Something about that last part of fighting strong people reminded her, to a small degree at least, of a taller friend with pink hair in Igen. There was something infectious about upstarts aiming to fight strong combatants regardless of their current ability. Chewing on a piece of pork, she would pose a question, golden eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Is that so? Honestly, that sort of reminds me of someone else I met in the Gotei recently. A rather exuberant man named Igen. The first time we met, he challenged me to a fight and the rest was history. People like you and him... are interesting. There is something to be admired about striving for the top and fighting great opponents. What is that feeling like? Why do you enjoy fighting strong opponents?"

Rio was genuinely curious to have an answer. It wasn't heavily important by any stretch of the term, but to some degree, maybe it was. What was it? A sense of competition? Truly proving you deserve to stand at the top of the mountain? It was truly a joy to unravel mysteries like this when it concerned others.

Last edited by Iori on Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:34 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 MKua247

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

There was a moment, as she was about to bring the bowl of ramen to her lips and sip at the broth, where Moe considered that who Rio was talking about might be Igen. He had met a Shihoin recently, after all, but it was rather unlikely. It was only when she started to drink that her guess was confirmed, and she had to stop herself from slipping her food as she snorted into it. It was rare that she was right about these things, but a little foresight went a long way.

"Oh yeah, that tracks for Igen. We've met before. He's a bit of a go-getter too, guess it's the hair. Makes us a little crazy or something."

Moe twirled a lock of her pink hair, amused by most of the qualities that she shared with Igen. Though a sparing glance at her chest made her regret making that comparison. Still, Rio had posed a question of the reasoning behind her motivation, so what was her reason for doing this? At one point, it had been spite. She had wanted her family to know that she was different from the box they had put her in, but then they had supported her anyway. So there had to be something else, didn't there?

"It's kinda hard to put into words... But when I'm fighting someone and they're weaker than me then the world starts to lose colour. Like it's not interesting anymore. So I gotta keep on climbing that ladder."

Something to Prove | END POST
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:57 am
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 H52_sample-ebc5a39131ec7f739e9b94d1be1851a8

Rio chuckled at the hair comment, reminiscing on how many people she met with pink hair. There was Nanashi, Igen, and now Moe. Each of them seemed to possess this desire to go after all that they desired. Was this a common trait among those with pink hair? She wondered. A humorous musing, really. Rio was genuinely curious to see the extent of Moe's determination, too. Fate seemed compelled to bring her into contact with these people. Why not take advantage of it? Rio had already gone through half of her bowl, though she was far from finished, and moved towards consuming the rest of it as she listened to Moe voice her reasoning for desiring to face strong opponents. While she was uncertain as to whether she could agree with it entirely, she still found it admirable all the same. If it was what gave her joy, who was she to question it?

"I suppose I can see the merit in that point of view. In order to climb the ladder, it makes no sense to fight those you know you can win against. True improvement can be found simply in fighting those you know outclass you. I could relate to an idea like that. Honestly? Make me even more excited for our eventual spar."

Last edited by Iori on Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:28 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 MKua247

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Yeah, like if there isn't a challenge then how am I meant to grow? And I need all the help I can get to get stronger!"

Moe went to flex a bicep, to show off her tremendous guns, though it wasn't all that impressive quite yet. Still, for her size, there was definitely something there and that was probably telling enough. She stopped, looking at herself again, and let loose a little chuckle. Now was the time for eating not bragging, after all, and this was some good ramen.

"But hey, enough about me and mine for a moment. What do you do, Rio? What's a day in your shoes like? I guess I'm a little curious about my future opponent hehe~"

Picking up her bowl again, she set to work on finishing off the last of it. This had been a good snack, and she'd be back to fighting strength soon enough.

Something to Prove | END POST
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 10:27 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 H52_sample-ebc5a39131ec7f739e9b94d1be1851a8

Moe's upbeat energy and determined frame of mind was quite infectious. Rio could certainly envision enjoying her company beyond today. She allowed a soft chuckle to escape her lips as the woman flexing her muscles, visibly impressed by the act. Rio assumed Moe wasn't just talking, but a good flex of the muscle was always a good way to get an idea of the person's physical capability. She wouldn't count that little mishap that led to Moe being confined to a chair for now.

Finishing the rest of her bowl, she would lean back to ponder on an appropriate answer. A day in her shoes, huh? Honestly, it wasn't all that eventful. Beyond what one would expect a noble to do - at least one who wasn't in the Gotei - her days could range from entertaining - if she wandered out enough - to relatively dull if she made the decision to remain in the estate.

"A day in my shoes? Well, It isn't anything I'd consider noteworthy, nothing that'd blow the average Shinigami away. I usually conduct some business and keep an eye on the estate, and with the rest of my day? I chose to go out in search of entertainment. Like, meeting someone new, sparring if I find a suitable partner, and recently, drinking now and then. It isn't something entirely grandiose, but it makes me happy at least. I was a teacher recently but... it didn't quite work out. I'm not fit for that line of work at all."

Rio didn't know what sort of answer Moe may have expected, but Rio was never one to be dishonest. She wished there was something more fantastical to speak of, but outside of the entertainment she could find, if she wasn't careful, her mind could quickly find itself on the end of
a severe tedium.

Last edited by Iori on Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:28 pm
Season of Pink[Moe, Rio]  - Page 2 MKua247

MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

There was a genuine attentiveness to Moe's eyes as she listened to how Rio described her day. In a way, it was like she was studying an enemy but also getting to know a little about her daily life. It all sounded so laid back, and that was nice but also hard for her to really relate to. Moe was a girl whose gears were always stuck in forwards, after all, and that was probably what had winded her in this latest mess.

"Well, it's nice that you're happy with it. Plenty of people get stuck in the same old routine, then they grow to hate it and it all goes sideways. Shame it didn't work out on the teaching front, though. What were ya trying to teach?"

She sat forwards, at last, finally daring to shift her weight around, and found that the pain had already begun to subside. That was a relief, at least, but she also couldn't quite stop her mouth from running. She was quite the little chatterbox when it came down to it.

"I guess it takes a certain kinda mentality to take something you're knowledgeable about and help people learn about it. I don't know if I'd be much of a teacher either, I just kinda do things that make sense to me and try not to worry about the how or the why."

Something to Prove | END POST
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